Agenda and minutes

Standards Committee (old regime) - Wednesday 3 February 2010 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room III, County Hall, Trowbridge

Contact: Pam Denton  Email:

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillors McLennan, Hewson and Mr Shipman


Minutes of previous meeting

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 11 November 2009 (copy attached).


Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 11 November were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




Chairman's announcements


Leader’s Award

The Chairman informed members of the committee that the Leader of the Council, Jane Scott, had received an OBE in the New Years Honours List.  She suggested that congratulations on her commitment and achievement in delivering Wiltshire Council, and being justly rewarded with this honour be sent from the committee.


Meeting with the Leader and Chief Executive

The Chairman announced that she and  Ian Gibbons had met with the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive on 17 December.  It had been very clear from the meeting that they were supportive of the Standards Committee and its work and welcomed further meetings.  The next meeting will be in February or March once the new Chief Executive is in post and thereafter meetings will be quarterly unless for a specific issue.


Constitution Focus Group Update

The elected member from the Scrutiny Committee has not yet been notified but once this is done the first meeting will be arranged.  It is hoped that this will be convened shortly.


Guidance note on officer’s code of conduct

This was not able to be completed in time for the meeting so it would be circulated to committee members by e-mail.



The Chairman said that this was the first agenda to be produced on the Modern.Gov system and hoped that members would find the addition of page numbers a useful tool.






Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests.


There were no declarations of interest


Public participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.


If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting.  Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. The Chairman will, however, exercise her discretion in order to ensure that members of the public have the opportunity to contribute.


Members of the public wishing to ask a question should give written notice (including details of any question) to the officer named above by 12.00 noon on Monday 11 January.





Communications Sub-Committee Update

The minutes of the last meeting are attached and there will be a verbal update.


Supporting documents:


Miss Pam Turner gave an update on the progress made by the Communications sub-committee.  She said that the committee had welcomed the Chair of the Training sub-committee to their last meeting and they had discussed the roles of both committees.  The meeting had then concentrated on evaluation of the committee’s success.


It was requested that the annual, anonymous digest of Code of Conduct cases mentioned in the action plan be themed so that the most common issues were highlighted.


 The Chairman requested that the digest be added to the agenda for the next meeting for comments by the committee prior to publication.  She said that all members would receive a copy of the digest and that it would be published on the Council’s website.


Training Sub-Committee Update

The minutes of the last meeting are attached and there will be a verbal update.


Supporting documents:


Mr Robson said that the committee had looked at training for Town and Parish Councils and that Mr McCallum had volunteered to run a trial session at his own parish council.  He drew attention to the work plan which  identified which areas of training the committee felt should be progressed.



Communications and Training Sub-Committees

Report of the Head of Governance to follow

Supporting documents:


The committee considered a report which proposed new arrangements for the discharge and oversight of the communications and training functions of the Standards Committee.


A debate ensued and it was agreed that the two committees should be disbanded and replaced by task and finish groups which would concentrate on specific issues; membership would be drawn from the Standards Committee.


The Chairman asked that the Chairmen of the sub-committees meet to discuss which issues they would like to see addressed in the future and bring these to the next meeting.


It was recognised that there was a need to ensure continuity in the link between the Standards Committee and the Councillor Development Group and it was agreed that if Councillor Carter should cease to be a member of the Group then he should be replaced with a Standards Committee representative.


The leaflet on the work of the Standards committee was almost complete and this would be circulated to all members of the committee for their comments prior to issue.


It was requested that a task and finish group be set up with immediate effect to look at training needs analysis, membership  drawn from the current Training sub-committee and assistance from Human Resources would be sought.





1.               To disband the existing Communications and Training Sub-Committees and replace them with “task and finish” groups.  These task and finish groups would be constituted to carry out particular tasks identified by the Standards Committee as and when a need is identified.


2.               Reports to the Standards Committee should contain a paragraph that considers whether the report contains issues giving rise to a training or communications need.  If so, the Standards Committee would establish an ad hoc task and finish group to deliver the specific piece of work identified.  The task and finish group would only exist until the project had been completed.


3.               Membership of task and finish groups would be not be fixed.  Members would be drawn from the Standards Committee, with officer support, as the need arises.  Consideration would be given to the skills needed for each task, and to the availability of members.  This arrangement would provide for greater flexibility, would enable the Standards Committee to capitalise on the very wide range of skills in its membership, and give all members of the Committee the opportunity to engage in project work.


