Issue - meetings

W/10/01008/FUL - St Catherines, Wellhead Drove, Westbury

Meeting: 23/06/2010 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 146)

146 W/10/01008/FUL - St Catherines, Wellhead Drove, Westbury

Supporting documents:


1.         Dr Peter Ager spoke in objection to the application;


2.         Mrs Rosemary Macdonald spoke in objection to the application;


3.         Mrs Georgie Denison-Pender spoke in objection to the application;


4.         Mr Chris Chart, applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The officer introduced the report, which recommended refusal, and drew the Committee’s attention to the additional comments received and detailed in the late list and to an error on the report as the applicant should state Quarriers (and not Mr Quarriers as per page 37 of the agenda).


Following a debate, during which the key issue of highway safety was discussed, it was 




That planning permission be REFUSED.


For the following reason(s):


Vehicles resulting from the proposed development turning out of Wellhead Drove onto the busy Class 1 road A350, at a point where visibility from and of such vehicles would be severely restricted, would impede, endanger and inconvenience other road users to the detriment of highway safety.