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Meeting: 06/10/2010 - Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board (Item 11)

Leisure Facilities Review and Questions for the Cabinet Representative

a.    Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture will give a presentation on the review of leisure facilities in Wiltshire.


b.    Councillor Wheeler will follow the above item with an overview of his wider cabinet role and respond to any questions.


a) Leisure Facilities Review


Councillor Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture, gave a presentation on the Council’s proposals for leisure provision in the county over the next 25 years.


Wiltshire Council had inherited some form of financial responsibility for 23 leisure facilities on 1 April 2009 and it was considered that the present indoor leisure facility stock was broadly outdated, inefficient and unsustainable. £93 million would be required over the next 25 years to sustain the existing buildings, and this did not include any service or building enhancements, which were much required in some of the centres.


Councillor Wheeler explained that the proposals included the Council retaining management responsibilities for some of the existing leisure facilities, developing four brand new facilities within campuses, and devolving the remaining facilities to local communities.


Councillor Wheeler outlined the Council’s proposals specific to the Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Area:


         Cricklade Leisure Centre – the Council planned to work with the Cricklade & District Community Association to arrange for agreed investment leading to the devolvement of the facility to the community.

         Lime Kiln Leisure Centre – refurbishments to be undertaken leading to the devolvement of the facility to the community.

         Devolvement could be to a single or a variety of different groups. In other parts of the county interest had been forthcoming from community groups, town/parish councils, schools, existing trusts, etc.

         The Council had commissioned a report on the community trust options to help assist with the proposal.

         Community groups would be given support and advice to set up the organisation.

         Calne and Cricklade, which both already had community-managed facilities, had volunteered to give advice and support where requested.


Following Councillor Wheeler’s presentation, a number of questions and comments arose, as summarised below:


·         Currently the Calne and Cricklade community-owned facilities received approximately £70,000 per year from Wiltshire Council which was considered vital to the survival of the facilities. The question was asked whether this funding would be available for Lime Kiln. Councillor Wheeler stated that he was not able to make guarantees at this stage, as he was currently looking for expressions of interest, and issues such as phased financial support would be discussed with interested parties as part of the negotiations.


·         In response to Councillor Wheeler’s comment that any devolved facilities would be passed on in a good state of repair, a question arose regarding what ‘good state of repair’ meant. Councillor Wheeler informed the meeting that full conditions surveys had been carried out for all facilities, and the specific work to be done prior to handover would form part of the negotiations with interested parties.


·         A comment was made regarding the local schools and the possibility for schools to take responsibility for the devolved facilities. Councillor Wheeler commented that discussions were taking place with the school and that there could potentially be good financial benefits for a school to take on indoor leisure facilities.


·         In response to a question regarding what would happen if  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11