Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - Tuesday 4 March 2014 10.30 am

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Kieran Elliott  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item



To receive any apologies or substitutions for the meeting.


Apologies were received from Councillor Jon Hubbard, who was substituted by Councillor Helena McKeown.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To approve and sign the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 7 January and the special meeting on 5 February 2014.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the ordinary meeting on 7 January and the special meeting on 5 February 2014 were presented for consideration. It was,




To approve as a true and correct record and sign the minutes.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements through the Chair.


Following the decision of the Management Committee in January 2014, Overview and Scrutiny Training was arranged for 24 March, which had been fully booked. Additional sessions would be arranged following a review of the session and depending upon numbers wishing attend.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.



If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.



To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above no later than 5pm on Tuesday 25 February 2014.  Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


There were no questions or statements submitted.


Final Report of the Review of Area Boards Task Group

To present the conclusions and recommendations of the Review of Area Boards Task Group for endorsement.


Supporting documents:


At its meeting on 8 October 2014 the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee established the Review of Area Boards Task Group to review the function and role of Area Boards in consideration of their evolution in operation since their inception in 2009. Twelve themes were identified as potential focuses for the Task Group, as detailed in the report papers. Following three meetings where evidence was received and witnesses questioned, a final report was prepared for presentation.


The Chairman of the Task Group, Councillor Mary Douglas, presented the report to the Committee. It was noted that the Task Group’s review was only one element of a wider review of Area Boards being undertaken by the Executive and leading officers, and that as a result had not had the opportunity to comment upon specific proposals regarding the future of Area Boards. It was also noted that the Cabinet Member for Area Boards, Libraries and Flooding, Councillor Jonathon Seed, had confirmed any changes to Area Boards resulting from the review would be unlikely to be undertaken through a formal Cabinet decision, instead comprising a serious of smaller operational and budgetary changes.


Cllr Douglas thanked the Task Group members for their work during the review, and praised the work of the supporting officers in facilitating the work of the Task Group. The twelve recommendations of the task group were detailed, and attention drawn to concerns from some of the Task Group that Town and Parish Councils had not been adequately consulted as part of the wider review, and that inconsistent application of criteria for grant funding allocation led to confusion, with more explicit guidelines to be welcomed. An emphasis on ensuring a greater understanding of the council’s campus ethos was also raised as a suggestion.


The Committee then discussed the Task Group report and its recommendations as detailed in the agenda papers, raising points including the following:


·         Many Area Boards were quite dependent on the quality of the Community Area Manager (CAM), and there was a wide spectrum of styles by which CAMs operated depending on the Community Area, in addition to other variances such as the role of the Community Area Partnerships (CAP) differing within each area. A single approach to serving and administering an Area Board would not be appropriate or effective.


·         Increased technical and legal support for Area Boards would most effectively take the form of increased cooperation and support ahead of a meeting rather than merely attending, which would not be an efficient use of resources.


·         The use of more informal meetings and bodies such as the Community Area Transport Groups (CATGs) to conduct community business was welcomed, although there was some concern about public engagement and the overreliance on pressure groups for information in place of the community as a whole.


·         Although the Committee supported the aim of building resilient communities and communities coming to Area Boards for what they need rather than being dictated to, it was also felt that there was still a role for Area Boards  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Scrutiny of Major Contracts

To respond to the request of the Management Committee to allow consideration of a possible approach to engaging with the future review of major contracts.


A report by the Overview and Scrutiny Manager is attached.


Supporting documents:


The Management Committee at its last meeting received the report of its rapid scrutiny exercise on the Highways and Streetscene Contract, the Balfour Beatty Living Places (BBLP) contract. During discussion the issue of how the Environment Select Committee had engaged with development of this contract and its potential role in monitoring deliver and future performance was raised. There was a suggestion that the re-establishment of the major contracts task groups, perhaps in a reworked format, under each select committee could provide a useful forum for the future.


The Scrutiny Manager presented a report on the history of the scrutiny of major contracts and potential future options as detailed in the agenda papers. The Committee considered the successful outcome of the rapid scrutiny report on the BBLP contract, and debated whether a single body under the Management Committee to scope an approach for future contract scrutiny was the best approach, or whether each Select Committee should determine when and if they felt deeper scrutiny of a specific contract was warranted, in order to avoid being restrictive in approach.


