Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - Wednesday 30 May 2012 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Browfort, Devizes

Contact: Sharon Smith 

No. Item



To report the membership appointed by Council (as printed on the front page).


The membership of the Committee was noted.




Apologies were received from Cllr Nigel Carter and Cllr Christopher Newbury.


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the ensuing year.


Cllr Trevor Carbin was elected Chairman for the ensuing year.


Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.


Cllr Tony Deane was elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Chairman's Announcements


The CfPS Annual Conference was to be held on 12-13 June 2012.  The Committee members were asked to inform the Chairman should they wish to attend.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.




To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above no later than 5pm on Wednesday 23 May 2012.  Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


There was no public participation.


Terms of Reference

i)             To note the terms of reference for the Management Committee as agreed by Council on 15 May as follows:


·         Overall management of the OS function in line with the articles and overview and scrutiny procedure rules set out in the Constitution (including call-in of Executive decisions and councillor requests for reviews)

·         Co-ordination of the overall work programme (aligned to Council priorities)

·         Lead the working relationship with the Executive (based on agreed core values)

·         Establish sub-committees/endorse the formation of task groups/appoint representatives to project boards and delegate responsibility as appropriate

·         Assign dedicated OS resources (officer team and budget)

·         Overview / policy development and scrutiny of policy framework and corporate/organisational matters

·         Overview / policy development and scrutiny of Business Plan          - annual review & periodic performance monitoring 

·          Membership should include the chairmen of any standing committees


ii)            To receive details of the new arrangements agreed by Council on 15 May in the form of a revised structure chart and summary of improvements and developments.  These will also be circulated to the new select committees at their first meetings.

Supporting documents:


The Committee discussed the Terms of Reference as agreed by Full Council on 15 May, details of which were provided with the agenda.  A revised structure chart and summary of improvements and developments were also circulated.


In highlighting the changes of the revised arrangements, the Vice Chairman clarified that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee would have two functions; to undertake scrutiny of corporate issues and to manage the overall overview and scrutiny work programme.


Although the Committee had overall responsibility, it was acknowledged that the select committees were the experts in their individual areas and there was therefore an expectation that each would propose review and policy development topics for final approval by the Management Committee.


It was understood that the subject of work programme responsibility had also been raised at the Remuneration Panel meeting held on 29 May 2012. Clarification was provided that a detailed review on member remuneration would be undertaken in late Autumn.


Ensuing discussion also included stakeholder representation where it was noted that it would rest with the individual committees to make these appointments, other than those required by statute. 


The number of task group activities undertaken by each committee was also discussed.  In noting that a focus of future activity would be primarily policy development based, it was recognised that a place would always remain for these activities to allow specific and focused scrutiny on key areas where required.


The Leader of the Council addressed the Committee and confirmed her strong belief that good scrutiny was critical for sound decision making.  The Leader expressed the need to ensure all councillors were engaged in the process and, particularly, in relation to policy development.  To help achieve this members of scrutiny, officers and the Executive would need to work together.


Thanks were given to the Leader and Corporate Director for attending and giving their support for the changes.




To note and endorse the Terms of Reference and developments and improvements for the function as a whole for the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee as approved by Full Council on 15 May 2012.


Establishment of Budget Task Group

To agree the establishment and appoint the membership of a standing Budget Task Group, the Chairman of which will be elected at its first meeting.  Its terms of reference are set out in the structure chart circulated at 8(ii) above.


The Committee was asked to agree the establishment of a standing Budget Task Group and to appoint membership to it accordingly.  Details of the Terms of Reference were included within the agenda.


In deciding the membership of the Group, the Committee was asked to bear in mind that it would need to ensure that meetings were meaningful with areas of key interest identified in advance to ensure appropriate Executive and Officer attendance to aid discussion.


The Cabinet member for Finance, Performance and Risk confirmed that a series of training courses via the Councillor Development Group had been arranged to aid understanding of the budget setting process.  An invitation for further training sessions to help steer the programme of work undertaken by the Group was offered should the Committee feel this would be of benefit.


A number of councillors had expressed preliminary interest in becoming members of the Task Group.


It was also noted in discussion that its first meeting should coincide with the availability of the Revenue Outturn report for 2011/12 and first Budget Monitoring report for 2012/13.  The first meeting would also focus on scoping future arrangements.




To establish a standing Budget Task Group whose membership would be; Cllrs Nigel Carter, Pip Ridout, Alan Hill, Mark Packard, Trevor Carbin and Mike Hewitt.  The Chairman would be elected at its first meeting.


Legacy Issues and Future Work Programme

ii)         To discuss and agree an approach to:


·         Dealing with any priority legacy issues from the previous arrangements; and


·         The development of a future work programme.


A discussion document is circulated.  The outcome will be reported to each of the new select committees at their first meeting.


ii)         To review the outline work programme of the previous Organisation & Resources Select Committee.  Further information will follow.

Supporting documents:


The Committee was asked to discuss and agree on an approach to dealing with priority legacy issues arising from previous working arrangements and the development of a future work programme.  A discussion document was circulated with the agenda. 


It was proposed that the new select committees should review the work programmes from the previous arrangements to ensure there remained a link to the Council’s priorities in it’s Business Plan and that potential items for inclusion within the new Overview and Scrutiny single work programme had clear justification as to why they should be included.


The attending Cabinet member for Resources stressed the importance of focusing on the council’s priorities with clear timeframes set from the outset to undertake these reviews.


In discussing the proposed approach, it was agreed that each Select Committee would consider key legacy issues and develop future work pertinent to the terms of reference of each Committee in consultation with Cabinet and CLT/ELT.  Proposed items would then be considered by the Management Committee for potential inclusion in the overview and scrutiny single work programme.


This work was likely to be undertaken by the chairs and vice-chairs of  the select committees when elected in time for initial consideration by the Management Committee at its next meeting on 17 July 2012.


It was also accepted that the chairman and vice-chairman of the Management Committee would need to undertake the same exercise in respect of corporate topics.




To agree the approach discussed above for the consideration of legacy and future work programme topics.


Urgent Items

To consider any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items for discussion.


Date of next meeting

To be agreed.


The next two meeting dates of the Management Committee will be held on:


17 July 2012

6 September 2012