Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 26 October 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Calne Town Hall, Bank House, The Strand, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 0EN

Contact: Alexa Smith (Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01249 706612/ Email:

Note No. Item

7.00 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome Councillor Jane Scott, Leader of Wiltshire Council.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present. The Chairman welcomed Councillor Stewart Wheeler (Cabinet Representative for Leisure, Sport and Culture), Councillor Dick Tonge (Cabinet Representative for Highways and Transport) and Councillor Jane Scott (Leader of the Council).


Consultation on Initial Site Options for the Aggregate Minerals Site Allocation

Supporting documents:


A Wiltshire Council consultation on potential sites for sand and gravel extraction commenced on 5 August 2010. Although the consultation was not included on the agenda as an item, the matter of initial site options for the aggregate minerals site allocations was considered at this meeting as a matter of urgent business, because the consultation had arisen as a significant issue in the community since the agenda was drafted.


The Chairman invited comments from representatives of the groups present and then individuals.


A representative spoke from The Mile Elm Sand Stoppers. Points raised included the following:

·         Turnout at the meeting indicated how serious the issue was taken in the community

·         The group was set up to raise awareness of the consultation and had quickly established 1200 members

·         Anger was in the main directed at landowners

·         Concerns regarding proposed quarries at sites C6 and C7 – threat to outstanding natural beauty and agricultural productivity of the district, a danger to children at the nearby John Bentley School and to rare wildlife, as well as deterioration in the quality of life of all Calne residents

·         Plans for the group after the consultation period ended.


The Area Board was presented with a petition signed by 1,404 people. The petition was received by the Chairman and passed to the Democratic Services Officer for verification, before it would be put to the relevant Cabinet Representative for consideration, Councillor John Brady (Cabinet Representative for Economic Development, Planning and Housing).


A representative spoke from Stockley to express his concern and objection to the proposed quarrying at Mile Elm and Stockley/Broad’s Green. The proposed quarries were seen as a threat to the outstanding natural beauty and agricultural productivity of the district, a danger to children at the nearby John Bentley School and to rare wildlife, as well as to the quality of life for all residents of Calne Community Area.


A representative from Hilmarton and Goatacre Group Improving Safety (HAGGIS) voiced concerns regarding traffic on the A3102, which had doubled in the previous two years. He commented that while Wiltshire Council were not planning new landfill, private businesses could submit applications for landfill sites and there was the need to object to this happening too.


Individuals spoke to endorse the points made before and draw attention to the impact of further HGVs on air pollution and on traffic in the Community Area. The number of people who attended the meeting and related meetings was celebrated and the need to continue this work was identified. Landowners estimates of the amount of sand available at the C5 site once the buffers were pushed out were questioned.


The item included a question and answer session, which covered the following main issues:

·         The consultation as a statutory duty would not be put on hold because of the recent Government spending review. It was a process that Wiltshire Council had to go through once landowners had put sites forward. The only uncertainty was the implication of a forthcoming localism bill, but Wiltshire  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies wre received from Will Kay (Youth Development Co-Ordinator) and Ed Jones (Focus on Five).



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 August 2010.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman did not sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 August 2010, as a number of amendments had been requested. These would be discussed by the Area Board and brought back to the next meeting.   


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillors Hill, Marshall and Trotman declared that as Calne Town Councillors, they had been granted dispensations by the Standards Committee in order to fully participate in item 10, Community Area Grants.


Councillor Trotman declared a personal interest in item 8, Leisure Facilities Review, as Chairman of the Calne Leisure Centre Leisure Board.

7.05 pm


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will provide information about the gypsy and travel site consultation, community flooding, the Wiltshire Intelligence Network, mobile phone safety, consultation on Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 and adverse winter weather.  

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack. The gypsy and travel site consultation had been postponed. The issues consultation used figures proposed in the draft South West Regional Spatial Strategy as the basis of future need for Gypsy and Traveller sites. The Regional Spatial Strategy had now been revoked and it fell to local authorities to determine the right level of site provision. The Area Board would be informed once a revised timetable on the provision of new sites for the travelling community was available.


Parish Councils were reminded to return their flooding information request details if they had not already done so. Forms should be sent to Renate Malton (Project Officer) at the address below:

Derby Court

White Horse Business Park


BA14 0XG.


