Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 13 August 2013 6.30 pm

Venue: Calne Town Hall, The Strand, Calne SN11 0EN

Contact: Marie Todd (Area Board and Member Support Manager)  Tel: 01225 718036 Email:

Note No. Item

6.30 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome everyone to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Calne Area Board meeting and introduced the councillors and officers present. 


It was noted that Alexa Smith who had been Democratic Services Officer for the Calne Area Board had now moved to the Transformation Team on an internal promotion.  The Board wished Alexa well in her new role and thanked her for all her hard work over the last four years.


Brad Fleet, Service Director, had now left Wiltshire Council having taken voluntary redundancy and members thanked him for the excellent support he had given the Area Board.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Jane Vaughan, Community Area Manager and Inspector Phil Staynings from Wiltshire Police.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2013 and the Extraordinary Calne Area Board meeting on 3 July 2013.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 11 June and 3 July 2013 were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.

6.40 pm


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will provide information about: 


a.    Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service Draft Public Safety Plan.

b.    Focus on Air Quality – October Area Board Meeting

Supporting documents:


(a)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Services Draft Public Safety Plan


It was noted that the new draft Public Safety Plan 2013–16 (Integrated Risk Management Plan) was now available to view on the Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service website.  Although the consultation had now ended people could still comment as stakeholder meetings would be held to discuss the document.


(b)  Focus on Air Quality


The Chairman reported that air quality in Calne would be discussed at the next meeting on Tuesday 15 October 2013.


(c)  Core Strategy


Following the examination hearing sessions the council had published a Schedule of Proposed Modifications (August 2013) containing “main” and “minor” changes to the Core Strategy to give all interested parties the opportunity to comment before the inspector compiled his report.


The consultation would take place for a six week period from Tuesday 27 August to Wednesday 9 October 2013 inclusive.

Details of where you can view the Core Strategy, Schedule of Proposed Modifications and associated documents (including the SA update, HRA update, ministerial statements and planning practice guidance document) will be available on the Wiltshire Council website from 27 August 2013:  Core Strategy

Alternatively, copies of the documents will be available to view at the main council offices (see below) and at all libraries across Wiltshire during normal opening hours.


Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a.     Wiltshire Police

b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.     NHS Wiltshire – to include an update about the NHS 111 service

d.     Calne Community Area Partnership

e.     Calne CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group)

f.      Town and Parish Councils.

Supporting documents:


(a)  Wiltshire Police


·         Sergeant Simon Wright was pleased to report that no non-dwelling burglaries had been reported for some time now.

·         The Calne bike meet had taken place and had been very successful.

·         It was noted that police had attended promptly to deal with some young people making a noise late in the evening near Wessington Park.  However, the young people concerned had left behind a great deal of litter after camping in a nearby field.

·         The Community Safety Partnership thanked the Police for organising a very interesting community walkabout.


(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


The amount of fires reported in July was very low. 


(c)  Youth Action Group


It was noted that an evening meeting would shortly be taking place.


(d)  NHS


The written update circulated with the agenda papers was noted.


(e)  Calne Without Parish Council


Cllr Richard Aylen gave an update regarding two projects that had recently received funding from the area board.  The Lansdowne Hall had undergone a refurbishment and would now be well used by the local community.  Two defibrillators had been ordered and one would be placed outside the Lansdowne Hall and one by the telephone box at the other end of the village.


(f)   Cherhill Parish Council


Cllr David Evans informed members that a residents’ survey about reducing speed limits in the villages of Cherhill and Yatesbury and on the road to Yatesbury village was currently being carried out. A defibrillator had recently been installed in the village and was located on the front of the village hall.


(g)  Bremhill Parish Council


There were currently two significant planning issues in the parish.  One was the Lyneham Training College.  A noise assessment had been carried out and some proposed activities were causing concern.  A planning decision would be made on 3 September 2013.


The other planning issue was the potential solar panel farm which would take up a significant amount of the rural area.


