Issue - meetings

Urgent Business

Meeting: 01/07/2010 - Trowbridge Area Board (Item 16)

16 Any Other Urgent Business, Meeting Venues, Evaluation and Forward Plan

The Chairman will take any other items of urgent business.


The meeting is asked to note the future meeting dates below and is reminded to complete the evaluation forms in the packs.


7.00pm Thursday 9 September 2010, The Atrium, Wiltshire Council, Bradley Road, Trowbridge, BA14 0RD


7.00pm Thursday 18 November 2010 – Venue to be confirmed


The Forward Plan is attached for information.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman tabled a letter he had received concerning the proposed closure of Trowbridge County Court.  The meeting agreed the local court was a very important facility for vulnerable people in this area.



A letter to be written to the County Court opposing this plan.


The Chairman took a straw vote of the meeting regarding the continued use of the Atrium room at Wiltshire Council, Bradley Road for future meetings.



Trowbridge Area Board meetings would continue to be held at the Wiltshire Council offices at Bradley Road until further notice.


The meeting was requested to complete the Waste Survey, Evaluation forms and TCAF questionnaire.