Issue - meetings

Update from Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP)

Meeting: 30/09/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 9)

Update from Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP)

To receive an update from the Community Area Partnership.


Debrah Biggs, Chairman of “Our Salisbury”, the Salisbury Community Area Partnership (SCCAP), gave an update on behalf of the organisation.


SCCAP continued to contribute to the Area Board, at meetings and behind the scenes.  The Partnership also continued to work with Wiltshire Forum of Community Area Partnerships (WFCAP), Salisbury City Centre Management, the Salisbury Vision, the City Council and others.


New members of the Partnership included Ruth Jones, representing The Unit, and Amanda Newbury, from the Salisbury Late Night Economy Working Group.


SCCAP was currently working on the questionnaire – it was planned to send this to all homes in Salisbury.  The results of the questionnaire would be used to inform the production of a Community Plan, which would be an essential document in prioritising services and allocating grant funding in the future.


The Partnership was also organising a State of the Area Debate on Thursday 18 November.  Various activities in the day would conclude in the evening with a “Question Time” event, to be chaired by Debrah.


An on-going task was brokering an agreement with Wiltshire Council as to the respective roles of the Area Board and the Partnership.