Issue - meetings

Evaluation and Close

Meeting: 13/09/2010 - Chippenham and Villages Area Board (Item 10)

10 Evaluation and Close

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


The next agenda planning meeting will be held on 21 October at 10am (Wiltshire Council, Monkton Park, Chippenham).  Parish councillors interested in attending should contact either the Community Area Manger or the Chairman.


The meeting is asked to note the future meeting dates below and is reminded to complete the evaluation forms in the packs.


6.30pm for 7.00pm Monday 22 November 2010, Swindon and Wiltshire Records Office, Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, SN15 3QN


6.30pm for 7.00pm Monday 18 January 2011, St Peter’s Primary School, Lords Mead

Chippenham, SN14 0DH.


The Forward Plan is attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Before closing the meeting, the Chairman asked if everyone present who wished to, felt they had the opportunity to comment during the meeting, or to raise any issues not on the agenda.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and announced that the next meeting would be held on Monday 22 November 2010, 7.00 pm at the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre in Chippenham.


The agenda planning meeting would take place on Thursday 21 October at 10.00 am and any parish or town council interested in attending should contact Victoria Welsh or the Chairman.


The following Area Board meeting would be held on Monday 17 January 2010; not 18 January as stated in the agenda.