Agenda and minutes

Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 11 October 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Marlborough Town Hall, High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AA

Contact: Matt Hitch  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

To welcome attendees to the meeting.  


The Vice Chairman, Cllr Caroline Thomas, welcomed attendees to the meeting. She noted that the Chairman, Cllr Jane Davies, had had to send apologies due to ill health, so she would be chairing the meeting. She then thanked the Jubilee Centre for providing refreshments.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence had been received from the following:


• Cllr Jane Davies (substituted by Cllr Jerry Kunkler).

• Wiltshire Council’s Shared Lives Team.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 14 June 2022.

Supporting documents:


As proposed by the Vice Chairman and seconded by Cllr Sheppard it was resolved to:




To approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 14 June 2022, as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.




Chairman's Announcements

To receive announcements through the Chairman, including:


·       Welcome to the Director.

·       Changes to the Engagement and Partnerships Team.

·       Annual Canvas.

·       Wiltshire Climate Strategy delivery plans.

·       Post-16 Skills.

·       Building Bridges project.

·       Temporary Event Notices.

·       Community First – AGM and Link Scheme recruitment.


Supporting documents:


The following announcements were received through the Vice Chairman.


• Samantha Howell, Director of Highways and Transport, would be attending the Area Board to deepen connections between the local community and senior officers at the council. The director introduced herself and said that she looked forward to working with the Board.

• A new staffing structure was in place to support Area Boards. The Vice Chairman was pleased to report that Andrew Jack would remain a key point of contact for the Board as the Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager (SEPM).

• An audit takes place to ensure that the electoral register remains up to date. Attendees were encouraged to reply if they had received a letter and had not already done so.

• Delivery plans for Wiltshire Council’s Climate Strategy had been presented to Cabinet earlier in the day and were available on the council’s website.

• The Area Board were reminded that they had received an update from Family and Community Learning Service in March about the work that they did to help young adults back into work or full-time education. The team were now working on a project called Building Bridges, which assisted individuals with barriers preventing them from gaining work or getting into full-time education.

• Information was included on page 21 of the agenda pack to raise awareness about the use and control of temporary event notices, which can permit one off events lasting up to seven days for up to 499 people.

• Community First, a charity supporting rural communities throughout Wiltshire were holding their AGM on 12 October in Devizes Town Hall. The charity was also launching a campaign, between 17 and 27 October, to support LINK driving schemes.


The Vice Chairman then took the opportunity to provide information about the measures that Wiltshire Council were taking to address cost-of-living pressures, including offering warm spaces in libraries. She reminded attendees that the Area Board offered grant schemes. She also welcomed input from the community about how they had been impacted and the type of support that they might require.


 The SEPM stated that Wiltshire Council was conducting a survey of town and parish councils to establish which ones were offering warm spaces. The information gathered would be used to create a map for residents offering details about food banks, warm spaces and community fridges in their local area. In addition, he highlighted that lots of other useful information was available on Wiltshire Council’s website, including energy saving tips. A wellbeing hub, set up during the pandemic, would also be providing support, including ‘phone calls, to the most vulnerable people.



Community Area Action Plan

The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager (SEPM) will be in attendance to provide details of his new role within the Marlborough Community Area.

Supporting documents:


The SEPM reminded the Area Board that over the last 18 months they had been working with partners to deliver an action plan for the local area. He then went on to outline some of the actions taken to help drive forward the Area Board’s priority goals, which were organised into five key themes. Examples of work going on in the Area Board’s area by local groups included:


• Sustainable Marlborough were running a thriving repair café in the town.

• The Area Board’s Health and Wellbeing Group had had a successful relaunch on 7 October.

• Wiltshire Council had received government funding for grants to improve high streets in Wiltshire’s towns.

• Marlborough Sports Forum held a successful taster day in September and were holding discussions with the Area Board about repeating the event in 2023.

• Discussions were taking place about developing a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, with the potential of these being used to support bids for funding from central government.


During the discussion, members of the public asked questions about access to food banks in rural areas. It was mentioned that most food banks will deliver food to people if they have a voucher from a health visitor. Cllr Kunkler confirmed that Devizes Food Bank offered deliveries to vulnerable people.


The Vice Chairman noted that a survey was taking place to find out what local people felt were their priorities for Marlborough High Street. The survey had been given to pupils at St John’s School to ensure that the views of young people were included.



Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:




·       Wiltshire Police

·       BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board

·       Jubilee Centre

·       Kennett and Avon Medical Partnership

·       Town / Parish Councils



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3-minute slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager.

Supporting documents:


The Vice Chairman noted that written updates were available in the agenda pack from the following partners:


• Wiltshire Police

• BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board

• Kennett and Avon Medical Partnership

• The Jubilee Centre (Agenda Supplement 1)


The following partners also provided verbal updates:



Wiltshire Police


Inspector Al Lumley gave an overview of incidents that had taken place in the local area, as well as how the force was responding to a recent inspection by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). Key points included:


• The inspector reassured residents that convoys of unmarked cars passing through the area were to escort VIPs. The police’s road training centre was based in Devizes, so they often ran practice convoys through the Marlborough area.

