Agenda and minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 12 January 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Salisbury City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury SP2 7TU

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item

DVD - "Do you have the X-factor?"


At 6.40pm, prior to the start of the meeting, a short film was shown.  This had been produced by Wiltshire Council to encourage people to get involved in helping to run their communities, either by standing for local election or by volunteering on a local community project.


The film is available for viewing on Youtube – via the following link:




Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from the following:


·         Cllr Mary Douglas

·         Cllr Paul Sample

·         Cllr Chris Cochrane

·         Stephanie Denovan – Service Director, Wiltshire Council

·         Bev Flanagan – Wiltshire College.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2011.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2011 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Ricky Rogers declared a personal interest in item 14 (Grants and Funding) specifically in the application for Area Board support to the Streetwatch scheme, as he was a volunteer for the Bemerton Heath Streetwatch scheme.  Councillor Rogers clarified that this did not constitute a prejudicial interest, and so he would be contributing to the debate and vote on the matter.



Chairman's Announcements

a)    Pilot Youth Advisory Groups

b)    Help to Live at Home – update

c)    The Localism Act 2011

d)    Any others


Supporting documents:


a)    Pilot Youth Advisory Groups – information on this new initiative was set out at page 21 of the agenda.  The Chairman asked those present to encourage young people to get involved by contacting or


b)    Help to Live at Home – an update on this service was set out at page 23 of the agenda.


c)    The Localism Act 2011 – a briefing note on this was set out at page 25 of the agenda.


d)    Warm and Well – Wiltshire Council was promoting this scheme, whereby discounted or free loft cavity insulation was available to residents, depending on financial circumstances.  Door-to-door canvassing would be taking place on 10, 12, 17, 19, 24 and 26 January.  This was primarily to raise awareness of the scheme, and care would be taken to respect any “no cold calling” zones.  Local Councillors, Police and the local press had all been made aware of these dates and the proposed approach.


e)    Urgent Late Business - The Chairman announced that he had agreed to accept an item of urgent late business onto the agenda: “Wiltshire Celebration Event”.  The report had been made available and the item would be taken after item 7.


f)     Order of agenda items – The Chairman advised that item 10 (Update on Housing) had been deferred to the March meeting.  In addition, the applications for Community Area Grants (part of item 14 – Grants and Funding) would be considered after item 7, to allow the applicants to leave earlier.




Update from Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP)

To receive an update from the Community Area Partnership, including information on the Community Plan. (Item deferred from 17 November 2011 meeting).



The Chairman invited Debrah Biggs, Chairman of “Our Salisbury”, the Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP), to give an update on the Community Plan, commenting that this item had been deferred from the 17 November Area Board meeting.


Debrah introduced the background to the Community Plan, explaining that the consultation for such a document meant that it was quite a lengthy process.  The consultation had been undertaken via questionnaires, a library event, and open meetings.


The final draft plan had now been produced, focussing on the following eight main themes:

·         Education and learning

·         Housing

·         Health and well-being

·         Transport and accessibility

·         Environment and sustainability

·         Culture and leisure

·         Tourism and economy

·         Community safety and crime.


The next stage of the process would be to consult on the draft plan.  An open event was being held on 26 January, to look at both the draft plan and also the Wiltshire Council household survey.


More volunteers were welcome, to help support the plan and to deliver its actions.  Anyone wishing to get involved could contact Debrah on 01722 421747.


Responding to a question, Debrah supported the suggestion of mapping all leisure facilities in the city, to facilitate the process of identifying gaps in provision.


It was also noted that the list of primary schools was incomplete.


On behalf of the Area Board and those present, the Chairman thanked Debrah and SCCAP for their hard work in preparing the draft Community Plan.




Update from Area Board

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from the previous meeting of the Area Board.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the written update at page 27 of the agenda, which set out progress made against actions from the previous meeting of the Area Board.


In relation to the resolution on Disabled Parking, this was now going to be reviewed and addressed across the whole county, and Salisbury would be addressed first as the highest priority.  The issue of dropped kerbs would be considered at the next Area Board meeting.


Work was continuing on the Marketplace design and this would come back to the Area Board in due course.  Sadly, as reported in the Salisbury Journal, one of the trees was due to be removed as it had Honeyfungus, an extremely contagious disease.


The issue of Grit Bins would be looked at in more detail over the summer, so that any changes could be implemented in time for the next winter.


