Venue: Calne Hub & Library, The Strand, Calne, SN11 0RD
Contact: Craig Player Email:
Note | No. | Item |
Election of Chairman To elect the Chairman of Calne Area Board for the forthcoming year. Supporting documents: Minutes: Resolved
To appoint Cllr Christine Crisp as Chairman of Calne Area Board for the 2019/2020 municipal year. |
Election of Vice-Chairman To elect the Vice-Chairman of Calne Area Board for the forthcoming year. Minutes: Resolved
To appoint Cllr Alan Hill as Vice-Chairman of Calne Area Board for the 2019/2020 municipal year. |
6.30 pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome everyone to Calne Area Board and introduce the Councillors and Officers present. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies or substitutions for the meeting. Minutes: Apologies were received from Mel Wilkins (Chair of Hilmarton Parish Council) and Tamzyn Long (River Warriors). |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2019. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2019 were approved and signed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Community Presentations To receive feedback from three community groups:
· Caro Strover will give an update on the Thriving through Venture Project. · Gemma Parkinson will give an update on The Blue Bus Project. · Tamara Howells from Community Mentoring and Support CiC (CMAS) will give an update on the joint youth outreach project.
Minutes: Caro Strover and students of Kingsbury Green Academy and St. Mary’s School gave a presentation on the Striving Through Venture Project.
Matters highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: the various projects undertaken whilst on the programme; what they enjoyed about the programme; the difficulties they faced on the programme; what they learned from the programme and the interaction between students from Kingsbury Green Academy and St. Mary’s.
Gemma Parkinson gave an update on the Blue Bus Project.
Matters highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: what activities had been undertaken so far; the age ranges of people that use the bus; fundraising opportunities; the cost of the project and the possibility of visiting North Calne.
Tamara Howells, from Community Mentoring and Support CiC (CMAS), gave an update on the joint youth outreach programme.
Matters highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: how the project was engaging with young people; the areas that had been visited; the desire for a youth club amongst young people and plans for the future. |
6.40 pm |
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will make the following announcements:
· Downland School Consultation · How Dementia Friendly is Wiltshire? · Synchronised Swimming Success · Lunch in the Library · Calne Campus Update
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The ChairThe Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack:
Partner Updates To receive an update from our partners. Supporting documents:
Minutes: 1. Wiltshire Police – the written update and following points were noted:
· Police had recently executed two drug warrants in Calne. · There had been three significant arrests at an address in Calne in which £3500 cash and around £4000 worth of drugs were located. · Instances of vehicles obstructing pavements should be reported to the relevant parking services and/or the 111 service. · That the police remained vigilant to county lines issues and while activity was relatively low in the county, residents were encouraged to report anything suspicious via the 111 service.
2. Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – the written update was noted.
3. Recycle for Wiltshire Joint Venture – the written update was noted.
4. CalneWordfest – the written update was noted.
5. NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group – the written update was noted.
6. Healthwatch– the written update was noted.
7. Calne Town Council – the written update and following points were noted:
· There will be a week of free half term film screenings at Calne Town Hall from 28th-31st October. · The Calne Bonfire and Fireworks Night 2019 will be on 1st November at Beaversbrook Sports and Community Facility. · The website had now been launched and as part of the work to promote Calne’s section of the GreatWestWay the following video had been produced:
8. River Warriors – the written update is attached to the minutes.
9. Calne’s Retail Offer – Oliver Rawle – the following points were noted:
Oliver Rawle opened a discussion in which he expressed his concern about Calne’s uncompetitive retail platform.
Matters highlighted in the course of the discussion included: the retail assets that Calne does not currently have; the distance that local residents have to travel to reach neighbouring towns; Calne’s Retail Masterplan and the Future High Streets Fund. |
Appointment to Working Groups and Outside Bodies To make appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups for the forthcoming year:
Outside Bodies:
a) Calne "Our Place" Project b) Calne Dementia Action Alliance c) Calne Heritage Centre Trust d) Calne Local Youth Network e) Calne, Marden House
Working Groups:
a) Community Area Transport Group b) LYN Management Group c) Health and Wellbeing Group d) Air Quality Working Group e) Calne’s S106 Working Group f) Calne Dementia Action Steering Group
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The following appointments to Working Groups and Outside Bodies were made for the forthcoming year:
Outside Bodies:
a) Calne Our Place Project – Cllr Tom Rounds b) Calne Dementia Action Alliance – Cllr Christine Crisp c) Calne Heritage Centre Trust – Cllr Tony Trotman d) Calne Local Youth Network – Cllr Ian Thorn e) Calne Marden House – Cllr Tony Trotman
Working Groups:
a) Community Area Transport Group (CATG) – Cllr Christine Crisp b) LYN Management Group – Cllr Ian Thorn c) Health and Wellbeing Group – Cllr Christine Crisp d) Air Quality Working Group – Cllr Alan Hill and Cllr Ian Thorn e) Calne’s Section 106 Working Group – Cllr Tony Trotman f) Calne Dementia Action Steering Group – Cllr Christine Crisp |
Our Community Matters To receive updates and consider recommendations arising from the following local JSA priorities/working groups:
· Older People/Carer’s Champion – Diane Gooch · Calne Health and Wellbeing Group – Alison Ingham · Air Quality Working Group – Cllr Hill · Calne Our Place – Naomi Beale (Chairman) · Calne Community Safety Forum – Glenis Ansell (Chairman) · Calne S106 Working Group – Cllr Trotman · Calne Community Area Transport Group – Cllr Crisp Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillors then provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups as follows:
Older People/Carer’s Champion – Diane Gooch
It was noted that:
· There would be a Christmas concert on 4th December at Calne Community Hub & Library. · That the withdrawal of administration support for the Oler People/Carer’s Champion had been difficult but has now been restored via Health and Wellbeing funding. · That there was a fall prevention project being developed.