• Victims of residential burglaries would now be given SelectaDNA kits. The kits would allow people to mark individual items in their house so they could identify them in the event that they might be stolen.

• Wiltshire Police had had a disappointing inspection by HMICFRS and had been placed into special measures. However, the force had taken steps to address the issues identified and the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) were due to report to an oversight panel on 19 October. Details of the progress being made could also be found on the PCC’s website.

• The inspector stressed that all of his colleagues wanted to make a difference to the community and deliver a quality service.


During the discussion the following points were made:


• The Area Board thanked the inspector for the update and his honesty.

• The Vice Chairman noted that the Area Board was particularly interested in local concerns such as drug dealing and speeding. She also highlighted that there was a perception that a large portion of crime went unreported.

• The inspector stated that the police’s communications team were reviewing how updates were provided to Area Boards to ensure that they remained relevant. He also encouraged the public to come forward and report crime.

• It was confirmed that CRIB stood for Crime Recording Investigation Bureau.

• Cllr Sheppard noted that the PCC was asking police to deploy speed guns to tackle early morning commuters. The councillor then recommended that residents could contact the PCC directly to highlight issues.

• In response to concerns about anti-social behaviour in the Acres area, the inspector reported that significant action had taken place in July and August to tackle the issue and that this had led to a large reduction in the number of incidents. 

• When asked about a recent recruitment drive, the inspector noted that Wiltshire Police still had a number of vacancies for uniformed roles, but that the Marlborough area had fewer vacancies than most areas.




The communications manager at Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership gave a presentation about the role of the partnership in delivering vaccination programmes as well as the availability of GP appointments. She explained that they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59.



Shared Lives Update

To receive an update about the Shared Lives Programme, helping vulnerable adults to receive care within a family setting.


The Vice Chairman noted that the Shared Lives Team had sent their apologies for the meeting but that it was hoped that they would be able to provide an update at a future meeting.



Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living

To receive an update from the CEO of Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living Centre, a Disabled People’s user led organisation.



Supporting documents:


Mary Reed, Chief Executive Officer of Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living (CIL) explained that they were a disabled people’s user led organisation. She noted that there were CILs all around the world and that the first one originated from the need to care for Vietnam War veterans. The CEO stressed that helping people to live a fulfilling life was far more than about supporting basic care needs, so spoke about the importance of people building meaningful relationships, feeling valued and having independence. She then went on to outline some further background information, including the services that Wiltshire CIL provided:


• The organisation is relatively small employing 27 people in total, all of whom have a form of disability. The CEO felt that the size of the organisation allowed them the flexibility to experiment with providing a range of different services.

• They run a community connectors scheme, employing 14 people.

• They work across five Primary Care Networks in Wiltshire and have contract with the Wiltshire element of the local Integrated Care Board.

• Wiltshire CIL support vulnerable people who are provided a personal budget by Wiltshire Council to organise their own care, helping them to find an appropriate service.

• She noted that they had they had been running a survey alongside Wiltshire Council about the local authority’s accommodation strategy, to ask people what they want from their homes.

• They also had a close working relationship with the Daisy Unit in Devizes, supporting adults with learning disabilities and/or autism.

• In addition, they had held conversations with Wiltshire Council about working more with 12- to 25-year-olds.



Independent Living Strategy

The Chairman will give a brief update about Wiltshire Council’s Independent Living Strategy.


The Chairman was due to provide a brief update, so this item was deferred to a future meeting.



Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group

To receive an update from the latest meeting of the Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group.




To consider the following application for Older and Vulnerable People’s funding:


·       Area Board Initiative in partnership with the Jubilee Centre, requesting £200 towards Health and Wellbeing Tea Party costs.


Note: please see the attachment to Item 14 for further grant details.

Supporting documents:


A report about Marlborough Area Board’s Health and Wellbeing Group’s relaunch on 7 October was delivered by the group’s chairman, Jill Turner. She explained that the event was attended by 55 people, including the local MP Danny Kruger, and that a wide range of organisations were represented. A distinguished Public Health clinician had attended to speak about the national Live Longer Better campaign. Discussions had also been held about trialling the Aging Well scheme and appointing and Older Person’s champion.


The Area Board were then invited to vote to note the awarding of an Area Board initiative, in partnership with the Jubilee Centre, via delegated authority. On the proposal of Cllr Sheppard, seconded by Cllr Kunkler, it was resolved:




To note the Area Board initiative, in partnership with the Jubilee Centre, awarding £200 towards Health and Wellbeing Tea Party costs, as approved via the delegated authority of the SEPM.




To note the awarding of the Older and Vulnerable People’s grant via delegated authority of the SEPM.



Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding

To receive an update about youth provision in the local area and for the Area Board to consider the following youth grants:


·       Sustainable Marlborough requesting £500 towards an eco-anxiety and eco action talk, plus a question-and-answer session.

·       Sustainable Marlborough requesting £350 towards climate literacy training for year 11 to year 13 pupils.

·       Manton Fest requesting £5,000 towards a family and community fundraising event.



Note: please see the attachment to Item 14 for further grant details.



