Agenda and minutes

Corsham Area Board - Tuesday 8 June 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Corsham Town Hall, High Street, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 0EZ

Contact: Julia Densham (Senior Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01249 706610 / Email:

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Corsham Area Board meeting and invited members of the Board to introduce themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


Cllr Peter Davis (Vice Chairman)

Sian Walker (Service Director)

Iain Hunter (Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service)

Peter Kallmeier (Youth Development Service)



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 30 March and 18 May 2010.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 30 May 2010 were confirmed and signed as a correct record with the following amendment:


Minute 14 – Community Issues and Funding

£5k was being made available for schemes to save money on street lighting and not £15k as detailed in the minute.


The minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2010 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcements

Supporting documents:


The Chairman informed all present of the following:


·        Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman - The Area Board met immediately after the Annual Council meeting on 18 May to appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the next municipal year.  At this meeting Cllr Dick Tonge was reappointed as Chairman and Cllr Peter Davis as Vice Chairman.


·        Air Quality Strategy for Wiltshire - The Environment Act 1995 placed a duty on local authorities to monitor air quality within their areas having regard to national and European air quality objectives.


Wiltshire was a high quality environment; however there were a number of locations where air quality objectives were not being met. These failures were in general associated with vehicle emissions and congestion and had health implications.


The Board would welcome views on the Air Quality Strategy, which had been developed as an over arching document and detailed the Council’s approach to air quality.  Consultation on the document would remain open until 18 June 2010.  Full details were set out in the agenda papers.


·           Contaminated Land Strategy for Wiltshire - Local councils were required to prepare a statement detailing how they would meet their responsibilities to inspect the council’s area, identify contaminated land and secure its clean up.  The contaminated land strategy was available on the Council’s web site and the consultation would remain open until 18 June 2010.  Full details were set out in the agenda papers.


·           Highways Programme for 2010-11 - The annual programme of highway maintenance and improvement schemes for 2010/11 had now been approved. The information was presented on an individual community area basis and was available on the Council’s website under Community Area Highway Information.


·           The information included lists of proposed highway and related works for 2010/11 with facts and figures about the roads in the area.

The person to contact in relation to road defects, street cleansing, etc, was Adrian Hampton, Service Manager, who can be contacted on


·           A4 (Basil Hill) – Original discussions with the MOD had concluded that the responsibility for and implementation of highways schemes as part of land development would be that of the MOD.   Following further discussion negotiations were now underway whereby the MOD would pass over monies to the Council to undertake this work on their behalf as and when the Council felt appropriate.  Negotiations were expected to come to fruition shortly.


The subject would be added to the agenda of the next Area Board meeting for further update and discussion.


Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


a)   Wiltshire Police

b)   Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c)   NHS Wiltshire

d)   Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

e)   Corsham Area Young People’s Issues Group

f)Chamber of Commerce


Supporting documents:


In addition to the written updates provided the following information was received:


·        Wiltshire Police

o       Security – a number of vehicles had been broken into in the area, some of which had been left unsecured.   The community were reminded to ensure both vehicles and properties were properly secured.

o       Speeding – the camera safety unit, local officers and speed watch were all working together to reduce overall speeding in the community.

o       Crimes and detections – Corsham was a safe part of Wiltshire with local criminality in the area low.  The figures provided should be taken in context with an acknowledgement that the overall crime figures included a 11% reduction.  Neighbouring police teams were working on the levels of detection.

o       Wiltshire Police were approaching a time of demand with additional policing envisaged, taking into account the approaching summer solstice, WOMAD Festival and World Cup events.


·        Fire and Rescue Services

o       No further update was provided in addition to the written report attached to the agenda.


·        Corsham Town Council

o       On 26 June Corsham Town Council would be awarding the freedom of town to all 3 services.  A formal presentation would take place to which unitary councillors would be invited. 

o       Corsham Town Council were frequently approached by various organisations requesting assistance in applying for grants – a sports forum, to collectively understand sporting demands in the Town, was to be held on 15 July where sporting organisations were to get together to assess the various requirements needed.  Wiltshire Council attendance would be welcomed.

o       All community venues in the area were invited to contact the Town Council to allow the Council to understand their needs and value to the community and to investigate ways in which the Council could provide assistance.


