Agenda and draft minutes

Chippenham and Villages Area Board - Monday 26 June 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Goss Croft Hall, Malmesbury Road, Upper Seagry, Chippenham, SN15 5HD

Contact: Will Oulton  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the councillors and officers present.




Apologies for absence were received from Baroness Scott and Councillor Clare Cape.



To approve and sign the minutes of the meetings held on 13th March and 16th May 2017].


Supporting documents:




The minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2017 were agreed a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcements

To consider any announcements by the chair.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman stated that it was hoped to receive a presentation on Cybercrime at the next meeting.


He also mentioned the that a presentation by the developers had been arranged at Kington Langley regarding the Chippenham Gateway application (ref: 17/03417/OUT).




Local Youth Network (LYN) Update

To consider the report and the recommendations for awards as follows:


Explorer Scouts - £2000

Relate - £2500

Supporting documents:


The meeting received an update and was asked to consider the applications for funding together with the recommendations of the Local Youth Network (LYN) Management Group.


Applicants, in attendance, were given an opportunity to address the meeting.




To make the following awards:

Explorer Scouts - £2,000

Relate - £2,500



Chippenham Station Development Update

To receive an update on the Chippenham Station Development project.


The meeting received an update on the Chippenham Station Development project following on from the information presented to the previous meeting.


Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: that the scheme was awarded £16m from central government conditional on certain project requirements being met; that GWR would be installing ticket barriers and had sought some funding to improve the ticket hall, access and other improvements totalling £2m; that the scheme includes improved access for cyclist, public transport users and disabled visitors; the desire to improve the interior appearance to be in keeping with the listed building; improving the signage and way-finding for those arriving and wanting to navigate the town; the timeline of the scheme, including that a planning application had been submitted; that the business case will be determined by the LEP in July; that hopefully with first phase of work to start in Sept 17; that the time frame for longer term improvements had yet  to be determined; that further stakeholder and public consultation would be undertaken once a deliverable plan had been developed; and that various options for car parking were being explored but that they would need to be in budget.


The Chair thanked the officers for their presentation.




Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To note the written updates provided and answer any questions arising from the floor:


      i.        Parish and Town Councils

    ii.        Wiltshire Police

   iii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

   iv.        Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

     v.        Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

   vi.        Other Community Groups

Supporting documents:


Updates from partners received were noted.



Health & Wellbeing Update

To receive an update from the local Champions.


An update was received Julia Stacey and Alison Butler including: how issues were being promoted in the community; the work with partners to make Chippenham more dementia friendly; and continue concern over payments for the painting of disable parking bays.




Community Engagement Manager Update

Victoria Welsh, Community Engagement Manager, will provide an overview on upcoming projects in the Chippenham Community Area



The Community Engagement Manager presented an update including a short video about the Big Pledge challenge which was encouraging people to take more exercise.


Information was also given out regarding the tree planting scheme for next year, with the community being asked to identify land suitable for planting in 2018.






To consider the following applications:


Chippenham Hospital Radio -         £3360

Kington Langley Croquet Club -      £5000

Burton Community Association -     £5000

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered applications to the Community Area Grant Scheme as set out in the report.


Following an opportunity for applicants to present their projects, and after a short date, the meeting;




To make the following awards:


  • Chippenham Hospital Radio - £3360


  • Kington Langley Croquet Club - £5000


  • Burton Community Association - £5000




Appointment of Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To appoint representatives from the Area Board to sit on the following Outside Bodies.


·         Chippenham Local Youth Network (LYN)


 To appoint members of the following Area Board working groups.


·        Chippenham Community Area Transport Group (CATG)


·         Chippenham LYN Management Group



To appoint a Health and Wellbeing and Older Persons Champions

Supporting documents:


The meeting considered the report which provided the opportunity to appoint representatives to Outside Bodies, and to reconstitute and appoint to Working Groups for the year 2017/18.


Following a short debate, the meeting;




To appoint Councillor representatives to Outside Bodies and to reconstitute and appoint to the Working Groups as follows:


·        Community Area Transport Group: Councillors Ashley O’Neill, Nick Murry, Bill Douglas, Ross Henning, Maurice Dixon, John Scragg and Mr Adrian Jones

·        LYN Management Group: Councillors: Hutton and Thompson

·        Health and Wellbeing Group: Councillor Peter Hutton

·        Safer and Stronger Communities Group: Councillors Peter Hutton and Nick Murry.


To note the Terms of Reference for the Working Groups, as set out in Appendix C.


To reappoint the Health & Wellbeing Champion; and the Older Peoples/Carers Champion for the Area Board, in accordance with Appendix D as follows:


·        Julia Stacey and  Barbara Hearn– Older People’s Champion

·        Alison Butler – Carers Champion




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


The Chairman sought support to bring a future item on the possibility of using CCTV, or other methods, to deter fly tipping in the area.


The meeting were generally supportive of this discussion.



Evaluation and Close

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor and will welcome the submission of new issues.


The meeting is asked to note the future meeting dates below


4 Sep 2017 7.00 pm

6 Nov 2017 7.00 pm

15 Jan 2018 7.00 pm



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting. The next meeting of the Chippenham Area Board would take place on the 4th September 2017.