Agenda and minutes

Southern Wiltshire Area Board - Thursday 3 February 2011

Venue: Winterslow Village Hall, Middleton Road, Winterslow, SP5 1PQ

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions

Supporting documents:


The Chairman, Councillor Richard Britton welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board and introduced Councillor John Thomson (Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Adult Care, Communities and Libraries), and, Tracy Carter (Service Director).







There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 16 December 2010.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 December 2010 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive Chairman’s Announcements including:


·         Progressing the Community Plan 2010 – 15

·         Young People’s Area Board and Community Area Young People’s Issue Group

·         Carshare in Wiltshire


Supporting documents:


Community Plan Steering Group

The Chairman explained that there had been a disappointing response to the request for interested people to take part in the set up of the five tasking groups to work on the five sections of the Community Plan. As a result of this, work would be concentrated on expanding work within the existing Community Plan Working Party (CPWP).


The Chairman thanked those people who had originally expressed an interest in taking part and welcomed any new interested people to the next meeting of the CPWP which had been scheduled for Thursday 17th February 2011, 7.00pm at Salisbury Methodist Church meeting room.


The aim of the meeting would be to concentrate on the community section of the Community Plan. The transport section could be picked up in the work of the Community Area Transport Group (CATG).


A question from the floor asked if the groups of people within the community who were currently working on Parish Plans, had been or would be contacted to ensure that the Parish Plans were congruent with the overall Community Plan. Answer: Parish Councils were regularly receiving notice of the Community Plan Steering Group meetings and requests for interest in the set up of the five working groups, which it was hoped they would pass on within their own Parishes to interested parties.


Youth Area Board

There had been a series of discussions with Tony Nye - Youth Development Coordinator, and Emma Proctor – Extended Schools Network Coordinator to move things forward. The first meeting of the Young Peoples Area Board would be on Monday 14th February 2011, formal notification of this would be circulated in due course.


Car Share Scheme

The Chairman brought attention to the information sheet attached to the agenda and pointed out that the Council affiliated free website was:


He pointed out that there was also a similarly named website which was not run or approved by Wiltshire Council and would charge for use.


Councillor Devine noted that the agenda did not have a specific item for public questions, and asked if the Chairman would consider introducing this on future agendas.


The Chairman agreed to give the matter some thought, however it was the aim of the Area Board to be inclusive, people were permitted to speak during the meeting simply by raising their hand during an item or by speaking to the Chairman before the start of the meeting.



Current Consultations

Current consultations on the Council’s website can be viewed by clicking on the link below:


As there were no new consultations since the last meeting, the link to the consultation webpage had been provided on the agenda.


Current consultations on the Council’s website can be viewed by clicking on the link:




Parish Councils and Emergency Planning - Community Resilience

To receive a presentation on the endorsement and promotion of planning for a local emergency.


Officer: Nicholas Bate, Emergency Planning Officer


Nicholas Bate, Emergency Planning Officer gave a presentation on Community Resilience, with regard to planning for emergency situations in villages, which is a government initiative directed at Town and Parish Councils.


The intention was for all parishes to have an up-to-date Community Resilience Plan to replace where necessary the Initial Response Plan that some parishes had written some years ago. These plans once written would be kept up to date by a person nominated by the Town/Parish Council.


Bradford on Avon Community Area Board who were part of a pilot scheme had fully endorsed the initiative. Subsequently the Emergency Planning Team will be communicating with all Parish Councils to offer them the Government template and guidance notes to assist them. 


In order to ensure that Wiltshire’s communities are resilient it is vital that they were aware of the risks which affect them and the assets which they have within their communities, such as doctors or other people with some medical training, 4x4 vehicles etc. This would help the Town and Parish Councils to decide which threats they were comfortable with, without having to take any preventative action and those where a more proactive approach may be required.


This information would also be made available to each member of the community to ensure that they were able to take necessary measures such as preparing an ‘Emergency Box’, purchasing sandbags to protect their property or carrying out a business impact analysis for a Business Continuity Plan for example.


Community Resilience was not just about the Community Safety agenda, it was much wider than that. It was about how the community, the individual within that community and businesses could best prepare to meet the challenges they may face if confronted with a major incident. It was also about how the community could continue to operate for as long as possible and how it could adapt to its new circumstances once the incident had passed.


Questions and comments were then received from the floor:


·       A recent incident in Firsdown where a bus turned over and burst into flames is an example of an emergency, but as the incident happened so quickly community intervention was not necessarily an option. The emergency services arrived on scene within 15 minutes. Answer: In some instances the only option is to call for emergency services, however in many other situations it is of benefit to have an emergency plan to turn to in conjunction with the emergency services, to enable your community to achieve the best possible result.