The Chairman advised parishes that if they had lost their original pack or required an additional one, they should contact Renate Malton, on 01225 712514 or


A new website had been launched to provide access to a wide variety of information and research for Wiltshire. The new site,, was available to all and aimed to support planners and policy makers, community leaders and politicians, voluntary groups and the general public in using accurate data to make informed decisions. For more information, please contact Sally Hunter (Senior Researcher), on 01225 713289 or


Wiltshire Police had requested the Area Board publicise the website The national property register was running a scheme to help protect your mobile phone and other property. Please visit the website to register your mobile phone for free. This would help Wiltshire Police to recover your property and to catch the thief.


The Council had a statutory duty to review and publish a new Local Transport Plan (LTP) by the end of March 2011. In essence, Local Transport Plans steered the implementation of national transport policies at the local level. In addition, the Local Transport Plan provided the framework for all other organisations with a direct or indirect involvement in transport in Wiltshire. Consultation on the draft Local Transport Plan would run from 4 October to 26 November 2010. The preferred method of communication was for comments to be submitted online at:,where electronic copies of all the documents would be available. Paper copies of the summary document, questionnaire and a reference copy of the Local Transport Plan would also be available from all libraries and main Council offices.


The Chairman explained that Wiltshire Council was looking to expand its partnership working with the city, town and parish councils should problems be caused by adverse winter conditions. Wiltshire Council was encouraging local Councils to record their interest in working with us to help provide services during adverse weather conditions. This could involve being a local agent for storing salt, or refilling salt bins, or mechanical salting of footpaths and roads. Local councils were asked to register their interest via the Community Area Manager, Jane Vaughan, on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.

7.15 pm


Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:

a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c)    NHS Wiltshire

d)    Calne Community Area Partnership – including progress on the community hub and the Abberd Brook project

e)    Calne CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group)

f)     Town and Parish Councils.  


a) The written report from Wiltshire Police was noted.


b) The written report from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted.


c) The written report from NHS Wiltshire was noted.


d) The Chairman congratulated David Evans on his election as Chairperson of the Calne Community Area Partnership at the recent AGM and thanked Malcolm Gull for his work in this position during the last year. Mr Evans commented that the Calne Community Hub was flourishing and that the Partnership now employed a part time administrator. The Partnership with other agencies were organising an Energy Efficiency event at Calne Town Hall on the following Saturday with details available on the CCAP website:


e) Calne Without Parish Council congratulated the people who spoke at the meeting and those who had submitted their comments in writing to the consultation on initial site options for the aggregate minerals site allocation. Those who had attended the earlier meeting at Derry Hill were also thanked for their efforts. The Parish Council’s formal response to the consultation was available to view on their website:      


In Hilmarton community speed watch was going well and there had been a reduction in the number of vehicles travelling at higher speeds.

7.30 pm


Transfer of Assets Regarding the Castlefields Canal and River Park

The Area Board will be asked to consider an application for the transfer of Castlefields Canal and River Park to Calne Town Council in accordance with Wiltshire Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy.  

Supporting documents:


The Area Board carefully considered an application for the transfer of Castlefields Canal and River Park to Calne Town Council in accordance with Wiltshire Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy. Concerns were raised regarding assurance section 106 monies would be used for Castlefields projects, that Calne Town Council was signed up to the community ‘vision’ and that a strong relationship was needed with Officers regarding management of the park.



The Area Board would approve the transfer of Castlefields Canal and River Park to Calne Town Council subject to the following conditions:


1.    The existing community ‘vision’ that has been developed by Castlefields Canal and River Park Association in conjunction with Wiltshire Council Officers will continue to inform the management of the land for its lifetime, and residents from across the wider Calne Community Area will continue to be encouraged to enjoy the amenity.


2.    The existing use will be maintained for the benefit of the community.


  1. A standard ‘reverter’ clause is included in the title, which will ensure that if the land stops being used as public open space, for the benefit of the community, Wiltshire Council will have the option to repurchase the land for the sum of £1.


  1. (In an amendment to the report circulated with the agenda pack) The Technical Manager from Wiltshire Council’s Directorate of Neighbourhoods and Planning  to review completed section 106 Town and Country Planning Agreements with available off-site contributions towards open space and amenity provision with which it would be permissible to fund projects at Castlefields Canal and River Park  Association, and Calne Town Council to agree such projects with the Technical Manager and then be implemented by Castlefields Canal and River Park Association and Calne Town Council.


The transfer of assets would not take place until after 30 November 2010, in order for a National Lottery funding application to proceed. 

7.45 pm


Leisure Facilities Review

To consult on the review of leisure services in Wiltshire.


