Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - Tuesday 7 January 2014 10.30 am

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Kieran Elliott  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item




There were no apologies or substitutions for the meeting.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2013.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2013 were presented for consideration and comment. It was,




That subject to the inclusion of Cllr Bob Jones MBE among the list of attendees, to APPROVE as a true and correct record and sign the minutes.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements through the Chair.


Through the Chair it was announced that following the recent Peer Review of the Council conducted in September 2013, a report would be prepared for the Committee to consider at its next ordinary meeting.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.




To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above no later than 5pm on Monday 30 December 2013. Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


The rules on public participation were noted.

There were no questions or statements submitted.


Highways and Streetscene Contract

The Committee considered a request from Councillor Jeff Osborn at the last meeting and agreed to hold a Rapid Scrutiny Exercise on the content of the Cabinet Member’s report.


The report on the outcome of the exercise held on 10 December is attached.

Supporting documents:


At its meeting on 5 November 2013 the Committee considered a request from Councillor Jeff Osborn to conduct a scrutiny exercise on the contract with BBLP (Balfour Beatty Living Places) and agreed to hold a Rapid Scrutiny Exercise on the content of the Cabinet Member’s report presented to that meeting. It was also agreed that a progress report would be presented to the Environment Select Committee after the winter to assess the operational performance, and that a full scrutiny exercise from the Environment Select Committee be undertaken from June 2014 to coincide with the first anniversary of the contract.


The report on the Rapid Scrutiny Exercise was presented, with the lead member for the exercise, Councillor Jeff Osborn, thanking all members and officers who had partaken in the exercise for their work, and the contributions of the Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder. The Committee also expressed its thanks to all staff involved in work relating to the recent flooding in the county, for their dedication and intensive communication to the public.


The work of the Rapid Scrutiny Exercise was detailed, noting that conclusions had been that the contractor was performing satisfactorily in seven of the eight main areas of the contract, although the local highways and streetscene element of the contract had been identified as a main area of concern, with the IT system also of concern. The crucial role of active local councillors in assisting the relationship between parishes, area boards and BBLP was also emphasized.


The Committee discussed the recommendations of the Exercise as detailed in Paragraph 36 of the report papers, to include for the members of the Exercise to meet again to evaluate further work, receive additional information when available, for Legal to provide summaries of key contracts and for a full audit to be recommended. A debate followed, where points including the following were raised:


·         It was agreed that an additional meeting of the members of the Exercise should take place sometime in the Spring, with concerns a date of March 2014 could prove too soon for full information on the Winter work to be available


·         Some Members felt that although the contract had been considered by the Environment Select Committee, the lack of a Major Contracts Task Group to further consider such large contracts had hindered additional scrutiny of the topic, while others felt that appropriate scrutiny had taken place, with the Committees setting up appropriate measures when further problems had arisen following implementation of the contract.


·         The flexibility of the contract with regards grass cutting was raised, and it was stated that a map of all areas covered under the contract was being created for the use of all Members and Parishes. It was also confirmed that Wiltshire Council would only be responsible under the contract for maintaining land that it owned, and that only where ownership of the land was unclear and later clarified as being council owned would additional land be added to the maps of areas of council responsibility.


·         The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Housing Allocation Policy

At its meeting on 5 November 2013 the Management Committee endorsed the outcome of a Rapid Scrutiny Exercise undertaken on 28 October 2013 on proposed revisions to the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy.


Cabinet then considered the proposals and made their decision at their meeting on 21 November 2013. The extract of the minute of the meeting is attached.


The Management Committee is asked to note the decision of Cabinet.

Supporting documents:


At its meeting on 5 November 2013 the Management Committee endorsed the outcome of a Rapid Scrutiny Exercise undertaken on 28 October 2013 on proposed revisions to the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy.


Cabinet then considered the proposals and made their decision at their meeting on 21 November 2013. The Management Committee considered the minute of the Cabinet Meeting.


It was,




1)    To note that Cabinet approved the new Allocations Policy to be implemented from April 2014 and delegated to the Corporate Director with responsibility for Housing any necessary final amendments in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Protection Service and Adult Care and Housing.


2)      To note that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman will meet with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder and the Head of Service to review the implementation of the recommendations made by Scrutiny.


Staff Morale Update

At its meeting on 8 October the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee discussed a Member request from Cllr Jeff Osborn for a scrutiny review on the following:


“An objective investigation into the state of morale amongst the non senior staff of Wiltshire Council, in light of recent management restructuring, legal cap on salaries, extra work load and loss of job security.”


Following initial discussion including hearing the views of the Cabinet Portfolio holder and the Service Director, the Management Committee agreed to ask the Staffing Policy Committee to take a further look at statistical information available which might indicate the level of staff morale and to report findings back to the Management Committee.   