The Vice Chairman took the opportunity to praise Mayor Farrell for running the youth club in the town. She also updated the Area Board about the progress made towards employing a youth worker in the local area. She was pleased to report that a charitable incorporated organisation had been formed and that it now had three trustees and a bank account. She noted that the group were working closely with Marlborough Town Council and were looking for a person to run a pay roll.


The Area Board then considered applications to the Youth Grant scheme as follows:


Sustainable Marlborough requesting £500 towards an eco-anxiety and eco action talk, plus a question-and-answer session


Hayley, the chair of Sustainable Marlborough, spoke in favour of their application. She explained that they set up fun events about how people can live more sustainably and tackle climate crisis. The £500 would be used to run an hour-long session for Year 13 pupils at St John’s School, as well as for Year 12 pupils free at the time.


During the discussion members welcomed the scheme although did query the value for money of the single session. In response the representative explained that in-person events did have a high cost and it was important for young people to hear from other young people. It was also noted that there were around 450 pupils in the sixth form. On the proposal of Cllr Kunkler, seconded by Cllr Sheppard, it was resolved:




To award Sustainable Marlborough £500 towards an eco-anxiety and eco action talk, plus a question-and-answer session.




The application met Youth Grant funding criteria for 2022/23



Sustainable Marlborough requesting £350 towards climate conversations for Year 11 to Year 13 pupils


The chair of Sustainable Marlborough explained that this was a certified course that helped people to understand the carbon impact of everyday actions. A total of four two hours sessions would be provided for pupils at St John’s School. On the proposal of Cllr Sheppard, seconded by Cllr Kunkler, it was resolved:




To award Sustainable Marlborough £350 towards climate conversations for Year 11 to Year 13 pupils.




The application met Youth Grant funding criteria for 2022/23



Manton Fest requesting £5,000 towards a family and community fundraising event


A representative spoke in favour of the application explaining that it was a community run charity event. Young people would have the chance to be involved including through the music department at St John’s School. There would be opportunities for children to perform between acts, as well as to learn about production and sound engineering. He also noted that some former pupils at St John’s had gone on to become professional musicians.


During the discussion members welcomed the application and sought information about the overall budget of the festival. They also sought reassurance about what would happen to the money if the event was cancelled. It was confirmed that the overall budget was £23,000 and that other fundraising events were planned for Christmas and Easter.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.



Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group

The Area Board will be asked to ratify the funding recommendations from the Marlborough Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG) meeting of the 22 September 2022.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Sheppard, the chairman of the Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG), gave an overview of the high priority schemes as outlined in the agenda pack. He explained that it was hoped that a substantive bid would be put in place for grant funding for one of the schemes, traffic calming measures at Manton on the A4, by mid-November.


Cllr Sheppard took the opportunity the thank the SEPM for his work in supporting the LHFIG and its predecessor group, the Community Area Transport Group, over the past few years. The councillor praised the additional funding given to the LHFIG and noted that he would welcome more officers to help deliver their projects.


On the proposal of Cllr Kunkler, seconded by Cllr Sheppard, it was resolved:




1.    Marlborough Area Board to note the discussions from the LHFIG meeting of 22 September.


2.    To confirm the five high priority schemes agreed by LHFIG:


1. Issue 7027 – double yellow lines B4003

2. 8-20-6 - Ogbourne Maizey – 20mph speed limit assessment

3. 8-21-6 – speed of traffic East of Mildenhall

4. 8-20-4 - A4 Manton traffic calming

5. 8-19-2 – No through road sign(s) Manton Hollow


3.    To note the date of next LHFIG meeting as 24 November 2022.



Community Area Grant Scheme

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider the following application to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


·       St Michael’s School PTA requesting £3,237 towards outdoor play and learning enhancement.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered the following application to the Community Area Grant scheme:


St Michael’s School PTA requesting £3,237 towards outdoor play and learning enhancement


The secretary of St Michael’s School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) spoke in favour of their application, explaining that they needed a new shed to support their outdoor play and learning scheme. She noted that the PTA had been heavily involved in fundraising for the project, which would support the wellbeing and social development of the children.


During the discussion members welcomed the scheme and sought further information about the level of reserve finding held by the PTA. The representative highlighted that their reserves were earmarked for specific projects such as transport assistance and an outdoor learning classroom. In addition, she noted that other groups would also benefit from the facility, such as the local scout group.  The SEPM confirmed that grant funding could not be used to support statutory services provided by schools but could fund additional provision and learning activities. On the proposal of Cllr Sheppard, seconded by Cllr Kunkler, it was resolved:




To award St Michael’s School PTA £3,000 of a requested £3,237 towards outdoor play and learning enhancement.




The application was in line with Community Area Grant criteria for 2022/23.



Any Other Questions

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


There were no further questions.



Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 10 January 2023 at 7pm.


The date of the next business meeting was confirmed as 10 January 2023, at 10:00am. Any grant applications to be considered at this meeting would need to be submitted by 13 December 2022.


The Vice Chairman and Cllr Sheppard took the opportunity to thank Cllr Kunkler for substituting the Chairman at short notice. Cllr Kunkler and Cllr Sheppard then thanked the Vice Chairman for chairing the meeting.