Issue - meetings

Any Other Questions

Meeting: 19/10/2010 - Marlborough Area Board (Item 23)

Any Other Questions

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


The Chairman invited questions from the floor.


Would the Pewsey Road bridge be open over the Chistmas period?


The bridge should be open from the first or second week in December with a one way system in operation.



Cllr Tony Prior of Bayden Parish Council stated that he had not received a reply to his question regarding last year’s budget consultation.


The community area manager agreed to look into this issue.



Cllr Fleur de Rhe-Philipe – (Cabinet member for Finance, Performance and Risk, Wiltshire Council) would be attending 7 December 2010 board meeting.



What is happening about the extra grit bins that the Marlborough community area may be getting?


Seven extra grit bins have been allocated to the Marlborough community area, officers of Wiltshire Council would be looking into the siting of these bins.


Mark Boden, (Corporate Director of Department of Neighbourhood Planning, Wiltshire Council) also advised that:


  • Small amounts of grit needed to be used when gritting paths and roads, Wiltshire Council could issue parishes with grit dispensers to help with this.


  • Staff tended to get pushed to the limit during periods of bad weather, usually gritting roads rather than re-filling grit bins.


  • Wiltshire Council was happy to let parishes hold stocks of grit providing that the grit is stored in a covered environment.


  • Farmers could plough roads in their local areas, Wiltshire Council could provide plough attachments for this purpose and a payment would be  made for any ploughing carried out.


The Chairman advised the meeting that he had been made aware that “Dreams and Wishes” had not won the VCS award.