Agenda and minutes

Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 24 November 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA

Contact: Adam Brown  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the Councillors and Officers present introduce themselves.


The Chairman also noted those parish representatives who were in attendance.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from the following:


Cllr Stewart Dobson

George Horton

Claire Costello

James Cawley



a.            To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 29 September 2015.

b.            Update on actions and outcomes arising.

Supporting documents:




To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting on 29 September 2015 as a true and correct record


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

To note the following items for information – written briefing notes are available in the full agenda pack, or online. 


a)    Free NHS Health Checks


If you would like the Area Board to consider or discuss any of these items in more detail, please speak to the Community Engagement Manager, or the Democratic Services Officer.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


a)    NHS Health Checks


The announcement included in the agenda pack was referred to.



Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
  3. Healthwatch Wiltshire
  4. Wiltshire CCG
  5. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)
  6. Transition Marlborough
  7. Town / Parish Councils

Supporting documents:


a)    Devotion Youth Club


Devotion Youth Club were awarded £897.23 at the 29 September 2015 Marlborough Area Board towards the Hangout@The Mead project. Young people from the project were in attendance to inform those present what the money had achieved and to thank the Area Board for the grant.


b)    Wiltshire Police


Inspector Nick Mawson was in attendance and introduced himself as replacing Inspector Matthew Armstrong. Inspector Mawson was six weeks into his role and would be covering Marlborough, Melksham, Pewsey, and Devizes.


Trowbridge and Warminster were piloting a new policing model. The new “Community Model” would provide a change in service delivery. More locally-based police would be available 24/7 rather than dedicated policing managers. It was noted that there wouldn’t be a loss in local knowledge or PCSO’s.


c)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


There was no update.


d)    Healthwatch Wiltshire


The update in the agenda pack was referred to. The new Healthwatch website was ready to go live in the near future; comments from users on the website were welcomed.


e)    Wiltshire CCG


The update in the agenda pack was referred to.


f)     Marlborough Area Development Trust (MADT)


The update in the agenda pack was referred to.


g)    Transition Marlborough


An update presentation was provided at the meeting. A written update is attached to this set of minutes.


Marlborough was noted as being one of 6 Air Quality Management Areas as nitrogen dioxide emission levels were above the safe limit. Delivery of a real-time air quality monitor was being awaited.


The Wiltshire Council website for real-time updates on air quality monitors was noted as being a useful resource:


Transition Marlborough would be hosting a meeting to feed into the Area Board in early 2016.


Thanks were expressed to Wiltshire Council for resurfacing Treacle Bolley. The surface was great for cycling and Preshute & St John’s students could now cycle to School without mud.


The Marlborough Communities’ Market had been suspended due to unaffordable rent rates on Sundays.


As a result of a proposed 87% funding cut the Kennet Community Energy project was at risk of closure.


The Permaculture Course run by Transition Marlborough would be running for their fifth year in March 2016. The course was noted as popular and had more than 40 alumnae.


Meetings of Transition Marlborough were held on the second Thursday of each month at The Green Dragon. Details were available on their website.


h)   Town/Parish Councils


Marlborough Town Council –

Work was taking place with the CEM and the Mobility Store on the introduction of the Shopmobility scheme to Marlborough. Guidance was being taken from Salisbury.


Marlborough was joined by Mildenhall, Preshute and Savernake to form Neighbourhood Area and form a Neighbourhood Plan. At the current stage an application to form the designated Neighbourhood Area had been submitted.


Along with other towns, Marlborough Town Council was working with VisitWiltshire to promote the A4 as a tourist route.


New business units had opened at Elcot Park, supported by Wiltshire Council, and would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 83.



Dementia Awareness and Dementia-Friendly Communities

Sheila Ashley, Alzheimer’s Support, will be in attendance to deliver an item on dementia awareness and dementia-friendly communities.


A Dementia Friends session will also be held from 6.00pm in the Town Hall.


