Agenda and minutes

Overview & Scrutiny Organisation and Resources Select Committee (prior to 15 May 2012) - Thursday 14 July 2011 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Monkton Park, Chippenham

Contact: Sharon Smith 

No. Item


Apologies and Substitutions

Apologies were received from Carlton Brand, Service Director Resources.


Apologies were received from Cllrs Nigel Carter, Christopher Devine, Nick Fogg, Charles Howard, Mark Packard and Jonathon Seed.


Cllr Peter Colmer substituted for Cllr Mark Packard.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management and Resources Select Committee held on 26 May 2011.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcement


The Chairman expressed concern over the poor attendance at the meeting.  Analysis of attendance over the past 3 months would be undertaken.  Group leaders would be contacted to encourage better attendance and to ensure that relevant substitutions were provided where possible.


Public Participation and Councillors Questions

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.




To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Director of Resources) no later than 5pm on Thursday 7 July 2011.  Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


There was no public participation.


Service Realignment and Associated Matters

As discussed at the last meeting, the Chief Executive has responded to an invitation and will be attending to present details on the realignment of services intended to better deliver the Business Plan. The restructure was communicated to councillors in a special Elected Wire on 8 June 2011 – copy attached for ease of reference. As a consequence, the Chief Executive will be assuming direct responsibility for Finance (including procurement) and Legal and Democratic Services (including scrutiny).


Scrutiny members will be aware that details on the corporate Business Plan implementation programme are awaited. However the 12 main projects forming the programme are known and are shown in the attached list. The detail will be reported to the select committees following approval by CLT and Cabinet Liaison. This will then enable discussions to take place between directors, executive members and leading scrutiny members on revised scrutiny forward work plans to ensure a focus on priorities and best use of resources.


It is also hoped that discussions will include the way in which the executive would wish to engage with scrutiny for mutual benefit. The draft executive/scrutiny relationship protocol approved by the OS Liaison Board (and discussed at the Standards Committee’s Constitution Focus Group) back in March is awaiting adoption. It is hoped that this will define future positive engagement.


The need for a major review of overview and scrutiny arrangements was highlighted at the last meeting. The outcome of discussions on the above will influence the review which will be initiated in the form of a discussion paper to the next Liaison Board on 28 July. Contributions from all interested parties will be encouraged to ensure future arrangements are supported and fit for purpose.


The Committee is asked to note the views of the Chief Executive in respect of the service realignment, corporate implementation programme and review of overview and scrutiny arrangements.

Supporting documents:


The Chief Executive was in attendance to update the Committee on the recent realignment of services and associated matters.


Confirmation was provided that a review of the management structures throughout the organisation had been conducted to ensure the authority was fit to deliver the business and financial plans.


A copy of the revised structure in relation to the Chief Executive’s area was circulated for Committee members’ consideration where the following was highlighted:


·         The realignment incorporated the preference for the Director of Finance, Section 151 Officer and Governance Officer to report directly to the Chief Executive to ensure the authority remained fit for purpose whilst the significant changes taking place over the life of the business plan were underway.


·         The Corporate Director for Community Services would take responsibility for housing to ensure symmetry of housing services with adult social care.


·         The Service Director for Policy, Performance and Partnerships would now report directly to the Corporate Director for Children & Education and form part of an expanded Corporate Leadership Team.


·         The Neighbourhood and Planning directorate had been renamed Operations as this provided better clarity on the Corporate Director’s responsibility.


·         The Resources directorate had been renamed Transformation and Resources.  As a result the Transformation Programme Director would report directly to the Corporate Director within this directorate. 


In addition clarification was provided that the contract for the Chief Finance Officer, had been revised and extended to March 2012 to ensure continuity of service during the budget setting process in February 2012.


The realignment of service as detailed had been agreed at the Officer Appointments Committee which took place on the morning of 14 July.  Acknowledgement was given to the Service Director for HR and Organisational Development who had worked tirelessly to ensure as smooth as possible process had been undertaken whilst adhering to the legal requirements to inform those posts affected which had been the case throughout all of the harmonisation and review period.


Members expressed concern as to whether the realigned service was resilient as further resources had been removed from the authority and this could impact on the services provided.  The Chief Executive clarified that for the most part, the service delivery should remain as already set but that reviews would continue during the next 2 to 3 years to ensure the service provision remained fit for purpose as further details emerged in relation to central government plans, including the Localism Bill and Health and Social Care Bill.


A Transformation Programme Working Committee, chaired by the Corporate Director Transformation & Resources, would manage the 8 identified transformation programmes within the Corporate Programme.  The finalised programmes would include measurements to monitor their effectiveness.


In terms of Public Health and Protection, a joint strategy meeting with hospital providers and GPs was to take place which would include discussion on Health and Wellbeing Boards.  Although delays had occurred due to the listening exercise undertaken by central government, budgets continued to be developed until further clarity on the Bills became available.


A management programme outlining the principal purposes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 174.


People Strategy

The Committee has received several updates on the People Strategy 2008-2012 which was developed and implemented to support the transition to Wiltshire Council in 2009.


With this in mind an update report is now provided by the Service Director, HR and Organisational Development which provides details on a proposed revised Strategy which will set out the Council’s aims and objectives for reshaping and developing its workforce through to 2015.


The Committee is asked to note its content and comment as appropriate.

Supporting documents:


The Service Director for HR and Organisational Development was in attendance to present the Committee with an update report on the People Strategy 2008-2012 which had been implemented to support the transition to Wiltshire Council in 2009.


Clarification was provided that the current strategy was in place until 2012 but that in light of the release of the Council’s business plan earlier in the year a review of the priorities and a realignment of the strategy was required which would incorporate workforce planning.


The information contained within the update report highlighted the intentions and plans for the revised strategy, a draft copy of which could be submitted to the Committee for further consideration if required.


There would be two aspects of the resulting strategy the first of which would be a 4 year aspirational strategy document which would identify areas of work, the second would include targets and delivery items and actions to ensure the strategy remained focused and fit for purpose over the next 4 years and in line with the business plan.




1)                 To thank the Service Director for his attendance.


2)                 That a copy of the revised strategy once available would be provided to the Scrutiny Manager and Cllr Ricky Rogers, scrutiny representative on the Staffing Management Executive Board for initial consideration.


Benefit Service Inspection

Following the in-depth audit inspection of the Councils benefit service the Committee is asked at the request of the Chairman to consider the attached report which provides details of the Audit Commission’s key findings and recommendations and improvement plan which outlines the actions to be taken to address the recommendations made.


The Committee is asked to consider the content of the report and respond accordingly.

Supporting documents:


A report outlining the Audit Commission’s findings following an in depth inspection of the Council’s benefit service together with the Council’s Implementation Service Plan were provided for consideration.


The Head of Revenue and Benefits was in attendance to present the report and answer questions arising.


Members were also asked to note that the Revenue and Benefits Project Board update to be provided under Item 182 which would also be given by the scrutiny representative within this item.


Clarification was provided that the Audit Commission had undertaken a review on a number of unitary authorities all of which had reached a similar scoring.   Four key recommendations were made within the review and these had been incorporated within the Council’s ensuing Service Plan.


Other key areas for further development identified by the audit commission included customer satisfaction where confirmation was provided that there were plans for a survey to be issued to a number of customers within the next 4 weeks.


The issue of overpayments was also being addressed although it was recognised that caseloads had an impact on the ability to address this area with an increase of approximately 200 cases within the last month alone.  However the Committee were asked to note that the rate of recovery of overpayments had increased in line with this.  Members of the Committee also noted the importance of a more joined up approach between revenue and benefits teams and those working within the housing sector to address issues.


The impact that proposed Welfare Reforms could have on the way in which revenue and benefits were run and the difficulties this could cause for local authorities was also noted and further guidance was awaited from central government in this area.


In addition to the report provided, the scrutiny representative on the Revenue and Benefits Project Board confirmed that several meetings had taken place in relation to implementation of the new software platform for the revenue and benefits system.  The Head of Revenue and Benefits confirmed that a meeting was to be held on 17 August following which further clarity on its implementation would be available although the system was still currently expected to go live by the middle of December.




