Agenda and minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 17 May 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: The Alamein Suite, City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury SP2 7TU

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.



Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the municipal year 2012/13.


In accordance with Part 3, paragraph 4.8.1 of the Council’s Constitution, the Chairman handed over to the Vice-Chairman for this item.


Councillor Moss in the Chair


The Vice-Chairman sought nominations for the position of Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board for the 2012/13 municipal year.



Councillor Richard Clewer was elected Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board for the 2012/13 municipal year.


Councillor Clewer in the Chair



Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman for the municipal year 2012/13.


The Chairman sought nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board for the 2012/13 municipal year.



Councillor Bill Moss was elected Vice-Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board for the 2012/13 municipal year.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·         Cllr Ricky Rogers

·         Cllr Brian Dalton

·         Marianna Dodd  - Salisbury Community Area Manger

·         Mike Franklin – Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

·         Bev Flanagan – Wiltshire College




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2012 and the Extraordinary meeting held on 22 March 2012.


Supporting documents:


It was noted that a small amendment was proposed to the minutes of the meeting on 22 March, to clarify that the Quality Bus Partnership had not yet been entered into, and was part of an initiative by the Salisbury Vision.



The minutes of the meeting held on 15 March and those of the Extraordinary meeting help on 22 March were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the following amendment to the minutes of the meeting on 22 March:


·         At item 5.2, paragraph 2, rewrite from the 4th sentence as follows:


“The Council was also working towards entering into a Quality Bus Partnership with Wilts & Dorset, Stagecoach, and Hatts, as part of an initiative instigated by the Salisbury Vision.  This special arrangement would facilitate the delivery of real benefits for Salisbury bus users, including improvements to routes, network marketing, and multi-operator tickets.  The engagement with the Bus Operators achieved through the partnership was already delivering positive benefits for the city.”



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Chris Cochrane declared that he would not vote on the councillor-led bid for £3,975 towards improvements to a footpath in Bemerton Village (at agenda item 16 – Grants and Funding), due to his prior involvement in the initiative.


Councillor Bill Moss declared a prejudicial interest in the Community Area Grant application from Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum, as he was a trustee of the Museum.  Councillor Moss clarified that he would not vote on the item.




Chairman's Updates

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board, including:


·         Grit Bins

·         Marketplace

·         Queen’s Diamond Jubilee event – 1 May



The Chairman gave an update on a number of ongoing Area Board projects, as follows:


·         Grit Bins – It was hoped that a working group could be put together with representatives from the City Council, to consider and review the positions of grit bins within the city, so that any reallocation of sites could be put into effect before the next winter.

·         Marketplace – Samples of the three options for the new surfacing in the marketplace had been laid on Blue Boar Row, next to the statue.  The views of residents was now sought on the preferred choice, and comments could be submitted in writing to the Salisbury Community Area Manager, PO Box 2281, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, SP2 2HX or online at:

·         Diamond Jubilee event on 1 May – The Chairman referred to the success of the recent celebration event in the Cathedral Close to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  The event had been attended by Her Majesty and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, and by thousands of well-wishers.  Thanks were offered to Councillor Chris Cochrane who had coordinated the contribution from the Salisbury Area Board.  Councillor Cochrane acknowledged the other individuals who had helped to make the day a success.

·         Residents’ parking – The Chairman referred to the Area Board’s previous debate and decision on prioritising roads for new and/or reviewed residents’ parking schemes.  Following some confusion, it was now proposed to re-consult on a scheme covering just Ashfield Road.  The Area Board agreed to this proposal.



Information items

a.    Review of Mini Recycling Sites and Household Recycling Centre Summer Opening Hours

b.    11-19 Commissioning Strategy Update (Youth Advisory Groups, Volunteers and Income Generation)

c.    Rural Facilities Survey

d.    Paths Improvement Grant Scheme

e.    Helping People to Live Safely in their own homes

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the following matters, which were listed in the agenda:


a.    Review of Mini Recycling Sites and Household Recycling Centre Summer Opening Hours – more information was set out at page 27 of the agenda.

b.    11-19 Commissioning Strategy Update (Youth Advisory Groups, Volunteers and Income Generation) - more information was set out at page 29-30 of the agenda.

c.    Rural Facilities Survey - more information was set out at page 31 of the agenda.

d.    Paths Improvement Grant Scheme - more information was set out at page 33 of the agenda.

e.    Helping People to Live Safely in their own homes - more information was set out at pages 35-36 of the agenda.  Phil Matthews, Chair of Wiltshire Involvement Network, added that an event for Carers and Services that Help People to Live at Home was being held on Saturday 26 May in Devizes Corn Exchange from 10.30am-3.30pm.