Sheila Ashley, Dementia Awareness Project Worker, was in attendance to deliver the presentation.


A short video was shown to those at the meeting:


A local story was described where a lady diagnosed with dementia had developed a routine where she visited the local Marlborough Waitrose three times each day to buy her food and eat her sandwich sat on their bench. The staff at Waitrose had become familiar with her and supported her as best she could to make her feel comfortable and welcome. This was noted as an example of what Dementia Friendly Communities should be practicing.


Statistics provided a conservative estimate of 240 people living with dementia in the Marlborough community area. This statistic would increase as more people aged.


A Dementia Friendly Community was described as “a city, town or village where people with dementia are understood, respected and supported, and confident they can contribute to community life.”


Those living with dementia were explained as experiencing restrictions in everyday routines, with some becoming isolated as a result.


A list of steps towards making Marlborough a Dementia Friendly Community was presented to those present. Enthusiasm, commitment and volunteer support were crucial in achieving this. Effective management for this would come from a steering committee. The steering committee would receive an action plan from a focus group. Once all this had been completed a high profile launch could be help to maintain public awareness.


Monthly drop-in sessions were proposed, which could be run by Sheila Ashley until there were enough Dementia Champions available to take it over.


Youth clubs could be sources of volunteers, especially ones which required volunteering to be awarded badges such as Cubs, Scouts, and the Duke of Edinburgh award.


The list of possible members for the steering committee included:

      Carers and people with dementia

      Local businesses – banks, shops, taxi firms…

      Church and community representatives

      Relevant voluntary organisations

      Intergenerational – youth clubs / schools

      Local councillors

      Healthcare / local GP

      Leisure sector

      Police, fire and rescue services

      People with networks


Any potential volunteers were asked to contact Sheila Ashley, Andrew Jack, or Cllr Jemima Milton.


It was asked what young people could do in particular to help. If anyone knew someone with dementia it was recommended that time should be made to visit them, as they needed company more than anything else to keep their spirits up. Everyday awareness was also important; those present were urged to help someone obviously struggling if they see the chance to. Volunteering information was available on the Alzheimer’s Support and Alzheimer’s Society websites.




For Marlborough Area Board to write to Waitrose and White Stuff to thank them for their help in the community with those living with dementia



Good Neighbours Scheme: Volunteering Opportunities

Alex North, Good Neighbours, will be in attendance to deliver an item on volunteering opportunities and promoting the scheme.


This item was deferred until a later date.



Marlborough's Patient Participation Group

A GP and patient from Marlborough Surgery will be in attendance to help promote the group and detail recruitment opportunities for new members.


Dr Jennifer Campbell, General Practitioner, and Derek Barnes from the Marlborough Patient Participation Group (MPPG) were in attendance.


It was noted that Marlborough had a high proportion of residents aged over 60 years old.


The participation group met every two months with the aim of helping get more out of the services available. The group captured complaints, concerns, and general comments.


In June it was found that 73% of all respondents would recommend their local practice.


Cllr Milton explained how setting up the MPPG was a positive step and that it had been of good use in Ramsbury. Patients were urged to fill in feedback forms when visiting a GP as they were a useful tool for doctors. The forms could be filled in anonymously if required.



Wiltshire Council Health Training Team

Sarah Mills from the Wiltshire Council Health Training Team will be in attendance to provide information on the promotion of good health.


Sarah Mills and Helen Aston from Public Health were in attendance to deliver the presentation.


Helen Aston outlined the various stop smoking services available. Surgeries around Marlborough had free advisory support available, which had experienced good results. This service was noted as currently underused; however there was still a demand for support to quit smoking. Different levels of support were available depending on what was needed by the individual. Scare tactics were not used unless wanted. Help could be provided over the phone and one-to-one, along with self-referrals and referrals from others.


Huge positive health differences could come as a result of reducing and quitting smoking. Help was also available for those wanting to quit e-cigarettes.