Local Development Framework: Update on Consultation Results

To receive an update on the results of the recent consultation on the Local Development Framework.


A presentation was made by Matthew Pearson, Spatial Planning Officer, Wiltshire Council, which provided feedback following the Wiltshire 2026 consultation.


·        The following points were noted from the consultation:

o       That this was an important step to the Wiltshire Core Strategy and would eventually replace local plans, be used to make decisions and decide planning applications. 

o       The consultation had identified issues for local areas and how these areas were to change leading up to 2026.

o       The consultation took place between 30 October and 31 December across Wiltshire.

o       Approx 2,000 comments had been received from 600 individuals.

o       The overarching opinion was that the LDF had sound underlying principles but that clarity should be made on how local communities were involved in the decision process.

o       It was critical that the infrastructure needed to be delivered at the point of development and when needed.


·        Issues raised in relation to Corsham and the wider community included:

o       The importance and status of Corsham and its surrounding areas was underestimated and in particular was seen as able to support more employment development.

o       A greater scale of development would lead to critical mass and a more sustainable community.

o       The influence of the MOD and it’s impact in the future should have a more prominent role.  Surplus MOD land could be used for future employment.

o       Affordable housing needs were unlikely to be met at current levels of development.

o       The potential to reopen the Corsham railway station was not given adequate prominence - this project should be led by Wiltshire Council.

o       The highways authority identified that there are capacity issues surrounding the strategic road network.

o       A strategic network approach to highways.

o       Open countryside between villages and the needs of villages to retain their identity should be protected.

o       It was likely that some site options may need to be reassessed.

o       3 sites put forward for development included Leafield Trading Estate, Ladbroke Lane and Copenacre and Rudloe sites. 


·        The Core Strategy is due for examination after Spring 2011.


·        The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) has been abandoned. 


o       The RSS was part of the development plan system which was introduced with the 1994 Planning Act.  

o       The RSS was introduced to guide development and planning policies regionally at each level. 

o       The current government’s manifesto pledged to remove the strategy and the Council now awaited further information from Central Government on how this will affect Core Strategies in the future.


·        Further information can be found on the Wiltshire website at: could be used to request all updates related to planning and any additional planning information.


·        Further updates would be provided to the community as they develop.


Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN) Forward Work Plan and Application for Funding

To receive an update and funding request from the Corsham Community Area Network.

Supporting documents:


Christine Reid provided a summary of the annual report which included details of the work that had been done, details of the work planned for the coming year and workplan being developed for the next year.


The following points were raised:


·        The CCAN, in comparison to other partnerships across Wiltshire, was well established and had a positive working relationship with the area board. 

·        The Community Area Partnership Agreement established how the CCAN and area board would work together in the future.

·        The CCAN were aiming to deliver the Community Plan put together a year ago.  The Plan continued to be refreshed to reflect the needs of Corsham.

·        An event was to be held at Hartham Park in September where all were encouraged to attend to discuss the future of Corsham – this was included in the workplan.

·        That the CCAN would encourage a closer linkage with the area board work and community area plan to underpin what the CCAN do in the community.

·        Much of the work done within the community focused on transport and environment.  Thanks were given to TransCoCo who delivered a significant amount of work in these areas, including work on the cycleway. 

·        An update on the work done by TransCoco on the cycleway was provided as follows:

o       Earlier this year a meeting was held with representatives from Wiltshire and Town Council to look at the cycle network for Corsham.  A working group was formed to develop routes across Corsham. 

o       The working group included members from Corsham schools.

o       The resulting report recommended an east to west route across Corsham that would require a relatively small amount of expenditure. 

o       The report would be presented to the area board for consideration and to provide approval for continued discussions. 




The funding request for the first tranche of funding of £4,500 was approved.  CCAN will continue to update the Area Board on developments and request a further tranche of funding in October if required.


TransCoCo Bus Stop Audit

To receive a progress report from Adam Walton regarding the TransCoCo Bus Stop Audit.

Supporting documents:


Nicholas Keyworth from TransCoCo presented a progress report to the Board regarding the Bus Stop Audit.