·       How frequently should we create dummy runs to ensure the plan works. Answer: In the publication which is produced and circulated to Parishes, you can find details of Parish exercises which are arranged throughout the year. 


Councillor John Thomson informed the Board that in his local area of Sherston the Parish had created a plan, as there were several high stone walls in the area which from time to time would collapse, with the creation of the plan they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Face to Face - Customer Access to Council Services

To receive a information and to view a short DVD on the new proposals to provide face to face contact with the public.


Officer: John Rogers, Head of Customer Access


John Rogers, Head of Customer Access showed a short DVD detailing the new proposals to provide face to face contact with the public.


The Council is redesigning the way services are delivered, with high emphasis on meeting the needs of the customer, by looking at ways in which people could get the service delivery they needed.


Questions and comments were taken from the floor:


·       The proposed new opening times looked very similar to what was available at present. Answer: The new extended hours of 8.30am to 5.30pm showed a modest improvement, which was a start. Phone traffic was being monitored to establish which times people were trying to contact the Council, with the aim of making services available at times when people wanted to use them.

·       The Downton Library was suggested as a possible location to site a customer access kiosk, however it was also noted that the opening hours of the library had recently been cut so would limit the opportunity for people to access the service. Answer: If the library was chosen as the site for the kiosk, there would be an option for local people who had a library membership to gain access to the kiosk out of library hours, by swiping their library membership card.

·       How would the home visit appointments be organised to make the best use of officers time. Answer: Discussions with other teams such as Environmental Services had taken place to establish how they currently provided the home visit service. Further consideration was ongoing.

·       A single officer entering into someone’s house could be quite a dangerous thing. Answer: The Council already delivered over 75% of its face to face services in people’s homes, and had built up a body of experience of the practice. In addition to this the Council was currently creating a database containing details of customers who may be considered more of a risk to visit.


Councillor McLennan noted that with the new proposals, it would be possible for a benefit officer attend people in their own home, which he felt would greatly improve the service. He urged Parishes to spread the word about the new service.


Councillor Thomson informed the Board that one option which was available to Community Areas was to have a video link installed in a kiosk. This could be used by the community as an alternative to travelling into Salisbury to attend an appointment in person. Meetings could be arranged to take place with relevant officers via the video link without having to leave the Community Area, providing local community access to a wide range of services.


Tom Bray, Community Area Manager highlighted the problem faced by the Southern Wiltshire Community Area, in that as the area was spread out and does not have a hub town or village, it would be difficult to establish one site alone which would be accessible by the whole community area.


The DVD could be viewed on YouTube at:


Further Enquiries to: John Rogers, Head of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



Updates from Partners

To receive verbal updates, and to note the attached written updates.


Police Authority: The Police Authority will give an update on their financial budgets for next few years.


Youth Service: Tony Nye will give an update on youth service provision in the community area.


Updates from parish councils.



Wiltshire Police Authority

As a member of Wiltshire Police Authority, Councillor Britton gave a presentation to the Board. During this time Councillor Randall acted as Chairman.


Some of the points covered were:


        WPA would need to make £15 million in savings over the next four years.

        In four years time the Force would be likely to have 150 fewer officers and 200 fewer staff.

        It was WPA’s responsibility to ensure that Wiltshire continued to have an effective and efficient police service. 


The top priorities:


·       No plans to reduce frontline local policing – that means the numbers of officers on patrol and responding to emergency calls would stay the same.

·       Neighbourhood Policing Teams would also remain untouched

·       So, in finding the savings WPA were committed to:


1.     Keeping local officers on patrol and keeping the public safe.

2.     Responding promptly to emergency 999 calls.

3.     Ensuring that general enquiries and non urgent calls were dealt with to an acceptable standard.


Other commitments included:


·       WPA would seek out extra Special Constables with the powers of regular officers, and more Volunteers to provide support.

·       To make best use of new technology so officers stay on the beat.

Examples include officers using hand held mobile devices when on the streets to access Force IT systems and control room staff being able to see where officers are via our Automatic Resource Location System (ARLS).

·       WPA currently had an arrangement which include a helicopter police air ambulance, this would remain until 2014.


Cllr Britton urged people to take part in shaping the future of the Wiltshire Police Service by completing and returning one of the survey questionnaires, which had been handed out.


Councillor Britton added that there was a huge drive for regional procurement, where forces would get together to purchase motor vehicles and other equipment. This would eventually deliver big savings.


Councillor Britton reported that the government is progressing a Bill to abolish police authorities and replace them with elected police commissioners. The Association of Police Authorities is pressing government to rethink the idea because of the risk of politicising policing.


