Venue: Online
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6.30pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman, Cllr Bridget Wayman, welcomed everyone to the meeting of the South West Wiltshire Area Board. Members and Officers introduced themselves.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were none. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes To confirm as a correct record and sign the minutes of the previous full meeting held on Wednesday 17 March 2021, and the meeting to elect a Chairman and Vice-chairman, held on 18 May 2021.
To note any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Decision
The minutes of the previous meetings held on 17 March and 18 May, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: Leader delegated decision The legislation which allowed local authorities to take public meetings and decisions online was not extended past May 6th despite national requests for an extension.
Area Boards held before the 21st June (when it was hoped the roadmap would move forward and lift current restrictions on the number of people able to meet in public) would need to have any funding decisions ratified through the Leader Delegated Decision process before funding could be released.
6.40pm |
CEM Delegated Powers The Board is asked to consider the proposals of CEM Delegated Authority based on circumstances of urgency, as set out in the attached report. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the proposal of CEM Delegated Authority as set out in the agenda.
It was noted that all
funding allocations taken under these CEM Delegated powers would
follow consultation with Board Members and seek
The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed that:
In order to expedite the work of the Area Board and to deal with urgent matters that may arise between meetings, the Community Engagement Manager, following consultation with the Chairman (or in their absence, the Vice-Chairman) of the Area Board, may authorise expenditure to support community projects (including youth, health and wellbeing and community area transport) from the delegated budget of up to £5,000 per application between meetings of the Area Board. The Community Engagement Manager should seek the views of all Area Board members to obtain a majority in support, prior to the expenditure being agreed.
Decisions taken between meetings will be reported in the funding report to the next meeting of the Area Board explaining why the matter was considered urgent or necessary to expedite the work of the Board. Where a significant number of urgent matters arise between meetings, a special meeting may be called, following consultation with the Chairman to determine such matters.
6.45pm |
Lead Member Representatives to Outside Bodies and Working Groups 2021/22 To appoint Lead Members to the Themed areas, Outside Bodies and Working Groups for South West Wiltshire Community Area for 2021/22, as set out in the attached report.
The Area Board is requested to:
a. Appoint Members as Lead representatives to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A;
b. Agree to reconstitute and appoint to AB Themed Areas and the Working Group(s) as set out in Appendix B; and
c. Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board considered the proposals to appoint Lead Members to the themed areas, Outside Bodies and Working Groups for the Southern Wiltshire Community Area for 2021/22report attached to the agenda.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to:
a) Appoint Members as Lead representatives to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A; b) Reconstitute and appoint to AB Themed Areas and the Working Group(s) as set out in Appendix B; and c) Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C |
6.50pm |
Partner and Community Updates To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:
· Police – Neighbourhood Teams (Inspector Tina Osborn – Wilton area & Sgt Kev Harmsworth – Mere & Tisbury areas)
· Fire & Rescue · Youth
To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:
a) Police – Salisbury/Wilton b) Healthwatch Wiltshire c) Wiltshire Council Items for Information
Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the written reports and updates available in the pack and online, which were:
· Healthwatch Wiltshire · Wiltshire Council Updates · Police NHT Update · Fire & Rescue Service · Current consultations:
Partners present then gave verbal updates.
Police Wilton NHP Team – Inspector Tina Osborn (TO) The priorities listed in the report related to Wilton as well as the Salisbury area.
· Speeding remained a problem in some areas. Bishopstone and Broadchalke were in the process of arranging some speed Indicator equipment.
Could we pin officers down so we have an indication on when they may come out? Answer: (TO) There were issues with speeding across the county, there would also be a potential increase once people came out of lock down. Police worked closely with the CSW teams now that they were back out and about.
Mere had a new PCSO, there had been a few complaints that there was no one in the police station, there used to be a contact number, but it was no longer available. Answer: (KH) – email the details to him, so that he could look into this and feedback.
