Venue: Wessex Room Corn Exchange Devizes SN10 1HS
Contact: Yamina Rhouati Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Brian Dalton, Chuck Berry, Carole Soden, Peggy Dow, Julie Swabey, John Thomson, Chris Devine, Liz Bryant, Helen Osborn, Jemima Milton, Stephen Oldrieve, Rod Eaton, Richard Britton, John Smale, Tom James, Chris Humphries, Howard Marshall, Ricky Rogers, Ernie Clark, Mike Cuthbert-Murray, Peter Davis, Howard Greenman, Paul Sample, Graham Wright and Nigel Carter. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: The Chairman referred to the letter previously circulated from the Monitoring Officer which set out advice in terms of how Councillors should consider and declare interests in relation to items to be considered at this meeting. This was particularly relevant to the items on the Wiltshire Core Strategy and the Aggregate Minerals DPD particularly in relation to any landholdings.
Cllr Judy Rooke having submitted formal questions to this meeting, declared a prejudicial interest in the item on the Submission of the Wiltshire Core Strategy and Review of Local Development Scheme (minute no. 52 refers) as her property was close to the proposed country park and potential housing development at Rowden Park, Chippenham.
Cllr Jon Hubbard declared a personal interest in the same item in so far as housing was concerned as a Director of Selwood Housing Association.
Announcements by the Chairman Minutes: (a) Former Cllr Mrs Main
The Chairman informed Members of the recent death of Mrs Joan Main, former Chairman of Wiltshire County Council and a longstanding member of Warminster Town Council and three times Mayor of Warminster.
Mrs Main’s son, Andrew, had extended an invitation for any Councillors who knew Mrs Main to attend a memorial service on 21 July at at the Minster Church, Warminster followed by tea at Warminster School.
The Chairman had written to the family extending the condolences of all members and officers of the Council. The Leader and Councillors Newbury and Jeff Osborn paid tribute to what they termed a remarkable lady.
As a mark of respect, Councillors stood in a moment of silence.
(b) Her Majesty the Queen’s Birthday Honours
The Chairman congratulated Wiltshire residents named in the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours’ List, as follows:
OBEs had been awarded to: · Mr. Malcolm Arnold from Broughton Gifford, for services to athletics · Dr. Carl Mayers from Salisbury for Grade B1, Ministry of Defence · Dr. Paul Rice from Salisbury for Grade B1, Ministry of Defence · Mrs. Sarah Wolfensohn from Highworth, for services to animal welfare.
MBEs had been awarded to: · Mr. Richard Adlem from Sixpenny Handley, for services to the community in Sixpenny Handley. · Lt. Col. (Retd) Harry Beckhough-Coburg from Marlborough, for political and public service · Mr. Michael Bowyer from West Harnham, for services to flower arranging and to charity. · Mrs. Verity Brown from Broadchalke, for services to the community in Salisbury · Mrs. Ann Corcoran from Salisbury, also an officer of this Council, for services to the Coronial Service in Wiltshire and Swindon and to bereaved families. · Mr. Michael Diffin from Swindon, for services to policing · Mrs. Susan Treharne from Highworth, for services to education · Mr. Peter Fisher from Seend, for services to the community in Seend · Mr. Ian Gibb from Great Bedwyn, for voluntary service to maritime charities · Mrs. Joanna Robertson from Edington, for services to the community in Edington, and to vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the Middle East · Mrs. Pauline Ward from Purton, for services to the community in Purton. · Mrs Christine Mills from Gloucestershire, although not from Wiltshire was the founder of the charity, Hope for Tomorrow which provided a mobile chemotherapy unit operating in Wiltshire.
(c) Award in Leadership The Chairman congratulated Cllrs Rosemary Brown and Steve Petty on their successful completion of the Award in Leadership and Management.
(d) Olympic Torch Relay
The Chairman congratulated all those involved in the successful Torch Relay event held between 22-23 May 2012 in the west and north of the County. Over 100,000 Wiltshire residents lined the Olympic Torch route during event to support the 39 designated torch bearers.
The Torch is scheduled to return to Wiltshire in the south and east of the County on 11-12 July, and a festival of celebration would be held at Hudson’s Field, Salisbury, before the Torch moved on from Wiltshire on 12 July.
Public Participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public. As this is an extraordinary meeting convened specifically to deal with the items listed in this Summons and in accordance with the Council’s constitution, questions and statements can only be accepted in respect of these items.
Statements If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this Summons, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any item on this Summons. Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.
Questions To receive questions from members of the public received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) no later than 5pm on Tuesday 19 June. Please contact the officer named on the first page of this Summons for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. Minutes: The Chairman explained that as this was an extraordinary meeting, public participation could only be exercised on items listed in the Summons for the meeting. The Chairman referred to the representations received for this meeting in respect of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (minute no. 52 refers) would be received under that item. |
Notices of Motion None received for this meeting. Minutes: No notices of motion were received for the meeting. |
Councillors' Questions As this is an extraordinary meeting convened specifically to deal with the items listed on this Summons and in accordance with the Council’s constitution, questions can only be accepted in respect of these items.
Please note that Councillors are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the first page of this Summons (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) no later than 5pm on Tuesday 19 June.Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. Minutes: The Chairman explained that as this was an extraordinary meeting, questions could only be accepted in respect of items on the Summons for this meeting.
The Chairman referred to questions submitted by Councillors Judy Rooke and Ian McLennan on the Wiltshire Core Strategy (minute no. 52 refers) which would be taken under that item. |
Submission of Wiltshire Core Strategy and Review of Local Development Scheme Report by the Service Director for Economy and Regeneration.
The Draft Wiltshire Core Strategy has been made available to all Councillors and available on the Council’s website.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Declarations of interest
Cllr Judy Rooke declared a prejudicial interest in this item as her property was close to the proposed country park and potential housing development at Rowden Park, Chippenham.
Cllr Jon Hubbard declared a personal interest in this item in so far as housing was concerned as a Director of Selwood Housing Association.
Public Participation
Questions L M Durant from DPDS Consulting Group David Scane from Curtin & Co on behalf of Bloor Homes Persimmon Homes (South Coast) Ltd
Written responses from Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning were circulated.
Statements Cllr Ron Champion, Chairman - Laverstock and Ford Parish Council Mrs Hawkins – Friends of Birdsmarsh Steve Perry, Chippenham Community Voice Neil Bromwich, Osborne Clark (Written statement) John Gateley, Savills (Written statement) Dr Gary Mantle, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
Questions from Councillors Two questions from Cllr Judy Rooke Four questions from Cllr Ian McLennan
Written responses from Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe were circulated.
Cllr Rooke queried the accuracy of the map for the South West Chippenham Strategic Site as provided in the response to one of her questions (map on Page 163, Agenda Supplement 1). Cllr de Rhé-Philipe agreed to revisit the map to ensure it reflected the change proposed by Natural England.
At the Chairman’s invitation, Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning presented a report on the Wiltshire Core Strategy Pre-Submission Document (the Strategy). The report explained the outcome of the recent consultation and sought approval for the submission of the Strategy together with proposed changes to the Secretary of State for Examination. Details of further proposed changes were set out in the addendum to Appendix 1 tabled at the meeting.
The report also sought approval for a revision to the Local Development Scheme.
A report on the Strategy had been considered by the Environment Select Committee at its meeting on 11 June 2012. The relevant minute extract was presented from which it was noted that the Committee had offered general endorsement of the Strategy. It did, however, make a number of reservations and suggestions which it requested Cabinet to take into account when considering the Strategy.
Cabinet considered the Strategy along with the comments of the Environment Select Committee at its meeting on 19 June 2012 for onward recommendation to this Council meeting. The relevant minute extract was presented along with the further information that Cabinet and Environment Select Committee had requested be made available to Councillors prior to this meeting.
Cllr de Rhé-Philipe explained the background and history on how the Strategy had evolved from its early development since 2009 progressing the work started by the former district councils. She added that the Strategy, when adopted, would provide up-to-date strategic planning policy for Wiltshire and ensure that Wiltshire developed in the most sustainable way. It was noted that the document had been developed by the Council with significant community engagement.
The Council had now completed the final statutory consultation period for ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) - Submission to Secretary of State Report by the Service Director for Economy and Regeneration.
The proposed Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations DPD is enclosed separately for members of the Council and available on the Council’s website.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning presented a report on the Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). She presented the DPD for Council’s consideration and approval taking into account consultation responses for the purpose of submission to the Secretary of State for Examination as recommended by Cabinet at its meeting on 19 June 2012.