Inspector David McMullin highlighted the situation of the crime figures which had been circulated at the meeting and gave an update on the community area, some of the points he covered were:


·       Out of the three PCSO’s for the area, two had left Wiltshire Police within the past few months. One replacement had been secured, an officer called Luke Taylor who had previously worked on Bemerton Heath, in Salisbury.

·       Henry Clissold in Alderbury had been working on the Anti Social Behaviour issue with other partnerships including the Housing department and other units at the Council to improve matters in the area.

·       Tasking process – Inspector McMullin ran his own sector which enabled him to identify the priorities for the area, and then direct resources where most needed. He showed the Board his PDA handheld device and explained how it assisted in prioritising work.


Tony Nye, Youth Development Coordinator had three points  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Your Local Issues - Mini workshop

A discussion looking at local issues to encourage further use of the issues system.


Officer: Tom Bray, Community Area Manager

Supporting documents:


Issue no. 741 Crossing of A36 Clarenden/Petersfinger.

Councillor Devine had been informed that the Highways Agency were not planning to carry out the works on a new crossing at A36,Petersfinger in 2011/12 or 2012/2013 which he felt was unacceptable. He would continue to lobby on this issue by taking it to John Glenn MP.


Councillor Devine asked the Board to support the project being pushed forward.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board supported the bid for a crossing to be provided on the A36 at Petersfinger.


Issue No. 404 – School Traffic Problem in Laverstock

Councillor McLennan gave an update on the progress of the project.

·       Funding was virtually secured for the London Road end.

·       Resurfacing to the Road and drainage improvements underway.

·       The new development on the London Road would provide a contribution to the walkway entrance to the park and ride.

·       Wiltshire Council were working with the schools on the design and layout of the parking on the school site.



Street Light Switch Off Proposal - Laverstock & Ford PC

To consider the attached report.


Officer: Tom Bray, Community Area Manager

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the proposal from Laverstock and Ford Parish Council to switch off street lighting between 24.00hr and 05.30hrs at the identified location which had been consulted upon locally and technically assessed by Highways.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board approved the proposal from Laverstock and Ford Parish Council as set out in the officer report.


Action: Tom Bray



Community Area Grants and Performance reward Grant

The Board will consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme and Performance Reward Grant Scheme (PRGS).


NB: Papers for the PRGS to follow.


Officer: Tom Bray, Community Area Manager

Supporting documents:


Community Area Grant Scheme


The Board considered four applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme. The Chairman invited applicants present to speak in support of their project, after discussion the Board Members voted on each application in turn.



That Coombe Bissett & Homington Parish Plan Steering group was awarded a total of £260 towards their project in the initial stages of preparation of the Parish Plan, with £210 of the funds to be released this financial year of 2010/11 and the remaining £50 of funds to be released in 2011/12 as the printing aspect of the project would not be required until later in the year.


The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11 and demonstrated a direct link to the Community Plan 2010-12.



That Winterslow Village Design Statement Group was awarded £869 towards resources for the VDS.


The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11 and demonstrated a direct link to the Community Plan 2010-12.



That Whiteparish Village Hall Committee was awarded £950 towards their project to repair the hall roof.


The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11 and demonstrated a direct link to the Community Plan 2010-12. The repair work would improve the facility for its users, helping to maintain a valuable community asset until the new one was built.



That Landford parish Council was awarded £350 towards their project to purchase and install a projector in the village hall.


The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2010/11 and demonstrated a direct link to the Community Plan 2010-12.


Action: Tom Bray


Performance Reward Grant Scheme


The Board considered one application to endorse an initiative for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme. A report detailing the bid from the Old Sarum Community Room (OSCR) Management Committee was circulated by the Community Area Manager.


Councillor McLennan spoke in support of the project as the local member. He thanked Councillor Thomson for his recent visit to the Old Sarum Community Room, where he had taken part in discussions with others to find ways of Wiltshire Council making use of the facility. Councillor Thomson had suggested that WC could make use of some of the upstairs rooms and pay some of the rent to reduce the amount of rent the OSCR would be eligible for.


Councillor McLennan asked the Board to note its recognition and gratitude for his involvement in the project.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board supported the bid for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme for funds towards staffing and training at the Old Sarum Community Room.


The funds would cover 6 months part time staff costs, capacity building training for local volunteers, community events and initiatives in order to build a cohesive group who could then manage and improve the community facility.


Action: Tom Bray


Tom Bray, Community Area Manager, gave an update on the grant situation to date. The Southern Wiltshire Area Board had managed to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.



Evaluation and Close

A copy of the Forward Plan is attached for information.

Supporting documents:


People were asked to take part in an electronic evaluation of the meeting using the handheld voting panels.


The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.