Agenda and minutes

South West Wiltshire Area Board - Wednesday 8 March 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: Nadder Centre, Weaveland Road, Tisbury, SP3 6HJ

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Councillor Tony Deane welcomed everyone to the meeting of the South West Wiltshire Area Board.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


·         Swallowcliffe PC

·         Ebbesbourne Wake PC

·         Chilmark PC


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



To confirm as a correct record and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 1 February 2017.


To note any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 1 February 2017 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman gave the following announcements:


Litter picking events

There had been 14 picks arranged to take place last week throughout the area, with several others still yet to take place.  Feedback received from half of those events had shown that 77 volunteers had taken part and collected 113 bags of rubbish.


In previous years the Board had financed the litter picks for these days, buy funding the kit. It would now be down to the parishes to set aside funding to cover future kit to carry out litter picks.



The pre-election period would begin on the 15 March. Although Purdah did not restrict day to day operation of the council, as a matter of good practice all agenda items and decisions, including grant applications, would be assessed before publication to assess whether they may be controversial.


Cyber Crime

Sergeant Harvey would be in attendance in May, to present information on Cyber-crime.


Tisbury Community Safety Partnership

The last meeting would be held on Tuesday 16 March. At these meetings, they look at local priorities for policing in the community area. It was proposed that this Group would then become the South West Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership



·         Wilton TC, Phil Matthews – This year there were 19 pages to the application for parish councillors. Anyone wanting to stand must take the papers to 5 Rivers or could nominate one person to take it in on their behalf. Answer:

TD - There will only be elections in the parishes if there were more people standing than were places for on the parish council.




Shaftesbury & District Task Force

Representatives from Shaftesbury & District Task Force will introduce the ‘Save Our Beds Campaign’ in relation to the current NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group consultation.


Lester Dibben Secretary of the Shaftesbury & District Task Force (S&DTF)

and members of the Save our Beds (SoB) Campaign were in attendance to give information on the campaign.


The 'Shaftesbury Town Council Westminster Memorial Hospital (WMH) Working Group' was set-up to bring together various independent groups working to oppose the CCG plans to close the beds at the WMH, such as SoB & S&DTF.  The Working Group had met weekly to allocate tasks, act as a forum for ideas, receive progress reports from the independent groups and to disseminate the information to the local councillors and representatives present.


There had been a meeting with Dorset County Council earlier that day, when the group had challenged them for not carrying out the consultation properly. It was hoped that they would now agree to give more time for people to complete the consultation.


However since that meeting the Group had received a letter stating that the consultation would not be extended and did end at midnight on February 28.


Julian Prichard; the founder/manager of SoB explained that the Group was set up to make sure the consultation and questionnaires were sent out properly. The model they had involved a representative from each street in Shaftesbury. If an extension was granted, then the volunteers were ready to move in to south wilts to promote the consultation. Dick Ripper had collected together a 3,000 to 4,000 signature petition.


A second consultation on Mental health services in Dorset was running from 1st Feb to the 31st March.


Although we are in Wiltshire and not Dorset, some of our parishes were covered by this hospital.


Dr Helen Tucker; a consultant employed by S&DTF who was the Vice President of the Community Hospitals Association; had written a report. She felt that it was a good thing that the Opinion Research Services (ORS) which had carried out the consultation would be analysing the questionnaires, as the ORS were accepting consultation questionnaires until the end of the week to allow for delays in the postal system. The consultation questionnaires, for those with learning difficulties, carried no end date but would no longer be accepted.  Limited information had been recently accepted from Shaftesbury Town Council but there was no guarantee that future information would be accepted.


Cllr Green had also attended a meeting and noted that she felt that people were being short changed with the length of the consultation and that many Wiltshire residents around the boundary had no idea about it. Along with the proposal to remove the beds, the minor injuries and clinics would also be going. She urged everyone to go back to their parish councils to respond.


Cllr Wayman had been liaising with the Cabinet member for Health for information on Shaftesbury hospital. Some information had been provided by Wiltshire CCG, which stated that there had been 613 attendances to the hospital for the minor injury unit from Wiltshire residents, but that these were from a total of 7  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Dementia Friends

An Information Session following the Area Board’s decision on 1 February 2017 to join the Dementia Action Alliance. This session explores what it is like to live with dementia and how greater understanding can be turned into action


Further information can be found online at:


Officer: Steve Harris, Community Engagement Manager.


Steve Harris, Community Engagement Manager explained that at the last meeting the Board agreed to become a Dementia Friendly Community as part of the Dementia Action Alliance. As part of this we thought it might be nice to have a dementia friends training session for those in attendance tonight.


Steve then carried out an interactive session where he explained about the Dementia Friends movement and how people could help to create a dementia friend’s community.