In addition to the report the following key points were provided:


·        The audit was a successful example of partnership working with Town, Parish and Unitary Councils and bus companies working together.


·        Progress made:

o       A detailed analysis was carried out which looked at all 115 bus stops in the Corsham community area, where they were situated and the responsibility of maintenance, timetables, signage, service available, etc.

o       That the priority should be for stops should clearly display the services that stop there.

o       Some unused stops had been removed from the map.

o       The names of bus stops would be rationalised.

o       The ‘Hail and Ride’ service would be better promoted.

o       Press coverage of the project raised awareness.

o       That a coordinator was addressing the inaccurate information provided on the website.


·        Outstanding Issues:

o       Continue liaison with bus services to promote services more effectively.

o       The public should be made aware of the available Texting Service through Traveline which provided details of the next 3 buses due.

o       That timetables were out of date or wrong. 


·        What needs to be done:

o       A cohesive strategy to raise awareness of the service.

o       Simplify and rationalise the services.

o       Closer partnership working with Town and Parish Councils to resolve issues.


An outcome of the audit was that other partnerships across Wiltshire had shown interest in the audit and wanted to replicate.


Cabinet Representative - Councillor Stuart Wheeler

The Cabinet representative, Councillor Stuart Wheeler, will talk about his responsibilities for Leisure, Sport and Culture and will invite questions.


Cllr Stuart Wheeler provided an update to the Board on his responsibilities as Portfolio holder for leisure, sports and culture which included the following:


·        Leisure –23 leisure centres across the county were in varying states of repair.  Some were managed in-house, 12 were managed by DC Leisure and 3 by independent Trusts.  In November 2009 Cabinet agreed to a review of all facilities to ascertain whether they were fit for purpose.  The policy, assets and employment options would be considered and a paper submitted to Cabinet in Autumn 2010 on how facilities should be provided across the Council for the next 15 years.  A consultation would take place as part of the review.


·        Sport – Added to the portfolio to encourage children and young people to take up and continue with sport.  It was hoped that children could be identified and directed to a good network of clubs who had accredited status to achieve the best potential.


Statistics showed that children were shown to drop out of sport at 16 years of age although tended to pick up sport again around 28 years of age.  A drive was taking place to encourage those within the county to exercise for half an hour six times per week.


·        Culture &Arts – Tom Craig was responsible for Culture and Arts, which included the Chippenham History Centre jointly funded with Swindon Borough Council.  The History Centre held all deeds and records, including primary school log books across Wiltshire.  County archaeologists and restoration team were also based there.


Other venues included the Pounds Arts Trust, Salisbury Playhouse, Arts Centre and Arts Festival. 


Questions arising included:


Q1: Was Tourism a priority for Wiltshire Council?

A: Tourism was not part of Cllr Wheeler’s portfolio although it was understood that Tourism would be a priority for the Council.  A written answer would be provided by the next meeting.


Q2: Is WC commitment to Tourist Information Centres likely to increase, decrease or stay the same in the next few years?  In particular what is the commitment, financial or otherwise, to the Corsham Tourist and Information and Heritage Centre which is leased by Wiltshire Council from Corsham Town Council?

A: A written response would be provided by the next meeting.


Q3: What are Wiltshire Council’s future plans for Leisure Centres in Wiltshire?  Springfield Leisure Centre was paid for, and still is being paid for, by Corsham residents.  Loan repayments for the sports hall and pool are a long-term commitment of the Town Council lasting up to 2028.

A: The information requested would be covered within the Leisure Review which would be available in the Autumn.


Q4 – When will people be consulted on Wiltshire Council’s review of Leisure Facilities and when will the outcome be known?

A: The consultation would take place in the Autumn and the outcome provided in Spring 2010.


Q5 – What does Wiltshire Council anticipate the future of the library service will look like?  Is the service secure?

A: A written response would be provided  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Part Night Lighting

Councillor Dick Tonge will inform the Area Board of the £5k invest to save funding that has been allocated for the reduction in street lighting.


The Chairman confirmed that a budget of £5k had been allocated to each of the area boards for the reduction in street lighting and requested that the community area partnership and area board took a lead on spending the money on reduction schemes.


