Agenda and minutes

Corsham Area Board - Tuesday 19 October 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Corsham Town Hall, High Street, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 0EZ

Contact: Marie Todd 

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited members of the board and officers to introduce themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Jo Howes, NHS Wiltshire.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 17 August 2010.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 August 2010 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcements

Supporting documents:


The chairman informed those present of the following:


(a)       Buses to Basil Hill (Corsham) – New Services Funded by Developer Money


With the new development at the MoD at Basil Hill, after lengthy negotiations, arrangements for new bus services have now been agreed and are being formally put in place.


CORSHAM TOWN (service 10)

The current timetable will be enhanced with effect from 1 November to give a regular half-hour frequency all through the day with just two routes but with both serving Basil Hill, which will have a 15 minute service. The existing buses will be replaced with two brand new low floor buses. On Saturdays the service will run hourly using just one bus operating until lunchtime.



In addition, three dedicated services for MoD employees will begin on 1 December, following routes that have been agreed with the MoD using information about where their staff live. To make best use of resources, these will be operated in conjunction with existing school (coach) contracts.


The three services are:


82 - From Trowbridge

83 - From Bradford on Avon, Holt and Broughton Gifford,

84 – From Melksham, Shaw, Whitley and Gastard.


The MoD was keen to publicise these arrangements in advance of the staff moving in and the Passenger Transport Unit would do their utmost to ensure local residents also get information in good time to enjoy the full benefit of the enhanced timetable and new easier access buses.


Negotiations between the Council and the MoD were continuing to ensure the transfer of monies to Wiltshire Council so that funding would be available when required to proceed with works to the A4.


(b)       Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026


The Council has a statutory duty to review and publish a new Local Transport Plan (LTP) by the end of March 2011. In essence, Local Transport Plans steer the implementation of national transport policies at the local level.


The Wiltshire Local Transport Plan is made up of:


·        A long-term transport strategy that seeks to:

o       support economic growth

  • reduce carbon emissions
  • contribute to better safety, security and health
  • promote equality of opportunity
  • improve quality of life and promote a healthy natural environment
  • A shorter-term implementation plan based on a realistic assessment of available funding, and
  • A number of supporting strategies and technical documents.


In addition, the Local Transport Plan provides the framework for all other organisations with a direct or indirect involvement in transport in Wiltshire.


Consultation on the draft Local Transport Plan will run from 4 October to 26 November 2010.


The preferred method of communication is for comments to be submitted online at:,where electronic copies of all the documents will be available. Paper copies of the summary document, questionnaire and a reference copy of the Local Transport Plan will also be available from all libraries and main Council offices.


The Council’s Cabinet and full Council will consider the results of the consultation in February 2011 prior to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)               Wiltshire Police

(b)               Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Services

(c)               NHS Wiltshire

(d)               Corsham Community Area Network

(e)               Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(f)                 Corsham Area Young People’s Issues Group

(g)               Chamber of Commerce

Supporting documents:


(a)       Wiltshire Police


A written report was submitted to the meeting and included in the agenda papers.  The Wiltshire Camera Safety Partnership had now been disbanded but the Neighbourhood Policing Teams would be trained to use the camera equipment to prevent speeding.  The community speedwatch scheme was also very successful in some local areas and support was available if any Parish or Town Councils were interested. 


Crime overall had decreased in the Corsham community area by 13%.


(b)       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


A written report was submitted to the meeting and included in the agenda papers.  It was important to ensure that chimneys were swept at this time of year as chimney fires tended to increase during the winter months.


(c)        NHS Wiltshire


A written report was submitted to the meeting and included in the agenda papers.


(d)       Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)


CCAN had held an open evening and AGM on 16 September at which Wiltshire Council had made the announcement to launch the consultation on the proposed development of a community area campus on the Springfield site.


CCAN was fully supporting a consultation period working with Wiltshire Council, Corsham Town Council and partner parish councils with a postal survey questionnaire and a number of public events to obtain views on the proposal from as wide a cross section of the community as possible.


Open meetings aimed at community organisations and the general public were planned alongside the survey which will likely run during November.  Planned meeting dates were 17 November and 1 December at the Corsham Community Centre.


Progress was being made with the discussions with Wiltshire Council on the recommendations of the Cycle Report which aims to improve cycle connections into Corsham from Rudloe and Neston.


Work was continuing on the bus stop survey in conjunction with the parishes to validate the detail of the original survey and report in terms of condition and ownership of the bus stops across the community area.


A positive start had been made to the street light project aimed at identifying possible lights to be switched off during silent hours to save electricity and light pollution.   Evidence suggested that switching off lights after midnight until 5am could save 12p per night per street light.  Town and Parish Councils were being briefed and would review and decide on the findings, and Wiltshire Council would then give a technical opinion, prior to presentation to the Area Board for final decision at the January meeting.


