Agenda and minutes

Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel - Thursday 5 March 2015 2.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices, Monkton Park, Chippenham, SN15 1ER. View directions

Contact: Henry Powell  Senior Scrutiny Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2015.

Supporting documents:




To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5 February 2015.


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.



Chairman's Announcements


There were no Chairman’s announcements.


Public Participation

The Panel welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you wish to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named on the first page of the agenda for any further clarification.




Members of the public are able to ask questions in relation to the responsibilities and functions of the Panel at each meeting. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the Head of Democratic Services at Wiltshire Council no later than 5.00 pm on Friday 27 February 2015. Please contact the officer named on the first page of the agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.



There were no members of the public present or councillors’ questions.


Horizon Victim & Witness Care

A presentation will be given by the Chief Executive of Horizon Victim & Witness Care.


A presentation on commissioning services for victims in Wiltshire was given by the Chief Executive, OPCC.


He explained that there had been considerable change to support services to victims.  A revised Victims Code of Practice had come into force from October 2013 which gave victims a legal right to receive a minimum standard of service from the Criminal Justice System; this had been underpinned by the EU Directive on Victims of Crime from November 2015.    The Ministry of Justice had transferred responsibility for commissioning services for victims of all but the most serious crimes to the Police & Crime Commissioners and this new approach would be starting in Wiltshire from 1 April 2015.  The Commissioner’s Police & Crime Plan included a commitment to put victims and witnesses at the heart of the Criminal Justice System. 


The focus of these changes was to support victims who had suffered the most impact from crime including:

      Victims of serious crime.

     Those who felt intimidated

     Those who were persistently targeted.

     The most vulnerable.


This involved victim and stakeholder consultation to develop a commissioning model.


In response to the Victim Code of Practice and the EU Directive, a Horizon Victim & Witness Care Unit was being developed in Wiltshire which would enable a clear supported journey through the Criminal Justice System with  direct referral to Victim Service specialist services.


This Victim Service would provide support to individual victims to help them cope with and recover from crime and would:


1.         Deliver and manage the support service for  a broad range of victims;

2.         Work with the OPCC & Police to develop Horizon and develop voluntary capacity and capability, outreach and support for hard to reach groups; and

3.         Work with people who did not wish to report a crime


Specialist Support would be provided by independent sexual violence advisors, independent domestic violence advisors, domestic violence  outreach  and others.


Horizon was a dedicated victim and witness care service, providing victims of Wiltshire and Swindon with:


      a single point of contact through the Criminal Justice System

      support and referral to additional services according to their individual needs.


Benefits of Horizon included:

ü  A single point of contact for victims

ü  Greater level of support for victims who needed it most

ü  Compliance with Victim Code of Practice & EU Directive

ü  Reduction in ‘chase calls’ to CCC and Parade Rooms

ü  Greater cohesion between Police and victim support services


The timeframe for the introduction of this new service was as follows:


      “Soft” Launch 2nd March – Salisbury area

      Witness care responsibility of the whole team

      Press Launch Tuesday 24th March – with Baroness Newlove the Victims’ Commissioner

      1st April – Salisbury and North Wiltshire

      1st May – All areas

      Victim Care remains the responsibility of the entire workforce

      1st April – ‘Victim Support’ service


Whilst fully supporting this new initiative, Panel members did question what could be done to help those victims who  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


PCC Diary report

The Commissioner will present his PCC Diary report.

Supporting documents:


The PCC diary report which set out a summary of commitments the Commissioner had undertaken since the last meeting of the Police & Crime Panel on 5 February 2015 was received.


