Issue - meetings

Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Meeting: 28/07/2010 - Melksham Area Board (Item 1)

1 Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements


  • Lorry parking update.


  • Council tax payment – response to issue raised by TARA.


  • Local transport scheme funding allocation – report in pack.


  • Community Payback – call for ‘grot spots’ – report in pack.


  • Parking Strategy consultation – report in pack.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Shaw School.


The Chairman introduced Councillor John Noeken (Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Resources) who was in attendance for this meeting.


The Chairman then introduced Councillor Linda Conley (Wiltshire Council portfolio holder for waste) and all the Wiltshire Council members in attendance as well as Niki Lewis (Service Director).


The Chairman reminded those present of the two events having taken place before the start of the meeting, both of which were included further on in the agenda:

-          the Wiltshire Council consultation on options for future waste collection and recycling services,

-          the opportunity for residents to highlight areas where community payback teams could work


Chairman’s Announcements


  • Lorry parking update

At the special meeting on 15th June 2010 the Melksham Area Board resolved to accept the opinion of Melksham residents and called on the Cabinet members of Wiltshire Council to take notice and to close with immediate action the King Street Lorry park to all commercial vehicles. That resolution has since been taken up and acted upon by Wiltshire Council. Since the closure there had been no report of major issues regarding lorries parking in the Melksham area but the Chairman gave reassurance that the board was keeping a watchful eye for any arising issues. Other arrangements for buses and coaches were being looked into.


  • Council tax payment – response to issue raised by TARA

It had been reported to the board that some residents had complained about forceful debt collecting for Council tax arrears. The Chairman explained that this was not an issue the board could intervene in and the matter had been referred to the appropriate officer at Wiltshire Council; however the board could facilitate discussion on the issue should it be required.


  • Local transport scheme funding allocation

The Chairman summarised the information provided in the agenda and was pleased to announce that the Chairman of the Community Area Partnership had accepted to help with the Community Area Transport Group and would facilitate the meetings.


  • Community Payback – call for “grot spots”

The Chairman expanded on the information available in the agenda and invited residents to use the opportunity offered to them to identify “grot spots” in their area. “Grot spots” could be reported directly to the Community Payback team through the “feedback”, or to the Community Payback project coordinator Tracy Geiran on 01793 534 259  or or to the Melksham Community Area Manager, Abbi Gutierrez on 01225 718 443 or

The Chairman also proposed to identify the Melksham King Street car park as a “grot spot” as reported by local residents.


  • Parking Strategy consultation

As explained in the agenda the chairman highlighted the fact that the consultation started on 12th July and would end on 3rd September 2010. He encouraged everyone to take part in the consultation. Comments could be submitted on line at Reference copies of the report were available from all libraries.


  • Leisure review

The Chairman informed all present that a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1