At the AGM held in September Christine Reid was re-elected as the Chair of the Steering Group and with new members elected there was now representation from all parishes.  CCAN would make a mid year report and application for a second tranche of support funding at the next Area Board meeting.


In response to concerns raised as to whether midnight was too early to switch off street lights CCAN agreed to further investigate this issue.


(e)       Town and Parish Councils


(i)                 Corsham Town Council


The Town Council thanked  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Leisure Facilities Review

To receive a presentation on the findings of the Leisure Facilities Review from Councillor Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture.


Councillor Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture, gave a presentation on the review of council-owned indoor leisure facilities.


Wiltshire Council had inherited some form of financial responsibility for 23 facilities around the county, including many facilities which were out of date and inefficient.  The situation was unsustainable, with £93 million required over the next 25 years merely to sustain the existing stock, excluding any investment to improve the buildings.


As such, proposals had been developed on the basis of £117 million investment over 25 years, to deliver a high quality, efficient and sustainable service.  This would also go some way to meeting carbon reduction targets, with leisure facilities currently accounting for 21% of the Council’s carbon emissions.


The proposals would see four new facilities within campuses, with another two existing facilities being significantly enhanced and retained.  The remaining facilities would also receive significant capital investment, before being made available for transfer to community management arrangements, as part of a robust process including support and identification of suitable business models, phased financial support resulting in independence, and potentially the transfer of freehold. It was acknowledged that different mechanisms and solutions would suit different facilities, and so a report on options had been commissioned to give examples of arrangements which had been established in other areas.


Consultation on the proposals was taking place up to 29 October 2010, with details available on the Council’s website, and at libraries, leisure facilities and offices.  A report on the outcome of the consultation would be submitted to the Cabinet in December, and the Council would consider the results in February 2011.


There were proposals to undertake refurbishments to the Springfield Leisure Centre leading to the devolvement of the facility; ideally the council would wish to develop the refurbished leisure facility into a true community campus.


Devolvement could be to a single or a variety of different groups. In other parts of the county interest had been forthcoming from community groups, town/parish councils, schools, existing trusts etc.  The council had commissioned a report on the community trust options to assist with the proposal.  Community groups would be given support and advice to set up the organisation.  The organisations who had already taken over responsibility for leisure facilities in Calne and Cricklade had volunteered to give advice and support where requested.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Wheeler for the presentation and invited questions and comments:


  • There were concerns that if the council cannot afford to run the leisure centre how could a community group be able to do so.  Cllr Wheeler explained that the present situation in terms of the large number of facilities that the council is responsible for is unsustainable but this is not attributable to a single facility.  The Springfield Leisure Centre has a strong customer base and was performing well.  Community management presents opportunities to increase the efficiency of operating facilities through not for profit governance structures which would enable grants to be accessed which are not available to the council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Car Parking Strategy

To receive a presentation from Rob Murphy, Principal Transport Planner, regarding feedback on the recent car parking strategy consultation.


Robert Murphy, Principal Transport Planner, gave a presentation regarding the recent car parking strategy consultation. 


Parking in Wiltshire had been reviewed because:


         The move to Wiltshire Council had meant there had been a lack of consistency between former district council areas.

         Parking is wider than just charging.  It is an important part of local transport policy (eg improving streetscenes, reducing traffic conflicts and supporting bus services), policies for developers need to be in place and there was a need to update the strategy due to changes since the last review and price comparisons with neighbouring areas.

         People had been informed of the consultation by:

        web portal and documents in libraries

        press release and subsequent good media coverage, parish newsletter article and area board announcements

        letter and follow-up email on ‘opportunities’ to relevant town and parish councils

        correspondence with chambers of commerce

        meetings with several town and parish councils

        emails and letters to some 8,000 Area Board and Local Transport Plan contacts

         some 600 people had made over 5,000 comments and a petition had been received.


Parking charges:

         The majority of people favoured the ‘conventional’ (lowest) parking charges option

         Some respondents disagreed with all three options (eg wanting to keep parking free in small towns)

         There was little enthusiasm for proposed Sunday parking charges

         A small majority supported the proposed way of reviewing charges


Residents’ parking:

         There was significant support for more pragmatic approach to residential parking in new housing developments

         There was overwhelming support for policy and process on residents’ parking zones

         A large majority supported a policy on overspill parking in residential areas


Other policies and issues:

         There was overwhelming majority supported the council’s approach to parking enforcement

         A small majority saw the kerb space hierarchy as reasonable

         A large majority stated that council should continue to offer season tickets


Corsham Responses

         There were 21 total respondents

         Residents near the market place in Box, use the car park as they are without any on or off road parking to their properties

