Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 13/10/2010 - Melksham Area Board (Item 71)

Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Agenda Item No.8b – Melksham Town Council, window graphics.

Cllrs Rod Eaton, Mark Griffiths and Jon Hubbard – Personal/prejudicial interests, all are members of Melksham Town Council, would all leave the room when this item was discussed and voted on.


Agenda Item No.8aviii – Melksham Without PC, Allotments at Berryfield.

Cllr Steve Petty – Prejudicial interest, would leave the room when this item was discussed and voted on.


Agenda Item No.6b Your Local Issues – any other urgent questions of public concern – Minerals extraction as raised by Mike Mills, (Melksham Without PC)

Cllr Steve Petty – Personal interest, would abstain from the vote when this item was discussed and voted on.