Councillor Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet Representative for Leisure, Sport and Culture, gave a short presentation on the future of leisure facilities in Calne. The operation of Calne Leisure Centre Ltd was an example of how local trusts could offer an excellent and sustainable service to local people. The proposals were indicative and no decisions would be made until the Council had an opportunity to review the outcome of the consultation. The Council was in discussion with Calne Leisure Centre Ltd to determine how the facility could be sustainable transferred to the group and to identify what maintenance and development work could be done to improve the facilities prior to full devolvement. The proposals include significant investment into the plant, equipment and structure of the buildings prior to devolvement.


Wiltshire Council had inherited a form of financial responsibility for 23 facilities around the county, including many facilities which were out of date and inefficient. The situation was unsustainable, with £93 million required over the next 25 years to sustain the existing stock, excluding any investment to improve the buildings.


As such, proposals had been developed on the basis of £117 million investment over 25 years, to deliver a high quality, efficient and sustainable service. This would also go some way to meeting carbon reduction targets, with leisure facilities currently accounting for 21% of the Council’s carbon emissions.


The proposals would see four new facilities within campuses, with another two existing facilities being significantly enhanced and retained. The remaining facilities would also receive significant capital investment, before being made available for transfer to community management arrangements, as part of a robust process including support and identification of suitable business models, phased financial support resulting in independency and potentially the transfer of freehold. It was acknowledged that different mechanisms and solutions would suit different facilities, and so a report on options had been commissioned to give examples of arrangements which had been established in other areas.


It was noted that no decisions would be made by Wiltshire Council until consultation had been completed. Consultation on the proposals was taking place up to 29 October 2010, with details available on the Wiltshire Council website, at libraries, leisure facilities and offices. A report on the outcome of the consultation would be submitted to the Cabinet in December, and the Council would consider the results in February 2011.


The presentation was followed by a short question and answer session. This covered the following main points:

·         Wiltshire Council were in discussion with Calne Leisure Centre about a potential transfer of assets and the level of investment that would be required. The figure to sustain the annual revenue of the group could not be confirmed until approval of the budget in February 2011

·         Calne residents were paying for leisure facilities twice; through Calne Town Council and Wiltshire Council taxes – Wiltshire Council could not continue to run all the leisure centres in the county. Town and Parish Council support was helpful to trying to keep as many leisure  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.

8.05 pm


Feedback on Community Area Grants Received

The Friends of Abberd Brook will feedback on the grant awarded towards a clean up day on the Abberd Brook.


The Chairman announced that the Friends of Abberd Brook had been given an award for their hard work at the Voluntary Sector Services Awards. The group thanked the Area Board for their nomination and said it had been a great honour to be shortlisted and runner up.


Francis Bosworth fed back on the grant awarded by the Area Board towards a clean up day. The event had been well publicised and a big success. Thirty eight people from a wide range of backgrounds had come to help and two skips of rubbish had been removed from the brook. Work was ongoing and on 23 October a clean up group removed one skip of rubbish. Volunteers were doing this work on a regular basis and this helped enormously to keep the brook clean and tidy.


Community Area Grants

To consider four applications made to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


a)    The Mill Race Activity Club, seeking £806 towards the provision of a creative music project for young people with learning/physical/mental health difficulties and the wider community.

b)    Cherhill Parish Council, seeking £5,000 towards new equipment for the Tommy Croker Memorial Playing Field.

c)    Calne Community Area Partnership, seeking £298 towards an event to be held in Calne on October 30.

d)    Calne Area Transport, seeking £2,100 towards a community led study and production of a Safer Cycling routes plan/map for Calne, conditional upon all other funding being in place. 


Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to the four applications made to the Community Area Grants Scheme.



The Mill Race Activity Club were awarded £806 towards the provision of a creative music project for people with learning/physical/mental health difficulties and the wider community.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and the club provides a wide range of activities for vulnerable adults and support for carers and a break from caring responsibilities.



Cherhill Parish Council were not awarded £5,000 towards new equipment for the Tommy Croker Memorial Playing Field.



The application would be deferred, pending further information about an award linked to the central government play builder scheme.



Calne Community Area Partnership were awarded £298 towards an Energy Efficiency event to be held in Calne on October 30th.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and links directly to the Community Area Plan by attempting to increase the number of homes which reach energy efficiency standards and encourage more environmentally sustainable practices.



Calne Area Transport were awarded £2,100 towards a community led study and production of a Safer Cycling routes plan/map for Calne, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and the project links directly to issues and aspirations identified by the Calne Area Board working group looking at safer cycle routes in the Calne Community Area.

8.30 pm


Your Local Issues

Councillors will provide an update on community issues and progress on Area Board working groups. This will include:

a)    Skate board park working group

b)    Cycle network working group

c)    Highways working group. 


Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups.


a) Councillor Marshall had been involved in several meetings regarding the skate board park working group. Three possible sites had been discussed and the preferred site was the current location next to the car park. Young people were organising a twelve hour sponsored event to help raise funds for the new facilities.  


b) Councillor Berry thanked Calne Area Transport and those who were taking part in the cycle network working group.


c) Councillor Crisp had had a meeting with the highways working group when they looked into the highways issues put forward with the help of Martin Cook, Area Highway Engineer. It was commented that working with Martin Cook, Area Highway Engineer, had been a great asset because of his local knowledge. Having a Highway Officer adopt a Community Area could be a model way of working across the county. The group had approximately £12,5000 to prioritise projects in the Community Area. Councillor Crisp emphasised this was a small amount of funding, a small pedestrian crossing would cost £20,000 to install. Officers had scored projects on a matrix and in terms of what could be afforded. The working group hoped to bring back the projects to move forward to the Area Board meeting in January.


A question was raised about serious traffic issues in Quemerford, where no changes to the road had been made. The Community Area Manager confirmed that an issues sheet had been received for this area and it was under consideration by the highways working group at present.

8.40 pm


Highways Winter Maintenance

To prioritise the allocation of new grit bins.


The Councillors had been asked to prioritise the allocation of three new grit bins to the Community Area. The decision had been brought to the Area Board as requests for new bins across the county far exceeded possible allocations.


Across the county, 422 requests had been received for 100 available new grit bins. In Calne Community Area, ten grit bins had been requested and three new grit bins had been allocated.


At the agenda setting meeting, the Community Area Manager was asked to come up with a suggestion for the Area Board so that the highways department could install the new bins as soon as possible. Since then she had been in touch with the Area Highway Officer and with the Parish Councils that had requested more than one bin to discuss priorities. This resulted in identifying four priority sites.


The Community Area Manager then found that one site used to have a bin and received confirmation that this could be replaced in addition to the three new bins.



The Area Board would put forward as priorities the three requested sites at Heddington, Hilmarton and Calstone.


The fourth bin, which was a replacement rather than a new bin, would be the grit bin request from Calne Town Council.


A question was raised regarding whether local companies had been asked to sponsor new grit bins in the local area. The issue was not funding the grit bins, but filling them. Wiltshire Council could supply one tonne bags of grit to parishes for distribution. Please contact Jane Vaughan, Community Area Manager, on 01247 721447 or, in the first instance if a supply would be of use.

8.45 pm


Car Parking Strategy Consultation Feedback

To provide Calne Area Board with feedback on the consultation undertaken.


Councillor Tonge, Cabinet Representative for Highways and Transport, gave feedback on the car parking strategy consultation. The consultation had arisen from the move to a unitary Wiltshire Council. Councillor Tonge explained the consultation process; how Wiltshire Council informed people and who responded. County wide responses showed overwhelming support for the economy and for meeting residents’ needs for parking. Comments from Calne highlighted the high quality of parking stock, the desire for alternative travel modes, that any changed parking provision should be on a pay-on-exit basis, that enforcement had little effect in Calne and a request for prominent notices displaying the fines for illegal use of disabled parking places.


A Cabinet decision making meeting would take place on 14 December and this would lead to statutory processes in place by April 2011.


Additional comments and questions were taken from the floor. A system of paying for parking by mobile phone was in operation in Chippenham and Salisbury and would be rolled out across the county. No charge was planned in the county for disabled parking. Short term car parks charged more for users to stay longer because with restricted space they wanted users to quickly move on. The small excess made by Wiltshire Council from car parking was put back into subsidised bus services.

8.55 pm


Cabinet Representative

There will be the opportunity to ask Councillor Jane Scott questions regarding her role as Leader of Wiltshire Council.  


Councillor Jane Scott stated that, in light of the time, she would be happy to return to another Calne Area Board meeting to answer questions regarding her role as Leader of Wiltshire Council. She gave a short update about the position Wiltshire Council was in to manage Government directives. There had been a 28.4% loss of grant from central Government to Wiltshire Council over four years. Wiltshire Council already had a business plan based on a 25% grant reduction. Front line services would not be cut or support services under pressure, such as for elderly people, those involving adult care and vulnerable children. Investments would continue to be made in leisure, recycling and the economy, to support provision of jobs in the private sector given expected losses from the public sector. Supporting businesses would incorporate establishing fast broadband links across the county.

9.00 pm


Any Questions and Close

The Chairman will address any questions and comments from the floor and then set out arrangements for the next meeting.

Supporting documents:


The next Area Board meeting would be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 7 December 2010 at Heddington Village Hall, with refreshments available from 6.30 pm.