Attached is a copy of the report on Employee Engagement presented to the Staffing Policy Committee at its meeting on 6 November 2013, together with a Minute Extract for that item.


The Management Committee is asked to note the conclusions of the Staffing Policy Committee.

Supporting documents:


At its meeting on 8 October 2013 the Management Committee considered a Member request from Councillor Jeff Osborn for a scrutiny review, requesting:


“An objective investigation into the state of morale amongst the non senior staff of Wiltshire Council, in light of recent management restructuring, legal cap on salaries, extra work load and loss of job security”.


The Management Committee instead requested the Staffing Policy Committee investigate the available statistical information which might indicate the level of staff morale, which was undertaken at the Staffing Policy Committee meeting on 6 November 2013. The minute for that meeting was included within the agenda pack, and concluded that on available data concerns regarding staff morale could not be substantiated, and that employees remained engaged.


The Management Committee received and engaged in discussion regarding the minute of the Staffing Policy Committee. It was noted that the latest information compiled from staff surveys dated from October 2012, and that responses were not compulsory. Nevertheless, it was stated that a fresh survey would take place in late 2014, and that the percentage of staff completing the latest survey had increased from that undertaken in February 2011. While some members expressed concern at the impact of the council’s voluntary redundancy programme, it was not felt that staff morale was a major area of concern given the available evidence.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




To note the update from the Staffing Policy Committee.


Overview and Scrutiny Councillor Development

At its meeting on 5 November 2013 the Management Committee were asked to comment on the Councillor Development - Scrutiny Skills training event held in October with a view to endorsing a rollout of a wider programme adjusted for less experienced non-executive councillors.


As a result of the mixed reaction to the event, it was decided to seek the support of the Council’s Learning and Development Team to help review the training requirement.


An update report on a revised approach recommended by Learning and Development is attached.

Supporting documents:


At its meeting on 5 November 2013 the Management Committee were asked to comment on the Councillor Development - Scrutiny Skills training event held in October with a view to endorsing a rollout of a wider programme adjusted for less experienced non-executive councillors.


As a result of the mixed reaction to the event, it was decided to seek the support of the Council’s Learning and Development Team to help review the training requirement.


The Management Committee considered the proposed training session structure and content as contained in the agenda pack, and it was agreed that the suggested format and provider appeared to address the requested needs and approach of the Committee.


It was,




To arrange a three hour workshop covering 60% scrutiny concept and process and 40 % developing and improving communication skills and techniques, with the training provided as detailed in the agenda report.



Council Motion - Supermarket Levy

A note providing details of the motion and some background information is attached.


The Committee is asked to decide how it wishes to respond to the referral.

Supporting documents:


Council at its meeting on 12 November referred the following motion proposed by Councillor Jeff Osborn and seconded by Councillor Terry Chivers to Overview and Scrutiny for consideration:


“This council requires officers to investigate the opportunities provided in the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 to levy a charge on all Wiltshire supermarkets with the object of reducing parking charges in our city and market towns.


A report should be presented in sufficient time before the next full council to enable a notice of motion to be prepared so that a debate can take place on the matter.”


The Scrutiny Manager (Designated Scrutiny Officer) presented an update on background to the motion and the Sustainable Communities Act, through which Local Authorities could lobby Central Government to enact changes at a national level to improve the economic, social or environmental wellbeing of a local area. The Management Committee was invited to consider how it wished to respond to the referral.


The Management Committee discussed the referred motion, noting that it was the result of a national campaign by an organisation called Local Works, which had been instrumental in the creation of the Sustainable Communities Act and which worked to ensure its objectives were achieved, with several Local Authorities resolved to support similar motions.


It was considered that there was a need for greater clarity over what powers could be asked for and what impact any changes could have on a local area. It was determined that additional research would need to be conducted before any concrete action could be suggested, including what any proposed measure could apply to and the process by which a change would be sought if deemed desirable, for instance in concert with other Local Authorities.

At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




1)    To note the referral of the Motion from Council;


2)    That it was not a topic which at this time could be scrutinized; and,


3)    To request that the matter be referred to the Councillor Development Group, who could invite a representative from Local Works or other interested bodies to arrange a briefing for those councillors who wished to learn more about the topic.


Overview and Scrutiny Profile and Communication

At its meeting on 5 November, Members raised the issue of the need to increase the profile of the Overview and Scrutiny function through wider and more effective communication.


The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Scrutiny Manager met with representatives from the Communications Team on 2 December to discuss the issue and potential options. Communications have indicated that they will:


  • Create a page on the intranet explaining what overview and scrutiny is, how it works etc. Make it as interesting, informative and easy to navigate as possible. The main objective is to change the perception of Scrutiny, so everyone is aware of its purpose and value.


