Issue - meetings

Standards Committee Hearing

Meeting: 05/07/2010 - Standards Hearing Sub-Committee (old regime) (Item 8)

Standards Committee Hearing regarding the alleged conduct of Cllr Maurice Flanagan, Dilton Marsh Parish Council


The Chairman asked the investigating officer to summarise the complaint and the relevant facts, as set out in her report. The complaint alleged that Councillor Flanagan had failed to comply with the statutory requirement, in paragraph 13 (1) of the Code of Conduct, to register his interests within 28 days of his appointment as a member of Dilton Marsh Parish Council.


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for determination hearings circulated with the agenda the hearing was conducted in three stages, addressing firstly findings of fact, secondly the question of whether there had been a breach of the Code and finally the matter of sanctions.


At each stage the Investigator and the Subject Member through his representative were given the opportunity to address the Sub-Committee, and each Member of the Sub-Committee had the opportunity to question them. The Legal Adviser gave advice as and when required.


The Sub-Committee adjourned the meeting to consider its decision at each stage of the hearing process and each time the meeting was reconvened the Chairman delivered the Sub-Committee’s findings as detailed in the attached Decision Notice.


The Clerk attended the Sub-Committee’s deliberations to record their decision at each stage, and the Legal Adviser was present to advise and assist on matters of law and procedure.




To determine the complaint as set out in the attached Decision Notice.