Venue: Calne Library and Hub
Contact: Stuart Figini Email:
Note | No. | Item |
6.30 pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Mel Wilkins representing Hilmarton Parish Council. |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2018. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2018 were approved and signed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
6.35pm |
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will make the following announcements:
· Local Government Boundary Commission for England – Consultation (Update attached encouraging residents to submit views on the Comission’s proposals for electoral divisions in Wiltshire) · Annual Electoral Canvass – Update attached · Campus Update – Leisure Centre Refurbishment Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack.
· Local Government Boundary Commission for England – Consultation · Annual Electoral Canvass · Campus Update – Leisure Centre Refurbishment · Animal Licensing · Tench Road Gardens – Letters of thanks had been received from the residents association and a local resident with regards to the Area Board’s work on upgrading the open space and combatting anti-social behaviour in the area. The Chairman extended thanks to Glenis Ansell and the Community Safety Forum for their part in achieving a resolution to the issue. |
6.40pm |
Policing in the Calne Area To receive a presentation from Inspector Mark Luffman about Policing in the Calne area since the Community Policing Team model was introduced in October 2016.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board received a presentation from Inspector Mark Luffman about policing in the Calne area, and North Wiltshire area since the Community Policing Team model was introduced in October 2016.
The presentation included details about the policing context and demand, the past and present operational policing model, Wiltshire North Community Policing team and how the police engage communities.
Inspector Luffman responded to the following comments and questions:
· The number of organised crime groups dealt with on a typical day. · The day to day stresses experienced by police officers. · Locations where crimes are committed. · The role of Councillors and Area Board in helping the police reduce the demands placed on them. · The impact of the Salisbury incident on North Wiltshire policing budgets. · Emerging gang culture in Wiltshire and the impact of organised criminality from outside the county. · The current and potential future powers afforded to PCSO’s. · The development of relationships between the police and local youth. · Reporting of crime using the 101 reporting service and future developments.
The Area Board also welcomed Jerry Herbert, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, who gave a brief outline of his appointment and his roleto support and share the responsibilities and vision of the Police and Crime Commissioner and to help him implement and deliver his Police and Crime Plan.
Mr Herbert responded to comments about the availability of data sources that feed into statistics provided by the police service and whether his appointment was subject to the PCC elections in 2020.
The Chairman thanked both Inspector Luffman for his excellent presentation and also Mr Herbert for introducing himself to the Area Board. Mr Herbert was invited to attend a meeting of the Area Board in six months to provide an update on his achievements as the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.
7.00pm |
Partner Updates To receive updates from the partners listed below:
a. Wiltshire Police and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner b. Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service c. NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group d. HealthWatch Wiltshire e. Town and Parish Councils f. Area Schools Update Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board received and noted the following updates from key partners:
(a) Wiltshire Police The written report was received and noted.
(b) Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service The written report was received and noted. In addition, Tom Burns, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, introduced Darren Nixon, the new Station manager for North Wilts. The following comments were raised and questions asked:
· The merging of Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Services was progressing well and achieving the anticipated budget savings, although the Service was still experiencing minor teething problems. · Concern regarding the use of Chinese Lanterns and the potential risks of fire.
(c) NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) The written report was received and noted.
The Chairman reported that representatives from Patford Surgery would be invited to a future meeting and asked to provide a brief update on the future of the Surgery.
(d) Healthwatch Wiltshire The written report was received and noted.
(e) Bremhill Parish Council The following points were noted:
· Preservation of country lane verges. · Planting trees as part of the WWI Trees for Commemoration Project. · Successful Horse Show held in September 2018. · Progress on the Neighbourhood Plan and the Parish Council’s Plan Team meeting with the consultant preparing the Plan on their behalf.
(f) Calne Town Council The following points were noted:
· Summer Carnival Prize giving ceremony taking place on Wednesday 12th September at Calne Town Hall. · Building Community Connections event taking place on Saturday 15th September 2018 at Calne Town Hall. · Calne Summer Skate series returning to the skate park on Saturday 15th September. · The next Full Council meeting takes place on Tuesday 25th September · Volunteers required for the Calne Bonfire and Fireworks night
The Chairman reported that a question had been received from Mark Edwards, Head of Business at Calne Town Council about concerns relating to the recently approved Hills planning applications at lower Compton and the Section 106 agreement. In particular, the concerns related to traffic plan safeguards and timeframe for its implementation.
The Chairman read out the response received from Jason Day, Minerals and Waste Planning Officer which explained that the S106 agreement secured a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) that requires all HGVs to follow prescribed routes that avoid Calne town centre and sets out measures for investigating any complaint of breach of the TMP and the sanctions to be applied in the event of any breach. The S106 stipulates that the TMP will come into force once the new planning permissions have been implemented.
