Agenda and minutes

Environment Select Committee - Tuesday 18 February 2014 10.30 am

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Eleanor Slack  01225 718255

No. Item



To receive any apologies or substitutions for the meeting.


Apologies were received from Cllr Green.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To approve and sign the minutes of the Environment  Select Committee meeting held on 10 December 2013.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting on 10 December 2013 were presented for consideration. It was,




To APPROVE as a true and correct record and sign the minutes.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements through the Chair.


The Chairman welcomed Emma Dove, Scrutiny Officer and Eleanor Slack, Democratic Services Officer. They would both be supporting the Committee in the future.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.




To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above no later than 5pm on Tuesday 11 February 2014.  Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


The rules on public participation were noted.


Final Report of the joint Air Quality Task Group

The Air Quality Task Group was established in September 2012 as a joint task group reporting to both the Environment and Health Select Committees.  The Task Group presented its final report to the Health Select Committee at its meeting on 14 January 2014, which endorsed the recommendations in the final report of the Air Quality Task Group.


Cllr Peter Evans, Chairman of the Air Quality Task Group will present the final report of the Task Group.


The Committee is asked to consider the recommendations of the joint Air Quality Task Group.




1)    The ‘template’ created by the Calne Area Board to stage their Environment Event should be made available to other interested Area Boards.


2)     A mechanism/process should be developed to allow Area Boards to share examples of good practice/templates for other successful activities;


3)    Having completed its work, the Task Groups stands down.

Supporting documents:


The Environment Select Committee had a long-standing interest in the development of the Council’s Air Quality Strategy and following the receipt of a report which suggested a more holistic approach should be taken, it was suggested that the subject should also be considered by the Health Select Committee.


The joint Air Quality Task Group was formed in August 2012 to review and scrutinise the implementation of the Air Quality strategic objectives and action plan in addition to the effectiveness of Council Services working together holistically to ensure that respective service contributions were embedded within service delivery plans. 


Cllr Peter Evans, Chairman of the Task Group, presented the final report of the Task Group. The Task Group was reassured that key services across the Council (Public Protection, Development, Transport and the ECO team) were working together to ensure that respective service contributions were embedded within service delivery plans and that they were effective in supporting the improvement of air quality across Wiltshire. Cllr Evans therefore asked the Committee to endorse the report’s recommendations.


A discussion followed, where it was noted that Wiltshire had three particulate monitors. New research was mentioned which suggested a correlation between particulate pollution and nitrogen dioxide pollution, both were connected with car emissions. Some members felt that in light of new Air Quality Strategy expected later in the year that a new Task Group could be set up, but this would be a decision for the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.




That the Committee:


1)    Endorse the recommendations in paragraph 26 and refer the report to the relevant Cabinet members for response.


2)    Stand down the Task Group until new policy necessitated its reinstatement.



Update on Highways and Streetscene Contract (BBLP) rapid scrutiny

At its meeting on 5 November 2013, the O & S Management Committee agreed to a number of actions in respect of the Highways and Streetscene Contract (BBLP) following a request for its consideration by Councillor Jeff Osborn.  They were that:


1)         A Rapid Scrutiny Exercise would be conducted on the content of the report (from the Cabinet member) to enable greater clarity on the concerns raised.

2)         A progress report would be presented to the Environment Select Committee after the winter, addressing operational performance.

3)         Environment Select Committee to conduct a full scrutiny exercise in June 2014 after the first full operational year of the contract.


The Rapid Scrutiny Group referred to in 1) above met on 10 December 2013 and presented its report to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee at its meeting on 7 January 2014 (pages 17 - 26).  It was agreed that the rapid Scrutiny Group should meet again to follow up two elements on which it required further reassurance and present its second report to the Environment Select Committee. 


It was also agreed that the second report would be presented to the Committee at the same time as the progress report from the service on operational performance over the winter period referred to in 2) above.  It is anticipated that this will be at the April meeting of the Committee.


The Committee is asked to note the update.

Supporting documents:



At its meeting on 5 November 2013, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed to a number of actions in respect of the Balfour Beatty Highways and Streetscene Contract (BBLP) following a request for its consideration by Cllr Jeff Osborn. They were that:


·         A rapid scrutiny exercise would be conducted on the content of the report (from the Cabinet member) to enable greater clarity on the concerns raised.

·         A progress report would be presented to the Environment Select Committee after the winter, addressing operational performance

·         Environment Select Committee to conduct a full scrutiny exercise in June 2014 after the first full operational year of the contract.


Cllr Jeff Osborn, Chairman of Highways and Streetscene Contract Rapid Scrutiny updated the Committee on the progress of the Rapid Scrutiny Exercise. He confirmed that the group were due to meet in April to discuss matters outstanding from the earlier rapid scrutiny meeting. The Committee thanked Cllr Jeff Osborn for his well presented scrutiny exercise and report.