It was,




1)    To note the issues raised in this report in response to the request of the Management Committee at the last meeting following consideration of the rapid scrutiny report on the BBLP contract.


2)      To continue to leave it to each Select Committee to determine if they felt specific contracts required further scrutiny.


Peer Challenge Review - Issues for Overview and Scrutiny

A report by the Overview and Scrutiny Manager is attached.

Supporting documents:


Following elections in May 2013 and the development of the new Business Plan for 2013-17, the Council invited a review team, consisting of six local authority peers, to carry out a corporate peer challenge during the last week of September 2013. The Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Management Committee and Select committees were interviewed by the review team as part of their work.


A report was presented by the Scrutiny Manager detailing the conclusions of the review team as outlined in the agenda papers, and noted in particular their recommendation that Overview and Scrutiny be realigned to focus on outcomes for the public. Suggested actions in response to the Peer Review were outlined, including careful management of the work programme to ensure topics remain relevant and outcome focused, focusing on adding value and outcomes when scoping topics, and the possibility of producing guidance for a consistent approach across all scrutiny committees.


The Committee welcomed the report and the comments of the review team, though were keen to note that it was acknowledged the service was already moving in the direction of more outcome focused scrutiny. The working relationship with the executive was highlighted as crucial to remain outcome focused and adding value.


Following discussion, it was,




1)    To note the comments and key recommendations of the Peer Challenge Review relating to OS as set out in paragraphs 6 and 8 of the report;


2)    To note the action agreed by Cabinet in response to the findings as set out in paragraph 9 of the report;


3)    To endorse the work identified to deliver the action as highlighted in paragraphs 16 – 21 of the report including any additional work required by the Management Committee  






Housing Allocation Policy

To receive an updated executive response to the comments and recommendations made by the rapid scrutiny exercise in November 2013.


A report by the Overview and Scrutiny Manager is attached.


Supporting documents:


A rapid scrutiny exercise of the new Housing Allocation Policy was undertaken in October 2013 and its recommendations endorsed by the Management Committee on 5 November 2013. Cabinet approved the new policy for implementation in April 2014 at its meeting on 21 November 2013.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Councillor Richard Clewer, was asked to provide an update to the recommendations made by Scrutiny in conjunction with the Head of Strategic Housing.


The Committee received the update as detailed in the agenda papers, which included a recommendation that the Committee receive a further report after the implementation of the new Housing Allocation Policy.


It was,




To thank the Portfolio Holder and the Head of Strategic Housing for the update and to support the idea of a further report post implementation of the new Housing Allocation Policy.


Constitutional Changes

At its meeting on 4 February 2014, Council approved changes to Part 8 of the Constitution - Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules - in relation to the Call-in procedure. As a result, Call-ins can now be made by any ten non-executive members of the Council, as opposed to any three members of the Management Committee, or at the discretion of the Chairman of the Management Committee.


The Management Committee is asked to note the decision of Council.



The Committee noted the decision of Council at its meeting on 4 February 2014 to approve changes to Part 8 of the Constitution - Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules - in relation to the Call-in procedure, such that Call-ins could now be made by any ten non-executive members of the Council, as opposed to any three members of the Management Committee, or at the discretion of the Chairman of the Management Committee.


The short timescales for a decision to be identified and called in by ten members, within five days of a decision being made and prior to its coming into force, was reiterated.


Overview and Scrutiny Councillor Remuneration

To report the decision of Council on recommendation by the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) in respect of the overview and scrutiny (OS) fund within the Councillors’ Allowances Scheme.


To provide an opportunity for the Management Committee to give guidance to the Chairman over the allocation of this fund for 2013/14 in light of the views expressed by the IRP 


A report by the Overview and Scrutiny Manager is attached.


Supporting documents:


The Panel received a report from the Scrutiny Manager on the decision of Council on 4 February 2014 with regards the recommendation of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) in respect of the overview and scrutiny (OS) fund within the Councillors’ Allowances Scheme.


The Panel identified a number of weaknesses in the current arrangement and felt that the original intentions behind the creation of the fund to reward key positions had been diluted over the years. However they increased the fund to £15,000 and called for a change in how it was allocated.


Guidance was sought from the Management Committee over possible criteria for a revised scheme. However, it was,




To request the Chair and Vice-Chair to produce a report on a suggested scheme for the next meeting of the Committee.



