Issue - meetings

Update from Representatives

Meeting: 30/09/2010 - Salisbury Area Board (Item 8)

8 Update from Representatives

To receive updates from the Salisbury City Council representative and the Laverstock and Ford Parish Council representative, in addition to other partner agencies.

Supporting documents:


Su Thorpe, Leader of Salisbury City Council, gave an update on behalf of the City Council:


  • The refurbishment of the Guildhall was now well underway, with the hoardings having been erected in the last few weeks.  The Council had selected the colour scheme, having taken advice from English Heritage and the National Trust.  A blog would soon be available online, including photos of the progress being made.  This would be available at
  • On 8 October, there would be an event entitled Bemer-10 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Bemerton Heath Neighbourhood and Community Centre, which would be known in future as the Bemerton Heath Centre.  From 10.15am onwards there would be various activities, to which all were welcome.
  • The new car park in Hudsons field was now complete bar sealing and planting.
  • Plans for the Queen Elizabeth Gardens were available to be viewed at the City Council Offices and on the City Council’s website.
  • Concerns had been raised over the removal of bollards from Queen Street and High Street.  City Councillors were working with Councillor Mary Douglas to seek the reinstatement of the bollards.
  • An event had been held on 29 September to celebrate the work of the allotments society, including a scarecrow competition.
  • The third edition of City Voice would be coming out over the next month.
  • The new Crematorium brochure was now available.


Councillor David Law confirmed that he had nothing to report from Laverstock and Ford Parish Council.


The Chairman invited questions from the public for the representatives of the Police and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue.  There were no questions for either.