Cllr Thomson praised the work of Balfour Beatty and Council officers in dealing with the recent flooding issues. Council Officers had worked in partnership with the Fire Service and the Army to support those affected by the floods. The need to learn from the extreme weather events was noted and the need to consider implementing snow and water plans in the future was discussed. The Local Highways and Street Scene performance figures had changed, but had not yet been formally updated.


Members were informed that grass cutting plans, including timetables, were currently being distributed and they would all receive a copy shortly. Parish Councils had been informed that some areas of amenity grass would not be cut due to poor weather conditions.


The Committee also praised the leadership of Carlton Brand and the Corporate Directors in responding to the extreme weather.




That the Committee note the report.



Response to Waste Task Group

The Cabinet received the report of the Waste Task Group at their meeting on 21 November 2013.  The Task Group had scrutinised:

·         the high level service specification for the new waste contracts;

·         the criteria to be used to develop the quality element of the tender evaluation models;

·         the proposed re-modelling of waste collection and recycling rounds.


Throughout the course of their meetings the Waste Task Group had worked constructively with officers responsible for the service and provided them with a copy of their final report.  The Task Group was pleased to note that their report had been taken into account in the drafting of the Executive report presented to Cabinet. 


In particular the report supported the views of the Task Group that the Council should derive greater financial benefit from the sale of recyclable materials collected.


The report also supported the view of the Task Group that the Council should also benefit from any unforeseen additional revenue when considered with a contractual mechanism for sharing such income.


The Waste Task Group believed that the proximity principle should be referred to wherever relevant and consequently the contract specification should not just focus on existing sites but that additional sites should be sought.  The report made clear that was no requirement for individual authorities to be self sufficient in terms of waste infrastructure and transporting waste to existing infrastructure to deliver the best environmental solution should not be considered a barrier.  It stated that any proposals for new sites would be evaluated on their merits, including the cost of their development.


The Task Group considered the appropriate price/quality ratio for each of the five contract lots.  The ratios proposed by the Task Group placed a high emphasis on the quality evaluation of submitted tenders, which reflected the Council’s approach to delivering services.  The Executive report placed a higher weighting on price.  It was mindful of the Government’s reduction in funding from central Government over the next four years the service pressures and inflation costs of all Council services over the same period and believed that it could retain a high quality service by specifying its requirements in the new contracts.


The Committee is asked to note the response.



The Cabinet received the report of the Waste Task Group at their meeting on 21 November 2013. The Task Group had scrutinised the high level service specification for the new waste contracts, the criteria to be used to develop the quality element of the tender evaluation models and the proposed re-modelling of waste collection and recycling rounds. The Task Group was pleased to note that their report had been taken into account in the drafting of the Executive report presented to Cabinet.


On behalf of the Chairman of the Task Group who was unable to be present, Cllr Horace Prickett, another member of the Task Group, gave an update on its work. The Task Group was currently scrutinising the communications plan developed to inform residents about changes to their waste collections.


The Task Group expressed concern that they had not had the opportunity to scrutinise the affordable plan for dealing with Wiltshire’s waste in the future, for which contracts had been put out to tender. Concern was also expressed regarding the manner in which the proximity principle was addressed in the plan.


It was confirmed that Dr Peter Alberry would deliver his presentation at the same event as those invited to tender for the contracts.  The financial data in the presentation would be revised.


In the discussion that followed, it was confirmed that a meeting had occurred between Dr Carlton Brand (Corporate Director), Cllr Alan Hill (Chairman of the Committee) and Tracy Carter (Associate Director Waste and Environment). As a result of this meeting it was confirmed that a report would be presented on the affordable plan when the tendering response was received. Concerns regarding communication during times of flooding were raised, particularly the need to rely on landlines to report flooding or fallen trees due to patchy mobile phone signal or lack of internet access. The need for the Task Group to continue their work was discussed, particularly with regard to scrutinizing the Affordable Plan.




That the Committee note the update.



Response to CIL Task Group

Cllr Tony Trotman, chairman of the CIL Task Group, presented the final report of the CIL Task Group at the Cabinet meeting of 17 December 2013.


The Task Group recommended that the Council should adopt several rates on their charging schedule for CIL, based on the viability of those rates within specific settlement categories.  They also advised that student housing should be included in the residential rates as it was considered a lucrative market and could withstand the higher charges.


The Task Group agreed that strategic sites contributed significantly to on-site infrastructure, schools and strategic transport through section 106, and so considered that these sites should be charged at 50% of residential sites.


The original Executive Report to Cabinet had recommended a single, flat rate of CIL for residential properties.  It was welcomed that a split rate was now being recommended, although it did not go as far as the Task Group had recommended.  Rapidly changing CIL legislation had impacted on the work of officers and the Task Group throughout this exercise.