Councillor John Brady referred to the recent completion of the new pedestrian crossing on the A36 at Petersfinger.  This was a welcome addition due to the heavy traffic and narrow pavements at this point on the road.  It was also noted that the equipment was sophisticated enough to recognise if a pedestrian had already crossed and so to avoid stopping traffic unnecessarily.




Update from Representatives

To receive updates from representatives of the following partner organisations:

a)    Salisbury City Council

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)    Police

d)    Fire

e)    NHS


Supporting documents:


Su Thorpe, Leader of Salisbury City Council, updated the meeting on the work of the City Council:


·         A Jubilee Event was planned for Monday 4 June at Hudson’s Field.  This would be a free fun day for all the family, with gates opening at 2pm.  Everyone was encouraged to bring a picnic and to enjoy the activities which would culminate in a firework display and the lighting of the Jubilee Beacon on Old Sarum Castle.  Cllr Thorpe thanked Wiltshire Council for changing the parking arrangements on this day and other Bank Holidays over the summer, so that the Park and Ride would be in operation on those days.

·         The City Council was planning its annual Away Day on 23 June, where City Councillors and officers met informally to discuss issues concerning the future of the city and the City Council.  Although this would be a closed meeting, ideas and suggestions were invited from residents in relation to what the Council could or should be doing.

·         The City Council was also planning open events later in the year for anybody interested in standing as a candidate for the local elections in 2013.  These events would give information on the roles and responsibilities of Councillors, and how to register to stand for election.

·         Reference was made again to the Jubilee Celebration event on 1 May, and congratulations were offered to Wiltshire Council; for organising the event.  The City Council was also pleased to have been able to play an extensive role in the preparations before and during the day itself.

·         Finally, Cllr Thorpe noted the recent transfer of the Tourist Information Service from Wiltshire Council to Salisbury City Council.  The system would be monitored over the summer and then reviewed with a view to any changes being implemented by 2013.


At this point, the Chairman referred to the report labelled Additional Papers (3).  This document had not been published for the requisite five working days in advance of the meeting, however the Chairman had agreed to accept the matter onto the Agenda as Urgent Late Business.  Reg Williams, Salisbury City Clerk, explained that the City Council wished to apply for the release of £60,000 of R2 funding, to construct a new children’s play ground at Churchill Gardens.  The design for the playground had been chosen by local children from a choice of four options.  It was noted that R2 funding consisted of developer contributions (under Section 106 agreements) towards off-side provision of play and recreational space, and while this was held by Wiltshire Council on behalf of Parish Councils, Area Board approval was required for the release of funding over £30,000.



The Salisbury Area Board approved the request from Salisbury City Council for £60,000 of developer contributions under Policy R2 to construct a new children’s play ground at Churchill Gardens, Salisbury.

Reason – In accordance with Policy R2, and to allow the City Council to use the available Section 106 funding for this new community facility.


ACTION: Steve Ibbetson


Cllr  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Update from Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP)

To receive an update from the Community Area Partnership.


Debrah Biggs, Chairman of “Our Salisbury” the Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP), gave an update on the work of the Partnership, reporting that the consultation event held jointly with the Area Board on 29 March had been a success, raising a number of local issues which would be fed directly into the final version of the Community Area Plan.  A concern had been raised that there was no section in the plan dedicated to Young People; Debrah commented that each issue was assessed in terms of its impact on young people and older people.


Other project work was on-going:

·         The Education group was currently involved in discussions over the possible university.

·         The Environmental group was working with the Green Spaces Board

·         The Partnership was also feeding in to the Campus development project; the provision of community space had been raised as an issue at the March consultation event, and this was being factored into designs for the campus.


Debrah invited volunteers to come forward to help push the thematic group projects forward.




Informal Adult Education in Wiltshire

To receive a report regarding the future provision of informal adult education in Wiltshire.


Supporting documents:


Stephanie Denovan, Service Director for Schools and Learning, gave a presentation on the future of Informal Adult Education in Wiltshire.


Informal Adult Education referred to courses offered as leisure activities, rather than those which led to formal qualifications or employment-related skills.  Wiltshire Council currently provided this non-statutory service, with a number of courses being run through public libraries, the family learning team, and Urchfont Manor.


Four options for the future of the service were set out in the report at pages 48-50 and views of residents and service users were welcomed on these, and on any other suggestions.  Once the consultation results had been gathered, a report on the way forward would be taken to Cabinet.


In response to a comment expressing disappointment over the decision to close Urchfont Manor, Stephanie commented that although Urchfont had been at the centre of Adult Learning for a number of year, it was considered that the courses run there were not serving the needs of the people of Wiltshire, but rather people who came from other parts of the country.  In addition, the upkeep of the buildings made the site expensive to run and required a subsidy from the Council.


Alternative venues for provision of day courses could include community campuses.  Recent attendees at courses at Urchfont had all been sent a questionnaire as part of the consultation process, with 7,000 going out in total.


It was noted that Wiltshire was relatively poorly funded in terms of government funding in a number of areas, including neighbouring areas.  An example of this was schools funding, where Wiltshire received £407 less per pupil per year than the national average.


It was suggested that a combination of options 3 and 4 might be a way forward, with local need being established and then overall provision being centrally co-ordinated.


Debrah Biggs referred to the volunteer training provided by Wessex Community Action; Stephanie asked that contact be made with Simon Burke.


Stephanie thanked everyone for listening and invited comments to be made through the online survey, or direct to Simon Burke, Head of Business and Commercial Services (




Section 106 monies

To receive the attached report and a presentation in relation to Section 106 funding, including a summary of funding available in the area, and an update on the future of R2 policy within the new Core Strategy.




Supporting documents:


Sally Canter, Head of Customer and Technical Support, presented the report as set out at pages 51-68 of the agenda, supported by Steve Ibbetson, Technical Manager.


Sally explained that Section 106 funding was the term used to describe financial contributions from developers to deliver or address matters that were necessary to make a development acceptable in planning terms.  This often related to the provision of services and infrastructure such as highways, recreational facilities, education, health and affordable housing.  Section 106 agreements, which could also relate to non-financial obligations, were required to be specific in terms of how any funding could be spent.


In the south of the county, R2 and R4 were terms used to describe Section 106 funding which related to policies in the old Salisbury District Plan; towards open spaces/outdoor recreation (R2) and community facilities (R4). 


In terms of timescales for spending Section 106 monies, these varied between different agreements, although longer periods were usually sought for larger agreements, for example those relating to highways improvements.  It was noted that a “mopping up” exercise had been undertaken on R2 funding relating to Salisbury City to identify and use any outstanding funds that were shortly due to expire.


A number of questions and comments were raised, as follows:


·         Bids for projects which might be suitable for Section 106 funding could not be raised retrospectively, so it was important to bring forward suggestions as soon as a planning consultation came out.


·         It was noted that Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) would change the way section 106 contributions where sought.  Disappointment was expressed that CIL would not be in place until July 2013, particularly as the South Wilts Core Strategy was already in place.  It was noted that officers would look at the current Core Strategy and negotiate Section 106 agreements on that basis, being mindful that developments had to remain commercially viable.


·         It was noted that Section 106 project had to remain relevant to the development from which the funding came, and had also to be spent on the purpose for which they were intended. 


·         In relation to smaller parishes, it was noted that they often had difficulties in maintaining facilities which could be funded by R2 money.  Although R2 could not be used for maintenance, it was noted that refurbishment and improvements could be acceptable uses for the funding.


The Chairman thanked Sally and Steve for the presentation and responses.




Campus Update

To receive an update on the Salisbury Campus project.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the written update report which was set out at pages 69–70 of the agenda, and gave a brief overview of the work of the Shadow Community Operations Board (COB).


The Shadow COB was a working group which had been established by the Area Board to develop proposals for a community campus, delivering a range of public and voluntary sector services from a single location.  In Salisbury, this would be from the Five Rivers Leisure Centre site, although a second campus was also planned for the Maltings at a later date.


The COB had undertaken a consultation exercise with the public and with the users of a number of services which were planning to relocate to the campus.  It was hoped that the Campus would be operational by the end of 2013.


Debrah Biggs, also a member of the COB, added that the current proposals included 11 services being permanently based at the campus, including Police presence.  In addition, there would be flexible space available for community use.


In relation to the risk of contamination at the site, due to its history as a landfill site, it was noted that the site had been tested for suitability before being put forward as a proposed site.  It was also noted that other potential sites which had been shortlisted for the campus were considered unsuitable for a number of reasons, including contamination.