Five key points were:


1.    Not everyone who develops dementia is old

2.    Dementia was not a natural part of ageing

3.    Dementia was a disease of the brain

4.    Dementia was a progressive condition

5.    It was possible to live well with dementia.


For more information on Dementia Friends please go to:




Highways Major Maintenance Programme for 2017/18

The Board is asked to consider the proposed schedule of works for 2017/18, as attached to the agenda.


Supporting documents:


The Board considered the proposed schedule of works for 2017/18 as detailed in the papers attached to the agenda.


Discussion took place around other possible roads which did not feature on the list. The Chairman noted that the programme was not yet written in stone, the Cllrs would be working with the Highways Officers to highlight other works around the community area which it was felt needed to be addressed.



·         What was meant by terminal plates at Bulbridge road, Wilton on page 133 of the agenda? Answer: The Board agreed to find out and feedback.


·         A lot of the programme was focused on the C12, but was the white lining programme the Board was running going to be done after the surface dressing had taken place? Answer: We would coordinate were possible.


·         Could Calais Hill at Semley be looked at? Answer: The Board would take this back.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the schedule of works for 2017/18, as detailed din the Highways report attached to the agenda.




Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·         Police – Neighbourhood Teams

·         Fire & Rescue


To note any written updates or online links attached to the agenda:



a)    Wilton Town Team minutes

b)    Healthwatch Wiltshire

c)    Consultations:



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minute slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and circulated at the meeting.



In addition to the written report circulated at the meeting, Joe Power, a Wiltshire Police staff volunteer, working at the Crime Prevention branch, was in attendance to speak about various Rural Policing initiatives going forward.

Due to the overwhelmingly rural nature of Wiltshire, the Rural Policing Support Unit (RPSU) had been created.  This would be enhanced in the short term with a further ten nationally accredited Wildlife Crime Officers, bringing the full complement available to Wiltshire Police to 15.  The intention is that these officers would remain embedded with their CPTs, continuing to work under current command arrangements.  In addition, 20 Special Constables had received additional training and would continue to deliver operational effects, also in direct support of CPTs, with targeted priorities identified by RPSU.

Joe also highlighted the recent (7 March 17) adjournment debate on rural crime in the House of Commons, initiated by John Glen, MP for Salisbury.  RPSU had worked closely with John Glen's office to assist him in preparing for the debate, and there had been widespread media coverage of this event.

Joe discussed several recent operations; notably Op ASTON, a very large multi-agency operation across Salisbury Plain, and Op DROGO, which saw 63 Special Constables working in direct support of CPTs in South Wiltshire.  This was the single largest Special Constabulary operation in the history of Wiltshire Police, and it effectively doubled the capacity of the police.

Joe highlighted the first-class work being conducted by Community Coordinators, and advertised Community Messaging as an excellent way of staying informed about policing activity generally.  He also discussed the perennial issue of 101 'wait times' but noted that work is ongoing in a number of areas and that early signs are very encouraging, and asked for a degree of patience as the police progress this issue.

Joe then discussed the Rural Crime Partnership and stated that he would expand on this at the Tisbury Community Safety Partnership meeting on 14 March 2017.  The key headlines were that this initiative was still in its first year; it met quarterly and active participation was welcomed from across rural communities in Wiltshire.  Andi Witcombe from the National Farmers' Union would also be attending the Tisbury CSP - she was a core member of the Rural Crime Partnership.

Joe highlighted the social media presence of the RPSU; notably @wiltsruralcrime on Twitter and the dedicated Facebook page @Wiltshire Rural Crime Team.  The previously existing Horse Watch and Farm Watch Twitter pages have been absorbed into the current @wiltsruralcrime on Twitter.

Joe concluded by drawing attention to the Chief Constable's open letter which identified Wiltshire Police as a 'force to be reckoned with' and that all the signs were immensely positive in terms of the Police's ability deal proactively with rural crime going forward.



In addition to the written update circulated at the meeting, Jason Moncrief was in attendance to give an update.


Incidents  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Local Youth Network (LYN)

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations for funding arising from the last meeting, as detailed in the attached report.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the update from the LYN as detailed in the agenda.


Cllr Wayman updated that the Education Officer from the Fire Service had visited to speak to the young people about the Salamander course. The LYN was in support of running a course in the area and recommended that funds were ringfenced from next years budget to pay for that.


The Salamander was a course for a group of young people which was made up of a number of models, both active and practical which aimed to improve confidence and teach new skills.


As the funding was from the 2017/18 budget the LYN would need to bring a recommendation back in the new financial year, to ratify the funding to the project.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board supported the LYN recommendation to ringfence £3,400 of the 2017/18 budget to pay for a Salamander course in the area, with the condition that this came back for ratification in the new financial year.


Questions and comments:

·         Phil Matthews noted that the rubbish outside the building in Wilton should have been collected as they had requested for it to be moved, this would be check up on.


Cllr Wayman and Steve, had held the one year review meeting with seeds4success, which now triggered the release of the next tranche of funding to them.




Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

To receive an update from the Chairman of the group; Councillor Tony Deane and to consider any recommendations for funding arising from the last meeting, as detailed in the attached report.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the minutes of the last meeting and recommendations as detailed in the report.


The Chairman also noted that there was a process for funding 20mph speed limits through CATG, however a paper had been produced which asked whether the 20mph limits were effective. CATG would need to read the paper and decide whether we pursue any further 20mph schemes.


The Area Board had previously decided to fund white lining.  The contractors would carry out the work when funds were available. In parishes where works were less than £500, they had been approached to ask whether they wished to bolt on any additional works and pay for it themselves.  The options for that would be looked in to.


Cllr Jose Green asked if the white lining for Stourton could be checked as it appeared not to equate on the price quoted for the amount of work required, compared to  other areas and work.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the recommendation for funding from the CATG as detailed in the report.



·         Was there a speed limit directly outside the Nadder Centre as it was unclear due to the signs in the estate.? Answer: It was private land so the speed limit was up to Wiltshire Council. Steve Harris agreed to look at why the signs had not been removed.




Nadder Community Campus

To receive an update on the progress of the Campus since the last meeting. The notes of the last Nadder Centre Board meeting will be circulated at the meeting.




The Chairman update the Board on the proposal to apply for change of use, to enable commercial leasing of a space in the building. This was due to the large costs involved with running the building, so the Council had considered options to raise the income.


A meeting had been held at Nadder Centre to discuss the proposals. Since that time communication between the Council and the community had improved.


The Board heard from Viv who ran exercise classes at the centre. She had relocated her business to the centre because she had been led to believe that it would be develop into a health and wellbeing centre. If the centre decided to expand the nursery, then this would not fit with the original plan.




Would the planning application be withdrawn next week? Answer: The Planning Committee may ask for a site visit; in which case they may defer the application until that had taken place.

Was the Council trying to get in to the area of tax avoidance? Answer: The wish was to reduce the costs of running something like this. We must look at the books and do what we can to reduce the subsidy.

At the public consultation meeting held at the centre last week, it was made clear that the community felt that Wiltshire Council had not made the best of a situation by lack of communication with the public. There were a number of people who would have liked to hire some of the rooms here but did not know who to go to, so there was a potential loss for this building. If there has been a loss its due to lack of communication and consultation with Tisbury and the surrounding villages.



The Chairman noted that the opening ceremony here took place had been a good event, and asked for people to give the them time to tackle the teething problems. The footfall needed to be increased to keep encouraging the café.


The will of Wiltshire council was to make this place a success and minimise the cost. To build on the success of the centre and make it the heart of the community.


He gave an update on the progress of the History Society’s situation regarding their relocation into the centre. The process had been delayed by the consultation and meeting the previous week. Once they were aware of which spaces were still available they would take another look at this and other developments on the horizon.


A Charity day had been planned for 3 June, this would be a black-tie dinner and dance for 145 people at £35 a head. Funding would be raised by holding an auction of promises. Baroness Scott had offered tea for 4 and a conducted tour around the house of Lords.


Steve Harris explained that the Nadder Centre Board (NCB) was a sub group of the Area Board, the NCB could make recommendations to the Board, who could then make recommendations to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.



Area Board Funding

Community Area Grants

The Board members will consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme:




Amount requested

Applicant: Tisbury Brocante & Fair
Project Title: Display boards for TisburyWest Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan TisPlan

View full application


Applicant: Wilton Town Council
Project Title: Wilton Town Trail and map boards

View full application





Supporting documents:


The Board considered 3 applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2016/17. Two as detailed in the pack and one circulated at the meeting.


Applicants present were invited to speak in support of their projects. Following discussion, the Board voted on each application in turn.


The Board noted that as this was the last meeting in the financial year there was not enough in the grant budget remaining to cover all the funding requested at this meeting. Should the Board wish to support all of the requests then funding would have been pulled back in from other unspent funds ringfenced for Area Board projects.



Tisbury Brocante & Fair was awarded £400 towards the purchase of display boards, with the following condition:


·         Boards to be available to use by all parishes in SWW and to be stored at the Nadder Centre.



The application from Wilton Town Council was deferred until the next meeting.


Waiting for a breakdown of the financial information provided, as the Total project cost of £17,300 was not broken down or explained.


Cllr Edge noted his disappointment that this had not been made aware to him prior to the meeting.



Donhead St Mary Village Hall Committee was awarded £4,986.52 towards a disabled access and essential replacement kitchen.




The next meeting of the Board is on Wednesday31 May, 6.30pm at Broadchalke Sports Centre.


The next meeting of the South west Wiltshire Area Board will be held on Wednesday 24 May 2017, 6.30pm at Broadchalke Sports Centre, Knighton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 5HX.


Wilton Town Cllr Phil Matthews thanked the Board for its support over last 4 years.


The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

attachment: Save Our Beds Report

Supporting documents: