Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday 10 July 2012 10.30 am

Venue: The Wellington Academy, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP11 9RR

Contact: Yamina Rhouati  Email:

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Pip Ridout, Judy Rooke, Sheila Parker, Howard Marshall, Peggy Dow, Laura Mayes, Stephen Petty, Steve Oldrieve, Jane Burton, Mike Cutherbert-Murray, John Thomson, Tom James, Mark Griffiths, Richard Gamble, Jeffrey Ody and Bill Douglas


Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the  following meetingS:


Annual meeting of Council                                   15 May 2012 (copy attached)

Extraordinary meeting of Council                         26 June 2012 (to follow)

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the following Council meetings were presented:


·         Annual Council 15 May 2012

·         Extraordinary Council meeting 26 June 2012




1.    That the minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 15 May 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


2.    That the minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 26 June 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendments:


·         minute no. 52 -  amendment in respect of wind turbines to include Cllr Bridget Wayman’s name in the list of those for the amendment.

·         Minute no. 53 – 6th paragraph, 2nd line – after ‘were within his Division’ add ‘and that of the adjoining Minety Division represented by Cllr Carole Soden.’



Declarations of Interest

To declare any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



The following Councillors declared pecuniary interests in the Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (minute no. 67 refers) for the under mentioned reasons:


·         Cllr Richard Britton by virtue of his position as Chairman of the Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel.

·         Cllr Julian Johnson by virtue of his position as Chairman of the Standards Committee.

·         Cllr Jon Hubbard by virtue of his position as Chairman of a Scrutiny Select Committee.

·         Cllr Nigel Carter by virtue of having benefitted from payments to overview and scrutiny members.


Announcements by the Chairman


a)    Hidden Shakespeare

The Chairman informed Council that Councillor Nick Fogg had recently published a biography of William Shakespeare,  ‘Hidden Shakespeare’ which looked at some of the unanswered questions about the bard’s life.


b)    Order of Agenda

At the request of the Chairman and with the consent of the Council, the order of the agenda was altered to take item 12 – Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel immediately following item 9 – Returning Officer’s Fees and Expenses.




Petitions Received

No petitions have been received for presentation to this meeting.


The Chairman explained that no petitions had been received for presentation to this meeting.


Petitions Update

Report of the Head of Democratic Services

Supporting documents:


A report by the Head of Democratic Services was presented which gave  details of three petitions received for the period since the last Council meeting.




That Council note the report, the petitions received and the actions being taken in relation to them, as set out in the Appendix to the report presented.



Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.



If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.



To receive any questions from members of the public  received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) no later than 5pm on Tuesday 3 July. Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


The Chairman reported that no requests for public participation had been received for this meeting.


Electoral Arrangements - 2013 Elections

Supporting documents:


Councillor John Noeken, Cabinet member for Resources presented a report appraising members of anomalies within the electoral arrangements for 2013, details of which were presented. The report recommended a number of measures to deal with such anomalies.


Cllr Noeken explained that the only practical solution would be for the Council to undertake a tightly defined governance review of the areas affected.  It was noted that any review would be undertaken after the elections in 2013. 


Council was also asked to express a view on whether to alter the electoral names of the unitary divisions and town wards in Royal Wootton Bassett to adopt the ‘Royal’ prefix, in which case a governance review would be started in respect of the naming only.




1.    That Council undertake a governance review of Warminster, Corsham and Calne with no change proposed to electoral areas, but to consider proposals for the number of seats in each town ward, with the Councils preferred solution detailed in Appendices C and D of the report presented.


2.    That no further action be taken for 2013 in respect of parish wards at Calne Without, Melksham Without and Roundway, but the anomalies be noted for a future review.


3.    That authority be given to consulting on an order to add the prefix ‘Royal’ to the unitary divisions and towns wards at Royal Wootton Bassett.


Review of Polling Districts

Supporting documents:


Cllr John Noeken, Cabinet member for Resources presented a report concerning a review of polling districts in line with Section 16 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 which introduced a requirement for councils to review polling districts and polling places within their Parliamentary constituencies at least every four years.


Council had previously appointed a Working Party to oversee the review and report back to Council, the recommendations from which were presented.


The formal review of all the polling districts and polling stations had only identified a few areas where improvements could be made and a revised schedule of polling districts, polling places and polling stations was circulated and detailed the comments received during the review. 


The Working Party had also looked at polling districts and stations where there were fewer than 150 electors registered and considered that this should be examined further after 2013 in association with the community affected.