Centre for Public Scrutiny Annual Conference

Members are asked to express their interest in attending the Centre for Public Scrutiny Annual Conference and represent Wiltshire Council at the Good Scrutiny Awards. It is asked that two members attend the event along with an officer (as in previous years) on 10 and 11 June, the focus for this year’s event will be on public sector commissioning as a lever for change and how scrutiny and accountability are vital to ensure commissioning improves outcomes. Another important focus will be how do you ‘sell’ scrutiny to its best advantage?


Attendance will incur costs such as travel to the London venue, entrance fee of £215 and potentially an overnight stay. For further information please go to the following website:



Members were asked to express their interest in attending the Centre for Public Scrutiny Annual Conference and represent Wiltshire Council at the Good Scrutiny Awards on 10 and 11 June 2014, where the main focus would be on public sector commissioning as a lever for change and how scrutiny and accountability are vital to ensure commissioning improves outcomes.




To delegate to the Chair and Vice-Chair to liaise with members to arrange one other member to attend along with either the Chair or Vice-Chair, or for both the Chair and Vice-Chair to attend should no other member volunteer.



At its meeting on 7 January, Members were updated on progress to regarding communicating the work and function of Overview and Scrutiny.


The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Scrutiny Manager met with representatives from the Communications Team again on 17 February to discuss progress. Communications have indicated that they will:

  • Create an simpler page about scrutiny which will contain information in a bullet point-type format, such as:
    • What scrutiny does
    • Details about the team
    • Details about how to get involved
    • Work plan updates
    • Achievements – how scrutiny has helped influence policy
  • Send an elected wire message directly to members to create as much engagement across all non-executives as we can.
  • Hold a further follow-up meeting to review the action taken and develop ideas, including how to keep people updated.


The Committee is asked to note the discussions held to date and the further work planned.


The written update on the work to improve the communication on the work and function of Overview and Scrutiny was received as detailed below:


The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Scrutiny Manager met with representatives from the Communications Team again on 17 February to discuss progress. Communications have indicated that they will:

  • Create an simpler page about scrutiny which will contain information in a bullet point-type format, such as:
    • What scrutiny does
    • Details about the team
    • Details about how to get involved
    • Work plan updates
    • Achievements – how scrutiny has helped influence policy
  • Send an elected wire message directly to members to create as much engagement across all non-executives as we can.
  • Hold a further follow-up meeting to review the action taken and develop ideas, including how to keep people updated.


It was also suggested that an end of year report be produced to identify outcomes that had been achieved by the select committees to better publicise the achievements of Overview and Scrutiny and focus them on specific outcomes.




To note the discussions held to date and the further work planned.


Task Group Updates

Financial Planning Task Group – Following the Special Meeting of the Management Committee to consider the 2014/15 Budget the Task Group is due to meet again to review and evaluate the process post Full Council on 25 February. The Task Group will receive an update on the current year’s revenue budget position projected to balance at year end. Progress with alignment of business planning, performance and risk will also be discussed. The Chairman will update further at the meeting.


Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Task Group – An initial meeting between the officers of both Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council has been arranged for 10 March to discuss the joint scrutiny arrangements and how the exercise is envisaged to be undertaken by both authorities and establishing a process whereby this can take place. A meeting between the appointed members will then be held to formally scope the exercise and begin work.


The Chairman of each Select Committee will also be given the opportunity to provide brief updates in relation to activity undertaken by the Task Groups overseen by each Committee.



The written updates for the Financial Planning Task Group and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Task Group were received and noted.

Additionally, it was reported in respect of task groups under the select committees that the Continence Task Group was expected to conclude its work by the end of March 2014, the CIL Task Group was still ongoing as a result of further governmental regulation changes, with the Waste and Air Quality Task Groups coming to a close.


A request from the Health Select Committee to bring the CCG Task Group to an end was also accepted.





To note the updates from the Task Groups and approve the ending of the CCG Task Group.



Forward Work Programme

The Committee is asked to consider the latest version of the single work programme and give direction on future overview and scrutiny activity as appropriate.

Supporting documents:


The Forward Work Programme was noted.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.


Date of Next Meeting

To confirm the date of the next scheduled meeting as 29 April 2014 in the Kennet Room, County Hall.


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 29 April 2014.