There was no update available on the project to refurbish Finger Posts.  This would be provided in time for the next meeting.



Grants and Funding


It was noted that the applications for Community Area Grants would be taken at the point in the meeting, to allow the applicants to leave early.  However, the bids for Area Board Projects would be taken at item 14 as planned.


The Chairman invited a representative from each of the grant applicants to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.  After each of the applicants had spoken the Chairman invited questions and discussion, then asked for a show of hands from those present to reflect public opinion. The Area Board members then voted on each application.


In relation to the application from Burning Ambition, the Chairman advised that there was a technical issue as the Community Area Grants criteria required 3 quotes/estimates to be provided for projects with total costs of over £5,000.  As this project was for total costs of £14,750, but only one quote had been provided (by Toozalii), this would have to be addressed before any grant could be awarded.  It was noted that it may not be possible to get competitive quotes, due to the specific and unusual nature of the work; this could be taken into consideration if evidence could be provided to demonstrate this.


Although the application was generally supported by the Area Board and those present at the meeting, it was considered important to enforce the criteria to avoid setting a precedent for future applications.


It was noted that, if the Board was minded to approve the application, the provisional emergency funding commitment from the Wiltshire Council Arts Service of £2,000 would be withdrawn.



Salisbury Schools Consortium was awarded £5,000 towards Burning Ambition, subject to the following conditions:

a.    Provision of one of the following:

·Two further quotes for the delivery of the project (to comply with the Community Area Grants criteria 13); or

·Evidence demonstrating why it is not possible to obtain two further competitive quotes for delivery of the project.

b.    Confirmation from Salisbury City Council of its provisional award to the project of £1,600.

c.    Confirmation from Arts Council South West of its provisional award to the project of £2,500.

The final decision to approve the application following satisfaction of condition (a) above was delegated to the Salisbury Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board.

Reason – Subject to satisfaction of condition (a) above, the application would meet the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would support this project to involve Salisbury’s primary school children, parents and siblings in welcoming the Olympic Torch to Salisbury on 11 July 2012.



The 3rd Salisbury Scout Group was awarded £5,000 towards refurbishing the Scout Hut, subject to confirmation that the provision funding is in place, or, in the event that the provisional funding is not confirmed, to provision of an explanation of how the funding shortfall would be managed.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would support this community group to maintain its facility.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Wiltshire Celebration Event - Diamond Jubilee

To consider the attached report regarding arrangements for the Wiltshire Celebration Event in Salisbury to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the late report which set out plans for a large scale event in Salisbury Cathedral Close on 1 or 2 May (date to be confirmed) for the whole county to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  It was proposed that the event, which was being organised by the Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire, would include a section for each Area Board to host a tent in which they could “showcase” their history and provide examples of community initiatives which makes their area unique.


It was noted that a working group was being put together to consider the event in Salisbury celebrating the Olympic Torch and it was proposed and agreed that consideration of the details of this matter would be delegated to that group.  A meeting of this group had already been arranged for 18 January.


In response to questions regarding the proposed “jousting” tents, the Chairman explained that the event would have a historical theme, due to the location in the cathedral close, and the history of the city, including the best preserved copy of the Magna Carta.


It was emphasised that this event would be open to all to attend.


The point was also made that the display by the Salisbury Area Board should stand out as the host community, and the only city in the County.



It was agreed that the detail of the Area Board’s contribution to this event should be discussed by the working group set up for the Olympic Torch event, and that the Salisbury Community Area Manager (in consultation with the Chairman of the Area Board) be given delegated responsibility to respond to the Lord-Lieutenant’s office in relation to the requirements for the Area Board’s tent.


ACTION: Marianna Dodd




Update from Representatives

To receive updates from representatives of the following partner organisations:

a)    Salisbury City Council

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)    Police – including a presentation from the new Sector Inspector, Andy Noble

d)    Fire

e)    NHS


Supporting documents:


Su Thorpe, Leader of Salisbury City Council, updated the meeting on the work of the City Council:


·         The Christmas Lights switch on had been extremely successful, with over 12,000 people attending.  There had been a great atmosphere and plans for next year’s event were already underway.

·         A major, free event was being planned for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on Monday 4 June at Hudson’s Field, which would culminate in a beacon being lit on Old Sarum.

·         The Olympic Torch would be coming to Salisbury on 11 July, and more details would be coming soon.

·         Other events planned for 2012 included St Georges Day, Armed Forces Day and Remembrance Day.

