Agenda and minutes

Melksham Area Board - Wednesday 9 March 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: The Assembly Hall, Market Place, Melksham, SN12 6ES

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Election to Wiltshire Youth Council – Jedidah Mundia

(13) and Tom Hiscocks (17) from Melksham Oak School


·         Climate strategy and GBI infrastructure plan


·         Great British Spring Clean


·         The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee


·         Support to Ukraine


·         New cycling and walking facility will link Hilperton and Melkshamon mostly traffic-free route


Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Melksham Area Board meeting.


The Melksham Area Board members were introduced.


The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Election to Wiltshire Youth Council – Jedidah Mundia

(13) and Tom Hiscocks (17) from Melksham Oak School


·         Climate strategy and GBI infrastructure plan


·         Great British Spring Clean


·         The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee


·         Support to Ukraine


·         Hilperton & Melksham Cycling Walking Route



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Cllr Jon Hubbard – Wiltshire Council, Cllr Jack Oatley – Wiltshire Council and Station Manager Dave Geddes – Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 8 December 2021

Supporting documents:




·         That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 8 December 2021 were confirmed as the correct record



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest


Police Update

Inspector Gill Hughes / Sergeant James Twyford


Supporting documents:



Sergeant James Twyford gave an update on behalf of the Trowbridge Community Policing Team.


Points made included:


Youth ASB in Melksham - the two most prolific perpetrators were now under the Youth Offending Team following receipt of Youth Conditional Cautions. Neither had come to notice since this time. That there was still evidence of ASB around Waitrose and the Littlebrook Centre, so this would remain a focus.


Thefts along the Kennet and Avon Tow Path – that there had been a small spate of Generator Thefts along the Tow Path. Local teams were proactively targeting this issue and making efforts to work with the live-aboard community and the Canal & River Trust in response to this.


Drugs Warrants – Local teams had executed two Drugs Warrants in recent weeks. Cannabis was recovered from the first property on Littlejohn Avenue and Crack Cocaine was recovered from the second property in Vines Court. Two adult males were now under investigation whilst secondary enquiries were completed.


That speeding continued to be targeted on Skylark Road by local teams.


Statistics on the local incidence and resolution of rape cases were requested but not available to hand.


The Chairman thanked Sergeant Twyford for his update.







Fire & Rescue Update

Station Manager Dave Geddes


Supporting documents:


The written update contained in the agenda pack was noted.



Clackers Brook Restoration Plan

Nick Wilson - Wiltshire Wildlife Trust


Nick Wilson - Water Team Project Officer, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust outlined a plan to restore the Clackers Brook, Melksham. Consultations had also been carried out with other landowners and stakeholders, including Selwood Housing, Aster Housing and Melksham Town Council.  


Points made included:


·         That Wiltshire Wildlife Trust had around 20/25 projects going on throughout Wiltshire at the current time


·         That the project would aim to enhance and encourage more wildlife habitats


·         That the work involved reprofiling of the riverbank to give a more shallower gradient


·         That the work would be carried out during August-October 2022, subject to the receipt of required permissions


·         That local residents would be informed of any proposed work to avoid any possible disruptions


·         The importance of involving volunteers in the project work


The Chairman thanked Nick Wilson for his presentation.



Campus update plus display boards

Louise Cary - Head of Capital Projects, Wiltshire Council





Louise Cary - Head of Capital Projects, Wiltshire Council gave an update on the Melksham Campus and Melksham House projects. Display boards with illustrative plans were also available in the room. 


Points made included:


That campus construction had commenced a year ago, led by Pellikaan Construction Ltd


That work was progressing well with the main structure completed and water-tight end of 2021


Section 73 planning application had been approved.


That both external and internal works were progressing well


The facility will feature a state-of-the-art fitness suite plus an immersive cycle studio, unique in Wiltshire campuses.


