Agenda and draft minutes

Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 18 June 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: The Assembly Room, Marlborough Town Hall, Marlborough, SN8 1AA

Contact: Matt Hitch  Democratic Services Officer


Note No. Item



Election of Chairman

The Democratic Services Officer will preside over the election of the Chairman for the forthcoming year.  

Supporting documents:


The Democratic Services Officer opened the meeting and called for nominations for the position of Chairman for the forthcoming year.


Cllr James Sheppard nominated Cllr Jane Davies, which was seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM.


There were no further nominations.




To appoint Cllr Jane Davies as Chairman for 2024/25.


Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.


The Chairman proposed Cllr James Sheppard for the position of Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year, which was seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM.


There were no further nominations.




To appoint Cllr James Sheppard as Vice-Chairman for 2024/25.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·       Cllr Caroline Thomas – substituted by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM

·       Cllr Kymee Cleasby, Marlborough Town Council

·       Richard Spencer-Williams, Marlborough Town Council Clerk




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2024 as a true and correct record.

Supporting documents:


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM, it was resolved to make the:




To approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 19 March 2024, as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


The Vice-Chairman, Cllr James Sheppard, declared a Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) in relation to Application ABG1696 by virtue of being a member of Marlborough Tennis Club. He explained that he had received a dispensation from the Monitoring Officer to participate and vote on the application. He further noted that he had no financial interests in the club and could consider the application with an open mind.


Chairman's Updates

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board, including how grant funding has been used to local communities.


The Area Board will invite grant recipients to submit information about their projects at the Area Board’s meeting on 1 October 2024.


The Chairman explained that the Area Board intended to invite grant recipients to submit information about their projects for the Area Board’s next meeting, on 1 October, so that they could hear feedback about how their grants had helped the community.



Information Items

The Board is asked to note the following Information items:


·       Community First

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Update from BaNES, Swindon, Wiltshire Together (Integrated Care Board)

·       Age UK

·       Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal

·       Wiltshire Council Information Items:

o   Local Nature Recovery Strategy Engagement

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred the Area Board to the following information included in the agenda pack:


• Healthwatch Wiltshire, pg. 17

• Community First, pg. 19 – 23

• Update from BaNES, Swindon, Wiltshire Together (Integrated Care Board), pg. 25 - 28

• Age UK, pg. 29 – 41

• Local Nature Recovery Strategy consultation events, pg. 43


She noted that the new Carers Together Wiltshire service had been set up to provide information, advice and support to carers in Wiltshire. The group was an umbrella organisation consisting of many different groups, including Age UK, Community First and BaNES, Swindon, Wiltshire Together (Integrated Care Board).


The Chairman also reminded residents that they could have their say on local issues by looking at Wiltshire Council’s consultation portal.



Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


a.    Wiltshire Police – Inspector Ben Huggins

b.    Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership – Suzy Deering

  1. Town / Parish Councils


Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


·       Neighbourhood Policing Team

·       Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3-minute slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager.


Supporting documents:


The following partners provided verbal updates:


Wiltshire Police


Inspector Ben Huggins and Sergeant Chris Wickham gave an update from Marlborough Neighbourhood Policing Team. Points included:


• 124 crimes and 109 incidents had been reported in the Marlborough area in April and May. It was clarified that incidents could involve issues such as road traffic collisions rather than something that was a criminal offence.

• Crime figures for the area were in line with those in previous years.

• The most common type of crime in the area was theft. Thefts were usually committed by people that did not live locally.

• It was anticipated that there would be an increase in violence over the next few weeks due to the European Championship football, so the police were doing lots of work with licensed premises to try to reduce the risk.

• Police cadets had been undertaking tests to check whether they were able to purchase knives. Disappointingly, a number of premises had been found to have agreed to sell knives to underage children and education had been provided to retailers.

• Online engagement was taking place with parish councils.

• Operation Ragwort was underway to tackle rural crime, particularly the theft of agricultural equipment. Agricultural equipment stolen from Burbage was recently recovered in Fovant.


During the discussion, points included:


• The Area Board thanked Inspector Huggins and Sergeant Wickham for their update.

• In response to a query about installing trackers on farm equipment, it was confirmed that the police were advising farmers to do this and were also working with manufacturers on ways of making equipment harder to steal.

• It was confirmed that there had been one report of hare coursing in the local area in the past few weeks, but it was suspected that there were further cases going unreported.

• Work was going on to improve efficiency in 101 and 999 call centres.



Marlborough Leisure Centre Update


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities, Leisure and Libraries, gave an update about the planned refurbishment work at Marlborough Leisure Centre. Points included:


• Marlborough Leisure Centre was one of 20 leisure centres run by Wiltshire Council. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, half of those leisure centres were run by a private company, but they had now been bought in-house.

• Leisure centres were a non-statutory function, so Wiltshire Council was not legally required to provide them to the public. However, after reviewing the provision of leisure centres against strategic objectives, it was felt that they could be delivered in a financially sustainable manner whilst having a positive impact on the health of communities and the local economy. 

• Wiltshire Council had no plans to close any leisure centres or libraries and was investing to improve facilities.

• Over the past year Wiltshire Council had targeted an £8.6 million gap between leisure centre spending and revenue. However, they had actually managed to achieve a gap of just £5 million.

• Leisure centres could have a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


Marlborough Area Board Priorities

To receive updates on the Area Board’s three priorities.


The Area Board received an update about the progress that they had made towards their priority goals over the past year.



Area Board End of Year Report

The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Andrew Jack, will summarise the progress that the Area Board has made towards its three priority areas over the past year.

Supporting documents:


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Andrew Jack, introduced a report about how the Area Board had worked together with the local community. Key points included:


• By making financial contributions through its grant schemes, over £41,000 in 2023/24, the Area Board had helped to stimulate match funding from other organisations. The Area Board had helped to unlock funding twelve and a half times its own budget, contributing to projects with a combined value of over £522,000.

• The Area Board’s funding had been directed mainly towards the two most affluent geographic quintiles in its community area, but this was largely because there were not many community buildings in less affluent areas. Many people living in less affluent areas had benefited from the projects and Wiltshire Council did monitor the overall balance of spending.

• Four business meetings and five working group meetings had been held by the Area Board in 2023/24. The Area Board had had some involvement in no fewer than 38 engagements.



Children and Young People Update

To receive an update from the lead councillor, Caroline Thomas, on the work being done towards the Area Board’s priority of children and young people.


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager outlined the progress that has been made towards helping children and young people in the community. Points included:


• Thanks to the Area Board and Wiltshire Community Foundation grants, the Marlborough Area Youth Forum had been able to extend the opening of the Youth Club to twice a week. The Forum supported between 30 and 40 young people every Friday and Wednesday with activities and a hot healthy meal. It was also preparing a number of half day activities over the summer holidays such as skateboarding and a climbing wall.

• Youth groups were collaborating in the Area Board’s area to see how they could work effectively together.

• Aldbourne Youth Council had been supported by the Area Board’s grants to run life skill courses such as cookery.

• Marlborough Town Council had committed to fund a three-year degree level Youth Worker apprenticeship with recruitment targeting a start in September. The Youth Worker apprentice would undertake both partnership and direct youth work. The Partnership work would help co-ordinate stakeholders across the community to support better outcomes.

• The community area was well supported by sports clubs who supported hundreds of young people. Many of the clubs came together via the Marlborough Sports Forum who organised the incredibly successful Sports Festival on 6 May Bank Holiday. The event enabled over 120 young people participate in 13 different activities such as archery, boxing, athletics, fitness, golf, tennis, rugby and football. In addition, the children received a packed lunch and goody bag. A bursary scheme was in place to allow children from less affluent backgrounds to participate.

• Manton Fest had been a great success and one of the young people that performed at the festival had now been awarded a recording contract. Another young person supporting the event had also been offered an apprenticeship in lighting technology.



Older and Vulnerable People Update - Health and Wellbeing Group

To receive an update from Jill Turner, Chair of Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group.

Supporting documents:


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships manager explained that the Health and Wellbeing Group had held a networking event in the autumn of 2023 to bring together both local and countywide organisations. The Area Board had awarded grants for older and vulnerable people to mostly smaller grassroots organisations. Notable achievements included helping to set up a new bereavement hub in Marlborough and contributing towards funding a horse box to support Greatwood Charity to take horses to visit care home residents.


