Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/10/2010 - Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board (Item 9)

9 Funding

a.    Community Area Grants Scheme


The Wiltshire Councillors will consider two applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11 as follows:


i.              Marston Meysey Village Hall Association seeks £1,750 to provide equipment to refurbish small kitchen in the village hall


ii.            Cricklade Town Council seeks £2,494 to erect a fence around the skate park


Total requested = £4244


Allocation of Grant Funding to date:


·         1st Purton and Lydiard Beavers Pack awarded £943 for equipment

·         Cricklade Town Festival awarded £1,240 for street entertainers for annual community event

·         Thames Pre School awarded £555 for metal tool shed to securely house garden tools to maintain newly created garden area

·         Lyneham Youth Club awarded £2,752 towards summer activity programme for young people.

·         Broad Town Village Show awarded £2,241 to provide all weather blow-up stage cover for the bands at the local annual community event.


To date, £7731 in Community Area Grants has been awarded from the Area Board budget of £51,962.  Cricklade Leisure Centre was awarded £5000 from the 2009/10 Community Area Grants budget and has now been paid.  This leaves a remainder of £39,231for allocation.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at


b.    Performance Reward Grant Scheme


To consider two expressions of interest to the Performance Reward Grant Scheme, as follows:


i.              Wiltshire Voices

ii.             Wiltshire is Saving Energy.

Supporting documents:


Councillors considered applications for funding from the following grant schemes:


a)    Community Area Grants Scheme


Note: Councillor Colmer left the meeting for the discussion and decision relating to this item.


                      i.        Marston Meysey Village Hall Association

This application sought a grant of £1,750 to provide equipment to refurbish the small kitchen in the village hall.



The Area Board awarded the sum of £1,750 to Marston Meysey Village Hall Association.

Reason: The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and would enable the community to use the enhanced facility.


                    ii.        Cricklade Town Council

This application sought a grant of £2,494 to erect a fence around the skate park.



The Area Board awarded the sum of £2,494 to Cricklade Town Council.

Reason: The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2010/11 and would enable young people to play safely in the local community.


            Councillor Colmer returned to the meeting.


b)   Performance Reward Grant Scheme


                      i.        Wiltshire Voices

The application sought £3,000 for each Area Board to encourage participation of selected hard to reach groups in their Community Areas.



The Area Board supported the application from Wiltshire Voices and recommended that it be approved by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.


                    ii.        Wiltshire is Saving Energy

The application sought £12,566 to provide energy monitors in all libraries across Wiltshire that could be hired for free by local households. The energy monitors provided the households with information on energy usage; helping to reduce carbon emissions and save on energy bills.


Some concern arose from the floor regarding the cost of this project and it was suggested that such energy monitors could be obtained from many of the major energy suppliers.


After some discussion, Councillor Bucknell proposed that the pilot scheme should be extended, and that efforts should be made to source the energy monitors free of charge before committing the funds to this project.



The Area Board recommended that the pilot phase of the Wiltshire is Saving Energy project be extended, and that efforts should be made to source the energy monitors free of charge before committing the funds to this project.