Calne Health and Wellbeing Group – Alison Ingham
It was noted that:
· Calne GP Practices are now formerly linked in a Primary Care Network (PCN) with Jubilee Field Surgery, Yatton Keynell, ie CaYK PCN. · That the next meeting would be on 15th October and the guest speaker would be Helen Robertson, Community and Engagement Officer at Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group.
Air Quality Working Group – Cllr Hill
It was noted that:
· The cross-site link road across Hills site is now complete and trials had recently been run successfully. Hill had volunteered to use the road for their own vehicles until the Traffic Management Plan is officially introduced for all HGVs using the site.
Calne Community Safety Forum – Glenis Ansell (Chairman)
It was noted that:
· That the possibility of a lorry watch in Calne town centre had been spoken about as there had been a large number travelling through the centre.
Calne S106 Working Group – Cllr Trotman
The written updated is attached to the minutes and it was noted that:
· The turning circle in Woodhill Rise could be tidied up with resurfacing and bollards to replace the concrete ones · The cycle and pedestrian route towards Abberd Brook had been completed. · The pedestrian route across Recreation Ground had been completed. · The Oxford Road project is out to consultation and letters had been printed to be posted along the road.
Calne Community Area Transport Group – Cllr Crisp
It was noted that:
· Preliminary design work for the Calne High Penn footway extension had been completed. · The estimate of the works had been given at £25000 but the group raised concerns over this figure.
1. To note the discussions and updates outlined in this report 2. To close issue numbers: 5799, 6010, 6893, 6999, 7002, 7033 and 7115 3. To move the following issues to the priority list: 6465 and 6890 |
Helping to Make Calne Dementia Friendly Diane Gooch, Older Person and Carer’s Champion, will give an update on the progress being made in making Calne dementia friendly. Minutes: Diane Gooch gave a presentation on the progress being made in making Calne dementia friendly.
Matters highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: the Calne Dementia Action Alliance; that there are 4720 people over 75 diagnosed within dementia within Wiltshire and a huge amount undiagnosed; Dementia Friends Sessions; that town and parish councils were encouraged to get more involved in this work; that there had been an dementia audit on Calne Community Hub & Library and Calne Town Hall and Sainsbury’s Sunflower Lanyard Scheme.
Area Board Funding To consider an application for Youth funding, as follows:
· Launch 2 Learning - Every Child Matters 2019 - £5000
To note two delegated decisions related to the following applications for Community Area Grant funding:
· £5,000 towards Bremhill Parish History Group · £310 towards walkie talkies for the Calne Summer Play Scheme
To note two delegated decisions related to the following applications for Youth Grants Scheme funding:
· £450 towards Calne Skate Series · £2,300 for the Calne Youth Outreach Project
To note one delegated decision related to the following application for Health and Wellbeing funding:
· Cherhill and Yatesbury Good Neighbours – Cherhill & Yatesbury Information Booklet - £200
To note one councillor-led initiative for £550 for Calne Heritage Week, as decided under delegated authority.
To note one Area Board initiative for £3,900 towards the Bike Project at Kingsbury Green Academy, as decided under delegated authority. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the one application made to the Youth Grants Scheme for £5000 towards Launch 2 Learning’s Every Child Matters 2019 scheme.
The Area Board noted two delegated decisions related to the following applications for Community Area Grant funding:
· £5,000 towards Bremhill Parish History Group · £310 towards walkie talkies for the Calne Summer Play Scheme
The Area Board noted two delegated decisions related to the following applications for Youth Grants Scheme funding:
· £450 towards Calne Skate Series · £2,300 for the Calne Youth Outreach Project
It also noted one delegated decision related to the following application for Health and Wellbeing funding:
· Cherhill and Yatesbury Good Neighbours – Cherhill & Yatesbury Information Booklet - £200
One councillor-led initiative for £550 for Calne Heritage Week, as decided under delegated authority, was noted.
An initiative for £3,900 towards the Bike Project at Kingsbury Green Academy, as decided under delegated authority, was also noted.
To award Launch 2 Learning £5000 for Every Child Matters 2019. |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Close The next Area Board meeting will be on Tuesday, 12 November 2019. Minutes: The next Area Board meeting will be on Tuesday, 12 November 2019. |