Sarah Mills, Health Trainer for Calne and Chippenham, introduced herself. Currently Sarah was also covering Marlborough and would be a part-time trainer for the area from early 2016.


Sarah’s role was to work within the community to support anyone aged over 18 with one-to-one support. The majority of this was related to weight-loss and obesity. The process was not centred on scare tactics, but instead was focused on gradual change. Methods included food diaries, and methods to boost confidence for people so that they could achieve their goals.


Other areas focused on included alcohol, and gaining weight to reach a healthy level. Sarah was also a qualified stop smoking provider who could work with people until they felt ready to quit smoking. Once they were ready Sarah could refer them to the Stop Smoking team.


The surgeries were located within the community at venues such as the library.



Update from Community Area Manager

Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager (CEM), will be in attendance to provide an update.


Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager, was in attendance to provide an update.


Andrew explained that the Marlborough Community Engagement Manager’s Twitter account had led to him meeting young residents from Chilton Foliat who have a bus service to and from school. This led to the idea of using the bus for lifts elsewhere in the community to events and clubs for people of all ages. The bus could possibly also be used for various services, such as helping the elderly on journeys that would be tough on foot, or meals on wheels deliveries.


As a result of the child poverty presentation at the previous Area Board meeting Andrew had met with areas to discuss setting up smoke-free playgrounds. Work would be done with Parish Councils and groups who manage playgrounds to implement signage and encourage people not to smoke around playgrounds.


The shopmobility scheme mentioned in Marlborough Town Council’s partner update would be investigated.


A new round of LEADER funding was due to be released in the future. The EU money was administered by North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to help sustain rural jobs through tourism.



Community Area Grant Scheme

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider two applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


1.    St Michael’s School, Aldbourne have requested £5000 for an inclusive playpod project.

2.    St Mary’s Babies & Toddler Group, Marlborough have requested £1000 for a toy and craft appeal.


The following Member-led initiative will also be considered, as follows:


1.    Marlborough Tennis Club  have requested £18,000 for the creation of a new tennis clubhouse and courts.


Copies of the completed application forms and grant application packs for the

Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area

Manager or electronically at


Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered two applications for Community Area Grant funding and one Member-led Initiative.  A representative of the applicant was given an opportunity to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.




To agree on the grant funding applications as follows:


1.     To award St Michael’s School, Aldbourne £5000 for an inclusive playpod project on the condition that they attained an award from the ALL grant.

2.     To award St Mary’s Babies & Toddler Group, Marlborough £1000 for a toy and craft appeal.

3.     To defer the decision on Marlborough Tennis Club for consideration at a later meeting once the applicant had provided more information.



Applications for Youth Funding

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider five applications to the Community Youth Grants Scheme, as follows:


1.    We Love Marlborough have requested £4600

2.    Marlborough Rugby and Football Club have requested £1050

3.    Marlborough Hockey Club have requested £4750

4.    Greatwood Charity have requested £4800

5.    Marlborough Open Award Centre (Duke of Edinburgh Award) have requested £2500

Supporting documents:


Jan Bowra, Community Youth Officer, was in attendance to present two applications for grant funding. A representative of the applicant was given an opportunity to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.




1.     To award We Love Marlborough £4600.

2.     To award Marlborough Rugby and Football Club £1050

3.     To award Marlborough Hockey Club £3750

4.     To award Greatwood Charity £4800

5.     To award Marlborough Open Award Centre (Duke of Edinburgh Award) £1275 for training and stationary.

6.     To ringfence £1225 for Marlborough Open Award Centre (Duke of Edinburgh Award) and request that they return to the LYN Management Group with details of equipment needed.


Any Other Questions

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.






Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 26 January 2016, 7.00pm at Marlborough Town Hall.


The theme of the next meeting will be: Emergency Planning.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board would be on Tuesday 26th January 2016 at 6.30pm for a 7.00 pm start in Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA.