Agenda and minutes

Environment Select Committee (prior to 15 May 2012) - Wednesday 2 March 2011 10.30 am

Venue: Committee Room III, County Hall, Trowbridge

Contact: Sharon Smith 

No. Item


Apologies and Substitutions


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Tom James and Cllr Stephen Oldrieve.  Cllr George Jeans and Cllr Howard Marshall substituted respectively.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Environment Select Committee meeting held on 11 January 2011.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interests

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcements


A report on scrutiny of the Business Plan adopted at Full Council would be presented at the next Committee meeting in May.  This document would be key to assist the Committee in the shaping of its future work programme.


Members would note that the two key items on the agenda included reference to their position within the Business Plan.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.




To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Director of Resources) no later than 5pm on Wednesday 23 February 2011.  Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


There was no public participation.


Waste Collection and Recycling Service

The Select Committee has been fully involved in reviewing the transformation of the Waste Service. The Chairman recognising this has requested an overview of the implementation plan to deliver the new service model, as agreed by Cabinet on 19 October 2010.


Attached is a report from the Director of Neighbourhood and Planning, which provides details of the timetable in place to implement the harmonisation of the waste collection and recycling service to Wiltshire households and the associated risks and challenges of delivering this project.  The new service will replace the different patterns of service provision across the Council inherited from the former District Councils.


The Committee is asked to consider the report and determine whether that based on the evidence provided and responses to questions whether they wish to make any representation to the Cabinet member.


·                    Relationship to Business Plan


Page 57 Invest in the future: waste management


“One of our key priorities is to divert waste from landfill to reduce the local and global environmental impact and, in the medium to long term, secure significant cost savings for residents through the reduction in payment of Landfill Tax.”

Supporting documents:


Following the Committee’s longstanding interest in the transformation of the waste service, the Chairman requested that an update be provided on the current position with regards to service provision following approval by Full Council on 22 February 2011.


The Service Director Waste Management Services and Head of Waste Management Transformation were in attendance to answer questions arising from the debate.


The Chairman requested that members focus on the timetable for the service changes and associated risks and challenges.


Discussion commenced with members raising concern over the capacity required by residents across the County to host the additional waste collection bins for plastic and cardboard.  It was expected the sizing of the additional recycling bins required would be approximately 240 litres for the majority of households (although this had yet to be confirmed).


Confirmation was provided by the Service Director that where residents were unable to accommodate the additional bins (such as flats/apartments) the individual needs of those residents could be further discussed with the Council to consider alternative options.  A policy to address this issue was to be submitted to the Cabinet member for consideration.


The Council currently offered an assisted collection service for eligible residents which would remain as part of the revised service provision.


Members also discussed green waste collection where, in the South of the County, a collection fee was currently in place.  Although it was understood the revised service would no longer attract a fee for the collection of green waste members felt that, following budgetary cuts announced following the Comprehensive Spending Review, this could have perhaps remained a revenue stream for the Council.


The Service Director confirmed that the collection of green waste generated approximately 12,000 tonnes per year.  As the Council was now expected to pay a set fee per tonne of landfill waste generated the service would provide savings in this area as well as reducing the methane emissions that green waste produced which were 20 times more damaging to the environment than carbon emissions.


Food waste collection was also raised as an area for potential consideration although clarification was provided that, due to cost, this would not be considered at the present time. The authority was however monitoring other authorities who provided this service to ascertain the potential long term benefits.


The current contract for the collection of non-landfill waste ran until 2016 when there would be a further opportunity to review the service provided.


The Service Director confirmed that an order had been placed to meet the additional fleet requirements following approval by Full Council on 22 February 2011 and that the contract in place for the supply of the fleet included that, should there be a delay in delivery, the manufacturer was required to cover the cost of providing temporary vehicles until delivery of the additional vehicles had taken place.


Further discussion commenced in relation to carbon reduction commitments.  Currently the Council was not required to pay any carbon tax on vehicles although this was likely to change over the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 137.


Local Transport Plan

The Environment Select Committee at its meeting held on 11 January 2011 considered a report on the initial and general analysis of the consultation process undertaken on the Wiltshire Local Transport Plan for 2011-2016 ahead of the draft Plan’s submission to Cabinet.


To allow scrutiny of the Plan ahead of Cabinet approval, the Committee resolved to establish a Rapid Scrutiny Exercise the findings of which would be submitted to Cabinet at its next meeting to be held on 15 February for potential inclusion within the final Plan.


A copy of the report submitted to Cabinet is attached, together with details of the recommendations to be included.


The Committee is asked to note the report and response from Cabinet provided.

Supporting documents:


The Committee resolved at its previous meeting to conduct a rapid scrutiny exercise on the Local Transport Plan.  This took place on 25 January 2011 and a copy of its findings was attached with the agenda, together with the Executive response.


The lead member of the group exercise introduced the report, thanked his fellow members to their assistance in the exercise and confirmed that the group had considered the public transport, road transport and freight strategies with all ensuing recommendations made by the group incorporated into the Plan by the Cabinet member.


Concern was raised over the length of time the scrutiny members had in order to review the Plan which had resulted in a need for the Committee to conduct a rapid scrutiny exercise.  It was hoped that the development of the Business Plan endorsed by Full Council on 22 February which provided details of the authorities direction over the next four years would address this issue and allow the Committee to better plan its work programmes. 


Further comments included that a mechanism should be in place to ensure that local aspirations were able to be fed into strategic documents produced by the Council and that Councillor involvement at an early stage was needed.


Further clarity was also requested on the impact that any reduction on concessionary fares would have on operations where it had been indicated that this would result in a reduction on the number of services run, and further information on the competition that existed on commercial routes.




To note the Rapid Scrutiny Exercise report and response from Cabinet to the recommendations made.


Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme

The Select Committee considered a report on 6 July, 2010 which included an overview of the progress made against the council’s Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC). In January 2011 a number of stories were published in the media about the Council being liable for a £600k ‘tax’ or ‘fine’. These related to the Council’s liability under the CRC. In response the Chairman has requested more information and clarification about this issue.


Attached is a report from the Corporate Director of Neighbourhood and Planning which provides an outline of the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and what it means for Wiltshire Council.


The Committee is asked to consider the report and determine whether that based on the evidence provided and responses to questions whether they wish to make any representation to the Cabinet member.


·                    Relationship to Business Plan


Page 65 Invest in: energy efficiency


“What we are trying to achieve – To reduce our liabilities under the Carbon Reduction Commitment by reducing our carbon emissions.”

Supporting documents:


The Committee had a longstanding interest in the work undertaken by the authority to improve energy efficiency around Wiltshire with the Committee receiving an update on the Council’s Carbon Reduction Commitment in July 2010.


Following stories arising from the media in January 2011 relating to the council now expected to pay a £600k levy, a report providing an outline of the carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme and what this would mean for Wiltshire Council was requested.


The Head of Climate Change was welcomed to the meeting to present the report where clarification was provided that, since consideration of the Council’s carbon reduction commitment (CRC) in July, the proposed carbon trading scheme had since been removed following central governments Comprehensive Spending Review and replaced with a levy based tax on carbon emissions per tonne.   This equated to a £600k levy which would now be paid retrospectively.


Central government was also expected to replace the national indicator set with a single data set and the Council was currently consulting in relation to the form this would take.  Further details were expected to be available from July 2011.


Although the work being undertaken to reduce carbon emissions in relation to assets was noted, the Committee felt that further work could be undertaken to ensure that employees were also fully briefed and on board with the need to reduce carbon emissions across the authority.


The Head of Climate Chance confirmed that much work had been undertaken on behaviour change which had not been included within the report and that a lot of work had been undertaken on the Carbon Management Plan which could be presented to the Committee at a future meeting.


