Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 3 June 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Calne Town Hall, The Strand, Calne SN11 0EN

Contact: David Parkes (Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01225 718220/ Email:

Note No. Item

7:00 pm


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman of the Calne Area Board for the forthcoming year.




To elect Councillor Christine Crisp as Chairman of the Calne Area Board for the forthcoming year.

Councillor Christine Crisp in the Chair



Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Calne Area Board for the forthcoming year.




To elect Councillor Alan Hill as Vice-Chairman of the Calne Area Board for the forthcoming year.



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome everyone to the meeting of the Calne Area Board. 


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present.


Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence will be received.


Apologies were received from Councillor Glenis Ansell, Councillor Howard Marshall and Councillor Richard Aylen.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Calne Area Board meeting held on 8 April 2014.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2014 were approved and signed as a correct record of the meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations.


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will provide information about: 


a.    Mini Recycling Sites

b.    Public Health and Wellbeing Grants

c.    Future development at Chippenham and the Chippenham Community Area

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack.


a)    Mini Recycling Sites – It was announced the success of Wiltshire’s kerbside collection of recycling had led to a review of the County’s mini-recycling sites. All mini-recycling sites were to close by 5 May 2014 and the bins were to be removed from the sites shortly afterwards. The use of such sites had dramatically declined over recent years.


b)    Public Health and Wellbeing Grants – The Chair stated that a fund had been established to support public health and wellbeing for people in Wiltshire. The fund was designed for projects which sought to support the Council’s objective of building healthy and resilient communities.



c)    Future development at Chippenham and the Chippenham Community Area – The Chair stated how developments in Chippenham could affect the Calne Community Area. The Chippenham Area Board would hold an event to discuss the policies for the scale and general direction of growth which were being determined through the Wiltshire Core Strategy.


d)    Community Focus for Youth Services – A press release was circulated at the meeting. The Press Release thanked those who had taken part in the consultation and stated that feedback was now being collated to inform a report that would go before Council in May 2014.



e)    Community Reporters Project – The Community Area Manager announced a small project was to be run to get people involved in reporting local news stories using their mobile phones and tablet devices. It was stated that there would be a workshop on 17 June to provide training to join a team of volunteer community reporters from all ages and walks of life. The Community Area Manager (CAM) could be contacted to provide any further details.


Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    NHS Wiltshire

d.    Calne Community Area Partnership

e.    Calne Youth Advisory Group (YAG)

f.     Town and Parish Councils.

Supporting documents:


Updates were received from:


a)    Wiltshire Police – Inspector Dave Hobman was present to answer any questions and a written report was provided.


b)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue – Mike Franklin provided a verbal update to the Board. The Fire and Rescue Service’s annual budget shortfall was discussed and the importance of protecting frontline services was emphasised. The Police and Wiltshire Council were to be consulted on a potential merger between Dorset Fire and Rescue and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue. Residents’ forums and online consultation would be run to gather public input. A helpline and email address had been set up to respond to any enquiries.  The consultation was planned to take place between 16 June and 24 August.


c)      Town and Parish Councils – Cllr Ed Jones (Calne Without) announced that the Parish Clerk had resigned and Jeff Turner had since stepped in. Cllr Jones also stated that five of the eight reconditioned church bells have now been pledged for the commemoration of the WW1 centenary at the Church at Derry Hill. The church bells was a project funded by the Area Board earlier in the year. A scoping exercise in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan was also expected to take place shortly.


Wiltshire's New Housing Allocation Policy


John Walker, Allocation and Options Team, gave a presentation on the new way that Wiltshire Council would allocate social housing as Nicole Smith was unable to attend. Due to new powers provided by the Localism Act 2011, it was possible to review the previous allocation policy. There has been consultation with the Area Board and the approval of Full Council was given in December 2013. It was stated that a local connection was now required to join the register and that local homes would be allocated to local people.


It was stated that the system had been simplified and that people could be excluded for reasons such as anti-social behaviour. Applicants would only be entitled to the exact number of bedrooms they required and those without housing need would not be able to join the register. The new banding system (1-4) was also explained.


A new IT specification had been developed and all applicants on the register would soon be contacted as they were required to reapply at the end of the year. An eight week transitional period was planned which might start in August due to the IT changes.


Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to John Walker. Points raised included the percentage of social housing required in each area, participation in the consultation by those who were computer illiterate or unable to access a computer and Wiltshire Council’s Housing Policy.


Cllr Simon Killane provided clarification on the New Housing Allocation Policy. Cllr Killane stated that these policies had been scrutinised and it was necessary to ration housing and prioritise people with a local connection.


7:30 pm


Neighbourhood Plans

a.    Cllr Simon Killane will give a presentation on how Malmesbury developed their Neighbourhood Plan as one of the County’s pilot areas.


b.    The Chairman of the Calne/Calne Without Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will give an update on the developments of their Plan.


a)    Cllr Simon Killane provided a presentation on how Malmesbury developed their Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Killane raised the need for consultation on what the community required. Background was provided on Malmesbury and the government funding received to develop a plan. Cllr Killane stated that they were keen to sustain what was already in the town and to prevent too much urban sprawl which would reduce the number of people using the town centre.