  • Send an elected wire message directly to members to create as much engagement across all non-executives as we can.


  • Hold a follow-up meeting to review the action taken and develop ideas for an outward, public-facing communications tool. 


The Committee is asked to note the discussions held to date and the further work planned.


At the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee meeting on 5 November 2013, Members raised the issue of the need to increase the profile of the Overview and Scrutiny function through wider and more effective communication.


The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Scrutiny Manager met with representatives from the Communications Team on 2 December to discuss the issue and potential options. Communications have indicated that they would:


  • Create a page on the intranet explaining what overview and scrutiny is, how it works etc. Make it as interesting, informative and easy to navigate as possible. The main objective is to change the perception of Scrutiny, so everyone is aware of its purpose and value.


  • Send an elected wire message directly to members to create as much engagement across all non-executives as we can.


  • Hold a follow-up meeting to review the action taken and develop ideas for an outward, public-facing communications tool. 


The need for requests for volunteers to serve on Task Groups to be provide clear context of the purpose of the proposed Task Group was emphasised, along with the need for the format of the notices to be distinctive to ensure they were properly considered by Members among the large volume of communications elected members received on a regular basis.


It was also requested that any intranet page also be available on the council’s external website, to permit access for councillors and others when access to the intranet was not possible.

At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




To note the update and future plans for raising the profile and communication of Overview and Scrutiny, and request that any dedicated information page be available externally as well as on the council’s intranet, The Wire.



Task Group Updates

The Committee is asked to note the following updates:


Financial Planning Task Group – It met for a second time on 11 December and considered a referral process to the select committees, the Cabinet budget monitoring report for period 7 and initial arrangements for overview and scrutiny engagement in budget setting for 2014/15. The next meeting has been arranged for 15 January 2014 to consider the Associate Director of Finance’s report on next year’s budget going to Cabinet on 20 January. The Chairman will update further at the meeting.


Area Boards Task Group – Following invitations for interest requested at the last meeting, Councillors Linda Packard, Mary Douglas, Ernie Clark, Stewart Dobson, David Jenkins, Simon Jacobs, Jose Green and Magnus MacDonald have been nominated to sit on the Task Group.


Its first meeting has been scheduled for 8 January. The meeting will include scoping the review supported by discussion with the Cabinet Member, Portfolio Holder, Associate Director for Communications and Communities and the Head of Community Engagement.


Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Task Group The members who have expressed an interest in being involved in the Task Group are Councillors Alan Hill, Tony Deane, Mollie Groom, Jeff Osborn, Mark Packard and Pip Ridout.


The initial role of the Task Group is simply to meet with representatives from Swindon Borough Council to discuss the form any joint scrutiny of the LEP might take. In preparation, advice was received from Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director and now by Ian Gibbons, Associate Director Law and Governance. Contact has been made with Swindon Borough Council in order to arrange a first meeting to discuss a process for moving forward which will need to involve gaining a mutual understanding with the LEP itself.


In addition to the written updates from Task Groups as contained in the agenda pack, further updates were received as follows:


Financial Planning Task Group – The written update was noted. A correction was made, clarifying that Cabinet would be considering the Budget at its meeting on 11 February 2014, not 20 January 2014, with a special meeting of the Management Committee to be held on 5 February to consider the Budget ahead of Cabinet.

A discussion arose regarding the consideration of the Budget being a Special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, rather than a Special Joint Scrutiny meeting to which all the members of each Scrutiny Select Committee were formally required to be present. In response it was stated that all backbench members would be encouraged to attend the meeting, which would take place in the Council Chamber and received the same update from the Associate Director (Finance) as had been the case under previous years’ arrangements, but that as the senior Committee it was felt that the Management Committee should still formally be the body taking the final decision.

A vote was taken to hold a Special Joint Meeting of Scrutiny in place of a Special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, which was defeated. Councillor Jeff Osborn requested his objection to the new arrangement be recorded.


Area Boards Task Group – The written update and membership was noted.


Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Task Group – The written update was noted, and it was requested those members assigned to the Task Group arrange a meeting ahead of meeting with Swindon Borough Council and the LEP to agree on understanding and approach.



Forward Work Programme

The Committee is asked to consider the single work programme, updates from select committee chairmen and give direction on future overview and scrutiny activity as appropriate.

Supporting documents:


The Management Committee considered the forward work programme, and formally approved the Children’s Select Committee’s creation of a Schools and Local Authority Task Group.


Date of next meeting

To confirm the date of the next meeting as 4 March 2014.


The date of the next ordinary meeting was confirmed as 4 March 2014.


A Special meeting of the Management Committee to consider the draft Budget, with all backbench members encouraged to attend, would take place in the Council Chamber on 5 February 2014.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.