Although the Task Group had completed its work in relation to its remit, the Cabinet member welcomed the continuation of the CIL Task Group in the light of recent legislation and emerging Government guidance.


The Committee is asked to note the response and the continuation of the CIL Task Group, as agreed at its last meeting, pending the latest Government guidance.


The final report of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Task Group was presented at the Cabinet meeting of 17 December 2013. It recommended that the Council should adopt several rates on their charging schedule for CIL, based on the viability of those rates within specific settlement categories. They also advised that student housing should be included in the residential rates as it was considered a lucrative market and could withstand the higher charges.


The Task Group had completed its work in relation to its remit, but the Cabinet member welcomed the continuation of the CIL Task Group in the light of recent legislation and emerging Government guidance.


Cllr Tony Trotman, Chairman of the Task Group updated the Committee. CIL consultation papers had been circulated to Town and Parish Councils, the deadline for which was 24 February. Committee members were encouraged to circulate the consultation papers to members of the public for individual responses. Although the original remit of the Task Group had been fulfilled, the need for its continued existence was discussed. This would allow the Task Group to react to potential changes to the CIL charging schedules as well as the information arising from the consultation.


In the discussion that followed, the Committee noted the need for the Task Group to remain extant. Concern was expressed regarding the short timeframe of the consultation and it was suggested that local neighbourhood planning groups and Parish Clerks should be contacted to encourage consultation feedback.


The Committee thanked the Task Group for their hard work and expressed regret that the Cabinet had not taken on their advice regarding the CIL charging bands.




That the Committee note the update.


Forward Work Programme

To note and receive updates on the progress of items on the forward work programme.


Under the revised Overview and Scrutiny (OS) arrangements there is now a single OS work programme controlled by the OS Management Committee, linked to priorities in the Business Plan.


Therefore it should be noted that, whilst any matters added by Members are welcome, they will be referred to the OS Management Committee for approval before formal inclusion in the work programme for the Environment Select Committee.


A copy of the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme for the Environment Select Committee is attached for reference.


‘Investing in Highways’


As agreed at the last meeting of the Committee, Cllr Alan Hill and Cllr Peter Edge met with Cllr John Thomson, Cabinet member for Highways and Streetscene and broadband, to consider the focus of scrutiny involvement following the presentation of the ‘Investing in Highways’ report.


Cabinet have agreed to increase investment in highways to £21 for 6 years and also to involve the Area Boards in helping to set local priorities for roads to be treated.  The mechanism for the involvement of area boards and allocation of funds has yet to be developed and it was suggested that scrutiny could review these processes.  Cllr Thomson has welcomed this suggestion and it was agreed that he will alert the Committee when work on the involvement of area boards begins to enable its review. 

Supporting documents:


It was confirmed that the Management Committee would have to be consulted regarding setting up new Task Groups.


Members were informed that the Committee would be receiving a report on the flood plan and lessons to be learnt from the recent conditions.


Task Group Update

To receive further updates on Environment Select Committee Task Group activity.


The Committee noted previous discussions on the work of the existing Task Groups, and work to organize the initial meetings of other agreed Task Groups.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


The Committee discussed the recent increased popularity of property extensions and the possibility that such extensions could result in properties entering a higher Council Tax band. The Wiltshire Council Housing Assessment team had confirmed that assessments which could result in a property moving into a higher band were not carried out until the property was sold. As a result there could be a gap of several years between a property being extended and its subsequent move into the appropriate Council Tax band. The Committee noted that this delay could result in lost revenue for the Council.


The Committee discussed the potential of engaging in property assessments at an earlier stage with the view to exploiting this potential revenue stream. The Committee was informed that valuation of properties for Council Tax purposes was undertaken by the Valuation Office Agency; the Council could not undertake such valuations. Members also discussed the possibility of asking the national valuation service to engage in their service at an earlier point.


Some members also highlighted ongoing consultations with First Bus service, which was due to close on 16 March and could be accessed at www.firstgroup/fairerfaresforall. This was a similar exercise to the consultation that had already occurred in Bristol and had resulted in significant fare reductions.


In the discussion that followed, the Committee discussed the possibility of circulating a briefing note to members whose local area was served by First buses. Members also discussed the advantages of competitive bus routes where more than one company was running a service. This competition could remove Wiltshire Council’s obligation to provide a subsidy. The Children’s Select Committee was currently undertaking an exercise regarding children’s services which would examine the relationship between Local Authorities and schools and the education of 16 to 19 year olds included the impact transport options had on their decisions over which courses to study. The Committee agreed that the transport topic warranted further investigation and it would consider this again in 4 – 6 months.  This would enable it to use the evidence gathered from the Children’s Services Task Group.


Date of Next Meeting

To confirm the date of the next scheduled meeting as 15 April 2014, Kennet Room, County Hall.


The next meeting would take place on 15 April 2014 in the Kennet Room, County Hall.