Cllr Killane stated that it was necessary to follow the national planning policy framework and the core strategy but that a Neighbourhood Plan allowed communities to set preference areas as part of that. The public were consulted and task groups were set up. The town’s aging population was discussed and the need for ‘Extra Care’ was also raised.  From the consultation, it was noted that young people were unable to get an affordable mortgage and it was therefore necessary to increase the suggested 20% of affordable housing within the plan to 40%.


The use of a site matrix was explained, as well as the Selection Process Criteria which displayed both potential and unsuitable sites. There were numerous applications for superstores within Malmesbury and it was decided that Waitrose was the most suitable for the town. The supermarket developer made a contribution to the ‘Town Team’; a community led group that advertised the town.


Workshops were organised to discuss what the town needed, along with the Prince’s Foundation (Building for the Community). The design guide was discussed further and how it was possible to have dense but still attractive housing.


Cllr Killane stated that it was necessary to work together to produce a town that met the needs of those who lived there currently and to democratise the process. It was necessary for the steering group to explain the decisions it had made in the interests of transparency.


Attendees had the opportunity to put questions to Cllr Killane. Topics included the length of the process, the dilution of Section 106 funds and transitional arrangements. 


Cllr Killane’s presentation was very well received by those in attendance.



b)    David Short (Chairman of Calne/Calne Without Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group) and Judy Edwards (Calne Town Council) provided an update on the developments of their Plan. It was stated that the community would be engaged in all necessary decisions and that volunteers with the necessary skills and expertise would be welcome.


The first step of their plan was to identify opportunities in Calne and that the Neighbourhood Plan must meet the needs of the core strategy. The Masterplan for the town centre had now been completed, which included tourism, cultural and renewable energy policies. There was also planned improvements for Porte Marsh industrial estate and a focus on infrastructure that met the community’s needs. Finally, a need to protect the town’s current architecture was emphasised and a completion target of June 2015 was set.


Judy Edwards stated that a report would be sent out in regards to consultation.


8:10 pm


Calne Renaissance (Coleman's Farm Development)

Jan Morse (Green Square) will provide an update on the development of Coleman’s Farm.


Jan Morse (Green Square) provided an update on the development of Coleman’s Farm. It was stated that Green Square would be looking to put in place employment training and different work initiatives. There would also be home improvements and regeneration that would include community building, facelifts to improve resident’s homes and the potential for new properties. There was to be an ‘impact survey’ to understand the needs of the community which would consult all residents and not only Green Square residents.


Design concepts for specific areas were explained to the Board, for instance plans to add play areas to Abberd Brook and to the reduce damp and mould in Woodroffe Square; as well as insulation improvements. The requirement to replace expensive metal patio doors at Coleman’s Farm was also discussed.


A sketched concept was displayed which showed how potential new properties and new parking developments could look. It was stated that the designs would take into account the information from the consultation and future designs would have more accurate dimensions.


The work of the Neighbourhood Team was also raised, who had visited residents who would be directly affected by the development to discuss where they would like to move if their homes were replaced.

It was stated that Green Square was a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation and it would therefore be necessary to sell some of the properties to raise the required funds. By the end of 2014, it was hoped a more complete plan would be available.


Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions. The topics raised included the need to push plans forwards to keep families out of properties with mould and damp issues. Concern was raised over anti-social behaviour and the need to ensure future housing provided a mixture of both affordable and social housing. A question was asked in relation to the relocation of those displaced by the development, to which it was explained that the families would be consulted in advance and if possible, would be able to move back to the area once the redevelopments were complete. 

8:20 pm


Local Highways Investment Fund 2014-2020

Peter Binley(Head of Highways Asset Management and Commissioning) will present the report and request the Boards endorsement of the planned schemes for 2014/15.

Supporting documents:


Peter Binley, Head of Highways Asset Management and Commissioning at Wiltshire Council, provided a presentation on the Local Highways Investment Fund 2014-2020. It was explained that most of the roads in the county were not built for modern vehicles and that this combined with extreme weather conditions over recent years had resulted in deterioration of the roads.


To address the backlog of work needed, Wiltshire Council had increased investment over the next six years and required help from Area Boards in identifying a schedule of work over that period. In highlighting the list of proposed work for 2014/16 (as detailed on Appendix A of the report) those highlighted in yellow indicated low skid resistance and were therefore prioritised.


The list was to be reviewed year on year and the Area Board would be consulted in order to help prioritise this work.


Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and topics raised included the damage to pavements, the potholes on more rural roads and the need to consult the Parish Councils.



Members agreed the list of proposed work for 2014/15 as detailed on Appendix A of the report.



8:30 pm


Appointment to Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To confirm membership of outside bodies and working groups and to confirm terms of reference for working groups.

