Issue - meetings

Members' Interests

Meeting: 01/07/2010 - Eastern Area Planning Committee (Item 60)

Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


E/10/0452/FUL – Cllr Richard Gamble declared a personal interest, as he is Portfolio Holder for Public Transport.


E/10/0485/FUL – Cllr Richard Gamble declared a personal interest as he had attending the ‘Kestrels’ on Conservative Party matters.  However this was not deemed a close association and he would participate in the debate and vote.


Cllr Grundy clarified that he had no association with Mrs Wright.


E/10/0147/FUL – Cllr Jemima Milton declared a prejudicial interest as she knew the applicant and would leave the meeting and not participate in this item.