Car Parking Strategy


·         Priority: to ensure access to parking for campus users


·         Off-street parking order application submitted for a pay and display car park



·         Required for a discharge of planning condition and enforcement of parking bays


·         The parking order allowed for charging should there be an impact to Campus Customers


·         Survey car park usage once the Campus was open to determine impact to customers, other Wiltshire Council Car Parks and sustainability of the Campus


·         That carpark charging would be evaluated to get the best outcome


·         The application process included a public consultation


·         The project team were developing a travel plan that would set-out sustainable and active travel options.



Melksham House


That planning had been approved for the development of Melksham House


Enabling works had been completed this included:


·         Demolition of newer extensions


·         Soft strip of some of the internal fixtures and fittings


That the tender process for the main contractor had started


The refurbishment works would start once the construction of the campus was complete.


That the work was expected to take circa 12 months to complete




If the car parking policy allows free parking for users of the campus, how will you survey users to show that parking spaces are not being used by town centre shoppers instead?.

Written answer agreed for Cllr Nick Holder


Landscaping – on the left side of the Melk 20 footpath on the former rugby pitch there is evidence of standing water – what is the intended use of this piece of land?

Written answer agreed for Ian Cardy


How do you justify using the lower rate of 7KVA for electric charging points in the campus car park when more powerful charging points are commonplace elsewhere?

Written answer agreed for Ian Cardy


The Chairman thanked Louise Cary for her update.




Tree Planting Project

David Turrell - Oakley Farm, Lower Woodrow






David Turrell & Jane Gardiner-Turrell of Oakley Farm, Lower Woodrow gave an outline of a project that planned to see 84 acres of land planted with several thousand trees and hedge trees, evoking the historical “Melksham Forest” of Medieval times. Students from Wiltshire College at Lackham are involved and other volunteers are sought.


Points made included:


·         That the project had already taken delivery of some 7000 hedge trees, donated by the Woodland Trust, to be planted by mid April


·         That a book containing the names of everybody that planted a tree would be kept


·         That it was expected to take around two years to complete the project


·         That the project organisers were looking to get young people and families involved as volunteers to help


·         The sites for tree and hedge planting would be close to, but not on the direct alignment of, the proposed Melksham bypass


·         The project is supporting positive action in the climate crisis; encouraging bio-diversity for planet renewal; is seeking proactive community engagement; and is providing environmental education for all


The Chairman thanked David Turrell & Jane Gardiner-Turrell for their presentation.




Sub Group Reports

 Community Area Transport Group


·         To note recommendations from CATG meeting held on 24 February


·         Dates of future meetings: 5 May, 4 August, 27 October, 2 February



Health and Wellbeing Group


·         To note recommendations from HWG meeting on 24 February


·         Introduction to David Walker, Carers Champion for Melksham


Supporting documents:


Community Area Transport Group – Cllr Jonathon Seed


The Area Board noted the recommendations from CATG meeting held on 24 February 2022 contained in the agenda pack.


Cllr Seed presented the current priority projects:

i) Melksham Lowbourne Rd and Church Lane   

ii) Broughton Gifford - Gateways and Traffic Management measures

iii) A365 Shaw Bath Road Footway improvements

iv) Melksham Sandridge Road – request to improve footway link to Maple Close

v) Active Travel Scheme - Farmers Roundabout

vi) Melksham Dunch Lane


Dates of future meetings were noted as:


·         5 May 2022

·         4 August 2022

·         27 October 2022

·         2 February 2023


The unallocated CATG budget carried forward to 2022/23 is £ 25,855 and from 2022/23 will have a 100% budget increase to c. £ 25,000 per annum for the Melksham community area.


The CATG will in future be called the “Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group”.


Health and Wellbeing Group – Cllr Nick Holder


The Area Board noted the recommendations from the Health & Wellbeing Group meeting on 24 February 2022:


-       it was agreed that further discussions would to be held with young carers and other stakeholders to organise a Young Carers event in Autumn 2022, to be project managed by the Community Engagement Manager.


-       discussions will be held with LINK and the community bus to publicise community transport options available locally.