It was suggested that a representative from Hills be invited to a future meeting of the Area Board to address the concerns of residents. The chairman indicated that she would take advice on this request prior to any invitation being extended to Hills.
(g) Area Schools UpdateThe Area Board received a presentation from Susan Giddings, Head of Key Stage 3 and teacher of D & T and Engineering at John Bentley School, about the recently held Summer School for ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
7.20pm |
Our Community Matters To receive updates and consider recommendations arising from the following local JSA priorities/working groups:
· Grant Feedback from Calne Town Football Club · Local Youth Network – to include a recommendation for future development of the LYN and youth activities – Cllr Thorn and Jordon Holt. (Report attached) · Calne Area Parish Forum – Ed Jones (Chairman) · WWI Commemoration Update – Ed Jones/Cllr Rounds · Older People/Carer’s Champion – Diane Gooch · Health and Wellbeing Group (Calne Health & Social Care Forum) – Alison Ingham · Dementia Friendly Calne Community Working Group – Cllr Crisp · Air Quality Working Group – Cllr Hill · Calne Our Place – Naomi Beale (Chairman) · Calne Community Safety Forum – Glenis Ansell (Chairman) · CATG (Highways Working Group) – Cllr Crisp (Report attached) · Training & Skills Working Group – Cllr Thorn · Calne S106 Working Group – Cllr Trotman (Report attached) Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board was provided with an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups as follows:
· Grant Feedback from Calne Football Club Simon Gardner, Vice-Chairman of Calne Town Football Club, explained that the Club had previously received a grant from the Area Board and highlighted how the grant helped develop the infrastructure of the Club’s ground. This included, the renewal of floodlights, new roofing and improvements to asbestos cladding fencing. He also indicated that tree maintenance would be undertaken in the future.
The Chair thanked Mr Gardner for his presentation.
· Local Youth Network(LYN) Rebecca Green, John Bentley School and Cllr Ian Thorn presented a report that was prepared by Helen Bradley, former Local Youth Coordinator. The report contained a number of recommendations to further the work of the Calne Local Youth Network and create a sustainable model with projected support for the future. In addition, the report contained an assessment of need for the Calne Community Area based on the Joint Strategic Assessment and focus groups conducted in the area.
Cllr Thorn explained that through Helen’s encouragement, young people in the Calne area have been properly engaged by the Area Board and the LYN. The future vision for the LYN was detailed in the report and there was a real opportunity to further engage with John Bentley School in the process.
Rebecca Green, pupil at John Bentley School, informed the Area Board that the pupils at the school would continue the good work started by Helen and Jordon Holt, pupil at John Bentley School had great plans for the future.
The Area Board were encouraged to support the recommendations contained in the report that they were able to contribute to and implement.
Resolved: 1. That the contents of the report and continuation of the Local Youth Network be supported. 2. That the Area Board develop closer working association with the Local Youth Network, its activities and links with John Bentley School and Calne town Council. 3. That the recommendations detailed in the report be supported by the Area Board and implemented as appropriate.
· Calne Area Parish Forum Ed Jones, Chair of the Parish Forum reported that the group is proceeding with plans for the development of a WW1 commemorative copse in the community area. He explained that finding a suitable site for the copse was proving to be a difficult task, although he was confident that discussions about a suitable site would be settled soon.
It was noted that, in addition to the Parish Councils in the Calne area planting trees to commemorate WWI, the copse would be an area for peaceful meditation.
· WWI Commemoration Update See comments from Calne Area Parish Forum.
· Older People/Carer’s Champion Diane Gooch, Calne Older People/Carers Champion, reported on the following areas:
o The classical concert for older people and carers held at the Calne Hub and Library in June 2018 was a success and well attended by local people. o Future activities including a circle dance, entertainment from ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
7.45pm |
Area Board Funding To note 2 application(s) for Area Board funding, which have been approved under delegated authority, as follows:
· Summer Fun in Calne - £997.66 for Calne Summer Playscheme Equipment (Community Grant). · Calne Dementia Action Alliance - £1,500 for Calne Memory Walks (Health & Wellbeing fund).
A report is attached. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board was informed that 2 applications for Area Board funding had been approved under delegated authority since the last meeting, as follows:
· Summer Fun in Calne - £997.66 for Calne Summer Playscheme Equipment (Community Grant). · Calne Dementia Action Alliance - £1,500 for Calne Memory Walks (Health & Wellbeing fund).
Resolved: That the Area Board funding, detailed above and approved under delegated authority, be noted.
7.55pm |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items.
8.00pm |
Close The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting. Minutes: The next Area Board meeting would be held at 6.30pm on 13th November 2018 at Calne Hub and Library, with refreshments available from 6.00pm.