There was a road closure of the A360 due to commence in September, how engaged were the Police in the 750T weight restrictions and enforcement, as there were local concerns to Wilton of volume of traffic on A360 & A30. Answer: (TO) email the details to her to look into and she would feedback.
Steve Banas – we also have a speeding issue in Swallowcliffe – we don’t have a CSW so an occasional police visit would make a difference for us.
Warminster NPT (Mere & Tisbury) Sergeant Kevin Harmsworth (KH) & Inspector Al Lumley (AL) Inspector Lumley introduced himself as was new to the area, he would sit alongside TO in her role and would be in attendance at the AB for future meetings.
· As Covid restrictions slowly eased, they would continue to monitor activity and any associated disorder. · CSW – was supported by the team, there was a 2 week Speed Enforcement fortnight from 28 July – 8 Aug. · There had been an uplift of catalytic converter thefts in the area. · Cross border crime remained an area of focus, with swift direct intervention, offences had tailed off. · Modern slavery and human trafficking were also an area of focus. · A visit to Seeds4success was planned in an advisory capacity.
The Chairman noted that it would be useful to see a list of when the had been out to assist with CSW and to monitor speeding issues, to get an overall picture of where they were attending.
Action: TO & KH to produce the information and circulate to Members.
Youth - Jakki Farrell Seeds4Success
The service was now back up and running to the level it was prior to lockdown, facemasks would be worn for inside youth sessions.
There were two new areas of work: · LGBT – A group session was hoped to be held in the Nadder Centre when possible. · Social Action Project – ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
7.05pm |
Priorities for Policing 2021/22 - Warminster NPT To hear from Sergeant Kev Harmsworth from the Warminster Neighbourhood Police Team, on the local priorities for their areas.
Minutes: This was covered under Partners Updates. |
7.20pm |
A303 Stonehenge - Early notification of A360 works To receive information on the planned road works.
Officer: Marcia Daniels - Senior Communication and Engagement Manager A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down (Stonehenge) Minutes: The Board receive information on the planned road
works along the A360, from Marcia Daniels - Senior Communication
and Engagement Manager A303
· A Judicial Review had taken place – results were awaited · Preliminary works were hoped to start in late summer · 2022/23 – main work would start. · The A360 would be closed at Longbarrow roundabout to the Avenue roundabout from September to December to allow the installation of a pipe. · A360 access would remain open to residents and businesses. · Temporary weight limits would be in place along some routes. · Joint communications planning with Wiltshire Council and SSE · There would be diversion signage prior to the closure. · Working with communities to identify problems. · An online Q & A session had been run with another planned soon. · Keen to know any issues not yet considered.
Questions and Comments included:
Glad to see that the low bridge in Wilton was being flagged as that was frequently hit. As the A36 was Highways England responsibility, I encourage you to put as many enhanced signs in place as possible, to advise of that as the bridge would be a considerable problem. Answer: We know about the low bridge we would be talking to the haulage companies to highlight the fact and wouls be asking for them to direct their high vehicles away from the A36.
There are few residents living along the A360 road, could you do as much 24/hr working as possible, as the works would not be as disrupting as one may think.
Was there a likelihood the HGVs might use the A30 and B345, and how would you monitor the traffic? Answer: We were still looking at ways in which we will monitor it. Options for getting a specialist in to do some monitoring at hotspots.
Compliments to Highways England on the engagement they had done so far, it had been brilliant.
It would be useful for parishes to have the timeline and regular updates so that it could be dispersed through local social media pages. Answer: We can provide a pack through the CEM.
7.35pm |
Salisbury Junction Improvements - Public consultation Wiltshire Council is proposing to improve three key junctions around Salisbury, the Exeter Street Roundabout, Harnham Gyratory and Park Wall Junction, for cyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicles.