         The Market Place car park is also used for a local nursery, an engineering firm, a butchers and a drop of point for Box Primary School

         Parking should be provided on street in Box which will provide a natural speed restraint on the A4 through the village

         Corsham Town Council wants one hour free parking


Next Steps

         Sept-Nov: Area Boards’ feedback presentations

         Oct-Nov: consideration of consultation responses

         14 Dec: Cabinet decision meeting

         Jan-Mar: statutory procedures

         Apr: implementation of changes


The following issues were discussed:


  • Could the freehold of a car park be transferred to a town or parish council?  Officers had considered this option but it was not procedurally possible.
  • The Chamber of Commerce was opposed to the one hour paid parking and would prefer for the first hour to be free.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Local Transport Plan (LTP) Funding Allocation

To consider proposals for transport schemes in the Corsham community area.

Supporting documents:


The area board considered proposals for transport schemes in the Corsham community area.  The Corsham Area Board had been allocated £10,943 to identify priorities and deliver smaller schemes in the community area.



(1)   That the funding available for youth transport (£4,377) should also be used for transport schemes in the Corsham area.  No alternative suggestions had been put forward for this funding and the proposals would provide an identifiable link to Corsham Primary School.


(2)   That the following schemes be identified as the priorities for further development using the highways monies at the disposal of the Corsham Area Board (a total of £15,320 including the youth transport funding):


·        Investigate the introduction of improved cycle facilities linking the Rudloe Estate with the existing Corsham cycle network.  The investigation to include the introduction of an improved crossing facility on the B3109 Bradford Road, in the vicinity of Westwood Road.

·        Investigate the provision of a footway linking Silver Street with the Recreation Field in Colerne.


Grit Bins

To consider locations for additional grit bins in the Corsham community area.  A report by the Community Area Manager giving further details will be available at the meeting.


The area board considered locations for additional grit bins in the Corsham area.  Each area board would have a 10% increase in the number of bins in their area.  There were presently 88 grit bins in the Corsham Community Area.  There had been requests for an additional 18 grit bins across the community area and an allocation of 9 additional bins.


Priorities had been identified by the Parish and Town Councils as follows:


Box – 3 bins:


  • Rudloe Hall Hotel on Leafy Lane, Rudloe
  • Car park at the bottom of Valens Terrace, Box
  • Move the small bin from Doctors Hill to Prospect/Henley Lane and place new bin at Doctors Hill


Colerne – 2 bins


  • No priorities yet identified.


Corsham – 3 bins


  • Poynder Road
  • Broadmead
  • Bences Lane/The Lagger junction



Lacock – 1 bin


  • Bewley Lane junction with Bowden Hill



(1)               To agree the grit bin locations suggested by Box and Lacock Parish Councils and Corsham Town Council as set out above.


(2)               To delegate authority to the Community Area Manager to confirm the location of the Colerne bins in consultation with the chairman of the area board.


Cabinet Representative - Councillor John Brady

The Cabinet representative, Councillor John Brady will talk about his responsibilities for Economic Development, Planning and Housing and will invite questions.


Councillor John Brady was unable to attend the meeting due to a family bereavement.


Community Area Grants

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider the following application to the Community Area Grants Scheme:


Corsham Community Area Neighbourhood Watch Group

Supporting documents:


The area board considered one grant application seeking 2010/11 community area grant funding:



To award £1,000 to the Corsham Community Area Neighbourhood Watch Group to provide visible neighbourhood watch signs to all new registered schemes within the area.



The application meets the grant criteria for 2010/11 and demonstrates a link to the Corsham Area Community Plan by reducing crime and reducing the fear of crime.


Performance Reward Grant

To consider an application for performance reward grant funding for the Wiltshire Voices Project.


The Area Board will consider whether it wishes to agree to this application being put forward for consideration by the performance reward grant funding panel.

Supporting documents:


The area board considered an application for performance reward grant funding for the Wiltshire Voices project.  The project aimed to encourage broader participation in civic life.  It was designed to ensure that the needs of local people are properly understood and addressed.



To support the application for performance reward grant funding for the Wiltshire Voices project and to agree that it should be put forward for consideration by the grant funding panel.


Evaluation of Meeting

Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on the meeting using the electronic voting handsets.


Evaluation of the meeting took place using electronic voting handsets. 


Some concern was expressed about the lack of NHS representation at this and previous meetings.


Future Meeting Dates and Forward Plan

To note that the next meeting will take place on 30 November 2010 at The Pavilion, Box.  The forward work plan for the area board is attached for information.

Supporting documents:


It was noted that the next meeting would take place on 30 November at The Pavilion, Box.