Adam Walton of TransCoCo volunteered to take a lead in the project.


Local Transport Plan Scheme Funding

Councillor Dick Tonge will inform the Area Board of the process for identifying and funding transport schemes in the community areas.


The Chairman confirmed that a highways budget existed of £250,000 across the county.  Maintenance money was still expected but the capital budget was anticipated to be reduced although every effort was being made to retain the total funds.


The Boards were being asked to start small highways groups to work with the Highways team to set priorities within community areas.  The Community Network were keen to be involved in the process through TransCoCo.  It was agreed that the Chairman and other members of the Board would arrange to meet outside of the meeting to discuss priorities and discuss further.


Community Area Grants

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider five applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:


(a)          Potley Youth Group

(b)          Corsham Cricket Club

(c)          Corsham Community Centre

(d)          Neston Memorial Hall

(e)          Colerne Village Hall Association


Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered five applications seeking 2010/11 Community Area Grant funding:


(a)              Potley Youth Group



To award £965 for a Summer Holiday Activity project for 5 to 12 year olds.



The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and will strengthen the youth group in the longer term through structured physical activity that helps develop an understanding of themselves, the community and environment in which they live.


(b)              Corsham Cricket Club



To award £3,609 for improved facilities for the promotion and expansion of girl’s cricket.



The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and will build resilient communities through the encouragement of regular exercise.


(c)        Corsham Community Centre



To award £970 for additional tables.



The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would provide additional tables to benefit user groups and large functions in the community.


(d)       Neston Memorial Hall



To award £995 for the installation of a pair of new internal doors within the main hall entrance.



The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11 and would improve a facility to enhance the community as a whole.


(e)       Colerne Village Hall



To award £1,500 to replace heaters in the Main Hall.



The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2010/11, would provide fuel efficiency savings.


Community Issues

The Community Area Manager will provide an update on issues received and actions taken since the previous area board meeting on 30 March 2010.



The Community Area Manager provided an update on the following issues received and actions taken since the previous area board meeting on 30 March 2010.


Since it’s inception, the tracking system used had 51 issues logged with over two thirds resolved. 


A handout was made available to attendees which listed 9 issues reported since the last area board with the following updates provided:


·        Issues 1 to 5 (Pedestrian safety at Pound Pill and Parking on Station Road) were being looked into by Cllr Peter Davis who would report back in due course.

·        Issue 6 (Graffiti on Bus Shelter near Rudloe) - The matter had been reported to Clarence who were to investigate who owned the shelter.

·        Issue 7 (Paving in Corsham High Street) - Dave Martin of Corsham Town Council was looking into this and would report back in due course.

·        Issue 8 (Concern about the future of Rudloe Community Centre) – An update would be provided at a future area board. 

·        Issue 9 (Lack of Post box for collection of mail at Katherine Park) – Royal Mail were now looking at possible sites. 


Representatives on Outside Bodies

To note that the following representatives have been appointed to local outside bodies and that these appointments will continue for 2010/11 unless the area board wishes to make any changes.


(a)       Corsham Area Youth Issues Group (CAYPIG)

Cllrs Sheila Parker and Peter Davis


(b)       Pound Arts Centre

Cllr Dick Tonge


(c)        Corsham Area Community Partnership

Cllr Alan Macrae


(d)       Viridor Credits Panel/Steering Group

            Cllrs Peter Davis and Alan Macrae


The following representatives had been appointed to local outside bodies.  These appointments would continue for 2010/11 unless the Area Board wished to make any changes.



The following appointments to outside bodies were approved:


Corsham Area Youth Issues Group (CAYPIG)

Cllrs Sheila Parker and Peter Davis


Pound Arts Centre

Cllr Alan Mcrae


Corsham Area Community Partnership

Cllr Sheila Parker


Viridor Credits Panel/Steering Group

Cllrs Peter Davis and Alan Macrae


Future Meeting Dates and Forward Plan

To note that the next meeting will take place on 17 August 2010 at Corsham Town Hall.  The forward work plan for the Area Board is attached for information.

Supporting documents:


The next meeting would take place on 17 August 2010 at Corsham Town Hall.