Officer: Carli van Niekerk - Major Highway Projects Engineer Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Peter Binley, Head of Major Highways Projects, on Wiltshire Council’s proposals to improve three key junctions around Salisbury, the Exeter Street Roundabout, Harnham Gyratory and Park Wall Junction, for cyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicles.
Questions and comments included:
The Park Wall Junction suffered with backed up traffic most evenings and during rush hour, which often queued back to Skew bridge. How would the traffic signals improve this? Answer: They were not set to change on a fixed time, they were set to detect the traffic and balance out the flows, adapting to the changing circumstances. We want the traffic signals to adapt and allow the traffic to flow in the direction it is busiest.
Had the studies been done, and area traffic flows been considered? Answer: The traffic model was built out of the original A303 scheme, it was not just a case of what was currently happening, we were designing for 2036. It looks at future growth and includes housing and development.
7.45pm |
Area Board Forward Work Plan and Priorities for 2021/22 An update on the South West Wiltshire Community Area Status Report and top 6 priorities.
Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager Supporting documents:
Minutes: Community Engagement Manager, Karen Linaker ran through the Area Board (AB) Forward Work Plan and Associated Funding proposals which were set out in the agenda.
In March 2021 the outgoing Area Board agreed to recommend the detail of the workplan to the new Area Board. The purpose of that was to steer work and funding in line with identified local priorities.
Following discussion around the top six priorities, it was noted that improved transport provision was needed for all within the community, not just the elderly.
Work to establish areas where there was no, or poor broadband provision was also required.
It was suggested that the area Board and the Council as a whole could do a great deal to support small fibre optic provision groups, as there was a lot of learning to do. A guidance for groups with a good practice guide could also be produced.
A representative from Wiltshire Climate Alliance noted that it was disappointing that climate or energy did not appear in the priorities, asking if climate had been downgraded in SWW and how work on that priority area would play out, over the next 12 months?
Cllr Najjar advised in his capacity as Lead Member for Environment, that the Board had made tackling environmental issues a key area in all that they were doing and were actively engaged with parishes.
Karen highlighted that the proposed top 6 priorities were set out, however in addition the Board would hold events and surveys and gathering information online, to pull together the local representatives who had come forward with an interest in this work.
Decision: The Area Board agreed to:
1. Endorse the Status Report 2. Approve the Work Plan (Appendix 1) 3. Adopt a rolling prioritisation process – agreeing which top 6 pieces of work from the Work Plan it will focus on in 2021/22 (see appendix 2) 4. That the Area Board hosts up to 4 community engagement events in 2021/22, covering themes such as Young People, Eco-Friendly Villages, Affordable Housing, Health & Wellbeing. 5. Appoint councillors and community volunteers to work in conjunction with the CEM to provide leadership and capacity for each of the Work Plan’s priorities. 6. Review the status report and work plan regularly in response to changes and celebrate completed actions (At least every 2 months or as required |
7.55pm |
Finger Post Funding Scheme - Revised Terms To outline and note the revised terms to the Finger Post Funding scheme for 2021/22. As detailed do the attached paper.
Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager Supporting documents: Minutes: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager, outlined the revised terms to the Finger Post Funding scheme for 2021/22. As detailed in the agenda pack. The changes were for funding of up to 50% of total project cost, with a cap of a maximum of £500 per post and maximum of 2 per year per PC permitted.
Decision The Area Board approved the updated Finger Post Funding Scheme 2021/22, as set out in the attached paper.
8.00pm |
Pedestrian Gate, Funding Scheme - Revised Terms To outline and note the revised terms to the Pedestrian Gate Funding scheme for 2021/22. As detailed do the attached paper.
Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager
Supporting documents: Minutes:
Linaker outlined the revised terms
to the Pedestrian Gate
Decision The Area Board approved the updated Pedestrian Gate Funding Scheme 2021/22. As set out in the agenda pack. |
8.05pm |
Area Board Funding The Board is asked to consider funding applications as detailed in the attached reports.