(h)  Calne Town Council


Letters of objection regarding the parking restrictions proposed for Calne should be sent to Alister Storey at Wiltshire Council.


On 25 September the Strategic Planning Committee would be considering the application for the Hills Recycling Centre.  Anyone wishing to make representations should attend this meeting which will take place at Monkton Park Offices, Chippenham commencing at 2pm.


Local Authorities Responsibilities for Public Health

The Public Health Team at Wiltshire Council facilitates and promotes healthy behaviours, environments and practices to ensure our populations stay healthy.  The team also manages infectious diseases and ensures health resilience.  Sue Odams, Public Health Consultant, will talk about the work of public health and about its role in helping to ensure people in Wiltshire live long and healthy lives.  A short DVD will also be shown and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.


The Area Board received a presentation from Sue Odams, Public Health Consultant, and viewed a short DVD about the service.  Public health facilitates and promotes healthy behaviours, environments and practices to ensure populations remain healthy.  The team also manages infectious diseases and ensures health resilience. 


The following issues were discussed:


·         The public health team moved from the NHS to Wiltshire Council on 1 April 2013.

·         Public health aims to increase life expectancy and to encourage people to lead healthy lives.

·         The team works closely with colleagues such as the CCG and NHS England.

·         They also undertake various initiatives such as that undertaken during the recent measles epidemic.


In response to a question it was confirmed that, if requested, the Public Health Team would look at any evidence provided regarding air quality in the area and its effect on the health of the community.


Your Local Issues

Councillors will provide an update on community issues and progress on area board working groups. This will include:


a.    Skate board park working group

b.    Highways working group (CATG) – The CATG will ask the Area Board to consider and agree priorities for local highway schemes.

c.    Calne campus working group

d.    Sandpit Road (Section 106) working group

e.    Air quality working group.


Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups. 


(a)  Skate Park Working Group


Cllr Howard Marshall reported that tenders for the skate park had been received from prospective suppliers and that these would be considered by a Town Council committee.  On 20 August the core working group would consider the designs.  An announcement regarding the award of the contract would be made on 23 August.


There had been some reports of anti-social behaviour in the skate park area and a meeting had taken place between the police and local residents to attempt to resolve any problems in the area.  It was important to position a CCTV camera in the vicinity and to put bollards across the entrance to the park to prevent late night parking.


There were a number of questions from the public and the following issues were discussed:


·         Members of the Community Safety Partnership had walked round this area with the Police and found there was litter but had not seen any anti-social behaviour.  It was important that measures were put in place to deal with both of these issues.


·         A resident living near the skate park informed the Area Board that she had reported loud music coming from the facility.  Although not wishing to close the skate park she was very concerned about the anti-social behaviour and wanted the issues sorted out as soon as possible.  Cllr Marshall responded stating that the young people using the facility did have a responsibility to manage it and youth workers in the area would be asked to convey this message to them.  It was felt that the introduction of CCTV would help.


·         The Town Council would also work with residents to prevent trouble in the area.  Efforts would be made to engage with the young people concerned.  It was important that local residents were involved to find a solution.


·         One resident felt that the consultation carried out about the skate park had been flawed because it had not included all streets that were affected by it.


·         The local youth worker stated that it was important to have a dialogue with the young people using the skate park and to work with them to change the culture.


·         Cllr Howard Marshall agreed to set up a meeting with local residents and other organisations such as the police, youth service, anti-social behaviour officer and Town Clerk to discuss concerns and to work together to find a solution.


Action: Cllr Howard Marshall


(b)  Highways Working Group (CATG)


It was noted that there were plans to put together a Community Transport Strategy for the area.  Funding would be provided for the Area Board to ensure that this happens.  The Working Group would meet next to discuss this on 1 October 2013.


The Community Area Partnership asked for further clarification regarding the proposed transport plan including terms of reference and timescales.  Once more information had been received the partnership would discuss this matter at its steering group meeting.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting.


The next Area Board meeting would be held at 6.30pm pm on Tuesday 15 October 2013 at Calne Town Hall, with refreshments available from 6pm.