The Commissioner advised that:


·                On 20 January, around 120 Community Speed Watch (CSW) volunteers and 50 Wiltshire Police officers carried out roadside speed checks at 40 locations across Wiltshire and Swindon, this exercise being called Operation Harness.  He explained that Community Speed Watch was about local volunteers driving down speed and driving up safety.  As a result of the operation, 208 vehicles were identified as speeding, 147 vehicles were stopped with 132 drivers being given warnings about their speeds.  It was envisaged that similar exercises would be carried out on a fairly regular basis.  Concern was expressed at the number of young people killed or seriously injured in road accidents in Wiltshire during the past year.  The Commissioner had discussed these tragedies with Inspector Steve Cox, Head of Road Policing Operations who considered that the main cause of these accidents was poor driving skills.  However, it was noted that the number of accidents far outweighed the number of fatalities.  There was a need for further speed watch campaigns and drive safe to stay alive events aimed particularly at young people. The panel noted that non curriculum presentations were being made in schools and work was also being carried out in conjunction with the Youth Parliament.


·                He had signed certificates in Calne on 30 January for the positive ticketing scheme.  He explained that this scheme was an initiative created by officers in Calne and supported by the Town Council and Calne Area Board, the certificates being awarded to young people who showed good behaviour and set good examples to others. The certificates were due to be presented to eight young people by himself at the meeting of the Calne Area Board the following week.   The Commissioner explained that this scheme could be rolled out to other areas but it would require ownership by the local area board or team. Further information could be obtained from Police Sgt. Ben Huggins and the Commissioner stated that he would ask him to prepare a briefing note on how the scheme worked.




To note the Police & Crime Commissioner’s report.


Quarterly Data (Q3) - Risk/Performance/Finance/Complaints

To receive quarterly performance data from the OPCC as follows:-


·         Risk Register

·         Performance Report

·         Budget Monitoring Statement

·         Complaints

Supporting documents:


The Commissioner presented a report setting out his quarterly performance data for the third quarter of 2014 on the following:


Risk Register The Commissioner drew attention to the two red risk areas which were:


Collaboration arrangements (risk 7) – it was recognised that failure to maximise operational effectiveness could lead to a loss of opportunities to achieve financial savings and could result in a loss of public confidence in the Commissioner and also the sustainability of the Force.  However, the Commissioner explained that the Police & Crime Commissioners in the South West met on a regular basis to maximise collaboration opportunities.  A collaboration protocol had been signed by all PCCs and Forces in the South West Region and a Regional Programme Board was now in place.  Locally, the Commissioner’s membership of the Wiltshire Criminal Justice Board had been confirmed together with membership of other boards, including Public Service Board, Health & Wellbeing Board and the Community Safety & Reducing Offending Strategic Board.


Strategic Alliance with Avon & Somerset Force (risk 8) – failure of this Strategic Alliance could result in key delivery areas being compromised or the requirements of the Wiltshire PCC, the Force or the public and even risk the sustainability of the Wiltshire Police Force.  However, the Commissioner explained that there were regular meetings with Avon & Somerset to maximise collaboration opportunities and a governance structure was being developed through which each programme would be monitored.  The collaboration between Devon & Cornwall and Dorset would be used as a benchmark and would be aligned with where appropriate.


Other risks were referred to as follows:


Volunteers (risk 3) – Cllr Peter Hutton enquired as to whether a Volunteer Co-ordinator had been appointed.  The Commissioner confirmed that Sarah Holden had been appointed to this post and news of her appointment was being communicated to area boards.  He would check if this information had been passed to the area localities in Swindon.


Commissioning Arrangements (risk 6) – Cindy Creasy referred to this risk and enquired as to what commercial and commissioning arrangements were being made.  Kieran Kilgallen, Chief Executive, OPCC, explained that a holistic approach was needed and that he would report further on agreed strategies which would be required to be worked out with both Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council at the next meeting.


Inspection Programme (risk 26) – It was noted that this would be managed by a Continuous Improvement Team consisting of an Inspector/Sgt. by carrying out serious case reviews and then using the findings to look at potential risks or identify weaknesses.  


Performance Report   In introducing his report,the Commissioner explained certain differences in style which he had introduced which he thought would be more helpful to the Panel and more easily clarify his key priorities for the Force and how it measured against them. The report covered the period April to December 2015.