Jill Turner, Chair of Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group, took the opportunity to advertise their Health and Wellbeing Day that would be held on 6 July in St Peter’s Church between 10:30am and 3pm. Community groups would be able to promote the services that they had on offer. The Primary Care Network, Friends of Savernake Hospital and Merlin Court would be attending the event. Marlborough Community Chior would be singing, and a retired racehorse and Shetland Pony would be visiting from Greatwood Charity. In addition, a street performer would be going along the High Street to notify people about the event. Further information was available on pages 65 to 65 of the agenda pack.



Road safety Update and Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG)

To ratify the funding recommendations from the Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group on 2 May 2024, as set out in the attached report.


Further information about the LHFIG process can be found here.

Supporting documents:


It was noted by the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Andrew Jack, that the Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG) had funded 11 projects in the local area over the last year, including infrastructure for a new speed indicator device in Lockeridge.


The Vice-Chairman explained that the LHFIG had bid for a substantive scheme for improvement work on the A4 at Manton to slow traffic as it approached Lockeridge. 


Peter Morgan from Manton Residents Association asked a question about the decision to extend the 40mph zone by 52 metres along the A4 so that it went beyond the turning at Downs Lane. The Residents Association had concerns that the decision to move the 40mph signs had been taken without proper consultation and were too close to the turning at Downs Lane.


In response, it was noted that the Traffic Regulation Order was out for consultation and the position would have been advised on by engineers. Neil Godwin from Marlborough News noted that paperwork presented to Marlborough Town Council, who had requested the changes, indicated that there had been a change in legislation. The Vice-Chairman reported that the LHFIG was well attended, and he hoped that parishes felt that their voices would be listened to.


On the proposal of the Vice-Chairman, seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM, it was resolved to make the:




To move the following issues to the 2024/25 list:


• 8-20-24 - A4 Manton - Traffic Calming (Stage 2)

• 8-21-8 – Aldbourne - Virtual Paths

• 8-19-10 – Marlborough, Frees Avenue

• 8-22-17 - Chilton Foliat HGV Issues on B4001

• 8-23-4 - Marlborough, Kennet Place


To propose the following issue as a substantive scheme:


• 8-23-2 Mildenhall Footway


To close the following issues:


• 8-22-9 – Marlborough, Cardigan Road

• 8-23-10 – Marlborough, London Road

• 8-24-02 – Marlborough, Stonebridge Close/Elcot Lane Junction

• 8-24-08 – Marlborough, Barn Street



Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - Area Board Priorities - Looking Ahead

The Area Board will receive an update from the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Andrew Jack, about the Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).


After considering the findings of the JSNA, the Area Board will decide on their priority goals for the forthcoming year before appointing a lead member to each.


The Area Board will appoint a lead member for the Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG).

Supporting documents:


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager (SEPM), Andrew Jack, gave an overview of the Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (CAJSNA), a survey of 140 different indicators taken across Wiltshire’s 18 Area Board areas. He explained that the CAJSNA had drawn upon data from the 2021 census and combined it with other information including a survey of local people. The SEPM then compared the Marlborough area to other community areas to identify the particular challenges facing the community.


A number of particular challenges were highlighted including:


·       In November 2022 the median house price in Marlborough was £475,000 compared to the Wiltshire average of £320,000.

·       Of the 18 Area Boards, Marlborough had the second highest proportion of the population aged 85 or older, 4.1 percent.

·       Marlborough had the second highest level of absenteeism in schools.

·       Marlborough had the third highest average energy costs at £1,253.


It was highlighted that, of the 103 people that had taken part in the survey in the community area, 72 percent of them had been over the age of 55. In the survey, people were presented with nine different themes and were asked to identify the three that the felt were most important. The three priority areas identified in the survey were health, the environment and safety.


Having considered the figures from the CAJSNA, the Area Board were then invited to set their priority goals for the forthcoming year. During the discussion, the members indicated that they would been keen to continue to focus on their current priority areas to build upon the progress made.