·         In relation to the proposed large scale events in Salisbury during 2012, it was requested that the Area Board would lobby for Park and Ride to be available on those days and for parking in the vicinity of Hudson’s Field to be prohibited for the events planned at that location.


In relation to the comment regarding parking for large scale events in Salisbury, the Chairman commented that this was being taken into consideration, and that Park and Ride would be used to shuttle people to and from the location.


David Law, of Laverstock and Ford Parish Council, referred to the St Mark’s and St Andrew’s churches’ combined nativity service at the Community Farm.  A good number of families had attended and it had been a very enjoyable event for all.  David also reported that the new Primary School in Old Sarum would be opening on 23 January.


Inspector Andy Noble gave a presentation on the impact of the government’s spending review on Wiltshire Police:


·         There would be no reduction in numbers of Front Line Police personnel, including Community Support Officers.  Similarly, the changes would also not affect local policing and community arrangements, with no changes to the boundaries of each sector.

·         The new policing model sought to rationalise resources, by setting up four policing hubs at Swindon, Chippenham, Trowbridge and Salisbury and a Specialist Operations hub at Devizes.  In addition, there would be 3 custody suites at Melksham, Salisbury and Swindon.

·         This new model would increase force-wide capability and efficiency; for example, harmonised shift patterns would allow easier transfer of support from other hubs when required.

·         The required savings of £14 million over three years were all being made from back office and administration. 

·         Use of technology was also supporting the increased efficiency, as officers could complete paperwork remotely, and tracking devices allowed accurate location of all resources for a more strategic approach to allocating tasks to officers on the road.

·         Further savings were being achieved by working more closely with partner agencies.  Consideration was being given to co-locating some services within the planned Wiltshire Council campuses.  A pilot was already underway in Chippenham, and was also planned for the Salisbury campus.


In response to questions, Inspector Noble reported that it was proposed to station Neighbourhood Officers in the campuses, and possible also response officer.  There  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.



The Great Stones Way

Presentation on the development of this walking route over existing rights of way, which will run from Old Sarum, Salisbury to Barbury Castle, near Swindon.


Supporting documents:


Ian Ritchie, Chairman of the Friends of the Ridgeway, gave a presentation on the Great Stones Way, a proposed walking route on existing rights of way between Barbury Castle and Old Sarum.  Plans were well advanced and it was hoped that the route would open in 2012.


This was good news for communities along the route, as it would bring large economic benefits to the area, based on visitor projections comparable to those using the Hadrian’s Wall walking route.


Consultation had been undertaken with all Area Boards along the route and also with Parish Councils affected.  Anyone wishing to comment or get involved was encouraged to contact Jeff Goddard – details were available on page 36 of the agenda.


In response to questions, Ian explained that it was hoped that private enterprise would provide accommodation along the route (in pubs, B&Bs and campsites), as the Youth Hostel Association did not have the funding to do this.


Ian also confirmed that the route would cross the A303 at Ratfyn footbridge in Amesbury.




Housing - update from meeting in January 2011

In January 2011, the Area Board received a presentation from Graham Hogg (Service Director for Housing).  At that meeting, it was agreed that Graham would come back to a future meeting of the Area Board, to update on a number of proposed changes to the applications process, and also to the negative subsidy arrangements, once it was known how these would operate in future.



It was noted that this item had been deferred to the next meeting on 15 March 2012.




Fugglestone Red - next phase of development

To receive an initial presentation on the proposals for the next phase of the Fugglestone Red development.


(It should be noted that this item is being presented to the Area Board for information only.  A planning application is expected to be submitted regarding this site in the near future. The Area Board has no powers to determine planning applications; this authority rest with the Southern Area Planning Committee.  Those Area Board Councillors who are also voting members of the Southern Area Planning Committee are advised not to declare a final or closed view of the matter at this stage, to avoid any perception of predetermination.)



Glen Godwin of Pegasus Planning gave a short presentation on the next phase of the Fugglestone Red development. 


The site had been included within the Core Strategy for residential development, and this document would be going to the Council for approval on 7 February 2012.  Persimmon Homes was currently developing an outline planning application for 1250 new homes, 8 hectares of commercial development, a new school, strategic areas of public open space and a new cemetery.  It was anticipated that this application would be submitted in late spring 2012, following a period of consultation with the local community.


One of the key objectives for the development was to provide accommodation which would develop a sense of place and fit in with the existing community. 


