Agenda and minutes

Devizes Area Board - Tuesday 7 March 2017 7.15 pm

Venue: Devizes School, Main Hall, SN10 3AG

Contact: Libby Beale (Senior Democratic Services Officer) 

Note No. Item




To welcome those present to the meeting.  


The Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from John Parker.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2017.

Supporting documents:


On considering the minutes of the previous meeting, it was noted that Simon Fisher was not a councillor and requested that the minutes be amended to reflect this.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2017 subject to the amendment as detailed above.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chairman:


·         Great British Spring Clean

·         Windsor Drive


The Chairman thanked those members of the community who had recently litter picked as part of the Great British Spring Clean, and also thanked the CUDS (Clean up Devizes) group which regularly litter picked throughout the year.


The Chairman invited Cllr Whitehead to update on improvements to Windsor Drive junction which were planned for summer 2018. The councillor explained that the location was a priority for works to improve traffic flow and air quality. The planned works would increase the capacity of the roundabout by 30% and video modelling was used to show the predicted difference in traffic flow before and after the works. Following Windsor drive improvements, work could then begin in the future on other priority locations, such as Shane’s Castle.



Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Fire and Rescue Service

c.    Health Services

d.    Devizes Community Area Partnership

e.    Schools updates

f.     Town and Parish Councils

g.    Devizes Community Area Wellbeing Group

h.    Open Doors

Supporting documents:


Written updates were available from Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service and HealthWatch Wiltshire.


Inspector Nick Mawson, Wiltshire Police, updated that at present street drinkers in Devizes town centre was a priority for the community policing team. The Inspector also added that recently a higher than usual number of theft cases from vehicles was being reported, these incidents were usually in quiet, rural locations.


Sergeant Paul Harvey, gave a brief presentation on Cybercime explaining that it represented any digital crime, such as hacking and ‘sexting’. Wiltshire Police was working to raise awareness of cybercrime through its Community Messaging Service, Swindon Crime Busters meetings and by visiting all secondary schools in the county. Quick tips about how to prevent against cybercrime were provided to the meeting. It was highlighted that in Wiltshire 40% of reported cybercrime cases had a judicial outcome, with the force taking investigation very seriously. The Sgt offered to attend meetings of local community groups to talk to them further about cybercrime.


Jack Nicholson, Fire and Rescue Service, updated a year on from the combination of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service with Dorset. It was considered that the combination had ran smoothly, however there was still ongoing work to align the systems. The officer highlighted that, despite recent reports in the press about problems with the Service’s ‘Capita’ mobilising system, no 999 calls had gone unanswered and response times had not been affected.


The Chairman advised that Chris Butler had resigned from his position as Chair of Devizes Community Area Partnership, however the work of the group would continue.


Philip Bevan, Headteacher of Devizes School, advised the meeting that the school was to join a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) as part of the Whitehorse Federation. The MAT would open up further opportunities to the school, and since it was a fairly new federation, the school would have the opportunity to shape the future of the trust.


Sarah Lowkis, Headteacher of Lavington School, explained that the school was also investigating the benefit of joining a MAT or alternatively working with independent schools. Lavington School was in a rural location and had ambitions to develop links with the wider school community, the school was also working on developing a Sixth Form with Devizes School.


Cllr Mayes commended both schools for their approach to new ways of working.


Mike Challinor provided an update to the Board on behalf of the Devizes Community Area Wellbeing Group. The group had recently been discussing the priorities for older people which had come out of the JSA event in February. The group was developing the idea of ‘garden sharing’ and was also supportive of promoting the ‘Safe Places’ project in the town.


John Saunders, Open Door, presented on the organisation’s aim to support rough sleepers in the area to move on and improve their lives. Wiltshire Council officers were thanked for developing accommodation plans for rough sleepers to support them in preparation for eviction from the woodland area they currently resided. 





Local Youth Network

To note £3,295.72 funding is returned from Devizes Youthy.


To consider granting £3,295.72 to procure an engagement exercise with LGBT young people and to delegate authority to release the funds to the Community Engagement Manager and Locality Youth Facilitator, in consultation with the Local Youth Network, upon confirmation that due process checks are completed.

Supporting documents:


Helen Bradley, Locality Youth Facilitator, updated that Devizes Youthy had returned money, previously granted to them by the Area Board, which they had not been able to spend. The LYN had recommended this returned funding be used to procure an engagement exercise with LGBT young people. The officer also advised that the LYN had recommended a procurement exercise for training to upskill volunteer youth workers, this proposal had been added to the agenda as an urgent item due to it being the last meeting of the Board before the end of the financial year.


Cllr Richard Gamble expressed support for the youth projects and the Board thanked Helen for her hard work in supporting the Local Youth Network for the last 8 months.




To note £3,295.72 funding is returned from Devizes Youthy and;


To grant £3,295.72 to procure an engagement exercise with LGBT young people and to delegate authority to release the funds to the Community Engagement Manager and Locality Youth Facilitator, in consultation with the Local Youth Network.


To grant £713.75 to procure training for youth leaders and to delegate authority to release the funds to the Community Engagement Manager and Locality Youth Facilitator, in consultation with the Local Youth Network.