In addition to the comments made in the revised schedule at Appendix B to the report, the following amendments were accepted by Council during debate:


1.    ‘no change to existing arrangements’ for Barford St Martin

2.     ‘no change to existing arrangements’ for Sutton Mandeville


Councillors expressed their thanks to officers and members involved in the Working Party and congratulated them on their efforts in overseeing the process and producing the proposals detailed at Appendix B to the report presented.




1.    To adopt the scheme  of polling districts, polling places and polling stations contained in the revised Appendix B as presented subject to there being no change to existing arrangements in respect of Barford St Martin and Sutton Mandeville, to take effect from the May 2013 elections, with authority delegated to the (Acting) Returning Officer to make any urgent and necessary changes should they be needed.


2.    That polling districts and stations with fewer than 150 electors be further examined after 2013 in association with the community affected.


Returning Officer's Fees and Expenses

Supporting documents:


Cllr John Noeken, Cabinet member for Resources presented a report on the scale of expenses which determine the Returning Officers expenditure for elections.


It was noted that the last review was undertaken in November 2008 in preparation for the new Council elections and traditionally the common scale used across Wiltshire was updated every two years.  It was felt that generally the present scales were fair and workable, however there were a few areas where improvements could be made and these were detailed in the report and recognised in the recommendations as moved by Cllr Noeken and duly seconded.


A concern was expressed over who paid the full fee for the Deputy Returning Officers with full powers and whether this came out of the Returning Officer’s fee as one charge or met by council tax payers.  Assurances were given that there would only be one charge, however further guidance would be sought from the Ministry of Justice to ensure the Council was compliant.


As further reassurance to Council, the Leader proposed that the following amendment which was duly seconded:


            To add an additional recommendation to read as follows:


(7)       That payment to the Deputy Returning Officer (Full Powers) be drawn from the Returning Officer’s fees if this complied with guidance from the Ministry of Justice.


Cllr Noeken confirmed he was happy to incorporate the amendment within his motion.




1.    A new heading be included in the scale of fees and charges for the payment of Deputy Returning Officers with Full Powers, and the level be set at one third (33.3%) of the Returning Officer’s fee according to the scale.


2.    Fees for counting assistants be raised from £15 per hour to £20 per hour.


3.    A new heading be introduced to enable count supervisors at casual vacancy counts, where appropriate, to be paid at a rate of £25 per hour.


4.    Mileage rates for all elections and polls be set at the HMRC rate in force at the time


5.    Headings B3, B4, B5, B10 and B11(subject to paragraph 6.1 of the report) relating to parish polls should be brought into line with the rates for parish elections

6.    Other than the amendments set out above, no change be made to the 2009 scale of fees and charges, with the new scheme to take effect from 1 April 2013


7.    That payment to the Deputy Returning Officer (Full Powers) be drawn from the Returning Officer’s fees if this complied with guidance from the Ministry of Justice.


Appointment of Co-opted Members of the Standards Committee

Councillor Julian Johnson, Chairman of the Standards Committee to report.

Supporting documents:



Cllr Julian Johnson, Chairman of the Standards Committee presented a report which asked Council to consider the number of co-opted members to be appointed to the Standards Committee within the terms of reference agreed by Council on 15 May 2012, to delegate to the Standards Committee the authority to make these appointments and to confirm the appointment of three Independent Persons.


Cllr Johnson reminded Council that it had previously authorised that steps be taken to secure the appointment of 3 Independent Persons. He advised Council that interviews for these posts had taken place that week and that the three candidates proposed for appointment were all very highly qualified.  Council was therefore asked to ratify the appointment of the following as Independent Persons:


·           Stuart Middleton

·           Caroline Maddocks

·           Colin Malcolm


Cllr Nigel Carter, a member of the Selection Panel, agreed that the three candidates were very highly qualified and that he was very satisfied with the outcome of the interviews.


A debate ensued on the number of co-opted members that would best serve the Standards Committee and a suggestion of 4 non-voting co-opted members was generally welcomed. 


Councillor Jon Hubbard suggested that in the spirit of fairness he would prefer to have appointments from a geographical spread based on the old four districts.  It was felt that this could be difficult to achieve as it was likely that two of the co-opted would be independent people and two would be from Parish Councils. It was felt that this suggestion would make the appointing process very challenging. 




1.         That four non-voting co-opted members be appointed to the Standards Committee within the maximum of 8 set under the terms of reference agreed by Council on 15 May 2012.

2.         Subject to (1) above, to delegate the appointment of the non- voting co-opted members to the Standards Committee.