The Area Board noted the work of the COB to date, and thanked those involved for their work on the project so far.




Brown Tourist Signs

To consider a report as requested at the meeting on 15 March.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the report set out at pages 71-73 of the agenda.


Concern was raised that the report did not fully answer the question of costs implications.  It was noted that a further report would be requested, and that the item would remain on the agenda until the issue had been fully resolved.



That a further report be requested, answering in full the original question in terms of the costs and procedures for installing Brown Tourist Signs for the City on major trunk routes nearby.




Your Local Issues

Marianna Dodd (Salisbury Community Area Manager) will report on the progress of the issues recently raised by local people.


Detailed information on the progress of individual issues is available on the council’s website.  Go to and click on “Track your community issues”.



In the absence of the Community Area Manager, the Chairman reported that the rolling programme for deploying Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) in the city had now been agreed, and was due to be implemented in the near future.




Grants and funding

To consider applications for Community Area Grants, and Councillor bids for Area Board funding, with the opportunity for questions from the public.


Supporting documents:


a.    Community Area Grants


The Chairman invited a representative from each of the grant applicants to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.  After each of the applicants had spoken the Chairman invited questions and discussion, then asked for a show of hands from those present to reflect public opinion. The Area Board members then voted on each application.



Salisbury City Band was awarded £999 towards the Music in the Open project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 and would support this volunteer-run group.



The application from Circular Arts (in relation to the Sunshine project) was refused.

Reason – The application did not fully meet the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 in relation to the provision of three quotes, and exceptions had been made for this applicant on numerous previous applications.   



Spurgeons was awarded £789 towards the Freedom Programme.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 and would support this awareness-raising course for women who have been affected by domestic violence.



Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum was awarded £5,000 towards Save the Salisbury Scout.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2012/13 and would support this campaign to save an example of the City’s industrial heritage which will become the centrepiece of the new museum gallery.



St Edmunds Community Association was awarded £4,219 towards creating education packs for the Milford Street Project for primary and secondary schools in the Salisbury City area.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would ensure a lasting educational legacy for the Milford Street Bridge project.


ACTION: Marianna Dodd


In relation to the report labelled Additional Papers (2), it was agreed that this application from the Bemerton Heath Interagency Group be DEFERRED to allow Councillor Ricky Rogers to be present as the local Councillor for Bemerton Heath.


b.    Area Board projects


The Chairman referred to the report labelled Additional Papers (1), which set out the proposal for Councillor-led initiative from Councillor Brian Dalton, for a joint use pathway in Harnham.  It was noted that Councillor Dalton had requested that this be WITHDRAWN, as funding had been identified for the project from other sources.


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor Chris Cochrane introduced this project which sought to improve pedestrian access to Bemerton St John Primary School.  It was proposed to route the new footpath through the churchyard, for which permission had been sought and obtained from the Diocese. It was noted that planning permission would be required for the footpath, and that an application had been submitted.


It was noted that the Area Board had already allocated £1750 to this project, at the meeting on 15 September 2011.  The additional funding of £2225 was a result of additional costs which had arisen due to the impact of the proposed path on third party owned land.



The Salisbury Area Board agreed to allocate a total of £3975 (i.e. an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.



Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To confirm appointments to Outside Bodies and working groups of the Area Board.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board was referred to the report at pages 85-100 of the agenda.


It was noted that Pat Crabtree was no longer a member of the Shadow Community Operations Board (COB).


It was asked that minutes from meetings of the COB and also the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) could be made available on the website.


(Note – subsequent to the meeting it was established that minutes of the CATG were not currently published online, however the Community Area Manager is arranging for these to be made available on the Salisbury Area Board website: 

The minutes of the Shadow COB are available via this link:



The Area Board:

a.    noted the appointments to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A, and to agree any changes required.

b.    agreed to reconstitute the Working Group(s), and to agree to re-appoint to Working Group(s) as set out at appendix B, subject to finding a replacement for Pat Crabtree, who was no longer on the Shadow Community Operations Board.

c.    noted the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out at Appendix C.


ACTION: James Hazlewood




Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the Board’s Forward Plan, including details of future agenda items.


The date of the next meeting is 5 July 2012, 7pm at Salisbury Methodist Church, St Edmund Church Street, Salisbury SP1 1EF.


Supporting documents:


In response to a question from the Chairman on whether an afternoon or daytime meeting might be convenient for attendees, there was a broadly even divide.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 5 July 2012, 7pm at Salisbury Methodist Church.