Issue - meetings

Community Issues Update

Meeting: 13/09/2010 - Chippenham and Villages Area Board (Item 9)

Community Issues Update

Parvis Khansari, Service Director, will provide an update on issues received and actions taken since the last Area Board meeting held on 5 July 2010.


Parvis Khansari, Service Director, provided an update on issues received and action taken since the last Area Board meeting.


Councillor Judy Rooke enquired as to the progress with the long standing issue of residents parking, to which Parvis commented that progress was being made but that it could take several months to resolve such issues.


A question arose regarding local highways issues and it was confirmed that the Chippenham Vision Board would be looking very closely at these in the future.


Parvis encouraged use of the community issues system for any local issues that people may have; either via the online reporting tool, or by contacting Parvis directly.