Issue - meetings

Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Meeting: 13/10/2010 - Melksham Area Board (Item 69)

69 Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements


Gypsy and travel site consultation – postponed.


Community flooding info – reminder to parishes.


Wiltshire LTP strategy consultation.


Feedback from community area transport group meeting (highways improvements).


Reports in pack where appropriate.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Melksham Divisional Police HQ.


The Chairman then introduced Chris Hoare, (Wiltshire Police Authority) who welcomed everybody to the Police HQ for the first meeting of the Area Board at this venue.



Chairman’s Announcements


Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation

The consultation planned on possible new Gypsy and Traveller sites following on from the work carried out in April and June this year has now been put on hold.


Community Flooding Consultation

Any parishes who have yet to return their completed flood packs, are requested to do so as soon as possible.


Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026

Consultation on the draft Local Transport Plan will run from 4 October to 26 November 2010.


Community Area Transport Group

A group comprising Wiltshire councillors, officers and community representatives have met to investigate how to spend some £13,000 of funding on highways improvements.


Proposals put forward for areas for improvements were:


  • Feasibility study for a pelican crossing on the A365, Melksham.


  • Feasibility study for a pelican crossing, Pembroke Road/Queensway, Melksham.


  • Pelican Crossing at Atworth, (A365) - Wiltshire Council are currently looking at this proposal.


  • Layby at Spout Lane, Seend – local community looking to raise £8,000 to part fund this scheme.


  • Pelican Crossing at Middle Lane, Atworth.



Proposals for dropped kerbs.


  • Bath Road, Shurnhold , Melksham.


  • Blackmore Road, Melksham.


  • Shaw School, Whitley.


  • Steeple Ashton.





  • That the Melksham Area Board accepted the proposals put forward by the Melksham Community Area Transport Group.



It was agreed that the Community Area Transport Group would meet again in February 2011.