3.         To ratify the appointment of the following as Independent Persons:


·         Stuart Middleton

·         Caroline Maddocks

·         Colin Malcolm


Police and Crime Panel - Panel Arrangements

Report of the Monitoring Officer


Supporting documents:


Cllr Richard Britton, Chairman of the Police and Crime Panel presented a report on the arrangements for the Panel.


Council at its meeting on 15 May 2012 was informed of the requirement placed on local authorities in each police force area by the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, to establish and maintain a Police and Crime Panel for its police force area.  Council had appointed its Councillors to the Panel which had now met for the first time.


The report detailed the Panel’s meeting arrangements, the terms of reference and rules of procedure. 


In moving the recommendations in the report presented, Councillor Richard Britton proposed the following additional recommendation:


4) Agrees that a submission be made to the Home Secretary for the approval of a fourth membership of the Panel for Swindon Borough Council.


Cllr Britton thanked John Quinton, Head of Democratic Services for all his hard work in supporting the Panel.





1.            That the Panel arrangements as circulated at Appendix 1 of the report presented be agreed and endorsed.


2.            That the terms of reference and rules of procedure for the Panel circulated at Appendix 2 be noted.


3.            To give delegated authority to the Monitoring Officer to make any appropriate consequential changes to the Council’s constitution.


4.            To agree that a submission be made to the Home Secretary for the approval of a fourth membership of the Panel for Swindon Borough Council.


Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel - Members' Allowances

To consider the report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel following its consideration of the remuneration for the following roles:


Standards Committee – Chairman and co-opted members

Scrutiny Committee allowances

Health and Wellbeing Board members

Police and Crime Panel members


Report to follow.


Supporting documents:


For interests declared in this item, please refer to minute no. 57  above.


Cllr John Noeken, Cabinet Member for Resources presented the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel which reviewed and advised on Members’ allowances.


The Panel had met to consider the level of allowances that would be appropriate for the following roles:


·         Standards Committee Chairman, independent co-opted members and town and parish council members

·         Scrutiny Committee allowances

·         Police and Crime Panel members

·         Health and Wellbeing Board members


The report detailed the issues discussed for each of the above areas and the conclusions reached.  It was noted that there would be an opportunity to pick up any discrepancies in any subsequent review.


A discussion ensued on the fund of £10,000 for Overview and Scrutiny members and it was confirmed that the fund was intended to reward  Councillors for performing additional specific scrutiny functions such as chairing task groups and rapid scrutiny exercises. It was agreed to better reflect the latter point in the recommendation before Council.  


Cllr Noeken moved the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel and an additional recommendation in respect of the Health and Wellbeing Board and this was duly seconded.




1.            To set the Special Responsibility Allowance payable to the Chairman of the Standards Committee at £2,517 per annum (Band 9) to reflect the anticipated reduced workload and number of meetings.


2.            Set the co-optee’s allowance payable to independent and town and parish members of the new Standards Committee at £1,120 per annum.


3.            Retain the current allowances for those engaged in the scrutiny process and in particular to note that:-


a.    The issue of paying an allowance to vice chairmen of scrutiny committees would be considered along with all other vice chairmen as part of the larger review later in the year; and

b.    The £10k pot for allocation to scrutiny members is to recognise significant additional responsibility, such as chairing Task Groups and Rapid Scrutiny Exercises.


4.            Agree an SRA for the Chairman of the PCP of £7550 representing 30% of the Leaders SRA.


5.            Agree an allowance of £1926 for the independent co-opted members of the Police Crime Panel.


6.            Agree that no allowance be paid to the ordinary members of the Police Crime Panel at present as this was covered by the basic allowance and that the issue of an allowance for  the vice-chairman be considered as part of the overall review of allowances along with all other vice-chairs.


7.            Agree that no allowances be payable for any members of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


8.            To ask the Independent Panel to reconsider the issue of a special responsibility allowance (SRA) payable to the chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board as part of its wider review on the basis that its current recommendation that no SRA be payable, is based on the current situation that the Leader chairs the Board and this may not always be the case – the SRA should be based on the position not the person  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.


Licensing Committee - Change to Scheme of Delegation

To consider the recommendation from the Licensing Committee dated 6 June 2012 in respect of amendments to the Scheme of Delegation of the Licensing Committee.  The report previously considered by the Licensing Committee, relevant extract from the Licensing Committee minutes and Part 3D of the Constitution as proposed are attached.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Jonathon Seed, Chairman of the Licensing Committee presented a report which sought approval of additions and amendments necessary to the scheme of delegation for Licensing in the Constitution due to changes in primary legislation.


The report informed that the current scheme of delegation for Licensing was last approved in December 2010.  Since that time the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 amended the Licensing Act 2003 and gave a number of new powers to Licensing Authorities, details of which were highlighted in the report and Appendix.


Council noted that the Licensing Committee, at its meeting held on 6 June 2012 had approved the additions and amendments contained in the report and commended them to Council.




That the additions and amendments (highlighted in bold in the table) to the scheme of delegation of the Licensing Committee be approved.




Annual Report on Treasury Management 2011/12

Report of the Service Director, Finance

Supporting documents:


Cllr John Brady, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Risk, presented the Annual Report on Treasury Management 2011-12 which gave Members an opportunity to consider the performance of the Council against the parameters set out in the Treasury Management Strategy.


Councillor Brady reported that there were no breaches of the Treasury Strategy in 2011-12. He congratulated Keith Stephens, the Treasury and VAT Officer for the work undertaken to secure the best return on the Council’s investments in very difficult times.


References were made to the recent LIBOR interest rate scandal involving Barclays Bank.  Assurances were given that the LIBOR scandal had no affect on the Local Authority’s finances and the interest rate offered by Barclays was a very good rate at the time of the investment.


The Council were informed that since the housing subsidy system being abolished and housing debt being reallocated nationally between housing authorities, the Council had made a capital payment to the Department of Communities and Local Government of £118.8m, resulting in an increase in the Capital Finance Requirement.  Assurances were given that this was a positive move in reducing long term debt and the Council would be in a better position financially.




1.    That the actual cash position at the end of 2011-12 against the original forecast for the year be noted.


2.    That the Prudential Indicators, Treasury Indicators and other treasury management strategies set for 2011-12 against actual positions resulting from actions within the year as detailed in Appendix A to the report presented be noted.


3.    That investments during the year in the context of the Annual Investment Strategy, as detailed in Appendix B of the report be noted.


Membership of Committees

To determine any requests from Group Leaders for changes to committee membership in accordance with the allocation of seats to political groups  previously approved by the Council.


No requests for changes to committee membership were made.


Notice of Motion No. 28 - Land at Innox Hall, Trowbridge - From Councillors Jeff Osborn and Helen Osborn

To consider the attached motion.


To assist Council in its consideration of the motion, an officer’s report will be circulated prior to the meeting.

Supporting documents:



The Chairman reported receipt of the following notice of motion No. 28 from Cllrs Jeff Osborn and Helen Osborn:


‘That this Council instructs the relevant Cabinet members to drop all moves to place housing on the site of the old Innox Hall, Trowbridge and to speedily proceed with the construction of the changing facilities for sports players on this site.’


A report from Carlton Brand, Corporate Director was presented to assist Council in its consideration of the motion.


Having been moved and seconded, the Chairman invited Cllr Jeff Osborn to speak to his motion.


Cllr Jeff Osborn explained that planning permission had already been granted for changing facilities on the site of the Old Innox Hall, Trowbridge and arrangements were well advanced to secure necessary funding.  He felt that to succeed with this sports related development would be one important step in tackling the shortage of recreational facilities in the Trowbridge area. 


Cllr Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet member for Transformation, Culture, Leisure and Libraries confirmed that in order to follow due process, a report detailing options for the site including the changing facilities referred to in the above motion would be considered by the Cabinet (Capital Assets) Committee on 24 July 2012. He reassured Council that the provision of changing facilities on the site mentioned would be given favourable consideration.


The Chairman moved that the motion be referred to the Leader without debate to enable the Leader to progress through the Cabinet (Capital Assets) Committee.


However, Cllrs Jeff Osborn and Helen Osborn withdrew the motion in light of the assurances given.




That motion no 28 be withdrawn.


Councillors' Questions

Please note that Councillors are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the first page of this agenda (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) not later than 5pm on Tuesday 3 July. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman reported receipt of questions from Councillors Jon Hubbard, Brian Dalton and Chris Caswill, details of which were circulated and attached as Appendix A to these minutes together with the responses given.


Questioners agreed to take their questions as read and were given an opportunity to ask a relevant supplementary question to which the relevant Cabinet member responded. Supplementary questions are summarised as follows and should be read in conjunction with the questions and responses:


Cllr Jon Hubbard – the size of any backlog for Housing Benefit and comparisons with the last eight quarters – Cllr Hubbard asked what steps were being taken to reduce the processing times. Cllr John Brady gave details of improved performance in this area. He also referred to the universal credit system whereby rent would be paid direct to the tenant who would be responsible for paying their landlord on time. Arrangements could be made to pay a landlord direct in the case of vulnerable members of society.  


