Agenda and minutes

EXTRAORDINARY MEETING, Children's Select Committee - Friday 5 July 2013 12.30 pm

Venue: The Pratchett Room - County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Roger Bishton 

No. Item




Apologies were received from Cllr Douglas, Rvd Kemp, Cllr McKeown, Cllr Moss and Cllr Rogers.


Cllr McKeown substituted for Cllr Jenkins.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



No declarations of interest were received.


Chairman's Announcements


There were no Chairman’s Announcements.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.




To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above no later than 5pm on Wednesday 3 July 2013.  Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


There was no public participation.


Review of Business Plan Priorities

At the Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee on 25 June 2013, it was

agreed that the task of scrutinising the Draft Business Plan 2013 – 2017 would be undertaken by the individual select committees, each looking at topics of specific interest to their committee.


The views of each committee will then be considered by the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee and the three select committees on Monday 8 July 2013 and then incorporated into one report to go to the Cabinet meeting on 23 July.  The Chairman has agreed that this meeting be called at short notice in order to meet this very short timescale.


At the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee on 25 June, the Executive indicated that it had identified 12 priorities or

deliverables’ for the Council and has provided the list for each select committee to consider, as follows:-


Key Deliverables

1       Invest additional money between 2014-17 to reduce the historic backlog in highways maintenance.


2       Stimulate economic growth and create additional jobs in partnership with the LEP.


3       Further enhance the role of Area Boards, developing innovative community led approaches to designing and delivering services.


4       Improve the attainment, skills and achievement of all children and young



5       Support the most vulnerable in our local communities and improve our

safeguarding services.


6       Invest to refurbish council housing and encourage the development new

affordable homes, including supported living in rural areas.


7       Build on the work of the Military Civilian Integration Programme and

maximise benefits arising from the Army Basing Plan.


8       Delegate cost neutral packages of land, services and assets to town and

parish councils.


9       Create a campus opportunity in each community area.


10     Integrate public health at the heart of all public services.


11     Doing things differently for less to deliver at least £120m budget cost

reductions over the four years.


12     Develop the knowledge, skills, behaviours & leadership of our workforce & our managers.


A copy of the overall Business Plan is included.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman reminded those present of the purpose of the meeting and the process to be followed:


At the O&S Management Committee on 25 June 2013, it had been agreed that each of the overview and scrutiny committees would hold extraordinary meetings to consider the relevant areas of the Draft Business Plan 2013-17. The comments of all four committees would then be considered by the chairman and vice-chairman on Monday 8 July, before being submitted to Cabinet for consideration.


At this stage the Committee had been asked to provide a broad and strategic overview focusing on the 12 key deliverables already outlined by Cabinet and included within the agenda. Opportunities for more detailed scrutiny would come once the services plans were available, potentially prior to the Business Plan coming to Full Council should the O&S Management Committee consider this to be the appropriate approach.


The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services highlighted the following points:


  • The draft Business Plan contained a number of priorities that did not appear to link directly with children’s services. However, she would ensure that the impact on children would be considered when addressing all of  them.


  • Local authorities’ role in education had changed significantly  due to the academies programme. She suggested this might be a fruitful area for overview and scrutiny to focus on in the future.


  • Although the attainment of children in Wiltshire was higher than the national average, the Cabinet Member felt that it could still improve.


  • In keeping with Wiltshire’s  DCA Pathfinder project, in future, the Council would be looking at the ‘whole life’ needs of people with SEN and LDD.


  • The Council’s children’s services teams may have been isolated from the transformations of ways of working implemented in recent years and this would need to change and would involve making services child- and family-centred.


The Committee worked through the draft Business Plan 2013-17 and made the following comments (the headings within the draft Business Plan are included in bold for ease of reference):


“People and Places”


  • It should be clarified that the Business Plan is for everyone i.e. people across the age ranges.


  • It was suggested that a Young Person’s version of the Business Plan be produced.


  • There was a need to focus more on the implications of the Academies Programme – the biggest change to the schools system for a generation. How does the Council need to change approach to ensure better engagement with/from schools?


  • There was a need to increase young people’s engagement with their communities and democracy.


“People in Wiltshire work together to solve problems locally and participate in decisions that affect them”


  • There was a suggestion to add an aspiration to increase young people’s engagement with local decision making (see above).


  • Mention the need to attract more higher education provision into Wiltshire.


  • The Committee endorsed the aspiration to support “all to achieve their aspirations”, suggested something be added extra regarding helping people caught in an ‘aspiration trap’.