Issue - meetings

Urgent Business

Meeting: 28/07/2010 - Melksham Area Board (Item 5)

5 Partner Updates

To receive updates from any of the following partners:


a. CAYPIG (Young People’s Issue Group).


b. MCAP (Melksham Community Area Partnership).


c. Wiltshire Police – Inspector David Cullop – report in pack.


d. NHS Wiltshire – report in pack.


e.Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – report in pack.


f. Melksham Town Council.


g. Parish Council Nominated Representatives.


Supporting documents:


Melksham Community Area Partnership (MCAP): Chris Holden summarised the brief report tabled at the meeting and highlighted on-going work including:


  • The launch of the MCAP website on 1st June (;
  • The meeting of the Community Safety group on 29th July at 7.00 pm at the Melksham Town Hall;
  • The opportunity for communities to have a say on the design and content of the Community Plan.


The board advised people to check details with their Parish Clerks and contact the authors of “local blogs” if they spotted any inaccuracies. The Chairman pointed out that the MCAP was mostly made up of volunteers, apart from the administrator, and that everyone should engage in a dialogue with them to help develop the website and the information available.


Wiltshire Police

Inspector David Cullop referred the meeting to the report contained within the agenda and did not wish to add anything further as he was aware of the sizeable agenda faced by the board, however he invited all present to ask question if they wished.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

Michael Franklin highlighted instances in which people may not be aware of the WF&R’s involvement such as the 43 homes which were visited for fire home safety checks and the 101 incidents attended on behalf of partners. He then invited all present to ask questions about the update report included within the agenda.


Melksham Town Council

Councillor Chris Petty, as newly elected Deputy Mayor, was invited to present any updates from Melksham Town Council.


Parish Councils

Melksham Without Parish Council felt that the main subject they could provide an update on would be better addressed under the Local Issues item.