Supporting documents:



The appointments to outside bodies would be as follows for 2014/15:


Calne Community Area Partnership – Councillor Crisp

Calne Heritage Centre Trust and Marden House – Councillor Trotman

Calne Youth Advisory Group – Councillor Marshall



The appointments to the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) would be as follows for 2014/15:


Area Board Representative – Councillor Christine Crisp

Calne community area manager

Highways officers

Calne Town Council representative

Focus on Five representative

Parish Council representatives x 3

Calne Community Area Partnership representative

Supporting officers when required



The appointments to the Shadow Community Operations Board (COB) would be as follows for 2014/15:


Area board representative – Councillor Alan Hill

Town Council representative

Community Area Manager

Wider community representative

Youth/education representative

User and community group representatives x 4

Co-opted members x 2



The appointments to the Sandpit Road Working Group would be as below for 2014/15:


Area board representative – Councillor Trotman

Calne community area manager

Calne Community Area Partnership representative

Calne Area Transport representative

Extended schools partnership representative

Calne Town Council representative

Local residents’ group representative

Supporting officers



The appointments to the Air Quality Working Group would be as below for 2014/15:


Area board representative – Councillor Ansell

Calne community area manager

Public health and wellbeing representative

Calne Town Council representative

Calne Area Transport representative

Calne Environmental Network representative



The appointments to the Skate Board Park Working Group would be as below for 2014/15:


Area board representative – Councillor Marshall

Calne community area manager

Calne Town Council representative

Youth development co-ordinator

Six members of the Youth Advisory Group skate bowl sub group.






8:35 pm


Your Local Issues

Councillors will provide an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups as detailed below.  The Board is asked to note the updates and consider any recommendations arising:


a.    Skate board park working group

b.    Highways working group (CATG)

c.    Calne campus working group

d.    Sandpit Road (Section 106) working group

e.    Air quality working group


Cllr Alan Hill will provide an update on Calne JSA priorities.

Supporting documents:


Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups. 


a)    Skateboard Park Working Group – As Cllr Marshall sent apologies, the Community Area Manager provided an update, stating that the bowl project group were meeting with the Town Council and the contractors next Tuesday. By the next Area Board it was hoped an update would be available.


b)    Highways Working Group (CATG) – The Board were asked to consider the recommendations within the report. 



To approve all the CATG’s recommendations as follows:


1.1.       Approve a scheme, allocate £25,300 from the CATG budget, request a contribution from Calne Town Council and submit a bid to the Substantive Highways Scheme in order to implement traffic calming/road safety improvements at Woodsage Way/North Street/Lickhill Road, Calne.

1.2.       Approve a scheme and allocate £4,000 from the CATG budget to implement road safety improvements at Bentley Lane, Calne.

1.3.       Select Cherhill and Stickleback Rd / School Road, Calne nominations as areas to be considered for 20mph speed limits/zones. And add Yatesbury and Station Road proposals to a list for consideration in 2015/16.


c)    Calne Campus Working Group – The group was currently in negotiations with the Landlord and would be soon applying for planning permission. Work at Calne Central Site had started. Cllr Alan Hill was the new Chairman of this working group.


d)    Sandpit Road (Section 106) Working Group – Cllr Tony Trotman provided an update. The group had last met on 26th March and since then progress had been made on two important issues: firstly, the implementation of a safe crossing for cyclists at Honeymead towards the Knapp across Abberd Way including traffic calming measures along the road towards Prince Charles Drive. Secondly, the Woodhill Rise/Oxford Road cycle and pedestrian safety improvement scheme to stop vehicle movements across this section known as the unadopted road. Bollards were to be placed after the turning area at Woodhill Rise prohibiting vehicles beyond that point.


e)    JSA Priorities – Cllr Alan Hill provided an update on the Calne JSA priorities. Using the results gathered from voting at the previous Area Board, it was agreed that any work on the priorities would be done as a community based piece of work. It was stated that the priorities selected would be treated as three separate issues rather than four; this was due to two of the priorities being closed related to children and would therefore be treated as one.  The priorities are as follows: 


1. Increase employment opportunities and youth activities in consultation with young people and create better opportunities for young people to get into work through initiatives like apprenticeships and work experience.


2. Recognise child poverty and childhood obesity and engage with parents to address it.


3. Build a positive reputation for Calne Community Area to attract more visitors to venues and events.


Cllr Hill also stated that he was still waiting to hear more on the positive youth activities in the area and the related funding. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.

8:50 pm


Calne Community Area Partnership Funding 2014/15

The Board will be asked to consider the report on proposed funding to the Community Area Partnership for 2014/15.

Supporting documents:


It was recommended by Councillor Hill that £6,000 of the years total budget of £6,800.64 be paid to the Calne Community Area Partnership recognising the important work they did in the community.



To make £6,000 in funds immediately available to Calne Community Area Partnership.


8:55 pm



The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting.


The next Area Board meeting would be held at 6.30 pm on 5 August 2014 at 6:30 pm, with refreshments available from 6.00 pm.