He confirmed that his key priorities had not changed and remained as follows:


·         Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour


·         Protecting the most vulnerable in society


·         Putting victims and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Strategic Alliance with Avon & Somerset Constabulary

The Commissioner will provide an update on the latest developments at the meeting. 



The Commissioner, assisted by the Chief Executive, OPCC, provided a verbal update on developments since the last meeting.


It was reported that the Commissioner, together with his counterpart for Avon & Somerset, Ms Sue Mountstevens, had met in early February to start the process of developing workstreams.  They were due to meet again on 18 March to start discussing head of terms and ways of working.


There was much work to undertake including the development of a set of strategic principles and a design brief based on the national government system with two Police & Crime Commissioners, two Chief Constables together with a board to include Heads of Operations, two Chief Executives and two Chief Finance Officers.   A timetable would need to be worked out for the undertaking and completion of all this work.  It was not expected that there would be more to report until the early Summer when it was to be hoped that the design briefs and communications strategy would have been completed.


It was explained that the cost of the Strategic Alliance exercise was not yet known but it was anticipated that at least some information would be available within the next couple of months.  Costs would be apportioned equally between the two Forces.  The Panel was informed that a bid for funding for this exercise would be made to the National Innovation Board later in the year. 


The Chairman referred to the list of collaborative arrangements that had been set up with other Forces in the South West and enquired as to what extent these existing arrangements would be expected to continue once the Strategic alliance with the Avon & Somerset Force had been finalised.  The Chief Executive, OPCC, explained that the Devon & Cornwall and the Dorset Forces were also developing a Strategic Alliance which left only the Gloucestershire Force which was not considering such a partnership at the present time.  He went on to explain that existing collaborations should not be affected by these strategic partnerships and would be simplified with the revised working arrangements.    



Chief Constable Recruitment

The Commissioner will provide an update at the meeting.



A verbal update was provided by the Commissioner and the Chief Executive, OPCC.


The Commissioner reported that an advert for a new Chief Constable was due to appear in Police Professional on 19 March 2015 with a closing date for applications being 14 April.  It was planned to shortlist on 20 April and to hold interviews hopefully on 5 May.   The Commissioner hoped that the Leaders of both Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council would be involved in the interview process.


The Chairman reminded Members that the appointment would be subject to scrutiny and confirmation by this Panel and it was customary for this process to take place within a period of two days.  However, in view of the General Election being held on 7 May, some thought would need to be given as to when the Panel would meet.



Interim report of the Police Performance Review Working Party

A report by the Senior Scrutiny Officer is attached.


Members are asked to;


1.    Consider working group’s initial findings and recommendations so far, and


2.    Discuss which performance information and indicators should be included in every quarterly performance report provided by the Commissioner.


Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to a report by the Senior Scrutiny Officer which presented the findings and recommendations of the Police Performance Review Working Group.


The Panel was asked to:


(1)       consider the Working Group’s initial findings and recommendations so far, and


(2)       discuss which performance information and indicators should be included in every quarterly performance report provided by the Commissioner.




(1)       To endorse the recommendations of the Working Group and to request the Commissioner to make the following amendments to the quarterly performance report he provided to the Panel:


(a)  To remove the performance thresholds and RAG-ratings, with the aim of:

·           reflecting the shift away from performance targets locally and nationally, with performance targets having been shown to create perverse incentives and reduce data quality; and

·           helping the Panel to focus on supporting delivery of the Police and Crime Plan rather than the achievement of numerical targets.


(b)  To continue to include a range of performance data, with the emphasis on enabling comparisons with historic data and data from other forces and force areas, particularly Wiltshire’s Most Similar Forces (MSFs).


(c)  To include information where appropriate from the force inspection reports produced by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies (HMIC).


(d)   To address any areas of performance that, for that period,

(i)  Have shown a significant change;

(ii) Are of particular concern to the Commissioner;

(iii)  Are an area of excellent work or progress; or

(iv)  Are prominent in the local or national media.


