Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary meeting, Cabinet - Friday 19 August 2011 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices, Browfort, Bath Road, Devizes SN10 2AT. View directions

Contact: Pam Denton (01225 718 371)  Email:

No. Item




An apology for absence was received from Cllr Dick Tonge, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport.


Leader's announcements


No announcements were made.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.


A photograph was taken of the meeting at that point. As the consent of the chairman of the meeting had not been sought in accordance with the Media Relations contained as Protocol 7 of the Wiltshire Council Constitution (paragraph 9.4 refers), and therefore not granted, prior to the meeting Councillor Trevor Carbin agreed to delete any picture he had taken of the meeting.


Public participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public. This meeting is open to the public, who may ask a question or make a statement. Written notice of questions or statements should be given to Marie Todd of Democratic Services by 12.00 noon on Wednesday 17 August 2011. Anyone wishing to ask a question or make a statement should contact the officer named above.



The Leader explained that as usual, she would be happy to allow members of

the public to speak on the single item on the agenda.


No members of the public wished to speak or make a statement.


Proposals for Car Parking in Salisbury

*        Report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood and Planning to follow.


For Cabinet to consider a number of proposals made by the following organisations in relation to car parking in Salisbury:

           Salisbury City Centre Management Ltd / Federation of Small Businesses (Salisbury) / Salisbury and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry

           Salisbury City Council

           Salisbury Journal

           Salisbury Area Board.

Supporting documents:


Cllr John Thomson, Cabinet member for Adult Care, Communities and Housing presented a report on proposals for car parking in Salisbury as he had been closely involved in Councillor Tonge’s absence.


He sought Cabinet approval to reintroduce the one hour off-street parking charge, the variation of the two hour off-street charge and the method of implementing these charges.

The existing charges for Salisbury had been agreed following strong representations from the Salisbury City Centre Management; however as the community had now expressed a wish to see the reintroduction of the one hour off-street parking charge in Salisbury the proposals were before Cabinet for approval. As it was also the wish of the community to see the changes implemented as quickly as possible it was proposed to implement by Monday 19 September.

The Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board confirmed that there was strong public support for the proposals.

Councillor Thomson and the Leader pointed out that regardless of any decision taken by Cabinet at this meeting it was still planned for a county wide review of Car Parking Charges to be presented to full Council on 8 November 2011. The Leader asked that prior to this the review should be considered by the Cabinet and the relevant Scrutiny committee.


The Leader reminded all present that the car-parking payback scheme was still available to all Town Councils and local traders, those interested in supporting the businesses in their town that way should contact officers within the Car Parking Team at the Council who would be able to advise them accordingly.


Most Councillors welcomed the proposals before Cabinet and were grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the overall review of Car Parking Charges for the Council at and prior to the Council meeting on 8 November 2011. 


After a debate during which various questions were raised to which Cllr

Thomson and officers responded it was




1. That Cabinet approve


a)            the reintroduction of a one hour off-street parking charge in Salisbury (excluding the Market Place car park) at a level of £1.50;


b)           the variation of the two hour off-street charge in Salisbury (excluding the Market Place car park) to £2.50.



2.  That Cabinet agree that the above changes are implemented through a variation to the existing ‘The County of Wiltshire (Southern Wiltshire) (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2011’.


Reason for Decision:


To reintroduce a one hour off-street car parking charge and vary the two hour charge in Salisbury within the minimum legal timeframe


Urgent Items

Any other items of business, which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency


There were no urgent items.