1)            To note the update provided; and


2)            That an update on the implementation of the new Revenue and Benefits System is provided to the scrutiny representative of the Revenue and Benefits Project Board following the meeting to be held on 17 August 2011 and that the scrutiny representative update the Committee accordingly.


3)            The Chairman and Scrutiny Manager to consider how a ‘more joined up approach’ between Revenue and Benefits and Housing could be best achieved in order to deal with the issues of concern that members had raised.


Revenue Outturn Report

The Committee is asked to consider the report provided which was submitted to Cabinet on 14 June 2011 and comment as appropriate.

Supporting documents:


The final revenue outturn report 2010/11 as submitted to Cabinet on 14 June 2011 was presented for the Committee’s consideration.


The Chief Accountant, in attendance to present the report, confirmed that taking into consideration the current economic situation, the underspend achieved was positive with the Council achieving a significant improvement since the forecast made in month 10.  A final audit was to be undertaken by KPMG with the findings submitted to the Audit Committee in September.


Members of the Committee noted that the Community Services budget had accrued an overspend of approximately £4.5 million despite the fact that the budget for the current year being increased by about that amount.  This would need to be carefully monitored throughout the year.


Ensuing discussion included concern over the length of time taken to receive budgetary figures.  With this in mind a request was made that a timetable be provided to allow scrutiny to consider the process currently in place.


Clarification was requested on the specific areas that had resulted in additional developer income received. 


Members requested details of the specific areas that had resulted in additional developer income and details on the financial pressures in relation to the interim staffing measures.  The Chief Accountant confirmed that these would be provided following the meeting.


Members also noted within the Housing Revenue Account an underspend of approximately £1m which they were informed was largely due to the removal of staff and areas of service provision.  Concern was expressed as to the impact this would have on the quality of the service.




1)            To thank the Chief Accountant for the report;


2)            That a timetable be provided to allow scrutiny to monitor the process currently in place in relation to financial reporting;


3)            That further clarity would be provided on the areas of additional revenue within developer income; and


4)            That further details on the financial pressures in relation to the interim staffing measures be provided.


Capital Outturn Report

The Committee is asked to consider the report provided which was submitted to Cabinet (Capital Assets) Committee on 14 June 2011 and comment as appropriate.

Supporting documents:


The Capital Outturn Report which reflected the final position of the capital budget for 2010/11 was presented for consideration following its submission to Cabinet on 14 June 2011.


The Chief Accountant in attendance to present the report, provided clarification that some of the underspend had resulted from slippages in projects, some of which were planned, and also took into account an underspend by the area boards, details of which would be provided following the meeting.




1)                 To note the report provided; and


2)                 That details of the underspend by area boards would be circulated following the meeting.


Procurement & Commissioning Task Group

The Committee at its meeting held in November 2010 considered a report on the challenges faced by the Council in driving a more focused and professional approach into the Council’s procurement and commissioning activities. 


With this in mind a report was considered by the Liaison Board which provided details of the proposed approach to future scrutiny where it was resolved that each select committee would be requested to approve the formation of a dedicated Procurement and Commissioning Task Group to report directly to the Organisation and Resources Select Committee and replace the Major Contracts Task Groups.


All select committees have now considered the proposals made and have resolved that a new Procurement and Commissioning Task Group be established in line with the recommendations made by the Liaison Board.  The first meeting is expected to take place on 28 July 2011 with the following membership:



Appointed by

Cllr Tony Deane/

Cllr Nigel Carter

Appointed due to previous scrutiny of Corporate Procurement Strategy

Cllr Packard

Organisation & Resources Select Committee

Cllr Peter Doyle

Environment Select Committee

Cllr Jon Hubbard/

Cllr Bill Moss

Children’s Services Select Committee

Cllr Peter Hutton

Health & Adult Social Care Select Committee


Although the Children’s Services Select Committee supported the creation of the new task group (and named 2 members) it also decided to retain its existing major contracts task group. This may have resource implications for the future but will be discussed further at the next OS Liaison Board on 28 July.


The Committee is asked to note the outcome of the consideration given to the Liaison Board’s recommendation and that the first meeting of the new task group will be held at the end of the month.


The Agenda item as circulated provided clarification on the formation of the Procurement and Commissioning Task Group the first meeting of which would take place on Thursday 28 July 2011.


Member Support in the Locality Task Group

The Councillor Development Group, chaired by Allison Bucknell, is currently re-drafting the Councillor’s Handbook and has requested that the Member Support in the Locality Task Group meet to consider the draft version, once ready, and make suggestions for improvement.


The Member Support in the Locality Task Group was established in March 2010 to consider the Council’s councillor support arrangements and submitted its final report to the Committee in September 2010. The Councillor Development Group feel that the experience of the Task Group members make them a good choice for considering and improving the new Councillor Handbook. The Task Group members were: Cllrs Desna Allen, Richard Britton, Jeff Ody, Jonathon Seed (Chairman), Bridget Wayman, Ian West and Fred Westmoreland.


The Councillor’s Handbook is currently being reviewed by various departments and will be ready for the Task Group to consider in late-July at the earliest.




That the Member Support in the Locality Task Group meet to consider the draft version of the Councillor’s Handbook and refer any suggestions for improvement back to the Councillor Development Group.


As provided in the Agenda item, the Councillor Development Group was re-drafting the Councillors’ Handbook and requested that the Member Support in the Locality Task Group consider the draft version once available for comment.


The lead member of the Task Group provided confirmation that he was happy to continue in his role and would arrange for the Task Group to scrutinise the Handbook once available referring any suggestions back to the Councillor Development Group directly.




That the Member Support in the Locality Task Group would meet to consider the draft version of the Councillors’ Handbook once available and refer any suggestions for improvement back to the Councillor Development Group.  These should also be reported back to this Committee.


Task Group Update

The Committee is asked to note the update on Task Group activity attached.

Supporting documents:


An update on Task Group activity was circulated with the agenda for the Committee’s consideration with the following additional information provided.


Campus and Operational Delivery Programme (CAOD) Task Group


The Task Group would meet again once Delivery Plans and related scorecards had been received for the Project.


The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Scrutiny Officer for the Task Group and Scrutiny Manager would discuss at that time whether further scrutiny representation was required on the Task Group taking into consideration the size of the CAOD Programme and its relationship with the overarching Transformation Programme.


S106 Task Group


The Task Group would meet again in September where details on the operational process to ensure monitoring of the database would be received in addition to further information on the accessibility of the database by the public.


Due to concerns raised in relation to the completion of the database a site visit would also be arranged prior to the next meeting of the Task Group to assess its current status.




The work undertaken on Community Safety had now been completed and a report presented at the Committee’s previous meeting.  Although community safety had been identified as a priority for the public it was noted that this had not been reflected within the Council’s Business Plan and was thus highlighted as an area of concern within the final report.


The Task Group would now commence scrutiny work on the Wiltshire Housing Partnership with its next meeting scheduled to take place at the end of July.  The Chairman of the Housing Commissioning Board would be asked to attend. 




To note the updates provided.


Scrutiny Representation on Project Boards

As the Committee has scrutiny representation on several Project Boards this item has been included to allow members to provide an update where appropriate.


Project Boards with scrutiny representation include:


Staffing Management Executive Board – Cllr Ricky Rogers

Revenue and Benefits Project Board – Cllr Pip Ridout


Staffing Management Executive Board


The scrutiny representative confirmed that details of proposed revisions to terms and conditions had been relayed to staff.


The Service Director for HR and Organisation Development was praised for the communications undertaken to ensure staff were kept fully updated.


Revenue and Benefits Project Board


This update was provided within Item 176 above.


Forward Work Programme

A copy of the draft Forward Work Programme is attached for consideration.

Supporting documents:


The Committee noted the Forward Work Programme provided which would be amended to reflect the recent changes to cabinet and portfolio holder responsibilities.


Date of next Meeting

15 September 2011.


15 September 2011.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items for consideration.