At present the Council had agreed to take responsibility for the cost of school carbon emissions for the first year, noting that school buildings in Wiltshire currently equated to approx 40% of the annual CRC carbon emissions.  This would include responsibility for those schools opting out of authority control (i.e. academies) although the issue of emissions from academies was to be addressed.


Further comments included that a breakdown of the annual spend and how it was distributed would have been useful information to allow the Committee to better scrutinise the scheme.  The Committee also requested that details of the potential savings, in terms of electricity and carbon emissions, turning off street lights had and, accordingly, asked that Mouchel be requested to clarity the cost per light.


The first league table, which would show how well organisations were cutting their carbon emissions, was to be published in October 2011 and would include data for the last 3 years.  As the Council did not hold some historic energy data (due to Unitary status) and had been hindered by the roll out of smart metres, its position in the first year’s league table was likely to be low.




1)            To thank the Head of Climate Change for the report.


2)            To receive an update on the Carbon Management Plan at the Committee’s next  ...  view the full minutes text for item 139.


Budget Monitoring

The latest monitoring report was considered by Cabinet on 15 February 2011 and can be found following the below link:


The Chairman and Vice Chairman will consider the reports as available, highlight any areas of concern with the relevant officers and provide feedback to the Committee accordingly by exception.


The Chairman reminded the Committee that, as previously agreed, reports would be submitted for the Committee’s consideration by exception.




To note that budget monitoring reports would be provided to the Committee by exception.


Housing Commission Board

The Scrutiny Representative, Cllr Ian McLennan, has provided key points arising from the recent Housing Commission Board meeting as follows:


·         Many of the council houses were currently under occupied due to tenants remaining in properties where capacity exceeded family need.  In order to address this, government was expected to bring forward a scheme to incentivise tenants to relocate to smaller properties.


·         The many reasons that tenants were reluctant to move included:


o   a reluctance to change

o   loss of contact

o   a need to accommodate guests

o   the ‘hassle’ involved

o   not wanting something ‘new’


·         Under occupation was being researched and an action plan considered. 


Improvement Plan Update


·         Initial improvement actions had been successful.  The ‘Lean Review’ was focussing on the Repairs Service and was aided by specialist support.


·         The new focus plan included rent arrears, income management and anti social behaviour.  A focus on rent arrears was required owing to the current economic downturn and a central contact point would be designated for anti social behaviour.


·         The task of cleaning community areas would be agreed with the Tenants Panel, who were supportive of discussions.


·         The Housing Asset Management Plan included an emphasis on debt servicing, maximisation of income and stock to determine outcomes against available resources.


·         The staff and management structure would be reviewed in order to better meet demand.


·         IT Improvements would require a new tender.  The project costs were circa £300k-£400k.


·         A quality audit was being considered where Cabinet would have an input.


·         Plumber, John Godwin, became employee of the month for December after working extensively over Christmas which included working until 2am.


The Committee is asked to note the update provided.


The key points arising from the recent Housing Commission Board meeting and as included with the agenda were presented by the Scrutiny representative.


Clarification was provided that, since the inclusion of the update, a further meeting had taken place which had been attended by both the Chief Executive and Deputy Leader where grants to encourage the provision of insulation was discussed.


At the Board meeting the Chairman of the Housing Commission Board indicated that the government had now set the agreement buy out rate at £119m.  In order to make the 30 year business plan sound they were expected to offer favourable rates to take them on.  Central government were also expected to announce details of loans for photovoltaic sales.


A quality audit on where the Council currently stood and what needed to be done in the future would be undertaken in the Spring.




To thank the Scrutiny Representative for the update provided.


Forward Work Programme

A copy of the draft Forward Work Programme is attached for consideration.

Supporting documents:


The Committee noted the forward work programme provided.


Following discussion it was agreed that Gypsy and Traveller provision would be added to the plan for consideration at the Committee’s next meeting in May.


Date of next Meeting

10 May 2011.


The date of the next Environment Select Committee meeting would be 10 May 2011.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items for consideration.