-       the Community Engagement Manager, with others, will keep a directory of activities for older people up to date, to include activities and services in the villages local to Melksham

-       the NHS Estates Manager and Locality Lead will be invited to speak to a future meeting on future plans for the NHS estate 


-       Celebrating Age Wiltshire will consider opportunities for delivery of its cultural/ music/ drama events in village halls and other more rural settings


-       Discussions will be held with “that meeting space” regarding possible grant funding from the Area Board, including for piloting a “Carers Drop-in” at the premises


Cllr Holder asked for his thanks to be recorded for the wide range of stakeholders attending and supporting the work of the Health and Wellbeing



David Walker was introduced as the newly appointed Carers Champion for Melksham; he gave an outline of his background and personal experience in caring for his late wife, who had Alzheimers, and of how he wanted to help other unpaid carers to navigate through the system and support networks available locally. A shortlist of priorities for the Carers Champion role was presented.




·         That the Melksham Area Board noted the proposed work priorities for the Carers Champion



End of year budget status


The following end of year budget status was noted:


·         Community Grants: £7,669 unallocated


·         Youth Grants: £8,339 unallocated


·         Health and Wellbeing Grants: £5,815 unallocated


·         Public Open Spaces Fund: £11,791 unallocated


Grant Applications

Community Grants


·         Bowerhill Scouts requesting £7,000 towards “Scout and About”

project to purchase a minibus


·         Friends of Shurnhold Fields requesting £750 for replanting of

200 saplings in WW1 Wood


·         Spurgeons requesting £1,000 towards Canberra Centre

Community Garden Project



Youth Grants


·         4Youth (SW) requesting £4,855 towards the expansion and

delivery of Thursday youth club for young people aged 13-19 years


·         Spurgeons requesting £500 towards Canberra Centre Parent

Support Project


·           Melksham Amateur Swimming Club requesting £750 towards

Vital Swim Teacher Training


Health and Wellbeing Grants

·         Melksham Free Dining requesting £1,700 for the “Coming Together to Dine With Us” project to support the costs of free lunches and after-meal social activities for the elderly and vulnerable


·         Young Carers event – allocate a further £ 2,750 for a young carers event in Autumn 2022


Projects carried forward from 2021/22 to 2022/23


·         Young Carers event – carry forward the sum of £2,750 for a young carers event in Autumn 2022, delayed due to the pandemic


·         Public Open Spaces Network Fund – carry forward the sum of

£10, 588, to encourage community environmental action


Supporting documents:


Community Area Grants:


Bowerhill Scouts awarded £7,000 towards “Scout and About” project to purchase a minibus


Friends of Shurnhold Fields awarded £750 for replanting of

200 saplings in WW1 Wood


Spurgeons awarded £1,000 towards Canberra Centre

Community Garden Project



Youth Grants:


Spurgeons awarded £500 towards Canberra Centre Parent

Support Project (subject to confirmation of eligibility)


4Youth (SW) awarded £4,855 towards the expansion and

delivery of Thursday youth club for young people aged 13-19 years


Melksham Amateur Swimming Club awarded £750 towards

Vital Swim Teacher Training


Health and Wellbeing Grants:

Melksham Free Dining awarded £2,500 for the “Coming Together to Dine With Us” project to support the costs of free lunches and after-meal social activities for the elderly and vulnerable

Young Carers event awarded a further £ 2,750 for a young carers event in Autumn 2022


Projects carried forward from 2021/22 to 2022/23:


Young Carers event – carry forward the sum of £2,750 for a young carers event in Autumn 2022, delayed due to the pandemic - agreed


Public Open Spaces Network Fund – carry forward the sum of £10,588, to encourage community environmental action – agreed



Partner Updates

To note written partner updates

Supporting documents:


The following written partner updates were noted:


·         Wiltshire CQC


·         Healthwatch Wiltshire





Public Questions

Members of the public are invited to ask questions relating to Area Board business



There were no public questions.