Cllr Jon Hubbard – assurances that no residents would sign an agreement to reduce the number of visits by Housing Support Officers without a full understanding of the implications; and how the cost savings would be passed back to the Council – Cllr Jemima Milton responded on behalf of Cllr John Thomson.  Cllr Milton explained that it was too soon to realise the cost savings to the Council at this time but once the numbers of residents signing the agreement was known then the savings to the Council would be known.


Cllr Brian Dalton – Highway maintenance issues for the roads in south Wiltshire – Cllr Dick Tonge spoke referred to the levels of investment for this service. He explained that a criteria was used for prioritising highway maintenance in the County and that the overriding aim was one of road safety. All requests for highway maintenance were treated equally in accordance with the agreed priority criteria.


Cllr Jon Hubbard – the steps being taken to compensate for the loss of the Education Maintenance Allowance – Cllr Lionel Grundy agreed that it was very unfortunate that the Allowance had been withdrawn nationally but that he was not aware that this had affected the education of children in the County.


Cllr Chris Caswill – when would an agreement be reached in relation to the redevelopment of the Bath Road site in Chippenham and was there any risks associated with the delay – Cllr Toby Sturgis reassured that nothing was being put at risk.


Cllr Chris Caswill – the charge on the Council for this year’s carbons emissions – Cllr Toby Sturgis reported that for the current year it was anticipated that the charge would be £400,000. The reduction for this year was mainly due to energy efficiency savings and a reduction in the Council’s estate.


Cllr Chris Caswill – legal representation at the public examination of the core strategy – Cllr Fleur de Rhe-Philipe confirmed that the Council would be making its own case.

Cllr Chris  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Minutes of Cabinet and Committees

(a) The Chairman will move that Council receives and notes the minutes of Cabinet and the various Committees of the Council as listed in the Minutes Book enclosed separately.


(b) The Leader, Cabinet members and Chairmen of Committees will be given a brief opportunity to make any important announcements.


(c) Councillors will be given an opportunity to raise general issues relating to Area Boards but not specific local issues.


(d) Councillors will be given the opportunity to raise questions on points of information or clarification on the minutes presented.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman moved that Council receive and note the following minutes as listed in the separate Minutes Book and this was duly seconded by the Vice-Chairman.






            19 June 2012


Cabinet Capital Assets Committee


            24 May 2012


Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee


            30 May 2012

Children’s Select Committee


Environment Select Committee

            31 May 2012


            11 June 2012




Licensing Committee


            6 June 2012

Northern Area Planning Committee

            16 May, 6 June and 27 June             2012


Eastern Area Planning Committee


            7 June 2012


Southern Area Planning Committee


            10 May and 21 June 2012

Western Area Planning Committee


            9 May, 30 May and 20 June             2012


Strategic Planning Committee


            16 May 2012


Standards Committee (Old regime)


            2 May 2012


Audit Committee


            20 June 2012

Staffing Policy Committee


            9 May 2012


Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee


            23 May 2012


The Chairman then invited questions from councillors on points of information or clarification on the above minutes and gave the Chairmen of those meetings the opportunity to make any important announcements on the work of their respective Committees.


Cabinet – 19 June  - resolution (ii) of minute 70 – Wiltshire Core Strategy


Cllr Caswill raised the following questions on the above mentioned minute.  It was agreed to provide him with written responses:


1.  Can the Leader confirm that the Cabinet's recommendation of the Core Strategy and the changes listed in Appendix 1 to the Cabinet paper was based on due consideration of the consultation views and recommended responses in Appendix 2 to the same paper?


2. Specifically, did the Cabinet's positive recommendation of Core Policy 42 and the changes listed in Appendix 1 on pages 37 and 38 of the Cabinet papers take account of the consultation views and recommended responses in Appendix 2, page 75?  


3.  Did the revised text for Core Policy 42, as recommended by the June 19 Cabinet, constitute a policy of  unrestricted wind farm development in Wiltshire, or a set of criteria and previous policies on which case by case by judgements of local impact should be based?    




That the above mentioned minutes be received and noted.


Wiltshire Police Authority

To receive and note:

Supporting documents:


The report and minutes of the Wiltshire Police Authority meeting held on 19 April 2012 was received and noted.  No questions from Councillors had been received on these documents. 



Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority

To receive and note the minutes of the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority meeting held on 30 May and 21 June 2012.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority meetings held on 30 May and 21 June 2012 were received and noted.  No questions had been received from Councillors.


Appendix A - Questions and Answers

Supporting documents: