Issue - meetings

Your Local Issues

Meeting: 30/09/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 14)

14 Your Local Issues

Marianna Dodd (Salisbury Community Area Manager) will report on the progress of the issues recently raised by local people, including feedback on the cycling issues discussed at the previous meeting of the Area Board on 22 July 2010.


Detailed information on the progress of individual issues is available on the council’s website.  Go to and click on “Track your community issues”.


Supporting documents:


Marianna Dodd, Salisbury Community Area Manager, reported that 61 issues had been submitted under the system.  Investigating, solving and responding to issues was an on-going process, and a progress report was set out at pages 35-42 of the agenda.


Marianna referred to the issues regarding cycling which had been considered in the roundtable discussion at the previous meeting of the Board on 22 July.  The feedback had been summarised and included as an appendix to the minutes of that meeting.  The specific issue of safe access for children from Coombe Road to Harnham Junior School had been referred to the local Councillor, and was one of the schemes being considered by the Community Area Transport Group (see item 13b above)


The other points were more general issues over shared surfaces between cyclists and pedestrians; these had been referred to Richard Walters, the Director of the Salisbury Vision.


Members considered that the “status” column in the issues report in the agenda needed to more accurately reflect the progress of the issue and any proposed actions. The Chairman undertook to discuss this outside of the meeting.


Councillor John Brady, as Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Economic Development, undertook to look into issue 1128.