Issue - meetings

School Admissions Policies 2022-2023

Meeting: 02/02/2021 - Cabinet (Item 26)

26 School Admissions Policies 2022-2023

Report of the Chief Executive


Supporting documents:


Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Skills

presented a report which detailed the School Admission Policy 2022/2023, as

part of the statutory process for the determination of admission arrangements to maintained schools.


In response to comments from members, Cllr Mayes and officers explained:


·       That 13 schools were opting out of in year coordination for the 2022/23 academic year due to there being no legal requirement to coordinate in year applications.

·       The School Admissions Team work with colleagues in Academies, Foundation and Aided schools in Wiltshire and other local authorities.




a)    Approve the proposed scheme for the co-ordination of admission to secondary schools for 2022/23.


b)    Approve the proposed scheme for the co-ordination of admissions to primary schools for 2022/23.


c)    Approve the proposed admission arrangements for Voluntary Controlled & Community Secondary Schools for 2022/23.


d)    Approve the proposed admission arrangements for Voluntary Controlled & Community Primary Schools for 2022/23.


Reason for decision:


The Local Authority has a statutory duty to have a determined admission policy for 2022/23 in place on or before 28 February 2021.