Cllr de Rhé-Philipe explained the background and history into how the DPD had evolved and the previous deliberations by Cabinet during the plan preparation process.
Council was assured that the DPD was considered sound and based on robust and proportionate evidence gathering and consultation. A schedule of the main issues which arose from the consultation exercise was presented, although these were not considered to be significant new issues. The report outlined the general concerns and issues which had been raised.
Cllr de Rhé-Philipe explained that in light of comments and advice received during consultation, some minor modifications were proposed which if approved, would be submitted to the Secretary of State along with the DPD. Such modifications were in the interests of clarity, consistency, updating in light of changes to the planning system and the National Planning Policy Framework, minor text changes and additional wording within some site profile tables to reflect concerns raised by consultees on a number of areas.
Council’s endorsement of the DPD would confirm that Council considered the DPD to be sound and that it should be submitted to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination. It was noted that Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet endorsed the DPD for onward recommendation to its full Council meeting on 19 July 2012.
During debate, Cllr Colmer explained that 80% of the sites proposed in the DPD were within his Division. He expressed concern that proposals in the DPD would exacerbate the volume of HGV traffic in the affected areas. He therefore, asked Cllr Tonge, Cabinet member for Highways and Transport to commission a study in advance of any planning application being submitted to ensure a plan was in place rather than being put in the position of reacting to any application.
Cllr Tonge undertook to look into this but made the point that it would be dependent on receiving S.106 funds.
Cllr de Rhé-Philipemoved the recommendations and this was seconded by Cllr John Noeken. Cllr de Rhé-Philipe expressed her gratitude to officers for all their hard work in bringing the DPD to this stage.
On being put to the vote, it was
That Council:
approves the Submission draft Aggregate Minerals Site
Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) and proposed modifications set out at Appendix
3 and the Equalities Impact Assessment at Appendix 4 of the report
submitted, for the purpose of submission to the Secretary of State
and 2) delegates to the Director for Economy and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning and the Chairman of the Environment Select Committee, authorisation to propose ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
New Standards Framework Consultation on this item has been undertaken with town, parish and city councils. The report of the Monitoring Officer will follow to ensure all comments received by the closing date of 15 June are collated and taken into account. Supporting documents:
Council had at its meeting on 15 May 2012 resolved a number of measures in preparation for implementing a new standards framework as required by the Localism Act 2011. In particular, Council had approved the establishment of a new Standards Committee. It had also approved a new draft Code of Conduct and arrangements for dealing with complaints under the Code for the purpose of consultation with town, parish and city councils.
At the Chairman’s invitation, Cllr Julian Johnson, Chairman of the Standards Committee presented a report on the outcome of the consultation with parish, town and city councils on this Council’s proposals under the new standards framework. Council was therefore asked to determine its arrangements for the new standards framework in the light of the outcome of the consultation for implementation on 1 July 2012.
Cllr Johnson responded to questions raised and moved the recommendations set out in the report presented and this was seconded by Cllr Chris Williams.
Appendix 1 of the report presented for adoption with effect from
1 July 2012. with parish councils, on any additional pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests that should be declared and registered under the code of conduct, and on the question of withdrawal from meetings, and to bring these back to council for consideration at the earliest opportunity.
Cllr Francis Morland requested that his vote against the above decisions (1-3) be recorded.
Russell Hawker requested that his abstention from voting on the
above decisions (1-3) be recorded.
complaints, as set out in Appendix C of Appendix 1, for adoption with effect from 1 July 2012.
Russell Hawker requested that his vote against the above decision
(4) be recorded. (5)
set the level of allowance for
the statutory role of the
Independent Person appointed under Section 28(6) of the Localism
Act 2011 at £2,240 per annum with effect from 1 July
note that the Independent Remuneration
Panel will review this allowance in the light of experience as part
of its full review of members’ allowances in the
agree that initial appointments of
co-opted members are made from the existing co-opted membership of
the former standards committee for a term of approximately 12
months until such time as new appointments are made following
parish council elections in May 2013.
note that the appointment of non-voting
co-opted members to the new standards committee will now be made on
10 July 2012.
(Adjourned for lunch 2.05pm – 2.50pm) |