Funding applications:
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the funding applications as detailed in the reports attached to the agenda. Applicants in attendance were invited to speak in support of their projects and answer any questions that arose.
Cllr Errington noted that the Health & Wellbeing budget for the year was £7700 and that there were 4 applications which if awarded in full, would total almost half of the budget, but noted that they were all projects that would kick start work.
Donhead St Andrew PC – requested £377 CAG – Pedestrian Gates The applicant noted that a landowner had agreed to replace approximately 10 stiles with gates. This application was for the first two.
Cllr Jeans asked whether the style of gate to be purchased was accessible by pushchairs or wheelchairs?
The applicant confirmed that she would ensure that any further gates were of this nature.
Decision The Area Board awarded £377 to Donhead St Andrew PC for the pedestrian gate project.
Wilton Carnival Cmmtt – Requested £500 HW – Picnic in the Park The applicant spoke in support. It was confirmed that the TC had also contributed towards the project.
Decision The Area Board awarded £500 to Wilton Carnival Committee for the picnic in the park project.
Hindon PC – requested £400 AB Initiative – RoW at Wessex Way
Decision The Area Board awarded £400 to Hindon PC for RoW at Wessex Way project.
Silver Salisbury Group – requested £550 HW – Programme in Wilton & District The applicant spoke in support of the project.
Decision The Area Board awarded £550 to Silver Salisbury Group for the Programme in Wilton & District.
Donhead St Andrew PC – requested £400 CAG – Fingerpost Scotts Hill The applicant spoke in support of the project, confirming the total project cost was £1269.
Decision The Area Board awarded £400 to Donhead St Andrew PC for the Fingerpost on Scotts Hill.
Chalke Valley Sports Centre – requested £2950 – Getting our community active again The Applicant spoke in support of the project.
Decision The Area Board awarded £2950 to Chalke Valley Sports Centre towards the Getting our Community Active Again project.
SWW Health & Wellbeing Group – requested £1500 for an AB Initiative – Older People s event Karen Linaker, community Engagement Manager set out the project, noting that Steeple Langford and Wylye were now in the Community Area following a boundary change. In 2018 there had been an event at Langford Lakes to experience a range of cultural activities. The board was keen to run such an event again as a Health & Wellbeing event for 2021. It was hoped that the event would benefit 40- 50 older people.
Decision The Area Board awarded £1500 to the Area Board Initiative – Older Peoples Event.
SWW Health & Wellbeing Group – requested £2500 - AB Initiative – Community Group Support Karen set out the project which it was hoped would benefit up to 50 groups, by offering them £50 with a top up from a local trust, to get them back up and running ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
Mere Car Club Initiative The last Area Board, earmarked £11k from 2020/2021 capital funds in March this year for a new Area Board Initiative, the Electric Car Club in Mere to realise the obvious environmental, sustainable transport, local economic and community benefits.
The New Area Board is now asked to confirm support for this initiative.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The previous Area Board earmarked £11k from the 2020/2021 capital fund budget in March this year for a new Area Board Initiative, the Electric Car Club in Mere. This was to realise the obvious environmental, sustainable transport, local economic and community benefits that such a scheme would support, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
Decision The Area Board confirmed its support and the allocation of £11,000, to the Mere Car Club Initiative.
8.25pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update To note the minutes from the last meeting held on 23 June 2021 at 2.00pm and consider any recommendations for funding.
Note: As the CATG meeting is after agenda publication, a report will be uploaded in due course.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The
Board noted the minutes from the last meeting held on 23 June 2021
Decision The SWW Area Board approved the recommendations for CATG funding as set out in the report.
8.30pm |
Close Future meeting dates and grant funding deadlines:
For further information on Funding please contact Minutes: The next meeting of the South west Wiltshire Area Board will be held online, on 15 September 2021.
Note: The deadline for funding requests is 4 weeks prior to the meeting date, please contact for further information. |