'Our Community Matters'- Priorities for Devizes Community Area

The Board invites discussion on the community priorities arising from the ‘Our Community Matters’ (JSA) event held on 13 February, these priorities will set the workplan for the Area Board over the next four years.


A video was shown which highlighted the successes achieved in the community area over the last 4 years. The Community Engagement Manager, Graeme Morrison, summarised the community priorities which had been identified at the JSA event on 13 February in respect of: Children and Young People, Community and Safety, Culture, Economy, Older People, Transport, Health, Wellbeing and Leisure, Housing and Environment.


It was noted that the Board would use these priorities to shape it’s work for the next four years following the elections in May.


Following comments from the floor, it was clarified that works to progress Drews Pond Reserve had been lead for many years by local residents and that, although it had been established this year with help from Wiltshire Council, local residents were to thank for this project coming to fruition. Feedback from the JSA event included that attendees would have liked the opportunity to suggest alternative themes for discussion. The Chairman updated that Devizes Foodbank which had featured in the video about Devizes’ successes, was being assisted by Claire Perry MP to secure a new site for their store.




To agree the priorities identified by the community at the JSA event as objectives for the next four years of Area Board work.



Open Floor

Residents are invited to ask questions of their local councillors.


There were no questions.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG) and Local Highways Investment

To consider any updates from the Community Area Transport Group and the proposals for highways treatment (report attached).



Supporting documents:


Cllr Philip Whitehead, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, presented the proposals for major road maintenance for 2017-18 which were included in the agenda pack. It was explained that some of the works were to ‘retexture’ roads to ensure they provided enough friction to allow cars to brake safely. The Council aimed to undertake road maintenance during school holidays when there was less traffic on the roads, however disruption would be inevitable. The Cabinet Member explained that it would cost approximately £330m to resurface all roads in Wiltshire, however historically the Council only had £10m per year for resurfacing, recently the Council had doubled its spending on highways to address the backlog of maintenance required.


A question was raised as to the figures on rural and urban classification of roads and the Cabinet Member advised he would check this figure.




To note the report from the Highways and Transport Service and to agree the proposals for highways investment 2017/18 as listed in the report.





Air Quality

To consider an update from the Air Quality and Transport Strategy Group.



Cllr Anna Cuthbert advised that the Air Quality and Transport Strategy Group had not met since the last Area Board and encouraged anyone interested in joining the group to volunteer.



Area Board Funding

Councillors will be asked to consider the following applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:


·             Bromham Parish Council- £2,950 for a play area scheme;

·             Rowde Village Community Shop- £952 for a vegetable chiller;

·             Waiblingen Way Residents Association- £1,250 for a ride on mower;

·             Market Lavington Museum- £1,250 for wall repairs.


To consider the following application for Health and Wellbeing funding:


·             Safe Places project- £860 for marketing materials and costs.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman explained that the applications for community area grant funding for this meeting totalled £6,402, however due to this being the last meeting of the financial year, the Board only had £5,910 remaining in the budget. As such, it was recommended that the funding be reduced for each application as set out below:


·         Waiblingen Way Residents Association to be granted £1,000 of the £1,250 applied for;

·         Bromham Parish Council to be granted £2,812 of the £2,950 applied for;

·         Rowde Village Community Shop to be granted £907 of the £952 applied for;

·         Market Lavington Museum to be granted £1,191 of the £1,250 applied for.


The Treasurer of Waiblingen Way Residents Association spoke in support of their application for funding to provide a newer, smaller lawn mower. Jean Collins, Bromham Parish Council, spoke in support of their application to support updates to the play are in the village. Following questions from councillors it was confirmed that the parish council was talking out a Public Works Loan to fund the rest of the works, Board members recommended that in future Lottery funding be applied for as this was now an easy process with a high success rate. A representative from Rowde Community Shop spoke in support of the application which would allow them to purchase a vegetable chiller to store produce more hygienically and for longer. Mike Bedford of Market Lavington Museum, requested funding to support wall repairs which would allow the museum to be reopened in May for the summer season.


Members then considered an application for Health and Wellbeing Funding, which was drawn from a separate funding stream, to support marketing materials and costs for the Safe Places project.




·         To grant Waiblingen Way Residents Association £1,000 towards new mowers;

·         To grant Bromham Parish Council £2,812 for their play area scheme;

·         To grant Rowde Village Community shop £907 for a vegetable chiller;

·         To grant Market Lavington Museum £1,191 for wall repairs;

·         To grant Safe Places £860 for marketing materials and costs.





Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.

Supporting documents:


A representative from Erlestoke Parish Council requested to speak to the CATG about road hazards that needed addressing, Cllr Whitehead advised that CATG meetings were open and invited the Parish Council to attend the next meeting on 17th May. 


Following a question from the floor, the Chairman advised that parish, town, and unitary elections would be held on 4th May 2017 and directed residents to the Wiltshire Council website for more information.




The next meeting will be held on 5 June at 6:30pm.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Board was to be held on 5 June, 6:30pm at Devizes Sports Club.