On the proposal of the Vice-Chairman, seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM, it was resolved to make the:




To set the following areas as Area Board priorities for the forthcoming year, with lead councillors appointed towards those areas:


·       Cllr Caroline Thomas – Children and Young People

·       Cllr Jane Davies – Older and Vulnerable People

·       Cllr James Sheppard – Road Safety



Grant Applications

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets


Community Area Grants: £15,835

Youth Grants: £17,786

Older and Vulnerable People’s Grants: £7,700



Community Area Grants


ABG1696 – Marlborough Tennis requesting £3,000 towards a new clubhouse top floor lounge and kitchen fit out.


ABG1761 – Aldbourne Scouts and Guides Supporters Association requesting £3,000 towards a new kitchen for their Scout Hut.


ABG1776 – 2nd Marlborough Scout Group requesting £3,000 for roof repairs to their Scout Hut.



Area Board Initiative


ABG1864 - Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group requesting £500 towards a summer engagement event in 2024.



Older and Vulnerable People’s Grant


ABG1844 – Marlborough Area Poverty Action Group requesting £1,000 towards summer outings.


ABG1846 – Arts Together requesting £2,500 towards projects for isolated and vulnerable people in Marlborough.



Supporting documents:


The Area Board noted the budgets remaining for allocation at the meeting and heard from representatives in attendance who gave a brief overview of and answered questions about their projects.


Community Area Grants:


Marlborough Tennis Club Requesting £3,000 Towards a New Clubhouse Top Floor Lounge and Kitchen Fit Out


Peter May, a trustee of the tennis club, explained that the top floor would be available to community groups.


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM, it was resolved to make the.




To award Marlborough Tennis Club £3,000 towards a new clubhouse top floor lounge and kitchen fit out.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2024/25.


Aldbourne Scouts and Guides Supporters Association Requesting £3,000 Towards a new Kitchen for their Scout Hut


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Andrew Jack, explained that the Community Area Grant applications from the two Scout groups would be eligible for Youth Grant funding as they would benefit 13-19 years olds.


The applicant reported that they had raised £93,000 towards a £100,000 target to refurbish their 60-year-old hut. They had over 45 volunteers and were doing much of the labour themselves.


On the proposal of the Vice-Chairman, seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM, it was resolved to make the:




To award Aldbourne Scouts and Guides Supporters Association £3,000 towards a new kitchen for their Scout Hut from the Youth Grant budget.


Reason – The application met the Youth Grant Criteria 2024/25.


2nd Marlborough Scout Group Requesting £3,000 Towards Roof Repairs to their Scout Hut


It was noted that Community Area Grants should be used for significant refurbishment and replacements, rather than simply repairs.


The applicant noted that their hut was built in 1974 and the roof was in need of refurbishment. The hall was well used by community groups. The total cost of the project was anticipated to be £27,000 and £12,000 had already ben raised through match funding.


On the proposal of Cllr Paul Oatway QPM, seconded by Cllr James Sheppard, it was resolved to make the.





2nd Marlborough Scout Group were awarded £3,000 towards roof repairs to their Scout Hut from the Youth Grant budget.


Reason – The application met the Young People’s Grant Criteria 2024/25.



Area Board Initiative:


Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group Requesting £500 Towards a Summer Engagement Event in 2024


On the proposal of the Vice-Chairman, seconded by Cllr Paul Oatway QPM, it was resolved to make the:




To award Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group £500 towards a summer engagement event in 2024.


Reason – The application met the Older and Vulnerable Adult’s Grant Criteria 2024/25.



Older & Vulnerable Adults Grants:


Marlborough Area Poverty Action Group Requesting £1,000 Towards Summer Outings


The applicant explained that the total cost of the project would be £2,875 and would allow vulnerable adults to be able to spend time with young people. The money would help with transport costs.


On the proposal of the Vice-Chairman, seconded by the Chairman, it was resolved  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Any Other Questions

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


There were none.




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



Close and Future Meeting Dates

Future meeting dates (starting at 7.00pm):


·       1 October 2024

·       3 December 2024

·       18 March 2025



For information on applying for a grant or grant application deadlines for these meetings, contact


The dates of future meetings were confirmed.


7:00 – 9:00pm with networking from 6.30pm


·       1 October 2024

·       3 December 2024

·       18 March 2025


Meeting details, agendas and minutes can be viewed here.