(e)   Each performance report to focus on a group of objectives in the Police and Crime Plan including updates on relevant projects and initiatives, with the grouping of objectives to be agreed by the working group in its final meeting and referred to the Commissioner.


(f)     To adopt the following structure for reporting progress with each Police and Crime Plan objective:


           Police and Crime Plan Objective X


(i)      Latest performance information

(ii)    Commentary and context

(iii)   What the Commissioner is doing, or will do, in relation to this area, including any relevant recent decisions taken.


(2)          To request the Working Group to meet once more to agree what performance information and which performance indicators should be included in quarterly performance reports from June 2015 onwards.




Commissioner's response to the Final Report of the Licensing Task Group

The Commissioner’s response to the task group’s final report is attached.


The task group’s final report can be viewed in full from page 9 of this PDF:


Supporting documents:


The Panel received a report by the Commissioner which set out his response to the Licensing Task Group’s final report.


During discussion, reference was made to the Task Group’s tenth recommendation which stated “Continues to encourage Swindon Borough Council to consider the creation of a Licensing Tasking Group along the lines of the model adopted by Wiltshire Council.”  The Commissioner had agreed with this recommendation and considered that it would be helpful if the Swindon members of this Panel were to take on this responsibility. 


It was noted that Wiltshire Council had adopted a Licensing Policy Statement in November 2014 and the Chairman suggested that Swindon Borough Council might consider adopting the Wiltshire model.  Cllr Andrew Bennett stated that Swindon Borough Council did have a licensing policy but he agreed to arrange for the Swindon policy to be re-examined as he recognised that it would be unhelpful for the Police to work to two different sets of arrangements.




To note the contents of the Commissioner’s report.   


Task Group Update

To provide an update on Police and Crime Panel task group activity:


1.    Volunteers and Special Constables Task Group


The Panel Chairman has submitted a series of questions to the PCC asking for updates in the relevant areas. The response is awaited.


2.    Licensing Task Group


The Commissioner has now responded to the task group’s report and this is included under item 12


3.    Police Performance Review Working Group


The working group’s interim report is included under item 11.


4.    Regional Collaborations Task Group


Some proposed terms of reference for the task group were submitted to the PCC for comment on 21 January and a response is awaited in light of the announced strategic alliance with Avon & Somerset Constabulary.


Members are asked to note the update provided.


The Panel received an update on the activity of the following task groups:


·         Volunteer and Special Constables Task Group – It was noted that the Chairman had submitted a series of questions to the Commissioner requesting updates in certain areas.  A response was awaited.


·         Regional Collaborations Task Group – Some proposed terms of reference for the Task Group were submitted to the Commissioner for comment on 21 January 2015 and a response was awaited in light of the announced Strategic alliance with the Avon & Somerset Force.




(1)          To note the update on task group activity provided.


(2)          To suspend the work of the Regional Collaborations Task Group pending further information regarding the work that will be undertaken to progress the Strategic Alliance with the Avon & Somerset Constabulary.


Forward Work Plan

To note the forward work plan.

Supporting documents:


A document was received showing the Panel’s Forward Work Plan.




To note the contents of the Forward Work Plan for this Panel.


Future meeting dates

To note the future meeting dates below:


·                Thursday 18 June 2015 – 2.30pm start – Corn Exchange, Devizes


·                Thursday 3 September 2015 – 10.30am start – City Hall, Salisbury


·                Wednesday 2 December 2015 – 10.30am start – Swindon Borough Council Offices





(1)       To note that the next meeting of the Panel was due to be held on Thursday 18 June 2015 at the Corn Exchange, Devizes, to start if possible at 2.00pm rather than 2.30pm as currently arranged.


(2)       To request that in future meetings of this Panel start at 10.30am wherever possible.


(3)       To note that future meetings of the Panel would be held as follows:


·      Thursday 3 September 2015 – 10.30am start – City Hall, Salisbury


·      Wednesday 2 December 2015 – 10.30am start – Swindon Borough Council Offices