A draft masterplan was being developed, and this would form the basis for the consultation in March 2012.  As part of this, there would be a more detailed presentation and display at the Area Board meeting on 15 March.


Following Glen’s presentation a number of questions and comments were raised as follows:


·         The proposed new homes would have to meet the Core Strategy requirements for energy efficiency as a minimum.  More precise details would be set out in the outline planning application.

·         The view was also put forward that the homes could include grey water recycling.

·         Public exhibitions at locations near the site would form part of the consultation.

·         Proposed vehicular access to the site would be from a new junction on the Devizes Road and an upgraded junction at the existing crossroads of the Devizes Road and The Avenue at the northern corner of the site.


In general, the meeting welcomed the benefits the development would bring to the community, and looked forward to seeing the detail of the proposal at the 15 March meeting.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG) update



Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs)

To note the new process for agreeing the prioritisation of Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) within the city.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to page 37 of the agenda, which set out an extract from the minutes of the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) meeting on 12 January 2012.  This extract clarified that the CATG and the Area Board had discretion to allocate a Speed Indicator Device (SID) to a road, even when the 85th percentile speed was below the recommended threshold of 38mph.




Street Name plates

Update from the Chairman.



The Chairman reported that a number of old iron street name plates which had gone missing had been replaced with new plastic signs.  Following a number of concerns about the appearance of the new signs, this replacement programme had been halted and consideration was being given to replacing the signs with new iron signs.  The Area Board was investigating costs for this and may come back with a funding proposal.




Your Local Issues

Marianna Dodd (Salisbury Community Area Manager) will report on the progress of the issues recently raised by local people.


Detailed information on the progress of individual issues is available on the council’s website.  Go to and click on “Track your community issues”.







Grants and Funding

To consider community grants and bids for Area Board funded projects with the opportunity for questions from the public.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the project, which sought to provide venue hire costs for the pilot Youth Advisory Group established following recent approval of the Commissioning Strategy for Services to 11-19 year olds.  It was envisaged that the Groups would play a key role in improving the coordination of positive activities for young people in local area.



The Salisbury Area Board agree to support the project for Youth Advisory Groups as set out in the report, and to allocate £500 towards venue hire costs for the Group.

Reason – To support the establishment and running of Youth Advisory Groups, providing an opportunity for young people to have a say, plan and shape local services for young people and to share their ideas, aspirations and hopes with others.


Referring to the streetwatch scheme, it was considered that this was a proven success with the Bemerton Heath Scheme having been set up in 2011. 


It was also noted that the figures for the Cathedral Close scheme (page 80 of the agenda) had been revised to £319.  This meant that the recommendation was for a total of £939 to be allocated to the two schemes (£620 for Bemerton Heath and £319 for the Cathedral Close).  The Community Area Manager also clarified that this resulted in a revised figure on page 41 (para 4.3) for the remaining budget for the Area Board of £22,144



The Salisbury Area Board agree to support the project for Street Watch as set out in the report, and to allocate £939 towards the two schemes (£620 for the Bemerton Heath scheme and £319 for the Cathedral Close scheme)

Reason – To support the establishment and running of Street Watch schemes.


ACTION: Marianna Dodd




Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To consider the changes to the following appointments made by the Area Board:


·         Salisbury Arts Festival (current appointment: Councillor Mary Douglas); and


·         Salisbury Campus Shadow Community Operations Board (current appointment: Councillor Mary Douglas).



The Board was asked to consider two changes to its nominated appointments on Outside Bodies.  It was noted that Councillor Mary Douglas, who currently held the appointments, had requested these proposed changes.



1.            The Salisbury Area Board appointed Councillor Chris Cochrane as its nominated representative to the Salisbury International Arts Festival Ltd, in place of Councillor Mary Douglas.

2.            The Salisbury Area Board appointed Councillor Richard Clewer as its nominated representative on the Salisbury Campus Community Operations Board (COB) in place of Councillor Mary Douglas.


ACTION: James Hazlewood



Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the Board’s Forward Plan, including details of future agenda items.


The date of the next meeting is 15 March 2012, 7pm at Sarum Academy, Westwood Road, Salisbury, SP2 9HS.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on 15 March 2012, 7pm at Sarum Academy.


Councillor John Brady also referred to an event on 2 February (6.30pm at the Guildhall) on the Council’s budget for 2012/13.  This was one of four evnts being held around the county to consult residents on the proposed spending priorities for next year.