4.               That continuity in the link between the Standards Committee and the Councillor Development Group be maintained.  This link ensures that the training needs of councillors in relation to the Code of Conduct and other matters within the Standards Committee’s remit are taken into account as part of the overall member development strategy, which is within the remit of the Councillor Development Group.  Should Councillor Carter leave the Group it was agreed that there should always be Standards Committee representation on the Councillor Development Group, notwithstanding the fact that individual councillors will change.


5.               To set up a task and finish group to look at training needs analysis; membership drawn  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Status Report on Complaints made under the Code of Conduct

To note the summary of the Code of Conduct complaints received by the Monitoring Officer since 1 April 2009  

Supporting documents:


The committee considered the status report on complaints.  Some concern was expressed at the length of time some of the cases had been open.  The Monitoring Officer said that the Standards for England guidance on the length of time to progress a complaint was 6 months.


The Chairman requested that a report be brought to the next meeting of the committee detailing progress on complaints including any reasons for delays  together with proposed timescales and the implications of going beyond the 6 month period. It was also requested that officers develop a ‘traffic light’ system in order to identify the progress of complaints more clearly.




That a report detailing progress on complaints including any reasons for delays  together with proposed timescales and the implications of going beyond the 6 month period be brought to the next meeting.


That officers develop a ‘traffic light’ system in order to identify the progress of complaints more clearly.



Standards Committee Plan 2010-2014

To ask the Committee to agree a plan setting out its priorities and actions to meet them over the next four years.


Supporting documents:


The committee considered a report which sought agreement on a plan setting out the committees priorities, and actions to meet them, over the next four years.  The plan had drawn from Standards for England guidance on what excellent Standards Committees should be doing and linked to the goals and aims of the Council.


The Chairman said that the plan would need to be reviewed to include items from the discontinued sub-committees work plans.


It was agreed that Mr McGill would work with the Monitoring Officer to evaluate the goals and to ensure that they were measurable and to find a framework to enable the Standards Committee to focus its efforts and manage its vision, goals and priorities.


The plan should be brought to the committee on a regular basis for review.




1.      That the priorities and actions for 2010 -14, as set out in the plan be approved subject to some modifications including evaluation to ensure that the goals are measureable.


2.      That the forward work plan be amended accordingly.



Register of Members' Interests

To consider the report of the Head of Governance


The committee considered a report setting out the statutory and practice requirements relating to the on-line publication of the register of members’ interests.  The report outlined the statutory provisions relating to the register of members’ interests, and considerations relating to the on-line publication of that register on the Council’s web-site.


Some independent and town and parish members expressed concern at the publication of their addresses on the Council’s website.




1.      That the Standards Committee recommends to Council that members and co-opted members of Wiltshire Council may opt into the on-line publication of their entries in the statutory register of members’ interests.


2.      That the on-line version of the register be redacted to remove copies of councillors’ signatures.



Mr W Bailey asked that his vote against the resolution be recorded.


Annual Audit and Inspection Letter

The Annual Audit and Inspection Letter is attached.  This has been considered by Audit Committee and Cabinet and an extract of the minutes of these meetings are attached for information.




Supporting documents:


The committee considered the report which drew attention to KPMG’s Annual Audit Letter and invited the committee to consider its response. 


The Chairman informed members that the process would be handled differently next year and Standards Committee members would be invited to a joint briefing with the Audit Committee.




That the committee welcomes KPMG’s report which clearly identifies issues and actions to be taken by the Council, noting that these actions have now been completed.


Standards for England Bulletin No. 46

To receive the attached Bulletin from Standards for England.


Supporting documents:


The committee received Bulletin no. 46 from Standards for England.   It was noted that the Annual Return 2010 which was mentioned on page 6 of the Bulletin would be brought to the committee prior to it being sent to Standards for England.




That the committee notes Standards for England Bulletin no. 46


Forward Plan

The Committee will be invited to review its work plan – details attached 


Supporting documents:


The Committee received the Committee’s Work Plan for 2010/11.




That the workplan be received and that the following items be added:


1.      Items from the Training and Communications sub-committee work plans – March 2010.


  1. Cllr Laura Mayes, portfolio lead for culture change to attend the meeting.  Link in with Council’s action plan for culture change – March 2010.


  1. Publicise meetings and events – March 2010.


  1. An update on actions completed since this meeting e.g. leaflet on complaints and local assessment process and presence at other meetings – March 2010.


  1. Annual, anonymous digest of Code of Conduct cases – March 2010.


  1. Presentations to Area Boards – March 2010


  1. Report on progress on complaints – 2010.




Urgent Items

Any other items of business, which in the opinion of the Chairman, should be taken as a matter of urgency.  Urgent items of a confidential nature may be considered under Part II of this agenda.



There were no urgent items