Issue - meetings

Town, Parish and Partner Updates

Meeting: 13/09/2010 - Chippenham and Villages Area Board (Item 6)

6 Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive updates from any partners who wish to contribute:


a.  Parishes

b.  Wiltshire Police

c.   Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

d.  NHS Wiltshire

e.  Chippenham and Villages Community Area Partnership

f.    Chippenham Vision Board

g.  Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)

h.  Children’s Parliament

i.    Area Board Priorities

j.    Westlea Housing Association – a presentation from young people about the ‘Voice It’ project.

Supporting documents:


a)    Parish and Town Councils

Updates were received and noted from Christian Malford, Grittleton and Kington Langley Parish Councils. Further verbal updates were received as follows:


Seagry Parish Council – The Parish Council was currently exploring the possibility of devolvement of allotments from Wiltshire Council to the Parish Council, and was also liaising with a footpaths officer to discuss parish partnerships with local organisations to fund some new gates that would allow improved access, particularly for disabled users, pushchairs, etc. The Parish Council was also concerned about the planning application notification process, as a recent application was submitted in a neighbouring parish that would affect the Seagry parish, but the Parish Council received no notification of it and could have missed the consultation deadline.


Stanton St Quinton Parish Council – A burger bar situated in a lay-by was causing problems with litter, accessibility and visibility and was of great concern to the Parish Council. Inspector Kate Pain reported that she would research accident statistics for that area of road and would report back to the Area Board with her findings.


b)   Wiltshire Police

The written report was noted. Inspector Pain reported that crime rates in the Chippenham Community Area had decreased by 13% between April to September this year compared with the previous year.


c)    Wiltshire Fire and rescue Service

The written report was noted.


d)   NHS Wiltshire

The written report was noted.


e)    Chippenham and Villages Community Area Partnership

Jane Clark, Chairman of the Partnership, stated that it had been a busy period and reported on the following issues:


·         The River Festival had been a huge success, particularly on the Saturday, and positive feedback had been received. Thanks were paid to the Area Board, Chippenham Town Council, Chippenham Borough Lands Charity and to the private sector for the sponsorship.

·         Work was underway reviewing the Community Area Plan and actions were being identified specific to what the public had indicated was needed. The Plan had been sent to 25,000 households for consultation and all views expressed were being considered.

·         Transport and parking were big issues in the area at present and the Partnership requested that the Area Board provided its support in asking Highways to report on its intentions and actions.

·         The first tranche of funding was yet to be received and was needed to employ people to assist with the consultation on the Community Area Plan.

·         The Health and Social Care Group was entering into discussions regarding tackling childhood obesity.


The Chairman thanked Jane for the update and undertook to follow up the issue of the delayed funding.


f)     Chippenham Vision Board

John Clark and Tim Martienssen reported on the following issues regarding the Chippenham Vision:


·         A Visioning Workshop was being held on Thursday 23 September 2010 and about 40-50 people had been invited.

·         A series of meetings had been held with ING regarding the redevelopment of the Bath Road/Bridge Centre site and the dialogue between partners had been extremely constructive.

·         A response had been submitted to the car  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6