Issue - meetings

Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 13/09/2010 - Chippenham and Villages Area Board (Item 5)

5 Chairman's Announcements

To include, but not limited to, the following:


a.  Digital TV Switchover Help Scheme – a thank you

b.  Flood Survey Returns – a final reminder for completed forms

c.   Community Speedwatch – an update from Cllr Dick Tonge

d.  Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation – an update

e.  Wiltshire Local Transport Plan Strategy – a consultation

f.    Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations – a consultation

g.  Parish Steward Scheme – for information

h.  Wiltshire Intelligence Network – for information.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to a number of Chairman’s Announcements; full details of which were available in the agenda pack. The following additional announcements were made:


·         Julia Densham, Senior Democratic Services Officer, would shortly be taking up new employment within Wiltshire Council as the Community Area Manager for Marlborough Area Board. The Chairman thanked Julia for her hard work and wished her well in her new role.

·         The evaluation forms for this evening’s meeting were in the agenda pack and people were encouraged to complete them with any views of suggestions they may have.