Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 16 September 2014 10.30 am

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Yamina Rhouati  Email:

No. Item




All Cabinet members were present.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 22 July.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the last Cabinet meeting held on 22 July 2014 were presented.




That the minutes of Cabinet held on 22 July 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


No declarations of interest were made.


Leader's announcements


The Leader made the following announcements:


(a)          Tara Hall


The Leader welcomed Miss Tara Hall to the meeting.  Tara was a care leaver who had previously made a presentation to full Council in May 2014 based on a speech she had given at a national conference in October 2013. Her speech had explained her experiences of being a looked after child. Tara attended the meeting as she was shadowing the Leader to gain an insight of working in a local authority setting.


(b)          The Big Walk – 13 September


The Leader, together with Cllr Jon Hubbard, thanked all those who had participated in the inaugural Big Walk.  The Walk had been organised to support two charities, Hope for Tomorrow, bringing cancer care closer to home and Melksham Extended Services, providing counselling support for young people.


(c)          Aspire Centre for Looked After Children


With the Leader’s consent, Cabinet member Cllr Laura Mayes referred to the recent visit by the Children’s Minister to the Aspire Centre for looked after children. The children were involved in showing the Minister around the Centre. It was noted that help from members would be greatly appreciated in various forthcoming projects including a camping event. Cllr Mayes thanked Karen Reid, the Council’s Head of Service for Virtual Schools for organising such a successful visit.


Public participation and Questions from Councillors

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public. This meeting is open to the public, who may ask a question or make a statement. Questions may also be asked by members of the Council. Written notice of questions or statements should be given to Yamina Rhouati of Democratic Services by 12.00 noon on Thursday 11 September 2014. Anyone wishing to ask a question or make a statement should contact the officer named above.

Supporting documents:


The Leader reported receipt of a question from  Mr Andrew Hall of Martingate Centre Ltd to which Cabinet member, Cllr Toby Sturgis responded. The question centred on asking Cabinet to confirm whether it wished to retain or sell Corsham Mansion House and Library. A copy of the question and response are available on the Council’s website along with the agenda for this meeting, was made available at the meeting and attached to the signed copy of these minutes.


Mr Hall further asked how long it would take for the Council to clarify its intended use for the property. Cllr Sturgis reiterated that this was very much linked to the emerging Strategic Economic Plan for Wiltshire and the outcome of future Government bidding rounds.


The Leader reminded those present that she would as usual, be happy for them to express their views on any items on the agenda by indicating they wished to speak.


Capital Assets Committee held on 22 July 2014

To receive and note the minutes of the Capital Assets Committee held on 22 July 2014.

Supporting documents:




That the minutes of the Cabinet Capital Assets Committee dated 22 July 2014 be received and noted.


Public Health Annual Report 2013/14

Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


In accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012, Cabinet member, Keith Humphries invited Maggie Rae, Corporate Director, in her capacity as Director of Public Health to present the Annual Report for Public Health for 2013/14.


Public health, transferred from the National Health Service and was now embedded within local government and completely based on the needs of the local population. Whilst acknowledging that there was always room for improvement, Maggie Rae commented that generally speaking the report was very positive and documented the various initiatives in place to improve the health of the local population. It was noted that during the period of the Annual Report, a number of challenges had had to be overcome, most notably twelve weeks of flooding when public health had been at the heart of the response as well as a measles outbreak. There continued to be very constructive partnership working with the NHS, Clinical Commissioning Group and hospitals.


The meeting noted how well and how quickly the public health team had integrated within the Council and Maggie Rae thanked the Council for the very warm welcome received by the public health staff.


Cllr Jon Hubbard welcomed the document and congratulated the public health team on all it had achieved. He did however comment that the document would benefit from including comparative figures and information in order to assess and measure progress and performance to put the success stories in context.


Maggie Rae explained that a technical document which documented this information was available and undertook to link this to the Annual Report on the Council’s website and circulate it to Cabinet members. Cllr Tonge noted that this had also been raised at Scrutiny where a similar undertaking had been given.




That Cabinet notes the Public Health Annual Report 2013/14.


Reason for decision


To formally present the Annual Report to Cabinet and provide an opportunity to express any views.








Wiltshire Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Draft for information prior to consultation

Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


Cabinet member Cllr Keith Humphries presented a report which updated Cabinet on the progress of the Wiltshire Mental Health And Wellbeing Strategy and the plans for its consultation process.


The draft Strategy as presented would provide the strategic direction for Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in promoting mental health and wellbeing and supporting people with mental health problems and their carers over the next 7 years.


The aim of the strategy was to create environments and communities that would keep people well across their lifetime, achieving and sustaining good mental health and wellbeing for all.


Subject to Cabinet’s approval, it was proposed to commence consultation on the draft strategy on 10 October, thereby linking it to the world mental health day and would run to January 2015.  The Strategy would be considered by the Executive Committee of the CCG, the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Health Select Committee. 


Cabinet member, Cllr Laura Mayes asked about references within the document to children. Corporate Director Carolyn Godfrey explained that the document set out the expectation to have regard to the impact on children and safeguarding issues. Corporate Director, Maggie Rae acknowledged that there was separate documentation in respect of children which would be appropriately aligned. Maggie Rae also referred to the often overlooked basic ways of improving the mental health and wellbeing of children.


Cllr Keith Humphries thanked members for their contributions to the debate on this item which would be taken forward as part of the feedback during the consultation process. He also asked members to encourage people to engage in the consultation process.




(a)          That Cabinet approve the draft strategy and the proposed consultation process.


(b)          That the comments made during the debate on this item be included as part of the feedback during the consultation process.


Reason for decision


To ensure that Cabinet are aware of the content of the draft strategy and the

proposed consultation in advance of the consultation launch.





Better Care Plan Fast Track and 100 Day Challenge

Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


The Leader  presented a report which updated Cabinet on the development of Wiltshire’s Better Care Plan, the Fast Track process and the progress in implementing elements of the Plan. This included the Systems Review of the out-of-hospital system and the 100 Day Challenge.


The outcome of the Government spending review published in June 2013

included the announcement that a sum totalling £3.8 billion nationally would be allocated to a single pooled budget for health and social care services to work more closely together in local areas based on an agreed plan between the NHS and the Local Authorities. This money was now referred to as the Better Care Fund (BCF).


The BCF was a mandatory pooled budget intended to support and deliver integrated health and social care services; this would be introduced nationally in 2015/16. The Better Care Fund was not new funding for the health and care system but made up of elements of existing clinical commissioning group (CCG) and local authority budgets.


In Wiltshire, the total BCF budget in 2015/16 was £27.0 Million. The national expectation was that this funding be used to develop integrated services which would reduce the need for hospital care and protect the existing level of social care services.


The Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board had signed up to an initiative

called the 100 Day Challenge. This was a system-wide approach, starting

from 1st September, with the aim of reducing the number of attendances and

admissions for frail elderly patients in Wiltshire and reduce the amount of

time they spent in hospital. The 100 Day Challenge would provide an

opportunity to test the new schemes on a practical level to identify and alleviate any barriers.


Cllr Jon Hubbard whilst welcoming the report questioned why it stated that there were no direct safeguarding implications. He suggested that it might have been more appropriate to state that there were complex safeguarding implications which would be assessed and addressed. Maggie Rae confirmed that the safeguarding section of reports was written by safeguarding leads. In this case, it was more about referencing whether what was being proposed should change the approach to safeguarding. Officers would of course, continue to work closely with the Safeguarding team.




That Cabinet note the progress in becoming a national “Fast –tracked” Better Care Plan and the progress in implementing elements of the Plan.


Reason for decision


To keep Cabinet informed of the partnership work in delivering better health and social care for people in Wiltshire



Insurance Services Tender

 Report by Dr Carlton Brand and Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Directors


Supporting documents:


*           Cabinet member Cllr Dick Tonge presented a report which set out the options available to the Council following the end of the current insurance services contract on 1st April 2015.


Cabinet was asked to determine whether to continue to purchase Insurance cover with a third party provider or whether to cover the full costs of all insurance claims and costs to repair damage to the Council’s own property from its own financial resources.


Details of the terms of the existing contract were presented, along with the options now being considered, namely, buying Insurance cover from a third party provider or to self insure.




(a)          To continue with insurance cover with a third party provider.


(b)         To delegate the decision on which lots to procure and which to self insure to the Cabinet Member for Finance and the Associate Director for Finance.


Reason for decision


Not having insurance cover in place would expose the Council to significant

financial risk.


Report on Treasury Management Strategy 2013-14 - First Quarter ended 30 June 2014

Report by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


Cabinet member Cllr Dick Tonge presented the quarterly Treasury Management Report which covered the first quarter of 2014/15,

ending 30 June 2014.


The report reviewed management actions in relation to:


a) the Prudential Indicators, Treasury Management Indicators originally set for the year and the position as at 30 June 2014;

b) other treasury management actions during the period; and

c) the approved Annual Investment Strategy


Cllr Tonge guided members through the quarterly report and together with Michael Hudson, Associate Director for Finance, answered member’s questions.




That Cabinet note the contents of this report in line with the Treasury Management Strategy.


Reason for decision


To give members of the Cabinet an opportunity to consider the performance of the Council in the period to the end of the quarter against the parameters set out in the  approved Treasury Management Strategy for 2014/15.

This report is a requirement of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy.


Revenue Budget Monitoring Period 4 2014/2015

Report by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


Cabinet member, Cllr Dick Tonge presented a report which advised members of the revenue budget monitoring position as at the end of Period 4 (end of July 2014) for the financial year 2014/2015 with suggested actions as appropriate.


The forecasts suggested a £1.770 million overspend if no further action was taken. This was 0.5% of the Council’s net budget. The purpose of budget

monitoring was to identify such risks in order to allow management to address issues.


Action was currently being assessed to identify areas where savings could be made. An updated position would be reported in the next budget monitoring report to Cabinet in December.  It was forecast that a balanced budget would be achieved by 31 March 2015.  The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) was forecast to be underspent by £0.5 million. The year-end general fund reserves balance was projected to be £10.965 million.  This was in line with the council’s financial plan and recommendations by the Section

151 Officer.


Cllr Tonge guided members through the report and the detailed financial information and together with Michael Hudson, Associate Director for Finance responded to members’ questions.




That Cabinet note the outcome of the period 4 (end of July 2014) budget

monitoring, and approve the transfer of £3.2 million to Learning Disabilities from repayment to General Fund Reserves.


Reason for decision


To inform effective decision making and ensure a sound financial control



Climate Local Initiative

Report by Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


Cabinet member Cllr Toby Sturgis presented a report which recommended that the Council became a signatory to the Local Government Association’s Climate Local initiative, which would replace the Nottingham Declaration on climate change. The report also provided an overview of progress made in tackling climate change since the Council signed the Nottingham Declaration in 2009.


Views were expressed to the effect that the document was better and far more detailed than the Nottingham Declaration. A contrary view was however, also expressed that whilst there was agreement on the concept, the signing of the document would be a step back from the Nottingham Declaration.




That Cabinet:


(a)          agrees that the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property and Waste signs the Climate Local initiative on behalf of the Council and that the action plan at Appendix 1 as presented be published on the council website;


(b)          notes the significant progress made since signing the Nottingham Declaration on climate change and


(c)      notes council activity to tackle fuel poverty and promote low carbon technologies and encourages further public engagement on this matter through the Area Boards.


Reason for decision


Climate Local is a Local Government Association initiative to drive and support council action on climate change. The initiative is the only one of its type in England and is the successor to the old Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change which Wiltshire Council signed in 2009.


By signing up to Climate Local, councils across the country are capturing the

opportunities and benefits of action on a changing climate, through leading by

example, saving on their energy bills, generating income from renewable energy, attracting new jobs and investment, reducing flood risks and managing the impacts of extreme weather. Full details of the reason can be found in the report to Cabinet available on the Council’s website.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business, which the Leader agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.